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Cadette & Senior Programs
Grades 6-9
Week 7: August 14-18
Space Cadette | $410
Scientists have used the observation and exploration of light to make discoveries that deepen their understanding of the solar system. During this week, you will recreate scientific experiments and even conduct some of your own that help you build on your knowledge of the stars and space. You’ll observe the night sky with your own eyes, and even through a telescope at the overnight. Get ready for a week that is out of this world!
Overnight | Badge Earned: Cadette Space Science Researcher
Chef’s Table | $475
Do you like cooking, or learning new things? Do you like eating super cool foods? This week Camp Oak Spring presents a cooking extravaganza! Working with others on creating new meals and learning about different foods is on the plate this week.
Trip & Overnight | Badge Earned: Cadette New Cuisines
Week 8: August 21-25
Playmaker | $410
Be the director of your own life! This week you’ll get creative as you write a story, build a plot, and develop new characters. Pitch your script to earn an Oak Spring Oscar!
Family Night | Badge Earned: Cadette Screenwriter
Day Trippers | $525
Travelers Unite! Spend the week trekking off to different adventures alongside your Girl Scout team. Learn about what it really means to be a Cadette Girl Scout as you work together spending three days off camp at different adventure destinations. Best end of the summer ever!
Three Trips & Family Night | Badge Earned: Cadette Girl Scout Way