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Funding the future Towards a fairer, more peaceful world.


Funding the future

The Foundation is led by Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan. It is an independent foundation under Swiss law, based in Geneva, Switzerland. It receives financial contributions from a mix of private and public donors. The Foundation’s Director is former Under-Secretary General of the United Nations, Alan Doss. Its board is composed of distinguished personalities who have dedicated their lives to a fairer, more peaceful world.

Kofi Annan Foundation P.O.B. 157 • 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland T +41 22 919 7520 • F +41 22 919 7529 info@kofiannanfoundation.org • kofiannanfoundation.org

Funding the future


Preface by Kofi Annan As Secretary-General of the United Nations, I recognised that many of the great ambitions laid out in the United Nations Charter could not be achieved by the UN alone. In spite of the many skilled and specialised organisations that exist within and outside the UN, there is still a great need for complementary interventions that address difficult or insufficiently recognised issues, or bring together key actors who would otherwise not have the occasion or opportunity to cooperate. This is why I created the Kofi Annan Foundation. In the last few years, the need for this work has continued to grow. With the Foundation’s help, I have been able to focus attention on, among other issues, Kenya’s political crisis in 2008, the organised drugs trade in West Africa, strengthening the foundations of small scale farming in Africa, and promoting sound and sustainable electoral practices.

Each of these initiatives has involved extensive cooperation with other organisations: they could not have been accomplished without them. The list of partners on page 18 of this document is merely indicative of the cooperation on which the Foundation’s work depends. We are fortunate to have received generous financial support from a number of public and private donors. However, to continue its work, the Foundation must reach out widely to secure future funding. I hope, therefore, that you will assist us financially to extend the work we are doing to resolve conflicts, prevent and identify potential crises, create conditions for sustained development, and promote respect for human rights and the rule of law.


Funding the future

When I founded the Kofi Annan Foundation, I did so with the belief that the expertise and know-how to deal with and eradicate most of the world’s critical issues is already known to us. What holds us back is a lack of vision, of leadership and of the unbending resolve to fix things. Mobilising this will is what we have set our minds to. Kofi Annan

Photo: UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Funding the future

Our vision and mission by Alan Doss, Executive Director The threats that our societies face today are complex and make urgent and far reaching demands on the capacity of our global systems of governance. Some are wholly or largely man-made even though we possess the expertise and know-how to resolve them.

I am convinced of the effectiveness of this approach. I believe it enables us to help deliver Kofi Annan’s vision of the future: a better world in which every society rests on firm foundations of peace and security, sustainable development, and human rights and the rule of law.

Often a catalyst is required to refresh thinking, concentrate minds, and open the way to solutions. Essentially, this is the mission of the Kofi Annan Foundation. The unique experience and voice of Kofi Annan make it possible to mobilise ideas and voices across the worlds of diplomacy, business, politics and development and, by discreet interventions and public advocacy, find answers to critical problems.

To achieve this goal the Foundation now needs to increase its capacity to act in key areas of policy, and to manage communications in a manner that reflects Mr. Annan’s global profile.

The Foundation will remain small and agile. We will create partnerships wherever possible to increase our capacity and reach. We will favour dialogue, and partnerships mirroring Mr. Annan’s own approach as a statesman and peacemaker. When necessary we will work behind the scenes. We shall remain resolutely independent and non-partisan.

This document is a direct appeal to you to help us make the Foundation an instrument that can achieve the vision and objectives that Mr. Annan and the Foundation stand for. If you offer your support, we will cooperate closely and transparently with you, as we do with all our partners, in a spirit of shared aims and values. I hope you will be inspired to add your influence and resources to support the Foundation and Mr. Annan’s work to make the world a fairer and more peaceful place.

Alan Doss, a former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, became Executive Director of the Kofi Annan Foundation in October 2014.



Funding the future

Alan Doss spent a large part of his career in Africa, among other roles as head of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. With over 20,000 personnel, it is the largest of its kind worldwide. This picture was taken at a meeting of the West Africa Commission on Drugs in Accra, Ghana in 2013. The Commission was launched at the initiative of the Kofi Annan Foundation to tackle the growing threat that drugs pose in the region. To Mr. Doss’s left is commissioner Dr. Mary Chinery-Hesse. Facing Mr. Doss is commissioner Ruth Dreifuss, former President of Switzerland and commissioner of the Global Commission on Drug Policy.  Photo: Bijan Farnoudi/KAF

Funding the future

Mission statement

How we work

The Kofi Annan Foundation believes that fair and peaceful societies rest on three pillars: peace and security, sustainable development, and human rights and the rule of law.

Private diplomacy

We have made it our mission to mobilise the leadership and the political resolve needed to tackle threats to these three pillars, in areas that range from violent conflict to flawed elections and climate change. Our aim is to achieve a fairer, more peaceful world.


The Foundation provides counsel and participates in diplomatic initiatives to avert or resolve crises. Public advocacy Through public engagements, media interviews, conferences, statements and strategically timed speeches, the Foundation helps shape public discussion of global issues and threats. Convening power The Foundation brings together leaders in diplomacy, business, politics, and development, to analyse and respond to key policy challenges.

Impartiality Independence Inclusiveness

The Foundation’s five main themes are briefly described below. You can find basic financial information at the back of the document. A detailed budget for the Foundation and for each area of work can be obtained on request. For additional financial information, please contact Li Ling Low (low@kofiannanfoundation.org).



Funding the future

In 2014 Mr. Annan led a delegation of Elders to the Iranian capital, Tehran. In this picture Mr. Annan is talking to the President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani. On the left are fellow Elders Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico, Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa.  Photo: Morteza Nikoubazl/The Elders

Funding the future


1 Mediation and crisis resolution Kofi Annan is often asked to intervene in crises, sometimes as an impartial independent mediator, sometimes as a special envoy of the international community. In recent years he has provided such counsel to several countries, including Burkina Faso, Kenya, Myanmar, Senegal, Syria, Iraq and Colombia. He also participates in problem-solving missions for The Elders and other organisations to which he belongs. The Foundation provides policy support based on thematic and country monitoring and analysis, and through an informal network of national leaders, multilateral organisations, business leaders, international NGOs, and civil society activists, including women’s groups and faith organisations. The Foundation collaborates in this area with the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, the International Crisis Group and the International Centre for Transitional Justice, among other partners.

Highlights Mr. Annan and the Foundation will continue to respond to requests for mediation and advice, in partnership with governments and other international actors. We will advocate for the rule of law, and for pluralism, tolerance and dialogue. We will call for continued African engagement and cooperation with the International Criminal Court. We will support African and international efforts to deal with the Ebola crisis, and repair the damage it has caused to African economies and public health systems.

‘Preventive and consistent diplomacy must become the normal, not the exceptional, response to political disputes or human rights crises that threaten to erupt into violent conflict or civil war.’ This picture was taken in early 2015 in Bogotá, Colombia shortly after a meeting with the President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos. The Kofi Annan Foundation lent its support and experience to the Colombian peace process.  Photo: Federico Rios/KAF


Funding the future

February 2015: The Kofi Annan Foundation helped broker the Abuja Accords on non-violence, that contributed to pave the way for a peaceful transition of power in Nigeria. In this picture Kofi Annan looks on as President Goodluck Jonathan and presidential contender Muhammadu Buhari embrace after signing the document.  Photo: Topson Backson/KAF

Funding the future


2 Building lasting peace In 2014, the Foundation and the International Centre for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) published Challenging the Conventional: Can Truth Commissions Strengthen Peace Processes? To pursue the critical questions that emerged from the report, the Foundation is working on a review of reconciliation and criminal justice in post conflict societies, in association with the ICTJ and other actors in this field.

Highlights The Foundation convened a gathering of peacemakers and transitional justice experts, the first of its kind, to discuss truth seeking. The report by the Foundation and ICTJ is being used by the Colombian Government to inform the set-up of a national truth commission.

Today the Foundation works to apply lessons learned from truth commissions worldwide, currently focusing on the case of Colombia and the peace talks there between the Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). More widely, the Foundation works with its partners to shed light on the role of justice, in conflict and reconciliation after conflict.

‘When we abandon justice to secure peace, we are most likely to get neither. We must be ambitious enough to pursue both, and wise enough to know when to do so.’

This picture was taken in early 2015 in Havana, Cuba, where the Kofi Annan Foundation supported the Colombian peace process. To Mr. Annan’s left is chief negotiator of the Colombian Government Humberto De La Calle and to his right Commander Ivan Marquez of the FARC.  Photo: Eliana Aponte/KAF


Funding the future

Kofi Annan called for an urgent debate on the state of democracy worldwide in a speech to the Austrian parliament in early 2014.   Photo: Jacqueline Godany

Funding the future



Supporting democracy and elections with integrity

In 2012, the Global Commission on Elections, chaired by Kofi Annan, published Deepening Democracy – A strategy for improving the integrity of elections worldwide, which examined the problems posed by flawed elections. To pursue its findings, Mr. Annan and the Foundation formed the Election Integrity Initiative (EII), composed of leaders from election-related organisations around the world. The EII advocates for and provides advice on sound electoral processes and good practice.

Highlights EII engaged or plans to engage with the electoral process in Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, the DRC, Myanmar, Nigeria, and Venezuela. The Foundation monitors the electoral cycle in Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Guinea, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda. (This list may change.)

Today the EII works with countries that face potentially fraught elections. The Foundation engages with regional bodies, political parties, election management bodies, electoral dispute adjudication institutions, donors, and civil society, through diplomacy, advocacy and private advice. The aim is to build and sustain confidence in electoral processes in order to reduce the risk of violence and the disruption of democratic practice.

‘Building democracy is a complex process. Elections are only a starting point but, if their integrity is compromised, so is the legitimacy of democracy.’

Kofi Annan discusses the future of Colombia with civil society in Bogotá in early 2015.   Photo: Federico Rios/KAF


Funding the future

A visit to an agricultural project in Ghana. The Kofi Annan Foundation brings together leaders from the private sector, civil society and the political sphere and advocates for their cooperation to strengthen African agriculture and support the continent’s smallholder farmers.  Photo: Jeff Haskins/AGRA

Funding the future


4 Combatting hunger The Kofi Annan Foundation advocates for the transformation of African agriculture to ensure food and nutrition security for all by mobilising leadership and high level commitment. In 2013, in partnership with the African Union Commission and supported by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Foundation organised a high level dialogue on ‘Harnessing Innovation for African Agriculture and Food Systems’. After the African Union’s Summit in Malabo, which made bold commitments to end hunger by 2025 through agricultural growth, the Foundation hosted a high level session on ‘Scaling-up Investment in African Agriculture and Food Systems’ at the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) to accelerate the positive transformation that has begun in many African countries.

Highlights The Kofi Annan Foundation convenes leaders from government, business and civil society to mobilise action on African agriculture.

Going forward, the Foundation is coordinating a private and public sector initiative designed to help smallholder farmers in selected African countries to increase productivity and enter the value chain as producers. Mr. Annan will continue to speak and write on the subject and help catalyse an agricultural transformation in Africa that improves the livelihoods of smallholders.

‘The eradication of hunger is not just an end in itself: it is a key step towards a fairer, more peaceful world; for a hungry person is not a free person.’

A visit to smallholder farmers in Ghana.  Photo: Jeff Haskins/AGRA


Funding the future

‘You are never too young to lead’ is Kofi Annan’s much repeated mantra which he reiterated at this youth event with the Elders in South Africa in 2010.  Photo: Jeff Moore/The Elders

Funding the future


5 Promoting youth leadership In 2013 the Foundation launched The Kofi Annan Dialogues: Live!, a digital dialogue that offered young leaders a space in which they could discuss issues of concern to them. Today Kofi Annan and the Foundation foster dialogue and leadership among young people by offering a platform for their ideas and proposals on major public issues. The most promising are promoted on the Foundation’s website and social media channels.

Highlights The Foundation is providing platforms to give exposure and visibility to young people who are contributing to a fairer more peaceful world in their communities. It develops a ‘library’ of solutions to problems that have been designed or implemented by young people.

‘Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace. If they are left on society’s margins, all of us will be impoverished.’

Kofi Annan discussing climate change with a young audience at the One Young World summit in Dublin in 2014.  Photo: Martyn Hicks/OYW


Funding the future

I grew up with a sense that change, even dramatic change, was possible and that has served me a lot in my own career and in my own life. When we approach a new project that seems an impossible task and my staff tell me: ‘It can’t be done, it’s never been done’, I often say: ‘Let’s test it. Let’s see what can be done.’ Here we are at a staff retreat near Geneva, Switzerland in December 2014. Kofi Annan.  Photo: Fabio Chironi/KAF

Funding the future


What you can do Although the Foundation is fortunate to receive assistance from several institutions, we need to broaden and diversify its financial support and therefore welcome financial contributions from public, private and independent institutions and foundations that: Wish to establish a long term relationship with the Kofi Annan Foundation. Have a committed interest in a specific issue the Foundation addresses. Are willing to support urgent responses to unforeseen threats to peace and security by Mr. Annan and the Foundation.

The Foundation provides transparent and detailed financial and narrative reports on relevant activities. It takes particular care to ensure that its funding sources are politically untied. Grants are also received on the understanding that the integrity and confidentiality of Mr. Annan’s work, and his reputation, will not be put at risk in any respect as a result. You will find in this booklet an insert that indicates in specific terms what the Foundation needs to realise its current ambitions. Please do not hesitate to contact Li Ling Low, the Foundation’s Administrative and Finance Officer, if you wish to discuss the possibility of support in more detail, at low@kofiannanfoundation.org.


Funding the future

Partner organisations Africa Progress Panel (APP) The African Union Commission

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA)

African Union Panel of Eminent African Personalities

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy – National University of Singapore

Books for Africa Cartooning for Peace Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD Centre) Club de Madrid Coalition for the International Criminal Court Columbia University The Elders FundaciĂłn Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) Global Centre for Pluralism The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies International Center for Transitional Justice International Crisis Group

Mo Ibrahim Foundation One Young World Prix Pictet Sergio Vieira de Mello Foundation United Nations Foundation United Nations Organization University of Ghana World Economic Forum World Health Organization

Funding the future

Staff of the Kofi Annan Foundation Alan Doss

Executive Director

Sebastian Brack

Political Officer

Bijan Farnoudi

Communications Officer

Barbara Goedde

Policy Officer

Abdelmadjid Haddad

Logistics and general support

Kathryn Kirk

External Relations Officer

Fabian Lange

Associate Research Officer

Stephanie Lewis

Travel Coordinator, Administrative Assistant

Li Ling Low

Finance and Administrative Officer

Natalie McDonnell

Executive Assistant

Declan O’Brien

Associate Research Officer

Tesfai Tecle

Senior Consultant on Food Security

Orla Vandepoortale




Funding the future

Our funders The Foundation is grateful to the following for their generous financial contributions to its work. Kofi Annan

Mo Ibrahim Foundation

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Open Society Foundations

Econet Wireless

Skoll Foundation

European Commission

Swedish Postcode Foundation

Ford Foundation

Tony Elumelu Foundation

Government of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire


Government of Finland

Worldwide Support for Development

Government of France

H.E. Ardeshir Zahedi

Government of the Federal Republic of Germany Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Government of Norway Government of the State of Qatar Government of Sweden Government of Switzerland David and Kathleen MacLennan

Note. The Foundation is an independent, not‑for‑profit organisation under Swiss law, funded by a mix of public and private donors. We take particular care to ensure that funding sources are beyond reproach and that contributions are politically untied.

Front cover photo: Richard Kalvar/Magnum Photos

Funding the Foundation’s thematic initiatives in 2015

Thematic initiatives

Funding required USD



Mediation and crisis resolution




Building lasting peace




Supporting democracy and elections with integrity




Combatting hunger




Promoting youth leadership




Based on 26 January 2015 rates of exchange

Note. A detailed consolidated budget and detailed budgets for each thematic initiative are available on request. Please contact Li Ling Low, the Foundation’s Administrative and Finance Officer, at low@kofiannanfoundation.org. Financial year ended 31 December 2014 – programme expenses



Mediation and crisis resolution* Combatting hunger


Addressing drugs Promoting youth leadership

19% 29%

Supporting democracy and elections with integrity * Includes building lasting peace, and mobilising support to fight Ebola and to curb climate change.

Bank account Account Name: Kofi Annan Foundation Swift number: UBSWCHZH80A Clearing number: 0240 Account number: 430434 IBAN (EUR account): CH320024024043043461W IBAN (CHF account): CH540024024043043400D IBAN (USD account): CH320024024043043460Z Address: UBS S.A. Rue du Rh么ne 8 PO Box 2600 CH-1211 Gen猫ve 2 Switzerland

‘Healthy and sustainable societies are built on three interdependent pillars: peace and security, sustainable development, and respect for human rights & the rule of law. There can be no long-term security without development, no long-term development without security, and no society can long remain prosperous without respect for human rights & the rule of law.’ Kofi Annan

Kofi Annan Foundation P.O.B. 157 • 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland T +41 22 919 7520 • F +41 22 919 7529 info@kofiannanfoundation.org • kofiannanfoundation.org

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