Hi Rise Product Data Sheet

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Product Data Sheet (2 pages)

Description – Ambuja HiRIse is a Portland pozzolana cement produced by perfect blending of Ambuja Portland cement of grade 53 and fine and superfine processed, un-ground Pozzocrete range of fly ash. It confirms to IS 1489 – Part1:1991. Ambuja HiRise is subjected to strict quality control. Applications – Ambuja HiRIse is specifically designed to yield a High Performance concrete with the potential to achieve high strengths, high workability and high durability. It is ideally suitable for all kinds of structures from a simple housing complex to high rise towers, from roads and flyovers to airport and from nuclear power stations to dams. Ambuja HiRise can be effectively used for plastering and mortar applications as well. Key Properties – Ambuja HiRise concrete is advantageous over Portland cement and typically blended cement concrete on the following aspects

High compressive strengths at 28 days and beyond due to presence of high quality Ambuja 53 grade Portland cement and fine and superfine processed fly ash High Workability and Ease of pumpability due to the ball bearing effect of the spherical shape of processed fly ash and the low un-burnt carbon contents Improved Durability and chemical stability  Improved resistance to chloride penetration due to enhanced impermeability  Reduced carbonation effect due to denser structure  Improved resistance to sulphate attack due to special attributes  Reduced Alkali Silica Reaction

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Lower Heat of Hydration Improved finish to structures

Application practices – The mix design with Ambuja HiRise needs to be done in consultation with the technical support team. There is generally a reduction in water demand on use of Ambuja HiRise which should be followed to achieve the desired performance. The general practices of proper placement, compaction and curing are to be followed for Ambuja HiRise concrete. The workmanship when using Ambuja HiRise has to be of general skill levels.

Availability – The Ambuja HiRise cement will be available in 50 kg bags and in bulkers

Health and Safety – You may refer the Health and Safety section for details

For further information on the product, you may refer our webpage www.ambujahirise.in A direct link to our web-page can be obtained on mobile phones and tablets via the CRC symbol on our packaging

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