How to use Safety Activity Checkpoints On the following pages, you will find the individual safety activity checkpoints for Girl Scouts of the United States of America and Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina’s (GSESC) approved activities.
Adult volunteers and Troop Leaders should always review: •
the Introduction: Standard Safety Guidelines section, which provides the standard safety guidelines that apply to all Girl Scout activities, and the related individual activity’s safety activity checkpoints (e.g., Swimming, Backpacking, Camping)
As soon as the Troop/Group begins planning a particular trip or activity. Volunteers and Troop Leaders should then continue to refer to both the Introduction: Standard Safety Guidelines and the individual activity’s safety activity checkpoints throughout the entire activity planning process to ensure all proper precautions have been taken and all safety guidelines have been met before participating in the activity. As part of your activity planning, be sure to pay particular attention to the following areas: •
When the adult-to-girl ratio, or other safety parameters, are stricter for a specific activity than in the Standard Safety Guidelines always follow the stricter parameters given in the individual activity’s safety activity checkpoints. COVID-19 Guidelines. Review the Coronavirus Safety in Girl Scouts section under the Standard Safety Guidelines. Be certain to consult your council’s specific COVID-19 guidance which can be accessed under the same section. Always call ahead to the vendor, property or facility involved to check their COVID-19 safety requirements as you prepare girls for this activity. Emergency Action Plan (EAP). Review and document your Emergency Action Plan (EAP) before taking girls out for any activity and review it with the girls so they too are prepared. Think through scenarios of what can go wrong such as an accident, physical injury to a girl, missing girl, sudden illness, or sudden weather or water emergencies.
When in doubt, contact your Girl Scout council for help and guidance in adhering to the safety standards set forth in Girl Scouts Safety Activity Checkpoints.
2022-2023 Safety Activity Checkpoints
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