PG. 2-3
A Quarterly Newsletter from Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania
• Leadership Updates • Pencil Us In • Not Just A Dining Hall
PG. 4-5 • A 365 Day Girl Scout Journey • A Peek Into the Past
PG. 6-7 • Fork it Over Event • Circle of Friends
GIrl Scout Camp
Kindling Friendships to be River Rats (Adventure Bound trip), and activities like collage, astronomy and canoeing. From that moment, they decided to camp
Gretchen Ludwig,left (of Dallastown) together every year. Gretchen was with Lyn Lyn Mendlowitz,right (of York) when she overcame her fear of heights at When Gretchen Ludwig (Dallastown) and Lyn Mendlowitz (York) first sat down to talk about their Girl Scout camp experience they seemed so different, but then they howled with laughter as they finished each other’s camp stories, inside jokes, and memories. Their reasons for going might have been different. Gretchen, who loves the outdoors, had a sister who attended camp and she couldn’t wait to go. Lyn, who loves the arts, had parents that wanted her to go. Just thinking about going to camp made her nervous, but she said “after the first couple days, I didn’t want to leave!” The girls met during a meal in the dining hall where they became fast friends that bonded over common interests, a desire
the Leap of Faith. Lyn laughed as Gretchen explained the ‘end of camp skit’ where the girls lovingly teased their counselors. They giggled as they talked about their 2013 Boats and Boots Adventure Bound experience as if it had just happened yesterday. They remembered everything: the adventures, canoeing, food, pranks, counselors, miles hiked and of course the friendships made. “I cried because I was going to miss it,” Lyn said about leaving camp. “We got so close within a week. We wrote letters to each other for a year until we saw each other at camp again,” Gretchen chimed in.
Now, at 15 years old, Gretchen and Lyn are looking forward to experiencing camp in a whole new way as Counselors-In-Training (CIT). The girls look forward to making a dif-
“We got so close within a week. We wrote letters to each other for a year until we saw each other at camp again.” — Gretchen
of Dallastown, PA
ference like their camp counselors did! “All the CITs and the counselors did all these things and made me look at things differently and I want to do that for younger girls” said Lyn. Gretchen, who wants to be a camp counselor someday, said that she hopes she can encourage girls to “Meet new people and try new things that they wouldn’t try before without the encouragement from friends.” Gretchen and Lyn, who said they couldn’t even remember a time when they weren’t Girl Scouts, have made the full circle journey from campers to CITs. Now they will use their unforgettable camp experiences to give back to this year’s Girl Scout campers and provide them a summer that will change their lives too!
Leadership Update Dear Friends, Summer is almost here and that means it is time to go camping! Judging by the sell-out of all six sessions of GSHPA’s Ranch Camp, we know that horses are a hands-down favorite with girls. Ranch Camp is a one week sleep away camp experience where each girl is assigned a horse to take care of and ride for the week. Girls will be up at the crack of dawn feeding and grooming the horses and cleaning out the stalls—readying themselves and their trusty steeds for a day of riding adventures. All six sessions of Ranch Camp (three at Camp Small Valley and three at Camp Archbald) are sold out. But there is plenty to do at Girl Scout camp this summer even if girls are not horse fanatics. At our six sessions of Traditional Camp (also split between Camp Small Valley and Camp Archbald) girls will try archery, canoeing, swimming, adventure courses and outdoor cooking. We’ve always known that outdoor experiences are a key way
to build girls’ self-confidence, courage and character. At camp shy girls emerge from their “shells” and all girls learn to make new friends with a group of girls much broader than their regular school mates. Everyone confronts some new physical challenges—from mosquitoes to zip lines—and emerges to proudly tell their stories. We cannot thank our supporters enough for the many ways you are making the outdoor experience possible for girls—through scholarship money for girls who need financial assistance to go to camp and through support for new and upgraded camp facilities. Have a great summer,
Carolyn Warman Board Chair
Jane Ransom President & CEO
To make your Girl Scouts’ summer an unforgettable adventure visit
[Pencil Us In!] June 15 - August 8 - GSHPA Summer Camp (Camp Small Valley in Halifax and Camp Archbald in Kingsley) June 21 - Gold Award in Hershey April 15 - June 30 - Early Bird Registration September 6 - 2014-2015 Volunteer Kick-Off Convention in Grantville September 10 - Inspiring Generations Gala in Hershey October 1 - 2014-2015 Girl Scout Year Officially Starts! October 5 - Thin Mint Sprint in State College 2
(see back page for event details)
Join us on Wednesday, Sept. 10 at the Hershey Lodge for the
Inspiring Generations Gala featuring Keynote Speaker Anna Maria Chávez, CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA
Reception: 5:30 p.m.—6:30 p.m. Dinner: 6:45 p.m. For more information call 1.800.692.7816
Not Just A Dining Hall
Camp Archbald’s Dining Hall is more than just four walls holding in tables, chairs, forks and spoons. It holds courageous tales of adventures, new friendships, decades of tradition and, with the recent renovations, it will give present and future Girl Scouts life long memories that match Camp Archbald’s long history of campers. The Archbald Dining Hall renovation was part of GSHPA’s 5 Year Camp Development Plan (approved in 2011) and brings us one step closer to completion of the plan. When campers arrive at Camp Archbald in July, they will be the first Girl Scouts to experience the newly renovated dining hall.
Girl Scouts will be sure to enjoy the covered balcony overlooking the Lake Ely and Schooney Lawn, the spacious interior complete with peaked ceilings and brand new bathrooms. Best of all, decorative shutters from the previous dining hall were incorporated into the current design to connect future Girl Scout campers with the rich history of Camp Archbald’s traditions. With two years left in our Camp Development Plan there is still plenty of work to be done to provide Girl Scouts with the best outdoor experience we can. For more information on how you can help reinvest in the Girl Scouts’ outdoor experience, email or call 1.800.692.7816. A) New Dining Hall Exterior B) New Dining Hall Interior C) New Dining Hall Kitchen A1) Old Dining Hall Exterior B1) Old Dining Hall Interior C1) Old Dining Hall Kitchen
Day Girl Scout Journey
A Girl Scout year is a 365 day adventure filled with fun and friends. Troop 30984 in Port Carbon, Schuylkill County lives the adventure as they work their way through their Journey book to go on trips, explore camp, sell cookies, complete fun activities and help the community! Troop Leader Rebecca ‘Becki’ Toothaker took It’s Your WorldChange It Brownie Quest! and the list of badges (i.e. Painting, Bugs and Philanthropist etc.) and began planning out a remarkable year for her 16 Girl Scouts to help them discover, connect and take action. “They (the girls’ Journey book) are written towards the girls,” Becki said, “After their chapter reading assignments, the girls bring in good ideas!” Nothing feels like an assignment because Becki makes the activities fun whether it is Discovering their talents by tie-dying t-shirts with nature made dyes or Connecting with a high school cheerleader about healthy living! The Girl Scouts Take Action by being “heavily involved in the community” said Becki. Her girls have done multiple community service projects (two every six months) like Operation Shoebox, planting flowers in their community and crafting for seniors. The community they volunteer for to is always willing to support them back! It could be as simple as donating leftover craft items or even learning about Italian culture by getting to make some pizzas at a local pizza place at no cost! “I ask everyone!” Becki explained how she finds activities to do. The troop always plans on treating themselves too! They worked hard at the Fall Product Sale and the Girl Scout Cookie Sale to fund a trip to the Baltimore Aquarium to explore oceans, rivers and lakes. They surpassed their goal and sold 2,563 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. The troop also explored camp this year at the very brave age of eight! Becki with the Journey curriculum challenges the girls to connect with the world to Change It and the girls are! Becki has the opportunity to build the girls’ skills through badges and watch her troop flourish as community leaders with the Journey book. “I look at the girls as they are my girls,” she said, “and we are going to change the world together!”
Troop Leader Becki’s Tips
> Be organized and plan ahead. > Have a back-up plan for everything. > Be goofy with the girls. > Engage parents for help. > Look at the free events calendar for activities. > Let the girls lead!
A Peek into the Past
In the 1950’s, Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) released a volunteer recruitment film starring Natalie Wood (Miracle on 34th Street and West Side Story) as a Girl Scout on the search for volunteers to lead Girl Scout troops. They didn’t know then that 60 years later our organization as whole, including GSHPA would still be offering this timeless opportunity. The Your Date with the Future is a two minute film that has Natalie Wood list out the volunteer requirements to a potential leader. While some of those requirements have changed, one thing has not, prospective volunteers have to be excited about connecting girls with great opportunities. Today’s volunteer requirements are as simple as:
1 2 3 4
Meet the Minimum - There must be 5 girls per troop. Hold Meetings - In the film Natalie Wood said that volunteers must hold 3 hour meetings, but in present day there are no time requirements. In fact, volunteers can use their schedule to decide how many and how long meetings should be! Free Training - GSHPA will train volunteers on everything they need to know before they start! Pass - All volunteers must pass a free background check
The film ends with a volunteer looking into the camera and saying, “There are girls in your town that want to be Girl Scouts too, but they are waiting for you to be a volunteer.” Simply stated, this couldn’t be more true today. A volunteer helps gives Girl Scouts courage, confidence and character while opening up opportunities for girls to try new, fun and exciting things. Our volunteers have fun too! We often hear them say that they learn and grow alongside our Girl Scouts.
............................................................ do you want to be a leader?
Join our team of volunteers and give girls an amazing Girl Scout experience by visiting or emailing to learn more.
Participating Chefs:
The York Revolutions and the Lancaster Barnstormers were not the only competitors on Tuesday, April 29 at Santander Stadium in York. Local chefs whisked, whipped and plated their Girl Scout Cookie culinary creations in hopes of winning best dish at Girl Scout in the Heart of Pennsylvania’s (GSHPA) Fork it Over fundraiser.
Derek Loperena (The Accomac Inn), Derek Myers (Off Center Grill), Tim Spangler (Mezzogiorno), Tom McNeal and Stacey Heaps (Brown’s Orchard and Farm Market), Michelle Long and Deidre Carter (Daughter’s Café), and Sean and Nicole Austin (Copper Crust Company)
Whether the bites were sugary or savory the fundraiser was a sweet success and will help girls across GSHPA’s 30 county footprint. Chef Tim Spangler from Mezzogiorno took home the prizes for Best Appetizer and Best Dessert. Chef Tom McNeal and Stacey Heaps from Brown’s Orchards and Farm Market took home the prizes for Best Entrée, Overall Best, and the People’s Choice.
Guests with full bellies stayed to watch Robert Woods, President and CEO of United Way of York, and Christina Bankos Vranich, Vice President of Collens-Wagner Agency, throw out the first pitch in support of GSHPA and to cheer on their favorite baseball team. Everyone enjoyed a delicious night out filled with Girl Scout Cookies, silent auction prizes, an exciting baseball game and the feeling that they helped made a difference in girls’ lives!
Lori Burkholder-TV Personality, WGAL; Ericka Streisfeld-Editor, Custom Publishing Central Penn Business; April Trotter-Editor, Smart Magazine; Robert Woods-President/CEO, United Way of York County; Cyndi Page-Committee Member, Fork it Over
MVP Sponsor - Collens-Wagner Agency, Inc. Home Run Sponsor - M&T Bank; Perform Group LLC Big League Sponsor - Ream Printing Co. Inc; Lebo Skin Care Center; The Stewart Foundation Media Sponsor - MediaOnePA/York Newspapers Company
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A)Thank U Berry Munch Berry Bread Pudding by Chef/Owner, Tim Spangler from Mezzogiorno won Best Dessert. B) GSHPA President & CEO Jane Ransom and Board Chair Carolyn Warman with Chef Tom McNeal and Stacey Heaps from Brown’s Orchards and Farm Market the winner of Best Entrée, Overall Best, and the People’s Choice. C) Fresh Black Pepper Pasta with Beef Ragu by The Accomac Inn and Accomac Catering and Events Executive Catering Chef, Derek Loperena. D) GSHPA Fork it Over trophies.
Circle of Friends Members
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“Not only have we helped girls with skills for the here and now, but together we’ve been creating the ultimate gift to our communities-the leaders for tomorrow,” said Jane Ransom, CEO of Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania (GSHPA) on May 3 during the Seventh Annual Meeting at WITF studio in Harrisburg.
*Catherine Bush *Kate Crowley *Amy DeShong *E. Louise Hepschmidt *Bill and Sharon Hoffmann Elizabeth Ingraham *Heidi Nicholas *Jane Ransom *Natalie Smith
After hearing a year’s worth of achievements attendees approved the 2014 slate for GSHPA’s first and second term At-Large Board Members, second term Board Development Committee Members and National Delegates. The meeting ended with a huge thanks to all those that made the 2013 Girl Scout year incredible and charged everyone to make 2014 even better!
Golden Friends: Individuals who pledge to contribute $1,000 - $2,499 per year for 3 years. *Marion C. Alexander Joanne Bankos Mimi Barash Coppersmith *Nancy Besch *Karen Best Michael Breslin *Blake and Linda Gall *Melinda Ghilardi *Ann Hughes
All Girl Scout volunteers are different and they bring unique talents and experiences to their communities and troops, but all are passionate about GSHPA and the girls it serves. On Saturday, May 3 at the Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel 67 volunteers were recognized at the annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon for their dedication, passion and commitment to over 24,000 girl members of GSHPA. Eulah “Cookie” Grugan, Committee Chair began the luncheon by asking all the attendees to stand. She then asked the people to remain standing if they have been involved with Girl Scouts for over 10 years and for all others to sit down. 20 years. 30 years. “The ranks are getting thinner, but the blood is getting greener,” she said as fewer people remained standing. She threw out numbers until one person remained standing when she reached over 65 years! That is how dedicated GSHPA volunteers are! The GSHPA Volunteer Recognition Committee awarded the group of volunteers with a variety of awards including two GSHPA awards (Forever Green and Heart of Pennsylvania) and four Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) awards (Appreciation Pin, Honor Pin, Thanks Badge, and Volunteer of Excellence). Whether the volunteers were nominated because of their community outreach or their connection to the girls one thing is certain-by being a volunteer they were making a visible and lasting impact on girls. For a full list of award recipients, please visit
le o f F rie n
Bridge to the Future Society: Individuals who contribute an annual gift of $2,500 or more.
The meeting, which was webcasted to York, State College, Montoursville, and Scranton, highlighted a year of successes-financially, programmatically and through heartwarming stories. Sarah Narus, Harrisburg Ambassador Girl Scout and Gold Award recipient, spoke about her 13 years of experience with the Girl Scouts. “Scouting has not just influenced my life, but has completely shaped it. I cannot begin to express how grateful I am of everyone and everything that has helped formed me into the confident, happy woman I am today,” Sarah said.
Moving Forward after a Successful Year
By joining the Circle of Friends, individuals who make annual gifts totaling $1,000 or more become a part of a select group of leadership donors who are deeply committed to helping today’s girls become tomorrow’s leaders. We thank the following members of the Circle of Friends for their generosity.
*Betsy Keefer Thomas Klinger *Susan Kreidler Veronica Longenecker *Laura Muia Keith and Joan Mummert *Barbara Palmer Linda and Neal Rhoads *Karen Snider *Dianne Steimling
Silver Sponsors: Individuals who contribute an annual gift of $1,000 - $2,499.
Katherine Bishop Debra Bowman Thomas and June Brown *Linda Davis Mary Dearden Galen and Nancy Dreibelbis Carol V. Freer *Virginia Goodrich Sara Hannigan Bruce and Susan Heim Deb Hess
Norman Hoffer Robert and Melinda Inners *Kyle Kauffman Rocky and Dolly Lalvani Benetta Rapier Mary Root Donald and Alva Roseth *Mary Jane Saras Karen Shustack *Paul Witt Deborah Wortham
*Denotes charter member of Circle of Friends
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Harrisburg, PA Permit No. 64 Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania 350 Hale Avenue Harrisburg, PA 17104 800.692.7816 |
October 5, 2014 Join in on the fun at the Thin Mint Sprint at Pennsylvania Military Museum in Boalsburg, Centre County!
>Thin Mint Sprint 5K
− walkers and runners of all ages
>Tagalong Trot
− half-mile fun run for ages 6+
>Do-Si-Do Dash
− 20-yard dash for ages 5 and under It doesn’t matter if you sprint, dash or trot! Every step you take helps girls! Register today at, call 1.800.692.7816 or email
State College, PA