2016 Annual Report

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Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risktakers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders.

Building a Better World

2016 A N N UA L R E P OR T

Fiscal Year of October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016


Veronica Longenecker Board Chair

Ellen M. Kyzer President & CEO

Dear Friends, When you look at one of our Girl Scouts you will see clusters of badges that she wears on her sash or vest to highlight the different skills that she’s learned with her troop. You might see a box of the world-famous Girl Scout Cookies that she’s marketing to new customers. And you will see a bright, beaming smile as she has fun with her troop of friends. What you might not see, at least at first, is that this is a G.I.R.L. She is a

You will read throughout this annual report about all of our G.I.R.L.s. Her head is full of insightful ideas and plans to improve her community. Her ears are open and ready to listen to her fellow Girl Scouts, because she knows that collaboration and teamwork are necessary. Her eyes are optimistically looking ahead to her future and the leadership opportunities she can take on today. Her heart beats with hope as she discovers that she has the ability to change the world. Her hands are ready for hard work and she isn’t afraid that they will get a little bit dirty or scraped up if she falls or fails because she has the drive and determination to get up and try again. Her voice is strong, confident and wants to be heard. This is what a Girl Scout is made of and your support and partnership with Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania helps her understand that she is a leader. Thanks to you, this year we celebrated milestones, welcomed exciting new changes, and first and foremost encouraged today’s girls to become tomorrow’s leaders. Sincerely,

Veronica Longenecker Ellen M. Kyzer MPA Board Chair President & CEO

2 • 2016 Annual Report • Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders.


Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.

Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-tak Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. R takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innova Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Gette Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Lead

Board Officers

Members at Large

Veronica Longenecker Chair Pleasant Gap, PA

Lynn M. Bachstein, CPA, MBA Trucksville, PA

Rogette N. Harris, MPA, MBA Harrisburg, PA

Benetta M. Rapier Vice-Chair Lititz, PA

Joanne M. Bankos York, PA

Antonio “Tony” Hernandez, Jr. Lancaster, PA

Joan J. Mummert New Oxford, PA

Stacey O. Irwin, PH.D Lancaster, PA

Jeshanah McLeod Mechanicsburg, PA

Elizabeth M. “Billie” Ingraham Danville, PA

Karen F. Snider Mechanicsburg, PA

Betsy A. Keefer Secretary York, PA Chandra M. “Dolly” Lalvani Treasurer Harrisburg, PA

Karen D. Best Lemoyne, PA Bonnie D. Burke Danville, PA Peggy L. Chown, JD York, PA

Stacy M. Klann, MBA Mechanicsburg, PA

Leslie M. Collins Scranton, PA Melinda Ghilardi, Esq. Dunmore, PA

Deborah A. Kolsovsky Scranton, PA

Barbara G. Lyman, PH.D Shippensburg, PA Kathy W. McCorkle Mechanicsburg, PA

Roberta L. “Robbie” Soltz, PH.D Bloomsburg, PA Yvette L. Willson, Esq. State College, PA

Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. • 2016 Annual Report • 3

Family of Girl Scouts for “My mother was a very creative, loving and giving person who always found the fun in life. She was always willing to try new things and put herself out there. She believed Girl Scouts is ongoing and that these are the memories girls are going to have for a lifetime.” — Jody Boland from Naples, Florida.

Future Generations Jody Boland has fond memories of her mother’s leadership role in her Girl Scout troop. During long talks over campfires and on educational trips, Jane Brown, Jody’s mom, planted seeds and instilled in her the idea that girls are capable of doing anything they put their minds to. “My mother, aunt and father were all involved in Girl Scouts,” Jody explained. “Mom loved it so much that she kept volunteering when I left for college. She served as Chairman of the Council Cookie Sales and Director of the Arcona Girl Scouts Day Camp for the Hemlock Girl Scout Council. I was the envy of my dorm when mom would send me Girl Scout ‘cookie care packages’ so I wouldn’t miss out on the fun. When I became a mom I had no doubt that when my daughter was old enough to be a Daisy I would sign her up and, following in my mother’s footsteps, volunteer as her troop leader.” Jody’s entire family knows first-hand the life-changing impact that Girl Scouts has on girls. Her aunt, Ellie Allen, is a lifetime Girl Scout and served as the President of the Hemlock Girl Scout Council from 1967-1973. Ellie has been a donor for over 20 years. Her financial support has included a major commitment to the recent renovations of the Girl Scout office in Harrisburg as well as gifts to support the annual Gold Award ceremony. Hundreds of girls have benefitted from this special family’s generous gifts of time, talent, and financial support. When Jane Brown died in June of this year, GSHPA was honored to learn that Jane maintained her strong devotion to Girl Scouts and made GSHPA a part of her legacy. Through Jane’s estate gift, she continues to plant seeds, ensuring that future generations of girls will have the same experience that she, Ellie, and Jody had, and will grow in courage, confidence, and character through Girl Scouts.

Have you considered including Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania in your estate plans? Your life’s impact will be felt for generations to come.

4 • 2016 Annual Report • Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders.

Inspiring the Girls of

Today and Tomorrow These are real life examples of the Girl Scout mission hard at work. Leadership is not defined by age, but rather how much heart and soul a person dedicates to helping those in need. On October 16, 2016, seven Girl Scouts, spanning across multiple generations, were recognized for their work in making our world a better place. Taylor Grochowski, 13, from Wilkes-Barre; Lorelei Brewer-McIntyre, 11, from Duncannon; Gwendolyn Little, 18, from Mechanicsburg; Felicia Wranitz, 19, from Auburn; and Dr. Kimberly Bolig of Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania are undoubtedly inspiring in their own unique ways because they are using their passions, interests and talents to solve today’s problems. Barbara Palmer, State College, and Betsy Keefer, York, spent the majority of their lives in Girl Scouting dedicated to make an impact on thousands of Girl Scouts’ lives. They will continue to inspire future generations of Girl Scouts through their personal legacies which includes an estate commitment to Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania.

A Girl Scout can… • Always find time to help others in need. • Overcome hardships to start her own organization with a global impact. • Help keep the art scene thriving in a city’s downtown. • Create a science curriculum for elementary students that’s utilized across four states. • Close the gender gap in the STEM fields. • Empower and uplift other girls to make the future brighter. • Inspire future generations of girls to change the world.

Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. • 2016 Annual Report • 5

The Girl Scouts Beyond Bars Story:

The Wait Is Over Jackmary asked her daughter Melly what she believed in. In a quiet voice, Melly looked into her mother’s eyes and said, “I believe in you.”

Melly, Arianna, and Aaliyah clung to their mothers as they sobbed their good-byes during the first meeting of Girl Scouts Beyond Bars (GSBB). This new and transformative program is dedicated to strengthening relationships between incarcerated mothers and their daughters while reinforcing life skills to ensure girls make positive life decisions. GSHPA’s partnership with the York County Prison and start up support from York County United Way helped strengthen the bond between incarcerated mothers and their daughters in just one morning. Mothers and daughters spent the morning at the Girl Scout office practicing positive communication skills, building life skills and reconnecting. At the end of the meeting the girls, not even 10 years old, wiped away their tears, refusing to let the moment end as they watched their mothers’ transport leave to return to prison. The goodbye was difficult, but the girls were filled with hope. They started looking forward to a future filled with Girl Scout meetings, discovering the Girl Scout Cookie Program, exploring fun-adventures at camp, and finding ways to become a leader every day.

6 • 2016 Annual Report • Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders.

Do You Remember Your

First S’more?

Not even April showers could stop 400 Girl Scouts, volunteers and family members from exploring the outdoor possibilities of Camp Small Valley in Halifax at GSHPA’s inaugural Outdoor Extravaganza. Girl Scouts conducted science experiments in the Star Center’s laboratory, saddled up for horse rides, and strived to overcome the towering climbing wall. Among the crowd, a troop of Girl Scouts from York city stepped foot on a Girl Scout camp for the first time in their lives. “Being young and having something as powerful as the Girl Scouts in our lives can be very rewarding,” said Laurie Freeland an outreach facilitator volunteer, as her Girl Scouts tried ooey-gooey S’mores for the first time. Even a small taste of this outdoor experience encouraged girls to muster up their courage, boom their confidence and introduce them to a new world of possibilities.

“Outdoor Extravaganza taught the girls that there are other things than being in your own neighborhood and backyard. There are things out there that are fun, safe and educational as long as they have the courage to be a part of something.” — Laurie Freeland

Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. • 2016 Annual Report • 7

Gold Award:

100 Years Gold The Gold Award is more than just a pin a Girl Scout wears with pride. It represents years of hard work, hundreds of hours solving community issues, and a century of women who became a catalyst for change. This year’s Gold Award recipients contributed over 4,300 hours of community service estimated to be worth over $100,000 of volunteer labor. They dug deep into serious issues from domestic abuse to environmental issues and even ventured across the nation and around the globe to places from Sweetwater, Texas to Bihar, India. These girls aren’t just any girls. They are visionary, change makers who are building a brighter future for all of us. They prove the world needs more Girl Scouts.

In 2016:




51 girls

278 girls

713 girls

Don’t miss the STEM Expo and Highest Honor Awards. Explore the World of STEM, meet our 2017 Gold, Bronze, and Silver Awardees and celebrate GSHPA’s 10th Anniversary. May 20, 2017.

8 • 2016 Annual Report • Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders.


Where Are the Women? “We need events like GI-STEM: Girls in Science to show Girl Scouts that they are able to not only compete but excel in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) because they are talented, intelligent, creative, caring and courageous,” said Dr. Kimberly Bolig, Director of the Regional STEM Education Center at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania and former Girl Scout. “Not only will girls make their own lives better with their accomplishments, they will make this world better.” GI-STEM: Girls in Science event connected over 300 Girl Scouts with extraordinary experiments, passionate professionals, and the tools and support to grow their confidence and interest in the STEM fields. Thanks to Bloomsburg University and Dr. Kimberly Bolig, the Girl Scouts arrived at the event with curiosities and left with hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

60% of current job openings require candidates with STEM skills. Sadly, women report lacking confidence in their STEM skills and are not pursuing these fields. Data is not destiny.

Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. • 2016 Annual Report • 9

Outdoor Adventure:

It’s in our DNA The more a Girl Scout spends time outdoors the more she grows. Not in inches and centimeters, but in courage, confidence and character. She grows her list of experiences from discovering a trail on horseback to climbing over her fear of heights and up a 50 foot tower. Getting outdoors encourages our Girl Scouts to grow in ways they didn’t even think were possible. “I love the opportunity camp provides girls to take on a leadership role and learn more about themselves and the world around them,” said Gretchen Ludwig, 17, Dallastown. Years at Girl Scout Camp: “Camp is the best thing for me. I look forward to it all year round and it gets better every time. There is so much excitement with Ranch Camp and I like the difficulty of having to figure out how to gallop, stride, and cantor. There is a lot of thinking in the beginning and once you get to know your horse you feel it in your heart.” Makayla Umbenhauer, 17, Pottsville, PA, Ranch Camper and Wrangler-In-Trainer.

Summer Camp Numbers: Camp Life is the Best Life 6 Days/5 Nights 70% of camp counselors are international Over 30 skill-based badges to earn 157 Girls in Troops got a taste of the Camp Life during Troop Adventure Camp Hundreds of families (270 total attendees) created forever memories during Family Camp

Benefits: Promotes teamwork and collaboration • Encourages resourceful problem solving • Improved concentration and attention restoration • Strengthening creative reasoning • Supports physical play • Motivates curiosities and inquisitive learning • Nearly 40% of all GSHPA’s outdoor experiences take place during summer camp. • Over 2,200 Girl Scouts discovered the outdoors through Girl Scout programs

10 • 2016 Annual Report • Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders.

Cookie Centennial:

S’more Opportunities for Girl Scouts Since the first known sale of cookies by Girl Scouts in 1917, cookies has powered girls and Girl Scouts to fulfill their dreams, follow their passions, and change the world. It is more than just a box of cookies. It’s a box of opportunities. In 2017, girls have a new way to power even more awesome adventures-new Girl Scout S’mores cookies! With every box of Girl Scout Cookies you buy this year, you help support tomorrow’s courage boosting, confidence-inspiring, character-building, make-the-world-abetter place experience. (In the most delicious way too!)

Girl Scout Cookies Fuel a Century of Adventure



First known cookie sale by Girl Scouts

1922 Cookie recipe and business plan shared 1925 Girl Scout recipe for s’mores first published



1935 Girl Scout Cookie name appears on cookie boxes

1944 Calendars stand in for cookies due to wartime shortages


Commercial bakers help meet growing demand

1952 Girl Scout Cookies help foster racial integration



Cookie sales go coast to coast

Cookie earnings fund outdoor activities

Get your Girl Scout Cookies February 24 – March 26, for2017. Girls



1970 Cookies help power first Earth Day experiences



2013 First National Girl Scout Cookie Day engages girls and consumers

Girl Scout Cookies go to outer space

1994 Low-fat and sugarfree cookies join the lineup

Girls send “Gift of Caring” to troops overseas


Cookie sales go online with Digital Cookie™

Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. • 2016 Annual Report • 11

Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania Statement of Financial Position

Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assets

(Unaudited) September 30, 2016 Assets Cash Custodian funds Inventories, net Accounts receivable, net: United Way Other Prepaid expenses Pledges receivable, current, net Total Current Assets


1,723,032 97,381 63,338 — 221,790 136,097 218,928 107,565 2,568,131

Other Assets Investments Beneficial interest in perpetual trusts Pledges Receivable, net Total Other Assets

6,914,675 537,494 82,118 7,534,287

Land, buildings and equipment, net


TOTAL ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Line of Credit Accrued wages and vacation Custodian funds Deferred program revenue Total Current Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted: Operating Board Designated Land, building & equipment Total Unrestricted Net Assets Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total Net Assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

$ 19,527,741

118,982 168,282 97,381 77,150 461,795

8,173,043 25,000 9,425,323 17,623,366 616,897 825,683 19,065,946 $ 19,527,741

(Unaudited) For the Period ended September 30, 2016 Revenue and Public Support Program Related Revenue Program Related Product Sales $ 8,299,033 Cost of Product Sales (2,134,131) Program Service and Camp Fees 427,551 Miscellaneous Program Revenue 25,299 Total Program and Related Revenue 6,617,752 Public Support Contributions and Grants United Ways - Allocations United Ways - Designations Special Events - Net Total Public Support

624,102 388,931 43,852 8,079 1,064,963




FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES Program Services Regular Program Outdoor Program Total Public Support


5,987,212 1,478,660 7,465,872

Supporting Services Management and general Fundraising Total Supporting Services

584,874 616,749 1,201,623


$ 8,667,495

Expenses in excess (deficit) of revenue and Public Support




41,928 605,262 (116,820) 780,415 4,509 1,315,294





$ 18,735,432


$ 19,065,946

NON-OPERATING INCOME AND GAIN Rental Income Net Investment Gain (Loss) Gain / (Loss) on Disposal of Assets Gas Lease Royalties Other Income TOTAL NON-OPERATING INCOME AND GAIN

GSHPA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, citizenship, marital status, genetic information, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected status. In addition, to ensure full equality of opportunity in all operations and activities of the organization, every staff member employed in Girl Scouting shall be selected under fair employment procedures that provide equal employment opportunities to all people. 12 • 2016 Annual Report • Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders.

Leadership Investors

2015-2016 Corporate and Foundation Partners

October 1, 2015 - September 30, 2016

Juliette Gordon Low Society Helen Adams 1 Josephine Appell 1 Diane Auchter 1 Joanne Bankos 1 Jacqueline Barnett Carol Bartoe Vivian Beaston Susan Beittel Karen Diener Best Sharon Blosser Beth Anne Bodtorf Tom and Marty Brown Sally Bures Catherine Bush Shirley Covert Linda Davis 1 Judith Doviak 1 Polly C. Ehrgood S. Forry Eisenhart, Jr. Carol Freer Kristine Frey 1 Constance Gehman Norma J. Gotwalt Elson and Jane Grim 1 Carolyn Hager 1 Sara Hannigan Susan Havey 1 Shirley Herbert Marie Houck 1 2 Frieda Jones Kyle Kauffman Marilyn Kauffman Betsy Keefer Bob and Gerry Kessler Kimberly Knisely 1 Patricia Kotchek 1 Marguerite Leahy 1 Diana Lentz Gwen Loose 1

Charter Member

Dorothy Lyet Barbara Mable 1 David Maneval Martha Meadows Linda Miller Lois Morgan L. Sue Morrison 1 Joan Mummert Marianne Nolt Charles P. Oyer 2 Patricia Perkins 1 Candy Poklembo 1 Flora Poulos 1 June Quance 1 Frances Randall 1 Jane Ransom Shirley Risk Susan Ross Thelma Ruth Mildred Sheatler Susan Brandt Shetter Susan Shetter Anne Marie Shuey Pamela Silar 1 Fran Skory Joseph and Yvonne Smith 1 Mavis Stapleford James and Belinda Stefl Milicent Treat Beth Tyson Linda Walker Gwendolyn Ward Carolyn Warman Diane Weaver Sheila Webber Laura Weber Doris White 1 Cornelia Wolf Martha Zeller 2


We strive to achieve the greatest level of accuracy possible. If an error is discovered, please accept our apologies and kindly contact the Fund Development office at 800.692.7816 or development@gshpa.org.

2015-2016 Circle of Friends GOLDEN FRIENDS Marion C. and William Alexander Nancy Adams Besch Karen Diener Best Katherine Bishop Amy P. De Shong, Esq. Linda and Blake Gall E. Louise Hepschmidt Paul and Mildred John Betsy Keefer Susan Kreidler Dolly and Rocky Lalvani Barbara R. Palmer Neal and Linda Rhoads

SILVER SPONSOR Patricia and James Apple Joanne and Stephen Bankos Virginia H. Banks Lee and Bill Beard Janice R. Black Liane Mastalerz Bowles Thomas and June Brown Catherine and John Bush Linda and John Davis Mary and William Dearden Galen and Nancy Dreibelbis Tiffany Gibbons Virginia Goodrich Norma J. Gotwalt

Aqua Pennsylvania Inc. BB&T The Bishop Foundation Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, College of Education William and Jemima Brossman Charitable Foundation Capital BlueCross Collens-Wagner Agency, Inc. Dauphin County Parks & Recreation William E.C. & Mary Dearden Foundation Elmer Naugle Foundation Exelon Corporation Ferree Foundation First National Bank Fulton Bank Glatfelter Insurance Group H.H. Knoebel Sons, Inc. Hester Wastewater Services LLC The Hershey Company Highmark Blue Shield Johnson and White Wealth Management

Lawrence L. & Julia Z. Hoverter Charitable Foundation The Magee Foundation McKonly & Asbury McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC Penn State University Office of University Development PeoplesBank, A Codorus Valley Company Phoenix Contact PNC Financial Services Group Ream Printing Company, Inc. The Ross Family Foundation The Natalie and Maynard Smith Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation T. Luke and Elizabeth H. Toomey Fund of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities The Franklin H. and Ruth L. Wells Foundation The Women’s Fund of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities Wohlsen Construction Co.

United Way Partners Centre County United Way Clinton County United Way Danville Area United Way Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way Lower Anthracite Region United Way Schuylkill United Way United Way of Carbon County United Way of Carlisle and Cumberland County United Way of Columbia County United Way of Franklin County United Way of Huntingdon County

United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties United Way of Lebanon County United Way of Monroe County United Way of Susquehanna County United Way of the Capital Region United Way of the Shippensburg Area United Way of York County Wyoming County United Way

October 1, 2015 - September 30, 2016 Katie Italiano Kyle Kauffman Marilyn Kauffman Deborah A. Kolsovsky Ellen M. Kyzer Bernadette A. Lear Veronica Longenecker Barbara G. Lyman, Ph.D. Jeshanah McLeod J. Michael and Wendy Melhorn Suzanne Moore Joan and Keith Mummert Heidi Nicholas and Bruce Fleischer

Robert and Sandra Poole Robert and Donna Pullo Benetta and Jim Rapier Donald and Alva Roseth Lance and Ellen Shaner Bob and Georgie Sibert Philip Sieg Karen F. Snider Barb and Steve Taylor Milicent Treat Paul W. and Judy S. Ware Barbara Willders Coni Wolf

*We also recognize the generosity of those donors who chose to remain anonymous.

3,607 4,972 3,954 3,101 898 567

Council Numbers Girls







Adult Members




1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Total Membership (girls and adults) 14 • 2016 Annual Report • Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders.


Financial Assistance $300,000



$176,000 2015 (actual)

2016 (unaudited)

$217,000 2014 (actual)




2013 (actual)




2012 (actual)

“During the ride home from Girl Scout camp, my daughter couldn’t stop sharing her camp stories from trail rides on horseback to making friends with girls she’s never met before and meeting counselors from different countries. Sophie couldn’t stop talking about her experiences. It made us all so happy.” — Susan C., Gettysburg

Total Assistance (2012-2016)

88.6% of Girl Scouts participated in the Girl Scout Cookie Program.


1,540 Girl Scouts participated in Digital Cookie, a mobile app designed to aid girls in the Cookie Program.

Donated over 32,666 packages of Girl Scout Cookies; 18,000 lbs.; over $129,000 worth of Cookies


Girl Scout Cookies boxes sold.

Cookie Program Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. • 2016 Annual Report • 15

30 Counties Served




★ Union


★ Area Service Center

Snyder Mi

Carbon North umberland


ta nia

Perry Huntingdon Cumberland Fulton




n f f li

★ Franklin


Luzerne Montour



■ Northeast Region ■ North Region ■ West Region ■ South Central Region ■ South Region

☙ Corporate Headquarters ▲ Camp Small Valley ▲ Camp Archibald ▲ Camp Golden Pond ▲ Camp Louise ▲ Camp Furnace Hills ▲ Camp Echo Trail ▲ Camp Happy Valley






★ Lancaster


Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-t Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Inno Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Get Innovators. Risk-takers. Leaders. Go-Getters. Innovators. Risk-takers. Le Girl Scout Promise

Girl Scout Law

On my honor, I will try To serve God and my country, To help people at all times and to live by the Girl Scout Law.

I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

www.gshpa.org 350 Hale Avenue Harrisburg, PA 17104 800.692.7816

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