Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Cover photo: Great Southern Institute of Technology student Abbey Sergeant with her Australian Trainee of the Year award. 2
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Contents Section 1 – Overview of Great Southern Institute of Technology ���������������������������������� 4 Managing Director’s Report �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Governing Council Chair’s Report ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 Governing Council ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 Operational Structure ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 Legislation �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 Performance Management Framework ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13 Section 2 – Agency Performance ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 14 Directorate Reports ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16 Corporate Services Directorate ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16 Student Services Directorate ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Training Services Directorate ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Section 3 – Significant Issues Impacting the Agency ��������������������������������������������������� 34 Section 4 – Disclosures and Legal Compliance ������������������������������������������������������������ 36 Auditor General’s report ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36 Financial Statements Certificate ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38 Financial Statements ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39 Appendix 1 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68 Detailed Key Performance Indicators Information �������������������������������������������������������������� 71 Ministerial Directives ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 78 Other Financial Disclosures ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 78 Governance Disclosures ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 78 Other Legal Requirements ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79 Advertising �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79 Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Outcomes ����������������������������������������������������������������� 79 Compliance with Public Sector Standards and Ethical Codes ������������������������������������������� 80 Recordkeeping Plan ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 81 Sustainability ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 82 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 82 Principles of Public Sector Governance ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83 Strategic and Business Plans ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83
The use of the word ‘Aboriginal’ in this document refers to the Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander people of Western Australia 3
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Section 1 Overview of Great Southern Institute of Technology Managing Director’s Report I am pleased to present my report on the performance of Great Southern Institute of Technology for 2011. This was a year of consolidation and advancement, when new partnerships were forged with industry and existing relationships were boosted as the institute promoted workforce development within the Great Southern region and across the State. The excellent reputation of the institute underpinned the confidence shown by students and industry leaders alike, evidenced by the high student satisfaction rate, new courses scoped and new business written with leaders from the resource sector, businesses and organisations. The institute’s directives to support sustainability and excellence in a new, competitive market required resources to build online capacity. A position of e-learning curriculum officer was created to assist lecturers in developing courses and learning resources for online learning. Professional career development for online delivery was extensive throughout 2011. In 2011 the institute developed the Certificate IV in Financial Services (Bookkeeping) and this was placed online. More than 50 students throughout the State enrolled for this certificate and 100 units were completed after the course was offered in August. This was a first for WA and the institute. E-learning is a focus of delivery strategies and the e-learning platform Moodle 2 is now used extensively throughout the institute. Recognition of Prior Learning continues to be an important focus for the institute. We were awarded an RPL Leaders project in 2011 by the Department of Training and Workforce Development to ensure compliance to RPL policies and procedures. In line with the institute’s accessibility policy, a strong focus on supporting students with disability was rewarded with a module completion rate for this group of 79.88 per cent. A continued push to boost high-level training enrolments (Certificate IV and above) in 2011 brought a 2.5 per cent increase on the 2010 figure, which itself had been 28 per cent above the performance indicator target set by the Governing Council. Providing flexible and accessible pathways to increase training and career options for young people was another major focus of 2011. The institute delivered a range of programs to expand opportunities for senior secondary students. These programs linked students to industry, preparing young people for the workplace and exposing them to future occupations. The economic downturn and the global financial crisis in 2011 saw a reduction in apprenticeship and traineeship numbers. However, Great Southern’s module completion rate for those who remained in employment and training was 7.7 per cent higher than the previous year’s figure. The 2011 AVETMISS collection for Great Southern Institute of Technology under the Unit of Competency/Module Enrolment Summary (Study End Reporting) was 1,401,802 SCH. This figure demonstrates effort. The ‘Not Finishing in Collection Year’ result was 60,066 SCH, which equates to approximately $650,000 and our DPA refund figure (as outlined in our 4
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Financial Statements). The actual achievement against amended profile was 95.3 per cent in the 2011 collection year. The institute continued to bolster partnerships with the Aboriginal community and facilitate training for Aboriginal people. An agreement was signed with a private Aboriginal training provider on the eastern seaboard, Corporate Culcha, for them to deliver our Certificate III in Mentoring (Wirdanyiny) to corporate clients in remote areas of Australia through an auspicing arrangement. This was an opportunity to gain further national exposure for Great Southern Institute of Technology. In partnership with Cater Care, we developed a program to prepare Aboriginal people for employment in kitchen operations and housekeeping in the mining sector. Work placements at First Quantum’s Ravensthorpe mine prior to commencement were a great advantage to the students to familiarise them with the world of work. A pleasing result was the module completion rate for Aboriginal students enrolled in Certificate III and higher, which, at 80.4 per cent, was16.8 per cent greater than in 2010. In addition, the module completion rate for Aboriginal apprentices and trainees was 73.8 per cent, up 7.7 per cent on the previous year. The Skills Development Centre continued to forge partnerships with industry and enjoyed a high success rate of 75 per cent for competitive funding tenders. Some of these valuable partnerships include: • First Quantum Minerals • Anvil Mining • Cater Care Australia • Argyle Diamonds • Galaxy Resources • Corporate Culcha • Regional local governments The institute is also represented on the Grange Resources working group for the Southdown mining project. The bi-annual student satisfaction survey carried out by Patterson Research Group showed an overall student satisfaction rate of 91.2 per cent. The institute continues to have high satisfaction rates from students. Through its annual Professional and Career Development program, the institute brought inspirational experts to deliver training to our staff to ensure our focus on excellence in delivery and assessment service. Eleven institute staff enrolled for the Associate Degree in Vocational Education and Training through Charles Sturt University. This initiative was coordinated at the institute by the delivery enhancement officer. Two members of staff have graduated from this course and are now eligible to progress to Advanced Skills Lecturer and Principal Lecturer status. A staff opinion survey was carried out in 2011, initiating a series of staff consultations and directorate reviews. This strategy will continue into 2012. In the move to the electronic environment for course delivery and to facilitate student and staff communication, wireless technology was implemented across the Albany campus and 5
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
the facility will be extended to the three regional campuses in 2012. The institute moved to a totally Microsoft environment, which necessitated a major IT project for the migration to Microsoft Outlook. Significant advances in infrastructure during 2011 started with the official opening of the new Environment and Primary Industries complex. This state-of-the-art facility incorporates all operations including horticulture, wool classing and aquaculture, providing industry-standard amenities and a modern, energy-efficient environment. Extensive refurbishments were carried out to the buildings housing the Business and Creative Industries and Communication and The Arts portfolios. In the Trades and Allied Industries block, the carpentry and joinery workshop was expanded. Renovations were also completed in our training restaurant, which, in addition to providing a public restaurant for the cookery students, is now a modern, flexible venue for meetings and workshops. Substantial savings have been generated by adopting strategies to reduce the institute’s carbon footprint. The institute’s sustainability committee has re-invested $50,000 of these savings in projects and infrastructure that will continue to generate environmental returns. Projects have included solar panels to power the aquaculture centre, sensor lights for public toilets, supply and installation of a Greensense energy monitoring system, a water tank for the public toilet flushing system and several water fountains. A strategic initiative was to maintain and enhance the sustainability stance and increase the use of electronic equipment to save resources. Funds saved through the various initiatives were returned to sustainability projects to compound savings. I extend my thanks and congratulations to all staff for another challenging, but rewarding, year in which the institute has demonstrated its commitment to delivering a consistently high standard of education and training to the diverse student population throughout the Great Southern region. My thanks also go to our valued industry partners, sponsors and key stakeholders. Their support is an investment in our students as well as in the future of the workforce and I acknowledge their foresight and commitment which will return multiple benefits in the future. Finally, I send my warmest appreciation to the dedicated members of the institute’s Governing Council, under the leadership of chair Len Smith, for their invaluable input into operations and their guidance in another productive year. I take great pleasure in presenting this document.
Lidia Rozlapa CEO/Managing Director Great Southern Institute of Technology 14 February 2012
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Governing Council Chair’s Report Great Southern Institute of Technology’s continued commitment to delivering excellence in vocational education and training has been demonstrated during another successful year. I congratulate the managing director on the quality of corporate governance achieved by the institute, and the staff on their dedication to upholding the high professional and academic standard for which the institute has established a reputation over nearly 40 years. Service delivery and financial reports at the bi-monthly meetings of the Governing Council showed performance indicators were largely met, and in many cases, exceeded. At the end of the year, the institute was financially viable. The institute influences the development of the Great Southern region through its capability to deliver a broad scope of courses and adherence to a strategic workforce development plan. This influence extends into other parts of Western Australia through online learning, auspicing and fly-in fly-out to the North West of Western Australia. Several achievements worthy of note during 2011 are: • In the State Training Awards, Great Southern Institute of Technology student Abbey Sergeant earned the title of Western Australian Trainee of the Year and the Katanning-based student went on to take out the title of Australian Trainee of the Year in the Australian Training Awards announced in Brisbane in November. • An example of effective alliance with industry was a film made by media students in collaboration with the Great Southern Development Commission. This film was made to promote regional wines for the Asian market. The students recorded interviews with five winemakers and edited the footage to produce a promotional package. • In a demonstration of the institute’s commitment to equal opportunity, an annual report on workforce diversity within the public sector placed Great Southern Institute of Technology 14th out of 70 agencies in Western Australia. The statistical survey, released by the Public Sector Commission, measures workforce diversity using the four main diversity groups – women, Indigenous Australians, people from culturally diverse backgrounds and people with disabilities. The institute’s relationship with the Aboriginal community goes from strength to strength. Aboriginal programs facilitate training to skill Indigenous people for jobs as well as further education. This relationship was reinforced during NAIDOC Week in July, when the Aboriginal flag was installed at the institute in a ceremony attended by Aboriginal community members and elders. The flag will fly continuously alongside the flags of Australia, Western Australian and Great Southern Institute of Technology. Vital relationships with stakeholders and industry partners were also strengthened during 2011. These alliances allow the institute to develop relevant training courses, maximising opportunities for people in the region and answering industry’s skills demand. Great Southern Institute of Technology places a high value on sponsorship. By funding annual distribution of scholarships and major achievement awards, supporters demonstrated their commitment to upholding high standards of vocational education and training, encouraging high achievement and endorsing the institute’s delivery.
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
My sincere gratitude goes to the following sponsors for 2011: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
ABA Security – Caramia Electrical Activ Business Services Active Plumbing Advantage Partners Albany Advertiser Albany Bitumen Spraying Albany Business Telephones Albany Chamber of Commerce and Industry Albany City Motors Albany Indoor Plant Hire Albany Office Products Depot Albany Plaza Pharmacy Albany Printers Albany Stationers Albany Toyota BankWest Barefoot Clothing Manufacturers Barry J Geldard and Associates Best Office Systems Bunnings Warehouse Castlehow Electrical Services Clarence Estate Residential Health and Care Comfort Inn Albany Construction Training Fund Countryman Denmark Music Foundation Elders Rural Services Australia Ltd Fletcher International WA Great Southern Employment Development Committee
• Great Southern Personnel • Great Southern Institute of Technology Governing Council • GT Bearings and Engineering Supplies • Hands On Property Maintenance • H+H Architects • James and Ellis Accountants • Mick Young Scholarship Trust • National Institute of Accountants (WA) • Orana Cinemas • Peter Watson MLA • RA and CM Whyte Plumbing • Ragamuffins Child Care Centre • Rainbow Child Care Centre • Regional Development Australia Great Southern WA • Rotary Club of Albany East • Shire of Denmark • Skal International • Soroptimist International of Albany • Southcoast Security Service • Storm Office National • Tectonics Construction Group • The Hon. Robyn McSweeney MLC • The Laminex Group • The Surgery • WA Country Health Service – Great Southern Region • Wanslea Family Services • Water Corporation • Whale World
I give my thanks to the institute’s Managing Director Lidia Rozlapa for her continued strong leadership under which staff met all objectives while delivering excellent education and training. My warmest appreciation also extends to the members of the Governing Council for their dedication, their keen interest in operations at all levels and their invaluable influence on the direction of the institute as we prepare to answer unprecedented skills shortages developed by the mining industry both locally and in the north of Western Australia.
Len Smith Chair, Great Southern Institute of Technology Governing Council 14 February 2012 8
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Governing Council The Governing Council consists of a Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, the Managing Director and 10 other members appointed by the Minister for Training and Workforce Development for their expertise in education and training, industry or community affairs, and for their ability to contribute to the strategic direction of the institute. While the Managing Director has responsibility for the day-to-day operations, the Governing Council oversees the strategic and overall direction of the institute through the execution of its statutory functions within the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996, the Public Sector Management Act 1994, the Financial Management Act 2006 and the Financial Management Regulations 2007.
Members of the Governing Council during 2011 Len Smith – Chair Len is the owner and manager of the Comfort Inn in Albany and a long-term and significant contributor to the local community, particularly through his involvement with key tourism and training bodies. He is currently a board member of the Great Southern Development Commission. Scott Leary – Deputy Chair Scott is a director of Albany City Motors, a well-established local motor dealer for Holden, Nissan and Isuzu. With 12 years in the finance industry with Westpac, 15 years’ experience in the motor trade and now as financial controller, Scott offers an extensive working knowledge of management and processes. Lidia Rozlapa – CEO/Managing Director Lidia is Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director of Great Southern Institute of Technology and holds a Bachelor of Education and several related teaching qualifications. She is a member of the Public Providers’ Group and Client Management Council, as well as participating in the Managing Directors’ Network and Regional Managing Directors’ Network. She has seen the institute grow from 250,000 Student Curriculum Hours (SCH) to 1.259 million SCH and has expanded the training reach throughout the 39,000 square kilometres of the Great Southern, with campuses in Albany, Katanning, Denmark and Mount Barker. Suzanne Seeley Suzanne is Clinical Lead for the redevelopment of the new Albany Health Campus. Prior to this appointment, Suzanne was working as the Nurse Director for WA Community Health Services (WACHS) Great Southern, having moved to Albany from Broome, where she was Director of Nursing for six years. Suzanne has many years of nursing and hospital management experience and has worked in both the public and private health sectors as well as representing WACHS on the WA Palliative Care Advisory Committee. Suzanne works with the community and staff of Albany Hospital to help develop the new facility.
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Anne Stafford Anne held a senior executive position at Central Institute of Technology (formerly Central TAFE) in Perth for eight years before marrying an Albany man in 2002, and taking early retirement to live in Albany. She has chaired the board at Albany Worklink, served on the board at Parklands School, and been a volunteer tutor to an Afghani immigrant and to students at Lockyer Primary School. Her qualifications are in anthropology and teaching. Suzanne Yewers Suzanne is the Administration and Training Manager for Fletcher International WA, which is Australia’s largest exporter of sheep/lamb meat, and a textile processor. Suzanne holds several qualifications, including Diplomas of Management, Meat Processing and Sustainability. She is president of the Narrikup Red Cross Unit and chair of Albany Community Radio. She is currently involved in State and regional competitions with the Denmark Dragon Boat Club. Bruce Rudeforth Bruce joined Latro Lawyers in Albany as an associate in 2009. He grew up in Albany and was educated in Albany and Perth. As the youngest member of the Governing Council and a relatively recent university graduate, Bruce shares the outlook of young people and understands the challenges students face. He also keeps abreast of new technologies and their place in the training of tomorrow’s workforce. Simon Lyas Simon was appointed executive officer of Regional Development Australia Great Southern in April 2009. In this position, he identifies the region’s development opportunities, which also allows him to anticipate industry’s needs for the future of the workforce. A former primary and high school teacher, Simon has a particular interest in education and training. He also brings extensive experience in government and public sector management to the Governing Council. David Marsh With nearly three decades of experience in the plumbing industry, David has worked as divisional manager with Active Plumbing, one of the region’s biggest plumbing firms, for the past 13 years. David has seen generations of plumbers progress from apprentices through to tradespeople, estimators and ultimately, managers. This was a pathway he took himself and he now runs this successful plumbing operation, which has a vast and complex client base. He has trained some 18 apprentices, and has a passion and drive for developing the industry, particularly by nurturing young people. Gillian Evans Gillian is a solicitor with wide experience of the Australian legal system gained while working for law firms and government departments in Perth and Albany. She has also served on committees and boards of several community organisations. Since she arrived in Albany in 1995, Gillian has 10
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
established a connection with the institute as a lecturer in law for welfare advocates and tourism law, and also as a project officer. Gillian has a keen interest in vocational education and training, and promotes lifelong learning as well as apprenticeships and flexible delivery of courses. Audrey Jackson With a long history in the education sectors in the UK and Australia, Audrey Jackson brings a wealth of experience to the Governing Council. Among the numerous educational boards and committees on which Audrey has served are those advocating rural and remote education and independent schools. Audrey, a Fellow of the Australian College of Educators and member of the State Training Board of Western Australia, is currently an education consultant with the Department of Education Services. Retired in 2011 Antony Smith Jane Trethowan Graham Harvey Deceased Joan Cameron
Operational Structure
Governing Council Executive Managing Director Lidia Rozlapa Director Corporate Services
Director Student Services
Director Training Services
Kevin O’Connor
Chris Jones
Sue Bennett-Ng
The institute reports to the Minister for Energy; Training and Workforce Development; Indigenous Affairs, The Hon. Peter Collier BA DipEd MLC. 11
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Administered Legislation The Minister for Training and Workforce Development administers the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 (the Act).
Other key legislation impacting on activities Other key legislation impacting on Great Southern Institute of Technology’s activities and with which the institute complies are the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Auditor General Act 2006 Disability Services Act 1993 Corruption and Crime Commission Act 2003 Education Service Providers (Full Fee Overseas Students) Registration Act 1991 Equal Opportunity Act 1984 Financial Management Act 2006 Freedom of Information Act 1992 Industrial Relations Act 1979 Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993 Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 Public Sector Management Act 1994 Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 School Education Act 1999 State Records Act 2000 State Supply Commission Act 1991 Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 Working with Children (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Performance Management Framework The Strategic Plan 2010-2012 aligns to the Training WA goals and has informed the development of the institute’s business plan. The performance management framework ensures the institute can measure and manage performance against our goals. Institute strategies are directed towards the goals of: • A skilled workforce • A contemporary apprenticeship and traineeship system • Individual participation in training • Support for regional communities • A vibrant and diverse training market • Training system capability and capacity The institute has a risk management system which ensures that critical success factors for these strategies are defined and risk assessed accordingly. The institute also analyses performance against outcomes specified in the Managing Director’s Management Performance and Development Plan with the Public Sector Commission, and the annual Delivery and Performance Agreement negotiated with the Minister for Training and Workforce Development. Outcome Employment Based Training (enrolments and SCH) Skills Shortage Institutional (enrolments and SCH) Quality of training • Students surveys • Module Load Completion Rate • Certificate IV and above (enrolments and SCH) • Invalid enrolments Access and equity • Aboriginal course enrolments • Disability course enrolments • 15-24 course enrolments Contract management Record keeping Enhancing the public sector workforce Building the public trust in the conduct and ethical decision making capacity of the public sector Enhancing Indigenous economic participation outcomes (National Partnership Agreement) Reducing the regulatory burden on business and the community
(DPA = Delivery and Performance Agreement; MD = Managing Director’s Management Performance and Development Plan) 13
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Section 2 Agency Performance Established in 1974 as the Albany Technical School, Great Southern Institute of Technology is now the region’s largest training provider, covering an area of 38,917 square kilometres or 1.5 per cent of Western Australia. The institute operates campuses in Albany, Denmark, Mount Barker and Katanning, with the administration of the institute managed from Albany. All hinterland campuses offer a broad range of qualifications, as well as professional and skills development courses to suit local community and business needs. Students in the region can access institute training on campus, through online or paperbased external courses, by delivery and assessment in the workplace, at community resource agencies and at high schools. Great Southern Institute of Technology provides vocational education and training products within the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF), consisting of training packages and courses that are accredited with the Training Accreditation Council (TAC). The institute offers a range of qualifications from Certificate to Advanced Diploma, with more than 350 nationally accredited qualifications available in 2011. The institute also delivers training in foundation skills, national licensing programs for industry, and customised training for industry. Graduates of the institute can take advantage of agreements negotiated with universities across Australia to articulate with advanced standing into degree programs. The institute’s student population now stands at 5900. In 2011 the institute entered into an agreement with the Department of Training and Workforce Development to deliver 1.134 million Student Curriculum Hours (SCH). The institute also delivered training through competitive tendering arrangements and fee-forservice products. Non-profile delivery generated an additional 199,532 SCH. In 2010 the institute restructured to balance the workload of industry areas. This restructure was bedded down in 2011 with 373 qualifications delivered across six portfolios: • Business and Creative Industries • Health Sciences and Community Services • Trades and Allied Industries • The Environment and Primary Industries • Communication and the Arts • Skills Development Centre The institute increased its investment in staff awards in 2011, and for the first time, included an Excellence in Sustainable Practice award. The Excellence in Teaching awards were in three categories: 1. Innovation in Teaching – won by aged care lecturer Tracy Thomas 2. Leadership in Teaching – won by nursing lecturer Ruth McLean 3. Workforce Development in Teaching – won by events and tourism lecturer Cathy Glen Two Excellence in Non-Teaching Awards were won by Lionel ’t Hart and Lesley Brand. The inaugural award for Excellence in Sustainable Practice was won by Susan Dawes. 14
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Additional Services Great Southern Institute of Technology offers a wide range of specialised services including: • Corporate Training • Workforce development • Workforce training and assessment
• Industry Consultancy
• Apprenticeships and traineeships
• Bachelor of Science (Nursing) through Curtin University
• Risk management
Student profile 2011 Total student numbers: 5897 46 per cent female students 54 per cent male students 7 per cent of students are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin 6.8 per cent of students reported a disability Median age: 35 Age 15-24 25-45 46+ Delivery Level Certificate I Certificate II Certificate III Certificate IV Diploma and above
Percentage 32.7 38.8 28.5 Percentage 12.6 20.1 39.0 19.1 9.2
Great Southern Institute of Technology managing director Lidia Rozlapa (second from left) celebrates staff awards with winners Lesley Brand, Cathy Glen and Sue Dawes.
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Directorate Reports Corporate Services Directorate Role and Function The Corporate Services Directorate provides institute-wide support in the areas of finance, human resources, facilities and services, capital works, information technology, records management and business systems. Major Achievements All outcomes have been achieved for this directorate. The following represents some of the more significant achievements. Capital and Minor Works Extensive renovations at the Albany campus have included refurbishment of the training restaurant George’s with renewed paintwork, carpet, ceiling, blinds, reception, bar and audio/visual system. This is now a modern multi-function conference facility as well as a restaurant dining room. With the Environment and Primary Industries portfolio’s move to its new premises completed at the end of 2010, the former aquaculture and wool classing areas in C Block have been converted into classrooms, store rooms and staff offices for the Communication and The Arts portfolio. Refurbishments have also been carried out to D Block, housing the Business and Creative Industries portfolio. The above projects were achieved at a cost of approximately $730,000. Stage two of the conversion of the former automotive workshop in the Trades and Allied Industries block into carpentry and joinery workshops, with new machinery and upgraded sawdust hoppers, was completed. This $1.5 million project was funded by the Department of Education and Training in 2009, when the first stage was carried out. Information and Communication Technology To allow for easier access of equipment for lecturing staff, an additional 36 computers were installed, and overhead projectors were fitted into classrooms to facilitate PowerPoint and other multimedia presentations. Upgrades to edge switches have improved network speeds. Directory services and email have been migrated from Novell’s eDirectory and Groupwise to Microsoft’s Active Directory/Exchange. In addition to a higher compatibility with many mobile devices, there is a greater availability of training and experienced professionals for the new environment. A working group was formed to review the institute’s web site and suggest directions for 2012. Human Resources This section commenced a review of relevant policies and procedures during 2011. This will continue into 2012. A temporary project officer role was established to develop an online OSH induction 16
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process and that will continue into 2012 while also providing support for the ongoing policy reviews and assisting with implementation of recommendations from the recent staff satisfaction survey. Considerable progress was made in developing a comprehensive suite of OSH policies and procedures and expenditure on OSH-related items increased five-fold. The section took a major role in organising the three-day professional and career development event for all staff, which again proved highly successful. Business Systems A lecturer portal was deployed to allow electronic management of training issues such as attendance and student progress. The institute enabled selected students to enrol online or electronically for the first time in Semester 1, and a student portal was deployed, giving students online access to a range of resources including GSLive, a Microsoft product that utilises cloud technology to give students an email address, 40GB of file storage and access to Microsoft software. The operating system for Unified Enrolments was changed to Windows 7. Records Management The institute has upgraded its electronic record keeping system to TRIM Context to enable it to electronically manage records. The purchase of additional licences in 2011 will enable roll-out to 260 staff, who will all receive training in its use.
The former automotive workshop in the Trades and Allied Industries block was converted into carpentry and joinery workshops.
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Student Services Directorate Role and Function The Student Services Directorate is responsible for: • Aboriginal program delivery
• Student and customer services
• Institute communications
• Research and planning
• Regional campus administration Functions of the directorate encompass: • Management of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.
• Negotiating articulation agreements between the institute and universities.
• Management of the Duty of Care for Minors policy.
• Marketing of the institute’s qualifications and programs.
• Management of Kadadjiny Noongar Moort Aboriginal training strategy.
• Provision of advice to the corporate executive on economic trends and policies impacting on delivery of VET in the Great Southern region.
• Coordination of institute and community events including the award night and career expo. Major Achievements
The directorate met all outcomes identified in the 2010 Annual Report. These were: • Improved career planning strategies through the use of individual pathway plans for young people with more than 300 Individual Career Pathway Plans completed. • Completed the process of converting student information materials into an e-book format and publishing these resources on the internet. • Provided facilities in the customer service areas of the institute to improve access to information by installing flat-screen information panels and touch-screen information systems. • Developed programs to increase employment opportunities for Aboriginal students including support for a six-week training program in partnership with Cater Care and First Quantum leading to jobs in mine site asset maintenance. The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 was published, following extensive consultation with the regional community and with people with disabilities. The institute’s successful partnership with the Rainbow Coast Neighbourhood Centre for the ‘Around the Garden’ project continued to offer options for students with disability. A number of participants undertook RPL for the award of horticultural qualifications. The traditional award night was restructured to recognise the important of graduation and more than 400 students and family members attended a graduation ceremony at the new Albany Entertainment Centre. The rebadging of the institute was further strengthened by the design of a new logo with a colour scheme reflecting the unique attributes of the region. The directorate coordinated regional representation by public training providers at the 18
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Skills West Expo held in Perth during August and also participated in the Perth Royal Show’s Albany display which promoted regional ‘Excellence in Education’. The institute’s UniLink program provides regional clients with pathways to university through our Diploma and Advanced Diploma qualifications. This enables students to stay in the region, gain applied and practical skills locally, and receive advanced standing when they pursue university studies. Development of partnerships with universities continued in 2011 with Curtin University entering into into an agreement to provide graduates of the institute with advanced standing status into 19 of their degrees. The institute’s UniLink website was redesigned to improve student and community access to information on pathways between VET and higher education. The institute’s Disability Liaison Officer presented a workshop on the institute’s Learning Table at the national Pathways 10 Conference, for disability officers working in tertiary education institutions across Australia. The Learning Table supports students with disabilities who are enrolled in Certificates II and III of Clothing Production at the institute. This directorate is responsible for the management and administration of the institute’s three regional campuses, and delivery at other regional centres including community resource centres. A purpose-built demountable was installed at the Denmark campus for the start of the 2011 academic year. Inadequate facilities at the Mount Barker campus continue to constrain delivery, and preliminary planning for construction of a new campus started in 2011. The directorate undertakes research and planning and maintains an extensive network through membership of representative committees in the region including the Great Southern Human Services Forum, Follow the Dream, South Coast Natural Resource Management, Albany Business Centre, UWA Foundation, Denmark Education and Innovation Centre, Local Schools Working Together, Regional Workforce Development Alliance, and the Aboriginal Prison Services Committee. One deliverable was provision of Advice on Vocational Education and Training Needs 20112013; and participation in the regional workforce development alliance to provide advice to the consultants currently undertaking a workforce development plan for the Great Southern. In NAIDOC week, the institute acknowledged the theme of ‘Change: the next step is ours’ by inviting elders of the Aboriginal community to participate in a ceremony to celebrate the institute’s decision to fly the Aboriginal flag. Our graduates have continued to excel. Notably Great Southern Institute of Technology student Abbey Sergeant was named WA Trainee of the Year in the State awards run by the Department for Training and Workforce Development, and then Abbey was named as the 2011 Australian Trainee of the Year at the Australian Training Awards held in Brisbane. Key Challenges Major challenges for 2011 were: • Delivering Aboriginal programs to meet the aspirations of the Aboriginal community to ensure that Aboriginal people in the region gain access to jobs created through investments in the resource industry. • Ensuring that ICT systems support the delivery of the institute’s business processes at regional campuses. 19
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• Ensuring that in an increasingly competitive environment, potential students can make informed choices about study at the institute. • Ensuring that all staff understand the changing environment in which publicly funded VET will operate. The Year Ahead Priorities for 2012 include: • Redeveloping the institute’s online presence to reflect an emphasis on the marketing and promotion of VET courses. • Supporting pathways into employment for Aboriginal students by resourcing the development of Individual Pathways Plans. • Engaging staff and community in the development of the institute’s 2012-2015 strategic plan. • Developing a marketing strategy to position the institute to take advantage of changes arising from the planned implementation of an ‘entitlement’ model in 2013.
Staff member Carolyn Saunders is led by lecturer Larry Blight on a visit to local Aboriginal sites as part of a staff cultural training session. 20
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Training Services Directorate Overview This division has continued to produce excellent outcomes for the economic and social community of the region and our students. To achieve this, lecturers have been supported in their important work with targeted professional development and offered opportunities to expand their knowledge and expertise to maintain the high standard expected and appreciated by our clients. Graduate outcomes and student satisfaction with lecturers and their skills and knowledge continue to better the State average. The academic focus for this year has been on the expansion of online delivery as a foundation stone of sustainability for the institute and its work. The Academic Board has funded staff training in technical skills to develop the new and emerging on-line delivery, the purchase of resources and the employment of a specialist online curriculum officer to progress this aim. The institute acknowledges the contribution of our principal lecturers to the maintenance of academic standards and the increasing skills base of our lecturers. The portfolio managers have actively pursued new and varied opportunities to successfully meet the changing needs of our client base and have maintained student and staff satisfaction despite the challenge of major redevelopments at the Albany campus. The Skills Development Centre has continued to create and expand niche markets to support the State’s productivity agenda (particularly in the resources sector) and has introduced innovative approaches to Indigenous employment in the mining industry. The strong partnerships that have been developed with business have seen an increase of commercial revenue to more than $3 million in 2011. The division looks forward to a year of consolidation and continued innovation in bringing skills and qualifications to clients across the State.
Portfolio Reports Business and Creative Industries Role and Function This portfolio provides training and workforce development in the following areas: • Design • Accounting • Administration
• Management
• Business
• Occupational Health and Safety
• Information Technology
• Project Management
• Media Major Achievements A Government Writers group was established to develop online products in seven Government and Local Government qualifications across the State. Staff with relevant high-level expertise in these areas were recruited for this task. 21
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Online resources for the Certificate IV in Financial Services (Bookkeeping) were developed. A ‘live works’ project commissioned by the Great Southern Development Commission was completed by digital media students. This short film portraying the wine products from five local wineries was shown at local and international marketing events. The modernisation of the multimedia and graphic design facilities in D Block was completed, allowing increased student numbers in 2012. The Certificate II in Government school-based traineeship program started. Partnership was strengthened with the Department of Corrective Services through the successful implementation of qualifications in occupational health and safety. Key Challenges To facilitate the development of online training products, it was necessary to train staff and modify processes and procedures for the online environment, including management of data. Recruiting suitably qualified and experienced staff in the areas of occupational health and safety and management was a challenge, as was sourcing staff in regional centres. The rapid development of new and emerging technologies such as iPad, smart phones and applications increased the need for staff training and development to incorporate these into training delivery. The Year Ahead The focus of this portfolio for 2012 will be on consolidating initiatives developed in 2011, ensuring online delivery programs are relevant to student needs, consistency of delivery and assessment across the region, and lecturer mentoring and training (specifically for new staff) are high priority to improve our products, services and student outcomes. For qualifications in Government, the initial focus will be on RPL and promotion of Government traineeships across the State. This will be supported by the development of an online virtual government agency which should be live by mid-year. The development of online resources for the Certificate III, IV and Diploma in Government will facilitate the qualification in Local Government. A virtual local government agency has been created, providing students with real workplace experiences. Enrolments for Certificate III are expected in Term 1, and the other qualifications will be developed over the year. New business will be developed in the area of Carbon Management, Interactive Gaming and Government qualifications. As part of the continuation of the RPL Leaders project for Government, RPL resources will be developed for Government qualifications and staff will be trained in the RPL process.
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Communication and the Arts Role and Function The portfolio provides vocational training, education and training in underpinning skills and management, and coordination of cross-targeted delivery across the institute. Training for individuals and workforce development is provided in the following areas: • Work education • Music • Art
• Training and assessment
• Arts Administration
• Access and participation courses
• Language, Literacy and Numeracy programs
• Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS)
• Languages other than English (Italian, Spanish and AUSLAN)
• Delivery at correctional centres
• Visual Arts Major Achievements Language, Literacy and Numeracy programs have experienced exceptional growth in student numbers of both full-time and part-time students throughout the year. A program delivered at the Albany and Katanning campuses spans both the Literacy program and the English as a Second Language program. Music students excelled in song writing. Two songs from their CD ‘Southern Tracks’ received media attention and industry recognition. Jess Dyer’s song ‘Pickpocket’ was nominated for the WA Regional Song of the Year and Jane Davies’s ‘Song to the Surgeons’ was used across the media for breast cancer awareness. Emerging song writers Jess Dyer, Lisa Walker, Jeremy Vaux, Adam Currie and Laura Rice held a showcase of original material at Denmark’s The Sanctuary during the Festival of Voice. Singer and song writer Lisa Walker is now performing her original material in the new Albany band LSD. Training and Assessment burgeoned in second semester achieving 343.8 per cent of profile for a year total of 209.7 per cent. This was achieved through collaboration and cooperation across portfolios. Intensive workshops were led by principal lecturers and advanced skills lecturers, who brought expertise from a variety of industries together for the benefit of students. The many students who were seeking Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) towards the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment also benefited from the concerted efforts of highly skilled lecturers. Communication and The Arts hosted a number of very successful functions and events throughout the year including: • Southern Art and Craft Trail exhibition at Kendenup Lodge • Creative Showcase at the Vancouver Arts Centre • Eye of the Pwakkenbak project (Community Arts Network WA Grant) • Office of Multicultural Interests consultation • Music students’ end-of-year performance at Karriview Wines
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Key Challenges Rapid expansion of the Language, Literacy and Numeracy program also resulted in some challenges as lecturers faced rolling starts for students under this program. The expansion resulted in the need to increase the number of sessions offered to cater for the increase in student numbers and the range of abilities of the students. In Katanning the expansion of the program also resulted in the need to increase the hours of study available to students to meet the contractual requirements of the program. Music lecturers were challenged by the need to explore new markets and as a result, ran a very successful seven-day intensive recording workshop with Melbourne producer Nick Huggins. The recording sessions went far beyond everyone’s expectations and all the songs ended up on a compilation album ‘Southern Tracks used for promotion of the diploma course. The introduction of the Underpinning Skills for Industry Qualifications (USIQ) across the institute has provided all industry areas with an alternative and supplement to the Course in Applied Vocational Study Skills (CAVSS). Marketed across the institute as ‘Step up Skill Up’, the program successfully supported through industry qualifications many students who may otherwise have failed to complete their programs. The delivery of AUSLAN was challenged by a new course in 2011 which has stretched the skills of lecturers as they grapple with the new course content. However interest in this language has remained strong and the new course has resulted in the development of new and creative delivery tools. The refurbishment of C Block proved a challenge for lecturers and administrators through 2011, but the resultant upgraded classrooms and administration facilities will provide a much-needed quality improvement for 2012 classes. The Year Ahead Visual Art will face a number of challenges and opportunities in 2012 with the introduction of a new training package coupled with new art studios on the Albany campus. Certificates I to IV in Visual Art from the new package starts in Semester 1. With the combination of a new package and the new teaching environment, lecturers have been assessing new ways to deliver and new visual art disciplines to offer. The Arts Administration course delivered from the Denmark campus will also undergo significant review as it moves to the new training package. Delivered in an environment in which the arts are fostered and supported, the Arts Administration qualifications are well placed to expand throughout 2012. Music is set to consolidate the work done in 2011 with the intensive workshop-style delivery providing training for WA musicians beyond the immediate catchment area. With refurbished classrooms, foundation programs (General Education and English as a Second Language) are set to attract students seeking access to vocational training across all industry areas. Staff have reconsidered the programs they offer to ensure students have maximum choice in electives, to encourage full engagement and to build pathways to employment and training. Training and Assessment is set to have another very productive year as both institute staff and external clients seek to gain qualifications for the first time or upgrade existing qualifications in the training field. This area now has 1.5 staff within the portfolio and will continue to seek and use the expertise in training throughout the institute. 24
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The Environment and Primary Industries Role and function This portfolio provides training for individuals and workforce development in the following areas: • Viticulture • Agriculture • Forestry
• Laboratory Skills
• Conservation and Land Management
• Shearing
• Horticulture
• Shed Handing
• Organic Horticulture
• Wool Classing
• Aquaculture
• Tourism and Events Management
Major Achievements The section’s achievements in meeting industry demand for RPL has kept two full-time staff members busy all year. Unprecedented demand for this mode of delivery (44,000 SCH) was heavily marketed to the industry with strong results across all industry groups including forestry, agriculture, horticulture and conservation and land management. The section operated with four business MOUs in place to strategically align itself with businesses of a similar nature, namely the Forest Products Commission, the Forest Training Centre, Towie Timber Training and the Southern Aboriginal Corporation. This allowed the portfolio to pick up enrolments in workforce development for these associated businesses. The section operated above its profile with six tenders adding to its strength and depth. Tenders were delivered for the following industry sectors: • Western Dairy • Shearing and Wool harvesting (two tenders) • The Forest industry (three tenders) The section gained internal institute interest in its proactive approach to sustainability, in order to save time, labour and money, in addition to the environment. The aquaculture section has been one of the most advanced areas with its water requirements now being drawn from rainwater tanks and bores while its electricity needs are being assisted by solar photovoltaic panels. The section inaugurally delivered Certificate III in Laboratory Skills, which complemented delivery in the horticulture and conservation and land management areas, with efficiencies also being made in aquaculture delivery. With a basis of earth sciences and strong demand for higher-level courses in this study area, 2012 should again see some delivery efficiencies being made across these other disciplines. The institute’s horticulture nursery achieved accreditation from the Nursery and Garden Industry of Western Australia (NGIWA) in November. The meeting of the stringent quality assurance guidelines, which included environmental issues, was testimony to the dedication put in by the section’s horticulture staff. Key Challenges Maintaining the section’s current market share of the deregulated training market and 25
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examining ways of increasing this share across all study areas has been a major challenge for this portfolio in 2011. Providing a quality service to regional customers, especially the Western Australian dairy industry, is a challenge with limited finances and trained staff. The availability of finance and suitable staff also creates challenges for developing online delivery resources for industry-based trainees initially, followed by campus-based profile students. The Year Ahead As there is now more confidence in the farming sector and the wool industry, it is expected enrolments in shearing, shed handing and woolclassing will substantially pick up in 2012, having been significantly quiet this year. Sheep numbers in WA are at their lowest since the 1950s as a result of the drought experienced in 2010, but the 2011 season was an excellent one. Rural Skills Australia’s online package to industry-based trainees and campus profile students was implemented. Further promotion of this will include regional campuses and the Ministry of Justice facilities at Albany, Pardelup and Walpole. On behalf of the institute, the portfolio will host the Australian Timber Trainers’ Association (ATTA) annual conference in July. This will be the first conference in Western Australia for more than a decade by this very active association. The Denmark organic horticulture production area may be at risk of being taken over by the extended campus and capital works of Denmark High School. This would necessitate the securing of a new production site for the course delivery. In 2012, a new AHC10 Rural Industries Training Package in Western Australia will be introduced, resulting in the mapping of old to new courses. Where gaps are significant, this will result in a series of new scope applications being required by the Training Accreditation Council. Additionally, it will result in some higher-level qualifications being available. Further liaison will be developed with The National Centre for Dairy Education Australia (NCDEA) and Western Dairy in order to consolidate our delivery to the local dairy industry on the lower west coast.
Great Southern Institute of Technology students Adam Offin, Tiffany Armstrong and Jack Sellenger try out the webbased student assessment system Rural Skills Online.
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Health Sciences and Community Services Role and Function The Health Sciences and Community Services portfolio has a natural focus on people and communities. Its primary role is to provide training for individuals and workforce development in the following areas: • Dental • Children’s Services • Aged Care
• Mentoring
• Education Support
• Nursing
• Career Development and Employment Services
• Child, Youth and Family Intervention
• Community Services
• Massage
• Sport and Recreation
• Allied Health
Major Achievements In 2011 existing links with the community service and aged care industries were strengthened and expanded with a stronger focus on employment-based training. This growth saw a shift in delivery of programs from classroom-based activity to employmentbased training at Certificate III and IV levels. This has been successful in formalising existing workers’ skills as well as giving workers an opportunity to develop further skills to enhance workplace performance and further their career options. The provision of a pool of qualified workers is an underpinning key in the sustainability of the growing personal services industry in the Great Southern region. Training and assessment has occurred in many workplaces with qualifications being gained via Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). The more streamlined processes employed within the community services sector qualifications and the proactive approach of staff in visiting RPL candidates in the workplace have resulted in significant SCH being achieved through this delivery/assessment methodology. Examples include education support and career development. With the increase in the demand for programs to be delivered on a flexible basis, staff and students embraced the opportunity to use technological tools in delivery. Courses previously offered under paper-based external delivery methods are now available under flexible delivery. Staff have reported positive feedback from students from the increased contact and support provided by lecturers delivering flexibly. Delivery of Certificate III in Mentoring and First Aid commenced in Albany Regional Prison. Despite a number of organisational issues impacting on delivery within the prison, it progressed and eight students completed the courses. Eight students graduated from the Curtin Bachelor of Science (Nursing), and all eight gained employment. Key Challenges An integral component of most training requires practical placements within a workplace environment. With the growth of training being delivered across a range of health-related 27
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areas, access to workplaces and work placements have at times proved challenging, and staff are working on cost-effective, academically sound methods of delivery for regional areas. The education sector workforce has accounted for a significant number of students in courses including Education Support, Mentoring and Career Development. Marketing of Certificate III and IV must be maintained to counter the influence of the public provider which has picked up a state-wide agreement for delivery of Diploma-level qualifications in this sector. The relationships built through the RPL and face-to-face delivery should, however, maintain market share. The Year Ahead Programs previously offered under a paper-based external studies delivery mode will now be available under flexible delivery mode with materials provided on USB drives. Students will have the option of printing materials or accessing them in electronic format. Electronic submission of assignments and greater access to lecturers will enhance delivery. Children’s Services and Aged Care, which account for nearly half of the target SCH, started 2011 strongly but will require ongoing promotion to maintain and grow the market. In the Children’s Services sector this is especially significant in the RPL/skills recognition areas in regional centres. A recent agreement between Great Southern Institute of Technology and a Queensland company will result in one of the institute’s courses being delivered extensively throughout northern Australia in 2012. Indigenous training and workforce development company Corporate Culcha Chief Executive Paul Dodd travelled from his Gold Coast base to Albany in December to sign the contract with the institute’s Managing Director Lidia Rozlapa. The company will deliver the Certificate III in Mentoring (Wirdanyiny) to corporate groups and CDEP community workers in Queensland, the Northern Territory and remote areas of far-north Western Australia. Corporate Culcha will deliver the course under licence from the institute, and with an auspicing arrangement in place to ensure it is delivered and assessed to AQTF standards. The portfolio will continue to work with North Albany Senior High School staff to promote health-related pathways to students. The new Health Trade Training Centre facility will have the potential to provide both school and post-school students with an excellent facility in which to simulate a range of health service provider settings. Delivery of health-related pathways into the hinterland regions will be also be promoted and supported. Certificate III in Health Support Assistance will be scoped in preparation for delivery to existing workers. A recent survey of the local dental industry indicated there is a skills shortage and therefore a need to train dental assistants in 2012.
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Trades and Allied Industries Role and Function The portfolio provides training for individuals and workforce development in: • Electrotechnology • Cabinetmaking • Carpentry and Joinery
• Residential Drafting
• Metal Fabrication
• Clothing and Textiles
• Plumbing and Gasfitting
• Beauty Therapy and Hairdressing
• Automotive
• Hospitality
• Civil Construction Major Achievements The portfolio had a very successful year in 2011. The overall profile finished at 104 per cent, comprising Employment-Based Training at 104.5 per cent, Skills Shortage Institutional at 106.3 per cent and General Institutional at 102.6 per cent. The increased number of RPLs played a large part in achieving these results. All lecturers were extremely proactive in seeking RPLs in their industry areas. The delivery and product development tenders in this section were worth more than $450,000. Tenders run in 2011 were: • Certificate I in Hospitality for people with disability, supported by CAVSS • Barista training at Denmark and Albany To replace the existing equipment which has been in service for approximately 15 years, the section purchased 13 new welding units for welding process machines. St Joseph’s Trades Centre is open in Albany and we are auspicing three qualifications: • Certificate I in Cabinetmaking • Certificate I in Building and Construction • Certificate I in Fabrication The Diploma in Beauty Therapy is on scope and was offered in Semester 2. Entry into the diploma course will allow and encourage students with the Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy, as well as people currently working in the industry, to take advantage of the RPL process. Certificate II in Hospitality courses in Katanning and Albany as part of the Cater Care program for Aboriginal employment resulted in three students in the first placement finding work. This was followed by one more gaining employment at the Ravensthorpe mine site. The team of lecturer Andrea Gallagher, mentor Jason Miniter and Aboriginal Programs staff are congratulated on their efforts. Two other catering companies have shown a keen interest in employing future graduates. Key Challenges The number of apprentice and trainee commencements has slowed across all industry sectors. The number of apprentices completing mid-semester is not being replaced with new students, producing a decline in overall numbers. Information from Albany businesses suggests the volume of work is not in the region to support new staff. 29
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The portfolio will add the new industry area of Transport and Logistics to the institute’s scope. This is a request from Quantum West for warehousing training for new and existing staff at the mine site. The workload will also increase across the section with all construction qualifications requiring re-scoping as they are not deemed equivalent to existing qualifications. New training packages for Beauty Therapy and Hairdressing also require rewriting for AQTF documentation. Changes are taking place regarding the legislation governing apprentices. The reintroduction of the trade certificate will start immediately and is retrospective from June 2009. The introduction of flexible training terms in building and construction trades from 36 to 48 months will be an issue that the portfolio will need to monitor closely. This will allow the employer and apprentices to negotiate the nominal term of the training contract. The Year Ahead Regional delivery options using e-learning and encouraging staff through Staff Performance Improvement Reviews to use professional development to implement them has been a focus for this year and will continue to be so throughout 2012. Three areas of study have been put forward for online delivery for next year: • Diploma of Builders Registration • White Card – Construction Industry Safety • Responsible Service of Alcohol The e-learning curriculum officer is working with lecturers in this area to develop the online product. The number of apprentices commencing training in 2012 is slowly increasing. Employers are indicating that work within the region is gaining confidence and they have indicated more apprentices will be signed in early 2012. Skills Development Centre Role and Function The Skills Development Centre is the fee-for-service arm of the institute, delivering an extensive range of short courses to individuals, government and corporate sectors. The centre competes in the open market for tendered program funding, and delivers skills development and lifestyle courses on a user-pays basis. Complementary products include workforce development planning and consultancy services, international student recruitment and off-shore projects. Major Achievements The Skills Development Centre continued to operate effectively in the competitive feefor-service market in 2011, with contracts for the delivery of training throughout Western Australia. With a continued focus on the delivery of high-risk, earthmoving and OHS training, the centre’s capacity was tested as it started to feel the impact of a ramp-up in demand by the resources sector. A new client, Anvil Mining, provided an opportunity for the delivery of off-shore services, 30
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an exciting project that will be closely monitored over the next 12 months, as a potential training model for other clients. In addition to developing and delivering fee-for-service programs, the Skills Development Centre continues to support the institute’s academic areas to initiate and engage in workforce development and innovative projects. This engagement has resulted in a broadening of the institute’s scope, as corporate clients are ‘on-sold’ full qualifications in emerging areas of demand. The main achievements for 2011 were: • The awarding of a contract for the on-going provision of training to First Quantum Minerals Limited at its Ravensthorpe mine. • The development of a partnership with Anvil Mining for the provision of training services to staff located at their Kinsevere mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo. • The development of a partnership with Cater Care Australia for the provision of on-site mining hospitality training for Aboriginal people, at First Quantum’s Ravensthorpe mine, resulting in employment outcomes for 50 per cent of participants. • Expansion of services to our long-time partner Argyle Diamonds in the Kimberley region, through training mentoring arrangements. • The development of a partnership with nine local government instrumentalities for the provision of engineering, civil construction and supervisory training to their existing staff and new workforce entrants, funded through the Critical Skills Investment Fund. This project will be managed by the Great Southern Employment Development Committee. • The development of a partnership with Galaxy Resources at Ravensthorpe for the provision of a range of training to their existing staff, funded through the Critical Skills Investment Fund. This project will be managed by the Great Southern Employment Development Committee. • The development of a partnership with Corporate Culcha, a Queensland-based Aboriginal training organisation specialising in cultural awareness training, for the delivery of mentoring training in WA, Queensland and the Northern Territory. • On-going representation on the working group for Grange Resources, preparing for the development of the Southdown mine at Wellstead, currently in definitive feasibility stage. • Exceeding our 2011 fee-for-service and tendered product targets by 25 per cent and 100 per cent respectively. Additionally, 75 per cent of tenders submitted under competitive arrangements were funded – a high success rate. Key Challenges The main challenges faced in 2011 included: • Attracting skilled staff, particularly Worksafe assessors, to cope with a significant increase in business levels. • Having access to the infrastructure necessary to service business growth. • Controlling growth at a sustainable level. The Year Ahead The year ahead will bring both challenges and opportunities. Opportunities include: • New market development potential with decisions expected in early 2012 on whether 31
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three new mines in the region will proceed. If approved, the mines will significantly increase demand for services. • The construction of new training and staff facilities, which will facilitate our continued growth and enhance responsiveness to our extensive client base. • The implementation of a client relationship management system, enabling us to increase market penetration and client interaction. Challenges include: • Maintaining competitiveness in a global marketplace. • Accessing quality trainers under competitive employment and contract arrangements. Library Resource Centre Role and Function The Library Resource Centre provides services, resources and facilities to support education and professional development programs at Great Southern Institute of Technology. The library fosters a culture of life-long learning by providing students and staff with the opportunity to develop skills for the future. This includes exposure to new technologies and ways of accessing and using information, both physical and digital. Major Achievements The main achievements for 2011 are: • The acquisition of a range of current audio-visual and digital equipment and support of students and staff in their use and application to educational programs. • Ongoing staff training in a broad range of technologies and library-specific skills. • Review of major components of the collection to ensure currency in both content and format. Key Challenges Digital literacy and the ability to use information and communication technology are key challenges facing students and staff throughout the institute. The level of technological change in the library and the information industry is very high. The traditional librarianship skills of managing information, compiling collections, selecting and organising resources and making them available to patrons are increasingly exercised in a digital context. There continues to be rapid growth in the amount of information delivered electronically, and e-books are replacing hard-copy formats. In order for the Library Resource Centre to continue to support the information and education needs of the institute community in the context of these changes, it is essential that staff continue to develop relevant and current IT skills, and to assist students and staff to acquire these skills. Associated with these rapid technological changes is the increasingly complex area of copyright compliance. Again, library staff must remain current with the legal requirements in this field. 32
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The institute community continues to be very diverse. The library’s resources, facilities and services must support the educational needs of this diverse clientele, and library staff must have the skills and numbers to appropriately provide this support. The steady growth in use of the library’s facilities and services, as well as the diversification of this use, has increased pressure on the facilities. It is no longer possible to separate noise-generating class or group work from the private study area, nor is there an area where private, confidential communication such as literacy training can take place. Extension of the current facility is the only way such needs can be accommodated. Increasingly over the past few years, lecturers at the Albany and regional campuses have been creating their own departmental resource collections. Some are accessible by students while others are principally for lecturer use. Current resource purchasing and management processes need to ensure that departmental and regional library collections remain relevant and accessible to all clients, and are managed appropriately. The Year Ahead Resources and staff time will be deployed to facilitate the following projects planned for 2012: • Implementation of Voyager 8 Library Management System upgrade. • Implementation of Primo Discovery Layer to allow simultaneous searching of a range of databases. • Training in, and application of, Clickview video editing, management and delivery system to institute educational programs. • Development of Campusguides, to provide links to current information resources, and inclusion in Moodle programs. • Continued identification and provision of access to the most current resources, in traditional, digital and online formats. • Training in, and use of, recently acquired audio visual and digital equipment with a view to supporting their inclusion in course delivery – includes eBeam, Clickview, interactive short-throw projector, graphics tablets and Adobe Master Collection. • Extensive promotion campaign to ensure all institute staff and students are aware of the online resources and digital equipment available and how to access and use them. • Ongoing training of all library staff to ensure they have the skills to: • Provide and maintain all automated service • Identify and effectively use all relevant online information databases • Effectively use all digital equipment • Support students and staff in the use of available current technologies
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Section 3 Significant Issues Impacting the Agency The current economic environment makes it difficult to predict industry demand for provision of skills. Compounding international uncertainties are national factors including the impact of the proposed resources tax and likely dampening impact on small/medium resource companies; and the introduction of an ETS and/or carbon tax which may increase investment in the region’s natural resource management sector. The institute will continue to monitor regional economic performance through engagement in key community and economic forums, and through its network of industry reference groups. Regional economic trends continue to be depressed. Although record grain harvests were recorded in 2011, low grain prices and deteriorating grain quality due to inclement weather events will result in reduced income to growers. The shortage of sheep (resulting from previous years of drought) has led to reduced activity in abattoirs. Advice from chambers of commerce and small business centres is that small and medium businesses in the region continue to struggle. Government investment in infrastructure including school trade training centres, the UWA Albany extension, and the $170 million Albany Health Campus has maintained demand for skills in commercial construction. Investment in the Albany Health Campus will generate demand for training as staff will require different skill sets to operate in the new environment. The residential housing sector continues to languish with an impact on the recruitment of apprentices. Tradespeople working in this sector as sub-contractors are moving into fly-in fly-out employment in the resource industry and this will retard any recovery in apprenticeship commencements. The planned development of a $2.7 billion magnetite mine by Grange Resources continues to be delayed with the latest forecast commencement date being mid-2014. The Albany Port is an indicator of gross economic activity for the region and export tonnage for 2011 was 13 per cent below that of 2007. Ausgold Ltd is undertaking a drilling program at the Jinkas gold tenement near Katanning. Preliminary assay results are positive and it is likely that mining will proceed through development of an open pit in 2013. The institute will monitor developments throughout 2012. The identification of Katanning as a ‘Super Town’ has long-term implications for the institute’s Katanning campus. The proposal is for Katanning to grow from its current population of 4000 to 20,000 by 2030. Economic indicators and labour market data for the region suggest that unemployment levels are increasing, and that as there is unlikely to be a sudden turnaround in the economic environment this upward trend will continue. Funding for a Clontarf Academy at Katanning will provide opportunities to develop strategies that have as their outcome the engagement of Aboriginal school students in structured VET qualification pathways, and in particular delivering units of competence that highlight the role of literacy and numeracy in VET. Many people who are underemployed are also identified as unemployed by Centrelink. 34
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This means they have been eligible for fee exemptions. This arrangement ceases on 1 July 2012. It is possible that this change in fee arrangements may impact on enrolments in Semester 2.
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Section 4 Disclosures and Legal Compliance
Auditor General INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT To the Parliament of Western Australia GREAT SOUTHERN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Report on the Financial Statements I have audited the accounts and financial statements of the Great Southern Institute of Technology� The financial statements comprise the Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2011, the Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity and Statement of Cash Flows for the year then ended, and Notes comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information� Governing Council’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements The Governing Council is responsible for keeping proper accounts, and the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and the Treasurer’s Instructions, and for such internal control as the Governing Council determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error� Auditor’s Responsibility As required by the Auditor General Act 2006, my responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements based on my audit� The audit was conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards� Those Standards require compliance with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and that the audit be planned and performed to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement� An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error� In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Institute’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances� An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Governing Council, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements� I believe that the audit evidence obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion�
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Opinion In my opinion, the financial statements are based on proper accounts and present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Great Southern Institute of Technology at 31 December 2011 and its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended� They are in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and the Treasurer’s Instructions.
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology Report on Controls I have audited the controls exercised by the Great Southern Institute of Technology� The Governing Council is responsible for ensuring that adequate control is maintained over the receipt, expenditure and investment of money, the acquisition and disposal of public and other property, and the incurring of liabilities in accordance with the Financial Management Act 2006 and the Treasurer’s Instructions, and other relevant written law. As required by the Auditor General Act 2006, my responsibility is to express an opinion on the controls exercised by the Governing Council based on my audit conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards� Opinion In my opinion, the controls exercised by the Great Southern Institute of Technology are sufficiently adequate to provide reasonable assurance that the receipt, expenditure and investment of money, the acquisition and disposal of property, and the incurring of liabilities have been in accordance with legislative provisions� Report on the Key Performance Indicators I have audited the key performance indicators of the Great Southern Institute of Technology� The Governing Council is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the key performance indicators in accordance with the Financial Management Act 2006 and the Treasurer’s Instructions. As required by the Auditor General Act 2006, my responsibility is to express an opinion on the key performance indicators based on my audit conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards� Opinion In my opinion, the key performance indicators of the Great Southern Institute of Technology are relevant and appropriate to assist users to assess the Institute’s performance and fairly represent indicated performance for the year ended 31 December 2011� Independence In conducting this audit, I have complied with the independence requirements of the Auditor General Act 2006 and the Australian Auditing Standards, and other relevant ethical requirements�
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Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Appendix 1 Annual Estimates In accordance with Treasurer’s Instruction 953, the annual estimates for the 2012 year are hereby included in the 2011 Annual Report. These estimates do not form part of the 2011 financial statements and are not subject to audit. Great Southern Institute of Technology S40 SUBMISSION Statement of Comprehensive Income 2012 Estimate $ COST OF SERVICES Expenses Employee benefits expense Supplies and services Depreciation and amortisation expense Finance costs Grants and subsidies Payments to Non TAFE Providers for VET Delivery Loss on disposal of non-current assets Cost of sales Other expenses
16,826,372 5,250,000 812,532 10,000 350,000 1,000,000
Total Cost of Services
Income Revenue Fee for service Student charges and fees Ancillary trading Sales Commonwealth grants and contributions Interest revenue Other revenue Total Revenue
1,758,226 1,400,000 150,000 660,000 700,000 300,000 260,000 5,228,226
Gains Gain on disposal of non-current assets Other gains Total Gains
0 0
Total income other than income from State Government NET COST OF SERVICES
5,228,226 -19,020,678
INCOME FROM STATE GOVERNMENT State funds Assets assumed/(transferred) Resources received free of charge Total income from State Government
18,877,366 350,000 19,227,366 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) FOR THE PERIOD
OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Changes in asset revaluation reserve Gains/(losses) recognised directly in equity TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Appendix 1 APPENDIX
Great Southern Institute of Technology S40 SUBMISSION BALANCE SHEET 2012
ASSETS Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Restricted cash and cash equivalents Inventories Receivables Amounts receivable for services Other current assets Non-current assets classified as held for sale Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Restricted cash and cash equivalents Inventories Receivables Amounts receivable for services Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Other non-current assets Total Non-Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS
Estimate $ 5,742,025 453,184 55,000 536,523 50,000 6,836,732
28,305,246 28,305,246 35,141,978
LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Payables Borrowings Amounts due to the Treasurer Provisions Other current liabilities
2,050,995 200,000
Liabilities directly associated with non-current assets classified as held for sale Total Current Liabilities
Non-Current Liabilities Payables Borrowings Provisions Other non-current liabilities Total Non-Current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES
720,000 720,000 3,170,995
EQUITY Contributed Equity Reserves Accumulated surplus/(deficiency)
4,914,017 8,651,441 18,405,525
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Certification of Performance Indicators
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Ministerial Directives Great Southern Institute of Technology has received no Ministerial directives relevant to the setting of desired outcomes or operational objectives, the achievement of desired outcomes or operational objectives, investment activities and financing activities through the course of 2011.
Other Financial Disclosures Fees and Charges TI903 (13) (i) The institute’s fees and charges are set by the Department of Training and Workforce Development.
Future Capital Projects TI903 (13) (ii) The buildings that make up the new Environment and Primary Industries complex on Anson Road remain uncompleted at the end of the year and expect to be completed in 2012. Estimated costs to complete
Estimated total cost of project
Refurbishment of C & D Blocks at the Albany Campus on Anson Road remains uncompleted at the end of the year and expected to be completed in 2012. Estimated costs to complete
Estimated total cost of project
TI903 (13) (iii)3 Staff employed by Great Southern Institute of Technology
Fixed Pay
189 221
126 95
Governance Disclosures There were no disclosable interests that any senior officers within the agency were required to report during the year.
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Other Legal Requirements Advertising Advertising Agencies
Media Decisions
68,633.45 997.19
Market Research
Polling Organisations
Direct Mail Organisations
Australia Post (pamphlet drop)
Media Advertising
Orana Cinemas
Denmark Bulletin
Albany Advertiser
Albany Chamber of Commerce
Albany Gateway Internet
Katanning Regional Business Assn.
Walpole Weekly
Other media
Australian Government Directory
Wear Blue Day
Community Spirit Ravensthorp
68.18 875.00 50.00 140.00
Jerramungup 31.82
Safety House Association
Taste Great Southern
Summer School
Staff Advertising - vacancies
Total 117,208.96
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Outcomes In 2011 Great Southern Institute of Technology conducted a review of its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) and consulted extensively with people with disability, their families and carers, agencies supporting people with disability, students and staff of the institute, and the wider community. The review of the institute’s DAIP and consultations formed the basis for the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 to guide future improvements to access and inclusion. Great Southern Institute’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2011-2016 outlines the institute’s strategies to ensure the inclusion of people with disability in all aspects of training, facilities and events. A report on the institute’s DAIP Implementation Plan 20102011 was provided to the Disability Services Commission in July 2011. The institute consults with students to adapt its services and to provide individualised learning support to meet the needs of students with disability participating in training across the institute’s campuses. Training designed to meet the learning needs of people with disability that promotes pathways to further education, training and employment has been provided, including Certificate II and III in Clothing Production, Certificate I in Visual Art and Contemporary Craft, Certificate I in Hospitality and Certificate I in Horticulture. 79
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Great Southern Institute of Technology worked collaboratively with community agencies to support the inclusion of people with disability through the Lifestyle+ program, and the Around the Garden workshops for people with disability conducted at the Rainbow Coast Neighbourhood Centre’s Community Garden. Accessibility improvements have been progressively implemented across the institute including upgraded pathways, additional covered accessible parking bays, temporary permit parking bays and automatic doors. Institute information is provided in a range of formats on request, and learning materials are provided in accessible formats, including electronically. The Disability Liaison Officer liaises with community organisations, schools and agencies and provides information through e-newsletters and community groups to ensure people with disability are informed of the institute’s training opportunities and support services. Information regarding the institute’s courses, services, events and facilities, including services for people with disability, is available on the institute website, which meets W3C Web Content Accessibility guidelines. The institute provided information and training to staff to ensure quality service to all clients, including an awareness of issues affecting people with disability. Information on meeting the needs of people with disability is provided to all staff at induction sessions and also provided online. Staff attended Mental Health First Aid Workshops in 2011. Extensive consultation was conducted in 2011 with students, staff, the community, and agencies assisting people with disability, their families and carers to gain feedback on access to training, services, facilities and events at the institute. This included discussion groups, online and telephone surveys, and face to face interviews. People with disability were encouraged to use the institute’s customer feedback forms and grievance procedures to provide feedback on accessibility, services and training.
Compliance with Public Sector Standards and Ethical Codes During 2011, there were no allegations of breach of Public Sector Standards from internal or external clients. In terms of compliance with Ethical codes and behaviour, there were two issues alleging non-compliance with the institute Code of Conduct. The first, alleging attendance issues, was dealt with under the institute’s disciplinary procedure and a written reprimand issued. The second, alleging a minor conflict of interest, was dealt with through a normal management process with a voluntary withdrawal from the external employment arrangement that led to the conflict of interest. There were two issues alleging unsatisfactory performance by staff. The first was dealt with in accordance with the institute unsatisfactory performance procedure and the employee resigned prior to formal resolution of the matter. The second was reported late in the academic year whilst the employee was on leave and will be dealt with upon their return. In addition, there was an instance of serious misconduct alleging an officer had fraudulently used their position to gain a pecuniary interest. The matter was reported to the Crime and Corruption Commission and investigated internally and externally. The officer resigned upon receipt of the investigation report. During 2011, an audit was conducted of staff participation in the Accountable and Ethical Decision Making Framework and any non-compliances followed up. During 2012, casual staff will be required to undertake training in Accountable and Ethical Decision Making. 80
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Recordkeeping Plan Under Section 19 of the State Records Act 2000, every government organisation is required to have a Recordkeeping Plan [RKP] approved by the State Records Commission. The original RKP for the Education and Training sector was submitted to the State Records Commission in 2004. An updated RKP along with supporting documentation was submitted to the State Records Office in December 2011. The RKP covers all publicly funded State Training Providers, including Great Southern Institute of Technology. In accordance with Standard 2, Principle 6 of the RKP, all government organisations are to ensure that their employees comply with the RKP. Great Southern Institute of Technology has developed strategies to ensure its employees are aware of their responsibilities. State Records Commission Standard 2 Recordkeeping Plans: Principle 6 – Compliance
Whether the efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation’s recordkeeping systems has been evaluated or alternatively when such an evaluation is proposed.
Great Southern Institute’s recordkeeping systems are reviewed annually to ensure continual improvement and compliance. During 2011, TRIM Context version 6.2.5 was rolled out to a pilot group of staff. Late in 2011, we obtained the licence to enable us to upgrade to TRIM Context version 7.1 and we plan on moving to this version early in 2012. Subsequently, we will be rolling TRIM out to more staff and we have now purchased more licences to enable this to happen. Work is continuing in producing some simple documents demonstrating how to use the relevant functions of TRIM Context. The nature and extent Updates and information on recordkeeping and records of the recordkeeping management are relayed to staff as necessary. In late 2011, we training program obtained access to the Department of Training and Workforce conducted by, or for, Development’s online Records Awareness Training (RAT) the organisation. course. This course will be set up early in 2012 and rolled out to all staff who have not already completed a previous version of the course. Whether the efficiency Recordkeeping awareness training underwent a major review in and effectiveness of 2008. As part of this review, we implemented the RAT course. the recordkeeping The majority of staff who have undertaken the course have training program has successfully demonstrated their understanding of recordkeeping been reviewed or at Great Southern Institute of Technology. Once the new version alternatively when this of the RAT course is implemented, reports will be generated to is planned to be done. demonstrate staff awareness of recordkeeping. Assurance that Induction sessions for new staff are conducted biannually, the organisation’s early in semesters one and two. Additional sessions are held induction program as required. All new staff receive in their induction kit a copy addresses of the State Records Office 2006 publication “Recordkeeping employee roles in Western Australia: Who is Responsible”. A tour of the and responsibilities institute (including the Records section) is given to all new in regard to their staff. The Records Manager gives a brief presentation on compliance with records management, with topics covered including an overview the organisation’s of individual recordkeeping responsibilities, the legislative recordkeeping plan. framework and procedural documentation. 81
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
Sustainability The institute’s Sustainability Policy and Action Plan (2010-2012) has been progressed in 2011. The plan has four themes: developing a workforce skilled for sustainability in the Great Southern region and beyond; providing products and services that support skills for sustainability; demonstrating the institute’s leadership in the adoption of sustainability values, principles and practices; and reducing the institute’s carbon footprint. The Seeds of Sustainability committee was formed to drive the delivery of the four themes. Membership of the committee includes representation from the corporate executive and the Corporate Services directorate, and interested staff from lecturing and administration. A member of the committee (Susan Dawes) was the winner of the major staff award in 2011 for her work in establishing a ‘FreeCycling’ program to reduce waste of stationery resources. Significant activity in 2011 included: • Installation of photo voltaic solar panels as the first stage of establishing a demonstration project based around the institute’s aquaculture program. • Installation of the ‘Greensense’ energy monitoring software to provide real-time information on the institute’s energy use. • Installation of water bubblers on regional campuses to reduce use of PET bottles. • Establishment of a ‘FreeCycling’ program to reduce wastage of stationery. • Production of a leaflet identifying the sustainability initiatives undertaken by the institute. • Inclusion of ‘green building’ practices in building submissions prepared for Royalties for Regions and the Education Investment Fund.
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) During 2011, the institute’s commitment to improving OSH awareness and outcomes was demonstrated in the following ways: • Increasing the OSH coordinator’s position to that of full time and permanent. • Extensive review of policies and procedures including a revised OSH policy and OSH manual. • Increasing the expenditure on OSH-related matters from $20,000 in 2010 to $113,000 in 2011 (excluding salaries). • Development of a workplace inspection schedule along with provision of workplacespecific checklists and iPads to OSH representatives to assist with their duties. • Implementation of hazard registers and visitors’ register. • Raising OSH awareness with staff by use of electronic newsletters and standing items at sectional meetings. • Maintaining a high commitment to OSH-related training.
Great Southern Institute of Technology – Annual Report 2011
The institute has effective mechanisms in place for consulting with employees, chiefly through the following: • Regular meetings of the OSH Committee • Revised formal OSH issue identification and resolution procedures • Accessible, active and dedicated OSH representatives • Effective communication mechanisms • Regular and accessible training The institute has a workers’ compensation and injury management procedure which complies with the Act. Ongoing return-to-work programs are administered in consultation with medical practitioners, injury management consultants and other workers’ compensation practitioners via our relationship with the Employee Support Bureau within ETSSC. An accredited assessment of our OSH management systems was conducted in 2009 and an action plan formulated to improve any areas highlighted by the audit. A further internal audit will be conducted during 2012 with an external audit planned later that year for accreditation purposes. Annual Performance Statistics for the 2011 calendar year are as follows: Number of fatalities: Nil. LTI/D incidence rate: 1.83. LTI Severity Rate: 25. Percentage of workers RTW within 28 days: 83. Percentage of managers trained in OSH: 100.
Principles of Public Sector Governance In 2011 the institute signed a Governance Charter with the Minister for Training and Workforce Development. The institute is committed to the implementation of the Governance Framework for State Training Providers and to continuous improvement in this area. A position of Governance Manager has been created within a Governance Unit which reports to the Managing Director. The unit began preliminary examination of approaches in 2011 and a full maturity assessment against the framework, based on the ‘Good Governance Guide’, will be completed in 2012.
Strategic and Business Plans In 2011 the institute completed an annual business plan aligned to the 2010-2012 Strategic Plan. To support the workforce development plan for the region, a new Strategic Plan will be developed in 2012.
International Students The institute employs an officer responsible for providing international student support. Services provided by this officer include accommodation and employment assistance, pastoral care, liaison with lecturers and assistance with visa enquiries.