Disability access and inclusion plan 2011 2016

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Great Southern Institute of Technology

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016

Great Southern Institute of Technology – Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 Amended April 2015


Contents Background ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3 Planning for Access and Inclusion ������������������������������������������������������������������ 3 Progress since 2007 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Access and Inclusion Policy ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Development of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Responsibility for the planning process ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Community consultation process �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Findings of the consultation ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6 Responsibility for implementing the DAIP ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 6 Amendment to the 2011 - 2116 Disability Access and Inclusion Plan �������������������������������� 7

Communicating the DAIP to staff and people with disability �������������������������� 7 Monitoring, review and evaluation ������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 Reporting on the DAIP ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 8 Access and Inclusion Strategies ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Appendices �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10

This document is available in alternative formats on request. 2

Great Southern Institute of Technology – Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 Amended April 2015

Background Established in 1974, Great Southern Institute of Technology is the region’s largest training provider, covering an area of 39,000 square kilometres. The institute’s capacity for training stretches right across the region with more than 10 sites, including four major campuses. The primary campus is located in Albany, with additional campuses in Denmark, Mount Barker and Katanning. All hinterland campuses offer a broad range of qualifications, as well as professional and skills development courses to suit local community and business needs. Each year, more than 350 nationally accredited qualifications are offered, from Certificate to Advanced Diploma level, and university pathways. The institute’s student population exceeds 6300, with student numbers steadily increasing over recent years. Great Southern Institute of Technology qualifications are structured within six key delivery areas: • Business and Creative Industries • Health Sciences and Community Services • Trades and Allied Industries • The Environment and Primary Industries • Communication and the Arts • Skills Development Centre. Alternative study options are available through online or paper-based external courses; delivery and assessment in the workplace; Recognition of Prior Learning and through a blended delivery approach offering convenience and flexibility. Great Southern Institute of Technology’s mission is “to inspire individuals and strengthen communities through relevant, responsive and timely training.” As outlined in the Strategic Plan 2010-2012 the institute aims to provide an organisation free of harassment and discrimination ensuring inclusive policies and support for the success of students in accredited training, particularly those with additional needs. It aims to foster a vibrant and diverse training market and provide a skilled workforce. The development of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 will assist the institute to achieve these objectives.

Planning for Access and Inclusion Just under one in five Australians (18.5%) had a reported disability in 2009 according to the results of the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers. 87% of people surveyed who reported a disability had an impairment restricting their ability to perform communication, mobility or self-care activities, or a restriction associated with schooling or employment. In 2010, 7.1% of students at Great Southern Institute identified that they had a disability or medical condition. It is a requirement of the Disability Services Act 1993 that public authorities develop and implement a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) that outlines the ways in which the institute will ensure people with disability have equal access to its facilities and services. This plan must be reviewed at least every five years.

Great Southern Institute of Technology – Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 Amended April 2015


Key legislation underpinning access and inclusion includes the WA Equal Opportunity Act 1984 and the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA). The DDA makes it unlawful for an educational authority to discriminate against a person with a disability. The definition of disability under this legislation includes a person with physical, sensory, intellectual, and neurological or learning disability, mental illness or medical condition. Disability Standards for Education enacted under this legislation in 2005, set out the obligations of training providers to provide for the rights of people with disability in education and training. Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010 which came into effect in May 2011, apply to all new buildings and upgrades to existing buildings used by the public, including employees, from 1 May 2011.

Progress since 2007 Great Southern Institute of Technology is committed to ensuring the inclusion of people with disability and medical conditions, through improving access to its information, services and facilities and adopting inclusive policies and practices. The Institute’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2007-2011 outlined strategies to increase access and inclusion to the institute’s services and facilities for people with disability and medical conditions. The DAIP addressed the institute’s statutory requirements under the WA Disability Services Act (1993) and the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act (1992). The institute has implemented many initiatives and made significant progress towards access and inclusion for people with disability and medical conditions. Some of these initiatives are highlighted in Appendix 1. The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 will build on these initiatives and the progress made.

Access and Inclusion Policy

Great Southern Institute of Technology is committed to ensuring that all people are able to fully access the institute’s range of services and facilities. Great Southern Institute promotes an: • Accessible and inclusive learning environment in which the institute’s functions, facilities and services are accessible to all, including people with disability and medical conditions, providing them with the same opportunities, rights and responsibilities that are available to other people in the community • Environment free from discrimination and harassment, bias free communication, inclusive practices and policies, privacy and confidentiality of information and institute wide responsibility for ensuring equity and inclusion for the diverse range of students at the institute. Great Southern Institute is committed to achieving the seven desired outcomes of its DAIP. 1. People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to access the services of, and any events organised by, Great Southern Institute of Technology. 2. People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to access the buildings and facilities of Great Southern Institute of Technology. 3. People with disability receive information from Great Southern Institute in a format that will enable them to access the information as readily as other people are able to access it. 4

Great Southern Institute of Technology – Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 Amended April 2015

4. People with disability receive the same level and quality of service from the staff of Great Southern Institute of Technology as other people receive from the staff of that public authority. 5. People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to make complaints to Great Southern Institute of Technology. 6. People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to participate in any public consultation undertaken by Great Southern Institute of Technology. 7. People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to obtain and maintain employment at Great Southern Institute of Technology. To assist this process the institute will: • Consult with community members, including people with disability, their families and carers, and disability organisations to ensure that barriers to access and inclusion are addressed appropriately • Ensure that the institute’s agents and contractors work towards the desired access and inclusion outcomes in the institute’s DAIP • Develop and maintain partnerships with community groups and organisations, disability agencies and other public authorities to facilitate the inclusion of all community members, including people with disability and medical conditions, through improved access to its information, services and facilities.

Development of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 Responsibility for the planning process The institute’s Access and Inclusion Planning Committee was responsible for reviewing progress on the implementation of the institute’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2007-2011 and guiding the development of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016. The institute’s Disability Liaison Officer has coordinated the consultations and development of the updated plan.

Community consultation process In 2011, Great Southern Institute of Technology undertook to review its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2007-2011 and to develop a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (2011-2016) to guide further improvements to access and inclusion. In developing the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (2011-2016) the institute has consulted widely with people with disability and medical conditions, their families and carers, agencies supporting people with disability, students and staff at the institute, and the broader community. The following strategies were used in this consultation: • In May 2011 the community was informed on the institute website and in the local newspapers that the institute was reviewing its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2007-2011 and developing a new plan for 2011-2016 to ensure that people with disability and medical conditions have the same opportunities as other people in the community to access its facilities and services • The community was invited to provide feedback on current initiatives and to have input onto the development of the new plan by completing an online survey, a telephone survey, or giving written comments and suggestions for improvements • Agencies supporting people with disability, their families and carers were asked to provide information on access issues at the institute Great Southern Institute of Technology – Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 Amended April 2015


• Students with disability or medical conditions were invited to give feedback via an online survey, telephone survey or in writing • Discussion sessions for students, their families and carers were held to gain feedback about their experiences at Great Southern Institute and suggestions on how we can improve our services • Staff at the institute were surveyed to identify any participation and access issues for students with disability and medical conditions, strategies for improvement and professional development opportunities.

Findings of the consultation The review and consultation found that the vast majority of the objectives in the DAIP 20072011 had been achieved and many strategies are ongoing. A great deal of progress in improving access was noted and the majority of comments were very positive about the institute’s “culture of support and inclusion” of people with disability. The institute is “flexible and open to exploring opportunities for people with disability”. The consultation also identified a number of access and inclusion issues, which will be addressed in the DAIP Implementation Plan 2011-2012. These access issues included: • Location of Easy Access parking bays, including undercover parking • Car park surface creating difficulties • Cramped classrooms causing difficulties for student who uses a wheelchair • Steps required as alternative to ramp • Changes required to accessible toilets • Access to closer toilet facilities • More choices and information at the Café for people who have diabetes or allergies • Improved communication within the institute regarding enrolments for courses designed to meet the learning needs of students with disability • Need for written as well as verbal information about events, for students attending classes specifically for people with disability • Possibility of more courses for people with an intellectual disability to allow ongoing lifelong learning • Addressing student mental health. The review of the institute’s DAIP and consultations have formed the basis for the strategies outlined in the updated DAIP 2011-2016.

Responsibility for implementing the DAIP It is a requirement of the Disability Services Act that public authorities must take all practical measures to ensure that the DAIP is implemented by its officers, employees, agents and contractors. The implementation of the DAIP is the responsibility of all areas and staff of the institute. The Access and Inclusion Planning Committee will guide the overall implementation of the plan. The institute’s Disability Liaison Officer will work with other staff to coordinate this implementation. Each year a DAIP Implementation Plan will be developed itemising tasks and strategies the institute will undertake to improve access to services, facilities and information to ensure inclusion for all people. Developing and progressing annual Implementation Plans provides the opportunity to respond flexibly to emerging access and inclusion issues. 6

Great Southern Institute of Technology – Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 Amended April 2015

Amendment to the 2011 - 2116 Disability Access and Inclusion Plan The Disability Services Act 1993 was reviewed in 2013 and Disability Access and Inclusion Plans are required to include an additional Outcome 7 to improve employment outcomes for people with disability. In February 2015 Great Southern Institute of Technology invited comments and feedback from the community, agencies and institute staff on how the institute could make its employment opportunities more accessible to people with disability, and support people to retain their employment. This consultation was advertised in local newspapers, The West Australian, the institute’s website, Facebook and the institute’s on-line newsletter.

Communicating the DAIP to staff and people with disability In June 2011 the draft DAIP 2011-2016 was placed on the institute website for feedback. The draft DAIP was also sent to people with disability, their families, carers, disability organisations and relevant community groups who contributed to the planning process and requested a copy of the draft plan. In July 2011 the plan was finalised and formally endorsed by the Executive. The institute will advise, through the local media – newspaper and radio – that copies of the plan are available to the community upon request and in alternative formats if required and on the institute’s website. As plans are amended, both staff and the community will be advised of the availability of the updated plans, using the same methods.

Monitoring, review and evaluation

The institute’s DAIP will be reviewed, monitored and evaluated as required by the Disability Services Act. • The institute’s DAIP will be reviewed every five years • The DAIP Implementation Plan will be updated annually to reflect progress and address remaining and emerging access and inclusion issues • A copy of the DAIP, if amended, will be lodged with the Disability Services Commission • The Access and Inclusion Planning Committee will meet bi-monthly, to review progress on the implementation of the strategies identified in the DAIP. This committee will inform the Institute’s Academic Board of progress and issues • The review of the institute’s DAIP 2011-2016 will be included in the DAIP 2016 -2020 which will be submitted to the Disability Services Commission in 2016 • Students who identify that they have a disability or medical condition will be invited to provide feedback to the Institute’s Disability Liaison Officer about their experiences at the institute and any access issues • The Disability Liaison Officer will maintain regular contact with agencies and community organisations assisting people with disability, to assist in monitoring and evaluating the DAIP.

Great Southern Institute of Technology – Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 Amended April 2015


Reporting on the DAIP

The institute will report on the implementation of its DAIP to the Disability Services Commission by 31 July each year using the prescribed progress report template. The report will outline: • Progress towards the desired outcomes of its DAIP • Progress of its agents and contractors towards meeting the seven desired outcomes • Strategies used to inform its agents and contractors of its DAIP. Reporting on the DAIP will also be included in the institute’s Annual Report.

Access and Inclusion Strategies As a result of the consultation process the following overarching strategies will guide tasks, outlined in the DAIP Implementation Plans that the institute will undertake from 2011-2016. The seven desired outcomes provide a framework for ensuring access and inclusion for all people, including for people with disability.

Outcome 1: People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to access the services of, and any events organised by, Great Southern Institute of Technology.

Strategy Maintain an Access and Inclusion Planning Committee to guide the implementation of DAIP activities. Ensure that all people are provided with opportunities to comment on access to services. Ensure that institute policies and practices are inclusive of people with disability and medical conditions and consistent with the institute’s Access Policy, Disability Services Act, Disability Discrimination Act (1992) and Educational Standards. Ensure that resources and equipment required to access and participate in training at the institute are provided. Ensure that institute events, both on and off campus, are inclusive and accessible for all. Ensure equitable employment practices at the Institute. Ensure that institute staff, agents and contractors are aware of the relevant requirements of the Disability Services Act and the institute’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.

Timeline Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

Outcome 2: People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to access the buildings and facilities of Great Southern Institute of Technology.




Ensure that all buildings and facilities are accessible. Ensure staff and students are aware of Emergency Evacuation procedures and plans Ensure that all future premises leased by the institute are accessible. Ensure that the quantity and location of Easy Access Parking meets the needs of people with disability.

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

Great Southern Institute of Technology – Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 Amended April 2015

Outcome 3: People with disability receive information from Great Southern Institute in a format that will enable them to access the information as readily as other people are able to access it.



Ensure that information about the institute’s services, facilities and events is available in alternative formats and is clear and concise. Inform staff, students and the community that institute information is available in alternative formats upon request. Inform staff of accessible information needs and how to provide and obtain information in other formats. Ensure learning resources, including online resources, are available in accessible formats, complying with copyright regulations. Ensure that the institute’s website meets Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.0.

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

Outcome 4: People with disability receive the same level and quality of service from the staff of Great Southern Institute of Technology as other people receive from the staff of that public authority.



Raise staff awareness of disability and access issues and provide training to improve skills to provide a good service. Ensure that institute staff are aware of the relevant requirements of the Disability Services Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Education Standards. Ensure that the institute provides an inclusive environment free from harassment and discrimination.

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

Outcome 5: People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to make complaints to Great Southern Institute of Technology.



Ensure that grievance mechanisms are accessible for all people. Provide support for people with disability in making complaints, if requested.

Ongoing Ongoing

Outcome 6: People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to participate in any public consultation undertaken by Great Southern Institute of Technology.



Inform students and staff about consultation processes at the institute. Monitor the DAIP to ensure implementation and satisfactory outcomes. Use a range of consultative processes to obtain feedback from students, staff and the community.

Great Southern Institute of Technology – Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 Amended April 2015

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing


Outcome 7: People with disability have the same opportunities as other people to obtain and maintain employment at Great Southern Institute of Technology.

Strategy Ensure recruitment practices are inclusive of and accessible to people with disability. Ensure that staff with disability, and staff who are carers for people with disability, are supported to carry out their employment responsibilities. Continue to implement flexible employment practices. Promote and support work experience, volunteer and training opportunities at the institute for people with disability.

Timeline Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

Appendices Appendix 1 – Progress to date The institute has made considerable progress and improvements towards ensuring that people with disability and medical conditions have equal access to the services and facilities provided by the institute. A short summary outlining some of the strategies achieved during the DAIP 2007-2011 follows.

Existing functions, facilities and services are adapted to meet the needs of people with disabilities. • Events Protocol and event task guidelines include the Accessible Events Checklist • Phone enrolments and online enrolments are available • Innovative assistive technology has been adopted to increase independent learning and successful participation by students with disability • People with disability and medical conditions have been provided with individualised learning support to ensure access and participation in their training at the institute • In consultation with community groups, customised training has been provided for people with disability promoting pathways to further education, training and employment including Certificate II and III in Clothing Production, Certificate I in Hospitality, Certificate I in Horticulture and Certificate I in Visual Art and Contemporary Craft • A range of programs have been conducted in partnership with community agencies, supporting the participation of people with disability and medical conditions in lifelong learning classes and workshops at the institute and in the community.

Access to buildings and facilities is improved. • Continuous access improvements have included provision of accessible toilets, automatic doors, easy access parking bays and updated signage • All new buildings and major renovations have been designed and built to comply with access standards • Access improvements have been made across all the institute’s campuses.


Great Southern Institute of Technology – Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 Amended April 2015

Information about functions, facilities and services is provided in formats which meet the communication needs of people with disabilities. • Publications are available in accessible formats on request • Institute communication guidelines have been developed and include guidelines on making information accessible • Information on training courses, facilities and services has been provided on the website • The institute has maintained ongoing liaison with community groups, agencies and disability networks to provide information and actively promote the training opportunities for people with disability or medical conditions.

Staff awareness of the needs of people with disabilities and skills in delivering services is improved. • All staff induction includes information on meeting the access needs and including people with disability or medical conditions • Information on including people with disability or medical conditions is included on the institute website • A wide range of staff development has been provided including Disability Awareness, Working Effectively with Learners with Mental Illness, Mental Health First Aid training and assistive technology training.

Opportunities are provided for people with disabilities to participate in public consultations, grievance mechanisms and decision-making processes. • Feedback is regularly sought from students with disability or medical conditions • The institute maintains ongoing liaison and partnerships with community agencies that assist people with disability into training and employment • The institute’s customer feedback process includes options for verbal complaints and support for people with disability to provide feedback.

Great Southern Institute of Technology – Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 Amended April 2015


FREECALL 1800 675 781 www.gsinstitute.wa.edu.au

Great Southern Institute of Technology – Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2011-2016 Amended April 2015

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