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1979 Time Capsule
Plaque reads: Albany Technical School Way ‘79. Time capsule interred by Mr S Elliott, Chairman, Advisory Committee on 20th October 1979.
Time capsule reveals secrets of 1979
Building Services Officer Bob Vigar removes the 1979 time capsule from its vault in June 2014.
On 20 October 1979, staff of the Albany Technical College buried a time capsule as part of celebrations to mark the 150th anniversary of the State of Western Australia. Bricklaying students built a crypt to house the capsule on the grassed area between A Block, B Block and the Library Resource Centre. The capsule lay there until June 2014, when ground works for upgrades to sewerage, gas and fire services necessitated removing it. With no information on the plaque nor the capsule itself as to when it was intended to be opened, the institute’s 40th anniversary was
chosen as an appropriate time for the unveiling. However, on opening the capsule to check the condition of the contents, documents contained in it showed the capsule was intended to be opened – and its contents read – by the community of 2029 – 50 years after its interment. While its opening was premature, the time capsule has provided a fascinating insight into the city’s past, and its citizens’ predictions for the future. Displaying the contents in a cabinet – while necessary to protect the precious papers – only
gives people a superficial look. To pay due respect to those college staff and citizens who submitted material for the capsule, we have reproduced them in this publication. This way, the fascinating and insightful documents can be read in their entirety and at leisure. As we prepared material for the new time capsule, we have learnt from the 1979 capsule interment. The new one, depicting the institute’s first 40 years, will be clearly labelled for opening in 2054, as people celebrate the 80th anniversary.
Metal Fabrication Lecturers Gary Wimbush and David Christophers undertake the painstaking and delicate process of opening the 1979 time capsule. 2
Two envelopes in the capsule were addressed to ‘Counsellor competition’, indicating citizens were invited to submit their personal thoughts and predictions for the future. The two must have been winning letters, but there is no indication as to how many were received. In addition, Albany Technical College Counsellor Graham Jeavons added his own thoughts, and useful observations of the way things were. Graham’s letter and those submitted by Joan May Campbell and Joan Bayly, reproduced on the following pages, make fascinating reading.
A Super 8 film taken at the ‘WAY ‘79’ celebration was included in the capsule. This has been digitised and is available to be viewed on the institute’s YouTube channel.
‘Pebbles of Experience’, a book of poetry, was also in the capsule but is too extensive to be reproduced here.
Extract from the Thursday 25 October 1979 edition of Great South News (a weekly supplement to the West Australian) highlighting the WAY ‘79 celebrations held at the institute. 11
‘79 The Tech Way celebrations program 12
What’s in the new capsule? A new time capsule sealed by The Hon. Dr Kim Hames MLA, Deputy Premier; Minister for Health; Training and Workforce Development on 31 October 2014 is marked for opening in 2054. This is the 1979 capsule recycled and displayed behind glass in a wall cavity in the reception area of the new health block. It contains the following items: • A copy of this book • A DVD of - the film interred in the 1979 time capsule - photographs showing student and staff activity - a map of the Albany campus • The institute’s Development Site Plan showing the new health science block (Stage 1, Year 1 from Master Plan produced in 2012) • The institute’s 40-year Plan (Stage 11, Future Long-Term plan from Master Plan produced in 2012) • Aerial photograph taken in 2011 • A map of the Albany campus • Skills Development Centre Short Course Guide for Term 4, 2014 • 40th Anniversary book • Staff phone list • 2014 Award Ceremony book • 2014 Staff Handbook • Student Code of Conduct • 2013-2015 Strategic Plan • 2014-2015 Reconciliation Action Plan • Submissions from citizens, staff and students containing predictions for the future of the region, education, industry and commerce during the next 40 years • The most recent front pages of the Albany Advertiser, the Great Southern Herald, The West Australian and The Australian.
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