2 minute read

Bear Creek Aquatic Camp

Session 3

July 5-14, Nine Nights




Rising 5th, 6th, and 7th graders

Spend your nights observing beauty in the sky, and see camp come alive after dark. Learn about the cosmos, nocturnal animals, and how your eyes work in the dark. Plan your group’s overnight campout and sleep under the stars.

Wind Jammers

Rising 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th graders

First time sailors, or those that can’t wait to catch the next gust, can jam out during this session. Learn to sail our smaller vessels Aqua Finns, and plan a day trip on the Flying Scots. Learn new skills and earn the opportunity to sail solo aboard an Aqua Finn.

Artist Adventure

Rising 8th, 9th, and 10th graders

If you love Bear Creek and art, this is the creative outlet for you. Dabble in many types of visual arts, play theater games, and keep a journal of your adventure. Stay inspired as you hit the water and participate in classic camp activities.

Session 4

July 16-22, Six Nights


Sea Otters

Rising 4th and 5th graders

Looking to try a little bit of everything? Discover the Bear Creek Spirit on the glistening waters as you canoe, paddle board, and swim. Plan a camp out under the stars while making dinner over the fire. Participate in camp-wide games and learn new camp songs, as all the wonders of camp combine to create memories for life.


Rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders

Stroke, splash, and pivot around Girl Scout Bay as you strengthen your paddling skills. Hit the water in kayaks, canoes, and paddle boards as you get a feel for the different types of paddle boats. Test your skills in the twists and turns of different paddling challenges and games.

Ready, Set, Sail

Rising 7th, 8th, and 9th graders

Learn to sail with your new camp friends. Practice directional sailing and use points of sail to harness the wind. Work on your rigging and knots aboard an Aqua Finn working up to a solo sail. Spend plenty of time on the Flying Scots taking day trips around the lake.

Session 5

July 24-29, Five Nights


Outdoor Artist

Rising 4th and 5th graders

Let’s get crafty in more ways than one! Try out different types of visual art and get creative. Test your skills in nature by using natural materials, and get inspired by the beauty of camp. Enjoy other classic camp activities like swimming and games when you’re not perfecting your skills as a master maker.

Campfire Cook

Rising 5th and 6th graders

We’re talking so much more than s’mores! As a unit, prepare meals for any time of day over the fire. Learn what it takes with a kitchen tour from our camp cook, and serve fellow campers by preparing a dessert. When you aren’t enjoying foodie delights, partake in awesome camp activities like boating, swimming, and games.


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