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Maximizing Council Resources: An Ongoing Conversation and a New Task Force
In previous pages, we reviewed two of the official proposals that will come before the NCS for discussion and vote.
We present here a third topic for focus—which was proposed by one of our very own council members for discussion at the July 2023 National Council Session (see page 13 for more detail). This proposal was submitted with the title “Joining Together to Maximize Girl Scout Resources”. The GSK Board voted to advance this proposal to GSUSA for consideration. Ultimately, this proposal was not placed on the final NCS docket of action by the full GSUSA. However, this remains an important topic and one that GSUSA and local councils are reviewing.
Since this topic was not placed on the final NCS agenda, our council’s Area Chairs and Vice Chairs recommended that instead of dedicating it as one of our two topics for decision influencing questions, we would alternatively invite all of those at this 2023 Annual Meeting to volunteer for a task force whose charge it will be to explore ways our council can maximize Girl Scout resources such as events, outdoor properties and programs, plus committed volunteer members at all levels who are ready to help the girls of Girl Scouting.
This work will take shape and scope over time. To that end, the following QR code and online link can be used for anyone to indicate their interest in serving on a councilwide task force about this important topic. Please feel free to share this link with other GSK members who might be interested in joining the conversation and raising ideas.