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Summer Camp Highlights
Summer is just around the corner and that means time with friends at one of our many camp options. If you’re in the Louisville area, check out Louisville PLC Day Camps. These one-week sessions are held during the day. If you want to get outside for the day, check out our Volunteer-Led Day Camps. These week-long adventures are held across our council. Ready to spend the night away from home? Overnight Resident Camp is for you! Spend between four and 12 nights at one of our resident camps: at Camp Pennyroyal in Utica (near Owensboro) or Bear Creek Aquatic Camp in Benton (near Paducah). Amazing camp programs are still open...read on for some highlights. Visit www.gskentuckiana.org/camp to learn more or register.
Louisville PLC Day Camps
Purrfect Pets, Rising 2nd 3rd graders
Discover what it takes to care for a variety of animals. Your perfect pet may surprise you! Learn from animal care specialists about what different pets need to live healthy and happy lives. Help care for our resident bunny, and earn your Pets badge.
June 12—16 (Sold Out)
July 10—14, 9:00 AM—4:00 PM Eastern
Louisville Girl Scout Office
2115 Lexington Rd, Louisville, KY 40206
Future Business Leaders 101, Rising 2nd 3rd graders
Surround yourself with the world of business and entrepreneurship this summer at Future Business Leaders 101. Learn from professionals about marketing, advertising, money management and many other business-related topics. Invite your family to visit the GSK Market on the final day! Earn your Budding Entrepreneur badge.
July 17—21, 9:00 AM—4:00 PM Eastern Louisville Girl Scout Office
2115 Lexington Rd, Louisville, KY 40206
Future Business Leaders 102, Rising 4th 6th graders
Grow your entrepreneurial skills as you participate in hands-on games and activities. Engage with workshops that test your innovative spirit, and launch a successful business campaign! Show off your work to your family at the Product Rally on the final day. Juniors will earn the Product Designer badge. Cadettes will earn the Business Creator badge.
July 24—28, 9:00 AM—4:00 PM Eastern Louisville Girl Scout Office
2115 Lexington Rd, Louisville, KY 40206
Resident Camps
Moonlight Mischief, Rising 5th 6th graders
Do you like staying up late? Enjoy all that camp has to offer by day, then get into some mischief at night. Does playing tricks on camp counselors sound like fun? See camp from a new perspective, and have fun learning about nightlife in nature.
June 11—June 17
Bear Creek Aquatic Camp
4736 Barge Island Road, Benton, KY 42025
Make Waves and Stargaze, Rising 6th 8th graders
Join new pals for an unforgettable experience on Kentucky Lake as you make waves in your own kayak. Stay up late, and listen to the music of the night and watch the sky, playing night games with your camp friends. Learn about nocturnal life, and gear up for an overnight across the lake where you’ll sleep under the stars.
June 19—July 1
Bear Creek Aquatic Camp
4736 Barge Island Road, Benton, KY 42025
Waves, Wind, and Water, Rising 9th 12th graders
Do you really love boating? Enjoy all Bear Creek has to offer from paddling to sailing. After you sharpen your boating skills, you’ll learn how to teach those skills to others. Plan a water carnival for all campers to enjoy. Strike out on a two-night adventure in your crew’s boat of choice.
June 19—July 1
Bear Creek Aquatic Camp
Stargazers, Rising 5th 7th graders
Spend your nights observing beauty in the sky, and see camp come alive after dark. Learn about the cosmos, nocturnal animals, and how your eyes work in the dark. Plan your group’s overnight campout and sleep under the stars.
July 5—July 14
Bear Creek Aquatic Camp
4736 Barge Island Road, Benton, KY 42025
Wind Jammers, Rising 6th 9th graders
First time sailors, or those that can’t wait to catch the next gust, can jam out during this session. Learn to sail our smaller vessels Aqua Finns, and plan a day trip on the Flying Scots. Learn new skills and earn the opportunity to sail solo aboard an Aqua Finn.
July 5—July 14
Bear Creek Aquatic Camp
4736 Barge Island Road, Benton, KY 42025
Ready, Set, Sail!, Rising 7th 9th graders
Learn to sail with your new camp friends. Practice directional sailing and use points of sail to harness the wind. Work on your rigging and knots aboard an Aqua Finn working up to a solo sail. Spend plenty of time on the Flying Scots taking day trips around the lake.
July 16—July 22
Bear Creek Aquatic Camp
4736 Barge Island Road, Benton, KY 42025
Sea Otters, Rising 4th 5th graders
Looking to try a little bit of everything? Discover the Bear Creek Spirit on the glistening waters as you canoe, paddle board, and swim. Plan a camp out under the stars while making dinner over the fire. Participate in camp-wide games and learn new songs, as you create memories for life.
July 16—July 22
Bear Creek Aquatic Camp
4736 Barge Island Road, Benton, KY 42025
Campfire Cook, Rising 5th 6th graders
We’re talking so much more than s’mores! As a unit, prepare meals for any time of day over the fire. Learn what it takes with a kitchen tour from our camp cook, and serve fellow campers by preparing a dessert. When you aren’t enjoying foodie delights, partake in awesome camp activities like boating, swimming, and games.
July 24—July 29
Bear Creek Aquatic Camp
4736 Barge Island Road, Benton, KY 42025
Volunteer-Led Day Camps
Held at locations throughout our council, our awesome volunteers work hard to provide amazing memories at Volunteer-Led Day Camps. Shoot a bow and arrow, learn new Girl Scout songs, and connect with Girl Scouts from your community. All of these and more await campers! Talented and trained volunteers organize and lead these opportunities to help Girl Scouts gain confidence outdoors. Price varies by camp.
For our latest information about Volunteer-Led Day Camps, visit www.gskentuckiana.org/daycamp.