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Tips for Troop Finances
Top 10 Tips
1. Invite the other person to meet in private and
talk it out directly. Do not discuss the issue with parties that are not directly involved in the conflict. Arrange to meet at a time where children will not be a distraction.
2. Have a face-to-face conversation whenever
possible. Communicating via text, email, or social media can lead to misunderstandings because you are unable to take into account tone and body language.
3. Keep it private. Make sure to avoid airing grievances on social media to avoid creating further conflict or potentially damaging reputations or relationships.
4. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes.
Consider how the perspective of the other person might differ from your own. Remember to also consider the other side’s perspective and feelings. Then, think about how they can be acknowledged to support creating a safe place to work through issues.
5. Be fully present and listen without judgment.
Let them know that you appreciate their willingness to meet, and respect that willingness by giving the meeting your undivided attention.

6. Ask questions to get to the heart of the issue.
Identify the pain points, what is important, and seek possible solutions that work for both parties.
7. Focus on facts and impacts, not on
personalities. The meeting should focus on discovering actions that can be taken to address concerns before conflict arises moving forward, not on placing blame for past perceived shortcomings.
8. Find agreement wherever possible. Start with agreeing that you share a common goal—to make the girls’ experience the best it can be. Establish a mutually agreeable solution to reset expectations and ensure success moving forward.
9. Write it down. Putting your agreement in writing allows both parties to keep an accurate account of what they have committed to. 10. Touch base to follow up. Is the agreement working? Does it need to be updated?
Still having trouble resolving conflict within your troop? We are here to help! Email us at info@ girlscoutsmoheartland.org or give us a call to be connected with your Troop and Service Unit Support Specialist or New Leader Specialist for additional resources or assistance in resolving conflicts.