Adult Recognition Specialist Toolkit 2024-2025 (1)

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Celebrations & Adult Recognitions

'Ours is a circle of friendships united by ideals.'
-Juliette Gordon Low

Girl Scouts and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access

For more than 110 years Girl Scouts has stood for making the world a better place, and pledged to “help people at all times ” Those words carry great weight and responsibility and inspire us with strength as we denounce institutional racism, violence, injustice, and inequity

Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas values diversity and inclusivity and does not discriminate or recruit on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship, age, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, socioeconomic status, physical or developmental ability, nor any other category protected by applicable state, federal or local law

We are committed to understanding similarities and differences, building relationships and promoting a dialogue of acceptance and respect Each individual involved must uphold the tenant that Girl Scouting is for all girls

Through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, girls develop skills to advance diversity and promote tolerance in the twentyfirst century.


We make every effort to ensure the Girl Scout Movement continues forward, that all members have an equal opportunity to participate, and that appropriate adult leadership is available for the girl members

Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas focuses on recruiting and retaining membership that is reflective of the diversity of the communities it serves, from a variety of sources and through different participation pathways.


Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place


On my honor, I will try: To serve God* and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.


I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

*Members may substitute for the word God in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs

Thank you!

Congratulations on your role as Adult Recognition Specialist this year! We are thrilled to welcome you to the team

The staff team at GSNETX is dedicated to providing you with resources that will make your year as a service unit volunteer run as smoothly as possible. That's why we'll share plenty of advice, resources and checklists to ensure that the journey is enjoyable for you.

In this Toolkit, we start from the very beginning with an onboarding checklist You'll learn what's expected of you throughout the year, details about GSNETX’s formal adult recognition process and program, ways to informally recognize volunteers, and other awards and recognitions through GSNETX

We hope you find this guide to be a helpful tool throughout the Girl Scout year. Feel free to read through it now, or save it to scan through as a reference later

If any questions come up as you review the guide, the GSNETX Adult Recognition team is always happy to hear from you at volresources@gsnetx org

Thanks again. It’s going to be a great year!

FREE app for all GSNETX volunteers!

Create an account.

As a GSNETX volunteer, you have FREE access to 250+ science-based minicourses covering a wide array of topics

Sign up today and immediately apply new skills to improve your health, happiness and well-being

Download the app & enter your login credentials.

From stress resilience, to insomnia, to managing anxiety, to improving relationships, to building emotional intelligence, to parenting a neurodiverse child with behavioral challenges, and more -

RethinkCare is enabling professionals across the world to be more resilient, less stressed and more productive everyday

You are a considerate and caring volunteer Now it’s time to take care of you with RethinkCare, a digital well-being app with daily sessions and courses to manage stress, relationships, sleep, and more.

The Girl Scout Experience + RethinkCare

Start your journey via desktop, Andriod or IOS app. Anytime. Anywhere.

Once registered, begin with our Mindfulness Basic Training program

Learn how five minutes a day of mindfulness can help you live happier and healthier

RethinkCare is a platform that you can use to lead Girl Scouts in activities that support their mental health and wellness. Choose an activity from this list and include it in the opening, middle, or closing of any program

Younger Girls

Release Your Hands and Wrists (1 min)

Mobilize Your Spine (1 min)

Open Your Senses (1 min)

One Complete Cycle of Breath (2 min)

Wishing Ourselves and Others Well (2 min)

Daisy-Friendly- Balloon (6 min)

Daisy -Friendly- Wiggleflop (6 min)

Older Girls

Bounce Back (1 min)

Just Being (5 min)

Sense the Present Moment (10 min)

Know Your Emotions (10 min)

Know Your Mind (10.min)

Finding Safety (10 min)

Envision Your Future (10 min)

Public Speaking Mind (10 min)

Coping With Class (10 min)

Adult Recognition Specialist: Yearly Checklist

Get started in 5 easy steps:

Review the Adult Recognition Position Description (p. 10 of this guide) to review the responsibilities and qualifications for the position

Sign the online Volunteer Agreeme at

Take a live class or view the 45-minute Service Unit Overview in gsLearn (every 3 years)

Review the current year Adult Recognition Toolkit (this document)

Attend a TR608: Adult Recognition Specialist in-person training or webinar (required every 3 years but not a bad idea annually!)

Questions? Contact

All individuals receiving formal adult recognition must be a registered member of Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas, be in good standing, meet the criteria of the given award, and have a current eligible background check

This packet is meant to act as a reference for adult recognition specialists in performing their duties. In order to complete training, adult recognition specialists must also complete this checklist.

Please note: This Tookit is updated yearly as procedures and practices change.

Adult RecognitionOverview

Your R l

As the Adult Recognition Specialist, you ensure volunteers in your service unit are shown appreciation for their contributions to Girl Scouts in both informal and formal ways.


ShareinformationabouttheformalGSNETX adultrecognitionprocessandtimeline, promotingthenominationsprocess.

Promoterequiredandenrichmenttrainingsto thevolunteersinyourserviceunit

IncollaborationwithotherSUteammembers, createaplanforinformallyrecognizing volunteersthroughouttheyear.

Helpplanandhostanyvolunteerappreciation eventsintheSUorarea,whichcouldinclude formalandinformalrecognitions.(optional)

Providefeedbacktohelpcontinuouslyimprove GSNETXvolunteerrecognitionefforts.

Your Commitment to Girl Scouts:

Your Role

You must practice and model showing gratitude in this role. This may look like:

Submitting nominations

Highlighting ways troops are showing recognition throughout the year Asking for parents, caregivers, and volunteer to submit nominations. Collaborating with other team members to have a success overall recognition program.

You are a registered GSNETX member in good standing with an approved background check on file

You are passionate about showing appreciation for others

You possess good verbal and written communication skills

You will maintain confidentiality of all recognition information received

You are collaborative and open to various ideas and perspectives

You will work with girls or adults from all ethnic, racial, economic, and cultural backgrounds

You represent Girl Scouts in a professional and enthusiastic manner to girls, adults, and the Service Unit

Position Description

TheAdultRecognitionSpecialistoverseesthe serviceunit'sparticipationintheGSNETXformal adultrecognitionprocess.

TheAdultRecognitionSpecialistissupportedby theSUManager(volunteer),theAdult RecognitionsCoordinator(volunteer)andthe AdultRecognitionsStaffSupportTeam(staff).

Therecommendedtermlengthis1year(August1July31)andisconsidereda'mediumactivity' level DependingonServiceUnitobligationsand theneedtoassistwithnominations,thetime commitmentmayflexhigherorlower

Your Specific Tasks

Formal Adult Recognition Process:

Share information about the formal GSNETX adult recognition process and timeline, promoting the nominations process.

Ensure the provided list Years of Service volunteers in your service unit is accurate

Encourage nominators to provider enough nominations required for an award.

Promote required trainings in your service unit.

Look over council-level award and community partner submissions to be sure they are detailed and specific.

Guide local volunteers through the Second Review process for Council-Level and Community Partner Awards, as appropriate

Provide input to improving the GSNETX formal Adult Recognition process each year.

Informal Adult Recognition:

Lead the service unit level efforts to informally recognize volunteers.

In collaboration with other SU team members, create a plan for informally recognizing volunteers throughout the year

Help plan and host any volunteer appreciation events in the SU or area, which could include formal and informal recognitions (optional)

August - December January - March

Check on volunteer enrichment training and promote new classes

Take updated Adult Recognition Specialist training and review the latest Toolkit (this document!)

Promote when the Adult Recognition portal opens to parents/caregivers and volunteers in your SU

Previewincomingnominationsand encouragenominatorstogetadditional nominationssubmittedfortheirnominee

Remindparents/caregiverstosubmit nominationsfortheirtroopvolunteers.

Remindtroopleaderstosubmitnominations fortheirSUteammembers

Lookcouncil-levelawardandcommunity partnersubmissionsbeforethenominations deadline

GuidelocalvolunteersthroughSecond Reviewprocess,asappropriate

Throughout the Year

Collaborate with the Service Unit Team to informally recognizing volunteers throughout the year, especially during their peak seasons

Take note of any volunteers going above and beyond who may need to be nominated during the current or next formal adult recognitions cycle

Help plan and host any volunteer appreciation events in the SU or area While this is optional, the above calendar is set up for this to take place in May, which is when many service units choose to have an end-of-year meal, reception, or celebration These events can happen at any time, which may slightly alter the timeline

Risk Management & Safety

In Girl Scouting, the safety and well-being of girls is a top priority Here is a highlight of information and resources you may need as Adult Recognition Specialist for keeping girls and volunteers safe. View full information on each topic at

Privacy for Volunteers:

Volunteersshouldtreatall privilegedGirlScout informationwithrespectand maintainitsconfidentiality.

Thisincludesinformation sharedonadultrecognition nominationsandduring approvalmeetings,as appropriate

Girl Scout funds should not be used to purchase gift cards.

Recognition Allocation:

It is recommended that Girl Scout service unit teams develop a budget as part of their action plan and that 10% may be used to recognize volunteer contributions in the service unit

All certificate of liability insurance requests and contracts (including facilityuse contracts and transportation charters) must be submitted for signature through the GSNETX Activity Approval form. Any volunteer who enters into a contract will assume personal liability and responsibility

All forms that show personal contact information or troop financial information (event reports, membership rosters, etc ) should be kept for one membership year past the membership year for which they apply. After that time, the forms should be shredded


Depending on their nature, some awards ceremonies may require a Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas activity approval, located at gsnetx org/activityapproval

Reports & Looker:

Reports may be accessed using Airtable or Looker, a GSUSA business tool only available via approval and login More information about these can be found on p. 16.

All nominations must be submitted via our adult recognitions nominations portal. During the 2024-2025 membership year, this portal is hosted on Airtable, a secure third-party software used by GSNETX.

Upon submission, all nominators and ARSs listed in the system will receive an individual confirmation email for each individual nomination.

The information contained in the portal is strictly for your use and should only be used for Adult Recognition purposes.

1. Informal, direct conversation

Themosteffectivewayof resolvingcomplaintsand concernsisusuallybycalm, opendiscussion bytelephone orinperson

Alladultsareencouragedto trytoresolvethematter informallyamongthemselves beforeinvolvingothersnot directlyinvolved

Email, text, and social media exchanges are generally not productive ways to resolve conflict These should be avoided

Conflict Resolution

2. Notify SU Team and/or GSNETX Staff

Iftheadultsinvolvedcannot resolvetheconflictontheir own,theyshouldnotifythe appropriateSUvolunteeror GSNETXstaffmemberso theycanhelpresolvethe conflict

GSNETX staff must be notified of conflicts involving any member's participation in a troop or volunteer role

3. Escalate to GSNETX Volunteer Relations

Iftheconflictremains unresolved,anyoneinvolved mayescalatethesituationto theGSNETXVolunteer RelationsTeamat volrelations@gsnetxorg GSNETXwillpromptly investigateandevaluatethe conflicttodeterminenext stepsandfurtheraction.

All troop or service unit financial records may be requested if a conflict involves finances

4. Escalate to GSNETX Senior Leadership

Ifasituationisstillunableto reachaconclusion, unresolvedconflictmaybe takentothenextlevelof staffsupervisionas necessaryandappropriate

Girl Scout volunteers do not have the authority to end another member’s Girl Scout membership or participation at any level

GSNETX Formal Recognition

GSNETX Program Overview

Adult Recognition Levels & Awards

Award Descriptions

Training Requirements

Who's Who in Adult Recognition

Looker, Reports & Tools

Nominations & Review Process

Formal Recognition Timeline

Templates and Talking Points

pg. 13

pg. 15

pg. 17

pg. 20

pg. 22

pg. 23

pg. 24

pg. 26

pg. 27

Program & Progression

GSNETX Program Overview

GSNETX has an incredibly robust adult recognition program that includes both locally developed as well as national awards. It is intentionally designed to be progressive in nature, acknowledging the ongoing contributions of volunteers over time, and allowing them to move through different levels of recognition as they continue to engage with and impact Girl Scouts in various ways. This type of program incentivizes long-term involvement and personal growth by offering a clear path of advancement and rewards for continued service and commitment. Details of the award categories and progression can be found on the chart on p. 15 - 16. More details about certain categories that often bring up questions are also described below

Years of Service

GSNETX recognizes volunteer years of service in 5-year increments, starting from the first year that someone was officially in a formal GSNETX volunteer role connected to their membership. The first 5 year pin comes during their “anniversary” year - so if someone joined during the 2019 - 2020 membership year, they would receive their 5-year pin during the 2025 recognition season

GSNETX does our best to capture all 5-year pin recipients and progress them appropriately from there - someone who received their 5-year pin in 2025 would receive their 10-year pin in 2030 On your SU Eligibility Report, you will see the Years of Service (YOS) column populated with any information we currently have

Due to changing ways of approaching this as well as various membership database changes, we may be missing some information and do have a way that someone can nominate themselves or someone else for Year of Service pins. We also do our best to make sure someone receives any previous awards that may have not been given to them.

Council Level Awards & Thanks Badge

The highest awards that can be received at GSNETX by an individual member are the council level category awards. These awards are meant to celebrate the overall body of work of a long-standing volunteer or to recognize individual progressive contributions toward activities, committees, projects, or efforts that have a lasting and meaningful impact across Girl Scouts. This means that the volunteer's service evolves and deepens, often including leadership roles within the council. These contributions are not just about quantity; they are about sustained, meaningful efforts that align with the values and mission of the Girl Scouts.

While there is a natural progression for awards at the troop and area levels, the nominations for council level awards are reviewed by a committee and do require a high-level of continued efforts between them, highlighting progressive contributions made by volunteers over time The committee looks for continued commitment and tangible, progressive achievements, which differentiate council-level awards from other individual-level recognitions

The Thanks Badge and Thanks Badge II are the highest honors that can be earned by individual members in Girl Scouts. They recognize an adult member whose outstanding service benefits all of Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas, Girl Scouts of the USA, or the entire Girl Scout Movement, and who has performed so significantly above and beyond the call of duty that no other award would be appropriate. These awards focus on an individual's sustained, progressive involvement and the broader impact of their work. Recipients are often those who have been involved with the organization for a significant period, showing continuous service, leadership, and impact, embodying the spirit of Girl Scouts, and positively influencing multiple generations of girls, volunteers, and communities. For the 2025 season, if a nominee is found to be eligible for the Thanks Badge or Thanks Badge II, the nominator will be sent an email prompting them to complete an additional short form with two additional questions related specifically to those awards. This will be required to be completed for this award nomination to be evaluated.

Evergreen Pins

GSNETX Program Overview

As a way to recognize the continued ongoing service of individuals who continue to be nominated and deserving of celebration even AFTER they have received all of the awards in any given category, GSNETX has developed the Evergreen Pin

Each year, ARSs, staff members, and others will given allotments of these pins to give to any individuals that they see fit in deserving the award This award is also automatically given to any members who have received all awards at a given level and receive any nominations Additionally, this may be given posthumously as a way to recognize someone’s overall contributions to GSNETX and presented to their family or a fellow volunteer in their honor.

Volunteers can earn an Evergreen pin every year.

Additionally, the council level awards committee may recommend that a council level nominee receive an Evergreen Pin if the nominations submitted do not rise to the level of the next formal award but do show a need to recognize the volunteer.

Community Partner Awards

In addition to volunteers, the GSNETX adult recognition program is also set up to recognize community partners, organizations, businesses, or non-member individuals who support Girl Scout efforts in various ways Beginning in 2024, the Community Partner Awards were aligned with each of four major award categories - troop, troop cookie, area, and council levels

Troop Community Partner and Troop Cookie Partner awards each require 2 unique nominations, after which the award will automatically be given A certificate will be provided for the recipient

Area Community Partner awards require 3 unique nominations, after which the award will automatically be given. A certificate will be provided for the recipient.

Council Community Partner Nominations go to the council level awards committee for review and approval. The committee must approve the award and may ask for additional information from nominators as part of the Second Review process before approval is given. Additionally, the committee may recommend that the community partner award is actually more appropriate at the troop, troop cookie or area level for this year.

Community Partner awards may be presented in back-to-back years, though at the council level, there should be an increased amount of support and contribution evidenced in the nominations.

Your Role Award Descriptions

These are suggested descriptions for the award categories and the awards themselves- great for presentation scripts, shout out emails, and social media recognition. Please feel free to customize them for your needs and the setting - one great idea is to reference the nominations of your recipients for talking points.

The Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas’s adult recognition program is a way to say an extra thank you for all the ways that adults make a direct impact and difference in the lives of Girl Scouts. GSNETX’s program offers progressive ways to celebrate the ongoing and expanded contributions of volunteers. Each award is based on certain criteria, eligibility, training and nominations.


This year, our service unit is proud to be giving out a total of awards, including those for a total of years of service. Our volunteers, parents, caregivers, girls, and community members submitted nominations to celebrate their accomplishments.

Troop Level Support Awards recognize volunteers serving as a Troop Leader, Troop Volunteer, or Troop Treasurer who serve as caring mentors and bring the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to the members of their troop. Examples of this award could be troop leaders who provide excellent leadership opportunities for their members or who go out of their way to make each girl feel included in meetings.

Juliette Low Award – Recognizes troop volunteers who have recognized that Girl Scout has a positive impact on girls and have led a Girl Scout troop They have demonstrated their dedication to the girls through their service to the troop

Green Angel Award – Recognizes troop volunteers whose service in working with girls in a troop has helped the girls understand themselves and their values and use their knowledge and skills to explore the world These volunteers have previously received the Juliette Low Award

Silver Rose Award– Recognizes troop volunteers whose continued service working with girls in a troop has helped the girls to care about, inspire and team with others locally and globally. These volunteers have previously received the Green Angel Award.

Golden Wings Award – Recognizes troop volunteers whose service in working with girls in a troop has helped the girls to make the world a better place. The leader should have furthered the purpose of Girl Scouts through focusing on the outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. These volunteers have previously received the Silver Rose Award.

Order of the Pearl – Recognizes elite volunteers who continue to volunteer for Girl Scouts after receiving all previous awards at the troop level - the Juliette Low, Green Angel, Silver Rose and Golden Wings awards.

Your Role Award Descriptions

Troop Cookie Support Awards recognize volunteers serving in the Troop Cookie Manager position who embrace the 5 Skills and expand their troop members’ knowledge of entrepreneurship through the Girl Scout cookie program Examples of this award could be troop cookie managers who hosted a cookie training for their girls or who set up a new way for parents to help their girls set goals

Trefoil Award – Recognizes Girl Scout Troop Cookie Managers (TCMs) who have instilled their girls the people skills needed for the Girl Scout cookie program

Tagalong Award – Recognizes Girl Scout Troop Cookie Managers (TCMs) who have continued to inspire their girls to reach their goals. These volunteers have previously received the Trefoil Award.

Thin Mint Award – Recognizes Girl Scout Troop Cookie Managers (TCMs) who have brought money management skills to their troop members. These volunteers have previously received the Tagalong Award.

Samoa Award – Recognizes Girl Scout Troop Cookie Managers (TCMs) who have helped their troop members understand the business ethics involved in running your own business. These volunteers have previously received the Thin Mint Award.

Order of the Shortbread – Recognizes elite volunteers who continue to volunteer for Girl Scouts after receiving all previous awards at the troop cookie level - the Trefoil, Tagalong, Thin Mint and Samoa awards.

Area Level Support Awards recognize volunteers whose contributions have impacted a specific area of the council, including service unit team members, day/twilight camp administrative team members or local club leadership. Examples of this could be service unit team members who have implemented new processes or taken on additional roles and responsibilities year over year.

Volunteer of Excellence – Recognizes area volunteers who are known in their community as exemplifying the true spirit of Girl Scouts by being a positive role model.

Appreciation Pin – Recognizes area volunteers whose continued service has continued to grow and who are creating awareness of Girl Scouts in their local community These volunteers have previously received the Volunteer of Excellence

Trailblazer – Recognizes area volunteers who have designed innovative and relative programs for Girl Scouts in their community These volunteers have previously received the Appreciation Pin

Emerald Star – Recognizes area volunteers who have made a significant difference through their area-wide service, making a lasting impact and mentoring other volunteers to follow in their path. These volunteers have previously received the Trailblazer.

Order of the Navigator – Recognizes elite volunteers who continue to volunteer for Girl Scouts after receiving all previous awards at the area level - the Volunteer of Excellence, Appreciation Pin, Trailblazer, and Emerald Star awards.

Your Role Award Descriptions

The Evergreen Pin is designed to honor ongoing service and special circumstances for any Girl Scout volunteers. This is a pin that can be received an unlimited number of times by those individuals who are members of the Orders and continue to receive nominations or to anyone that the local Adult Recognition Specialist, SU Team, or GSNETX staff member deems eligible to receive an award for their contributions. This award may also be awarded posthumously or as a way to recognize a volunteer’s entire body of Girl Scout work over the course of their lifetime.

Council Level Awards recognize adult members whose efforts have impacted the goal achievement of Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas or Girl Scouts of the USA, including those whose contributions are at the troop, troop cookie, or area level of support whose impact rises to the level of these awards through significant council-wide impact. Examples of these could be volunteers who have taken on leadership roles on a council level committee or someone who has helped GSNETX as a whole reach new communities or make connections with partners to support the overall mission.

Honor Pin Award – Recognizes an adult member who has given outstanding service beyond the local level to a broad segment of the council and has supported the achievement of the GSNETX goals and objectives.

Spirit of Excellence Award – Recognizes an adult member who has repeatedly given outstanding service beyond the local level to a broad segment of the council and has supported the ongoing achievement of GSNETX goals and objectives. These members have previously received the Honor Pin.

Thanks Badge and Thanks Badge II – The Thanks Badge recognizes an adult member whose outstanding service benefits all of the Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas, Girl Scouts of the USA, or the entire Girl Scout Movement, and who has performed so significantly above and beyond the call of duty that no other award would be appropriate These members have previously received the Spirit of Excellence Award and Thanks Badge II recipients have previously received the Thanks Badge

Community Partner Awards recognize community businesses, organizations or individuals that have shown continuous support for Girl Scouts at the troop, troop cookie, area, and council levels and who have been previously recognized informally for their contributions such as by a thank you note, cookie donation, or community service donation. Examples of this could be businesses who let troops hold meetings or cookie booths or who allow service units to host events and activities. Council level recipients could be helping to develop new programs for girls or support members across multiple service units

Troop Camp Awards recognize volunteers who have completed TR301: GSNETX Camping and have gone camping at one of GSNETX’s camp properties since the previous awards season More than one award may be earned depending on the number of camping trips taken during the year

Years of Service Awards recognize adult members who also have consistently served in volunteer roles in increments of 5 years.

Have your own great script or presentation ideas? Share them in the ARS Rallyhood!

Your Role Recognition Training Requirements

GSNETX formal adult recognitions at the troop, troop cookie, and area levels all require training to qualify for the first level of recognition or since the recipient last received a recognition award. There are basic trainings that are required for all volunteers and then additional available enrichment trainings offered virtually and in-person throughout the year. All trainings with a star* are currently available for volunteers in gsLearn. For training to count for a given year, it must have been taken within 3 years for most GSNETX or GSUSA training. Two exceptions to this are that Troop Cookie Manager training that must be taken annually for volunteers to be appointed to that role and TR402: Protecting Our Girls must be taken every 2 years.

Note: If one of your nominees has taken training NOT on this list that you think you should be counted for their award level, you'll be able to enter it during the nominations submission process.

597 TR402 Protecting our Girls (Online)* OR 597 TR402 Protecting our Girls (In-Person)

Required Trainings

Troop Level


Area Level


Required for all GSNETX active volunteers in any role every 2 years

597 New Leader Training (TR100)*

Required for all new leaders

Annual Troop Cookie Manager training

Required for Troop Cookie Managers

597 Service Unit Overview (TR600)

Required for SU Team members every 3 years

TR301 GSNETX Camping

Required for camping at a GSNETX property every 3 years

GSUSA Grade Level Essentials*

597 Meetings 101 Make and Take (in person - registration in gsLearn)

597 Troop Finances Training (Fall 2022)*

GSUSA Managing My Troops from My Account*

GSUSA New Leader Onboarding courses*

GSUSA Preparing Safe and Encouraging Environments*

GSUSA Volunteer Toolkit courses*

597 VTK Challenge*

597 SAFE! Issues Affecting Today’s Teens and How You Can Help

TR301: GSNETX Camping Certification or TR302: On the Road Camping

597 IDEA 101 Introduction to IDEA*

597 Jumpstart Girl Scouts in STEM*

Kickoff training classes

First Aid / CPR / AED certifications that are uploaded into gsLearn

597 Brand Training for GSNETX Volunteers (Fall 2021)*

GSUSA Preparing Safe and Encouraging Environments*

GSUSA Mental Wellness 101*

597 SAFE! Issues Affecting Today’s Teens and How You Can Help

597 IDEA 101 Introduction to IDEA

GSUSA Service Unit Trainings*

TR301: GSNETX Camping Certification or TR302: On the Road Camping

Kickoff training classes

First Aid / CPR / AED certifications that are uploaded into gsLearn

Your Role

gsLearnisthemainlearningmanagementsystem(LMS)forGirlScoutsof NortheastTexasprovidedatnocosttoalladultmembers.Partofanationalvirtual platformsupportedbyGSUSA,volunteerscanaccessgsLearnbyloggingintoMY GSandclickingongsLearnintheleft-handmenu.Registrationforpaidcoursesisin gsEventsandcompletionisrecordedingsLearn.

To access gsLearn:

1. Login to MyGS (

2. Select ‘myAccount’ in the top right-hand corner.

3. Select ‘gsLearn’

To find a course in gsLearn:

4. Click Content Library in the left-hand menu.

5. Use the Search bar at the top, using just a few key words. Searching "GSUSA" or "597" wil bring up national and local courses, respectively.

CompletioninformationforcoursesandeventsfromgsLearnandgsEventsarealso inLookerreports.LetGSNETXknowifyou'rehavingtroublebyreachingoutto 1 2 3 4 5 On a mobile device? Flip your screen so it’s horizontal to be able to see all the menu info in gsLearn.

Wh ' Wh i

Adult Recognition

Council Level Awards Committee (CLAC)

Council-Level Volunteers & Staff

Adult Recognitions Staff Support Team

Please reach out to for individual support so our whole team can work on getting back to you.

Keeping in Touch: Rallyhood

Responsible for supporting adult recognition work at the local, service unit level as well networking with other ARSs

Responsible for supporting adult recognition volunteers, providing connection across the program levels, and gathering feedback.

Responsible for review and approval of nominations for council level awards and council community partner awards. Awards that are evaluated by this committee are of a progressive nature, both in their level of achievement and the expectations and standards to which they are held. This committee additionally review and approve President's Award submissions

Ashley Blanchard, Volunteer Relations Manager

Day-to-day support. Technical management of awards, distribution, and records for awards history in system

Shared: Management of council level awards committee and First Review and Second Review process of committee-reviewed awards. Overall program guidance and support for the MY2025, including resources, technical nomination support and training

Bethany Cunningham, Vice President of Membership

Strategic guidance and support for the overall MY2025 program.

The GSNETX team is finalizing support for service units that do not have Adult Recognition Specialists to ensure that they have information about the program and are encouraged to participate. Support for SUs without ARS

Rallyhood is an all-in-one platform for Girl Scout communication and collaboration, combining many of the tools of many other social platforms all in one place. We have a dedicated page, the SU Adult Recognitions Specialists' Rally, that all ARSs, ARAs, and CLAC members will be added to each fall. You can post questions and receive answers from other team members on the Message Wall, sign up for meetings on the Sign-Ups tab, and find useful Files, Links, and ideas in the Gallery

ARS Correction Form

The ARS Correction Form has been updated for the 2025 recognition season to make it easier for adult recognition specialist to have a one-stop shop to submit corrections for: Members that are missing from your Eligibility Report

Please note that these were members who met three criteria when our nominations portal opened in December 2024:

Currently registered adult members for the 2024-2025 membership year

Eligible background checks

Listed in any volunteer role for the 2024-2025 membership year

Nominations that were submitted under the wrong category

Nominations that are missing information that you’ve been able to collect from the nominator

Duplicate nominations

Incorrect troop number or other information for a volunteer Missing Training

Training completions will be updated on a weekly basis and can take up to 24 hours to move between systems but someone sends you something showing they’ve completed a specific training you can submit it on this form or wait to see if it gets populated first.

Missing Years of Service

This can also just be corrected by submitting a Years of Service nomination form. Missing / broken / lost pins - any general details of how we can make sure someone potential receives any pins owed to them or replace ones that were lost or broken

General Notes - Anything else you think needs corrected!

The form is located at:

Looker & Reports

Lookerisabusinessintelligencesoftwareplatformthatmanylargeorganizationsuse.GSNETXdesignatesaccesstocertainSU volunteerpositions,includingARS.


ReviewtheGSNETXVolunteerAgreement,availableatgsnetxorg/volunteeragreement 1 Ontheform,indicateyes,thatyouarefillingouttheformtogainaccesstoLooker.Alsochooseyes,youareaSUTeam memberthenselectyourSUrole. 2.

SigntheVolunteerAgreement 3

ATeamMemberwillgrantyouLookeraccessandemailyoumoreinformation. AlreadyhadLookeraccess?BesuretorenewyourLookerAccessroleinMyGS Youhavetorenewthisvolunteerroleeachyear NeedLookersupportorseedatainLookerthatdoesn'tlookright?ReachouttoyourMembershipManager.

Looker Report:

SU Roster: Full Roster

A list of all current youth, adult, and lifetime members in your service unit.

Includes contact information, criminal background check status, email and photograph permission information


SU Roster: New in the Last Two Weeks

A list of all members who have joined or added a new volunteer role in your service unit within the past two weeks

SU Roster: Troop Details

A list of all active troops in your service unit, including meeting information, the number of current members and vacancies Updates:

SU Roster: Membership Analysis

A visual analysis showing a year-over-year comparison of membership data, including number of girls, adults, and active troops

SURoster:gsLearnSummary Astatusofallvolunteertrainingsformembersof yourserviceunit Thisincludesfreecourses throughgsLearnaswellaspaidcoursesand learningeventsthroughgsEvents

Highlights for Adult Recognitions:

Usethisreporttofindcontactinformation, includingemailaddresses,forallofthemembers inyourSU.Thiscanbehelpfultoreachthe familiesortroopsparentsofvolunteerswhoare beingnominated Familymemberscannominate andoftenknowthemostaboutwhattheirfamily membersaredoingtosupportGirlScouts Itcanalsobeusefultoseethebackgroundcheck statusandmembershipofvolunteersinthe serviceunit Volunteersmustbeactivemembers withaneligiblebackgroundchecktobeeligible toreceiveadultrecognitions

Use this report to see if anyone is newly registered or renewed that might be eligible for an award or to submit a nomination

Use this report to make sure you have checked to see who might be eligible to receive troop level awards from each troop in your service unit

Use this report as a visual way to get into any of the girl or adult rosters (by hovering and clicking on any of the numbers) and checking to see the current number of active troops or members in your SU

Usethisreporttoseeifvolunteershavecompleted trainingsneededtobeeligibleforvarious recognitions.Thisreportisupdatednightly.The latestinformationrefreshtimeisinthetopright cornerofthereport

View Looker access instructions & full report guides in the ARS Rallyhood Files.

Privacy: Remember that by being granted access to these reports and pieces of information, you are agreeing to maintain the privacy and protection of this data. It is only intended to be used for the specific Girl Scout functions it is designed for and should not be used for any other reasons.

Airtable & Reports

Airtableisasecurethird-partysystemthatGSNETXisusingtosupporttheAdultRecognitionprograminafewdifferentways The nominationformitselfisonthisplatform,whichthenalsoallowsinformationtofeedintotwodifferentreportssentdirectlyto AdultRecognitionSpecialistssoyoucanaccessinformationaboutawardshistoryandaboutcurrentnominationsoncethe nominationsportalisopen.

Thisyear’sreportlinksarepasswordprotected Youwillonlybesharedthelinkdirectlytoyourserviceunit’sreportsandshould notsharethisinformationwithanyoneelseThepasswordformatisthesameforeachSUandis“SU”,thethreedigitsoftheSU number,andthenGSNETX.SoforpretendSU100,thepasswordwouldbeSU100GSNETX.





Theseadultsarecurrentlyregisteredmemberswhohaveeligiblebackgroundchecksandarelistedinavolunteerrolefor the2024-2025membershipyear.

Ifsomeoneisnominatedforanawardbutisnotregistered,doesn’thaveacurrentoreligiblebackgroundcheck,orisnotin avolunteerrole,theGSNETXstaffteamwillreachouttohelpresolvetheoutstandingissueandyoumayseeadditional membersaddedtoyourreport

MostRecentPastAwards-thisisalistofallofthemostrecentpastawardbycategoryandwillonlyshowoneawardper category.Ifthisisjustaseriesof|||||,thatmeansthatwedonotcurrentlyhaveanypreviousawardshistoryforthisvolunteer, andtheyareeligibleforthefirstawardateachlevel

CurrentTraining,meaningthatwhichhasbeentakenwithinthepast2yearsforTR402and3yearsforallothertraining Eligible Award-liststhenameoftheawardthatvolunteeriseligibleforthisyear #of LevelNomsReceived-acountofthecurrentnumberofnominationssubmitted LevelNominations-willshowacheckwhentheneedednumberofnominationsforthatcategoryhasbeenreceived AwardStatus-WillshowasApprovedfor2025whenalltrainingforthatawardcategoryiscompleteandtheneeded numberofnominationsforthatcategoryhasbeenreceived-thispersonwillbereceivingthisaward YearsofService-ThiswillONLYbepopulatedifsomeoneisreceivingaYearsofServicepinthisyear.



IncludeslivedatabaseofallcurrentlymatchednominationsforvolunteersinyourSU Includesname,SUandtroopofnominee

Lastmodifieddateandtime-showswhenthenominationwassubmittedorupdatedbystaff NominationCategory-basedonthenominator’sselection *NOTE:Ifthisisincorrect,pleasefillouttheARSCorrectionForm Contactinformationanddetailsfromnominator


OtherSubmitterEmailwillbefilledinifthenominatoraskedforthesystemtosendanautomaticemailtootherpotential nominatorsaskedforthemtosubmitnominations

NOTE:Ifanominatordidn’tidentifytheirnomineebythecorrectname(spelling,nicknames,etc.)ortroop,therewillbeaslight delayinthenominationreachingyourreportwhiletheGSNETXworkstomatchthemonthebackend Everynominationwillbe matchedbythefollowingFridayandmorefrequentlytowardtheendofthenominationperiod


ARSreportlinksareview-only.Youcannotchangeanyinformationdirectlyandyoucanalsonot“messup”anything. YoucanusetheFilter,Group,andSortbuttonsatthetopofyourreporttolayouttheinformationyouareseeingdifferently Thisdoesnotchangeormessupanyoneelse’sviewoftheinformation

Oneachcolumn,youcanusethedropdowntosort,filterorgroupbythatfield/column. Eachrow/lineonyourreportisa“record.”Youcanexpanditbyhoveringnexttothenumberoneachrowandclickingthetwo arrowsthatwillsay“Expand.”

Anytime and throughout the year

When you get access to this year’s Airtable reports

When the nominations portal opens

ARS Step-by-Step

Review Eligibility Report:

Anyone missing that you think should be there?

Any awards that are missing that you’re aware of?

Any training missing that you know about?

To correct any of these, fill out the ARS Correction Form

Review Eligibility Report:

Anyone missing that you think should be there?

Any awards that are missing that you’re aware of?

Any training missing that you know about?

To correct any of these, fill out the ARS Correction Form

Use the tools and templates (p. 29) and contact information from Looker (p. 21) to begin encouraging nominations. A few important things to note about the nominations process:

All nominations must be submitted through the online adult recognition portal form. Nominators will select the level of award and GSNETX will determine the appropriate award within that category, based on previous award history

Nominators' whose nominees end up being eligible for the Thanks Badge and Thanks Badge II are also given an opportunity to provide additional information given that level of award before they are sent for review by the Council Level Awards Committee

Nominations from girl members and family are accepted at all nomination levels

Self-nominations are accepted for troop, troop cookie, area level support, troop camp, and years of service awards

Nominees must be active members in a volunteer role with eligible background checks, current training, and correct number of nominations to receive awards.

All nominations are due by 11:59 p.m. on February 28, 2025.

Nominees may complete training up until March 6, 2025, to be eligible to receive formal adult recognitions this year.

[ ] Review your SU Nominations Report.

If any nominations seem like duplicates, fill out the ARS Correction Form.

[ ] Check out Rallyhood to see if any important information has been shared Weekly Checklist during peak recognition season (JanuaryFebruary)

If any nominations seem like they are in the wrong category, fill out the ARS Correction Form.

If you have any council-level nominations, please review these closely to make sure they are thorough and provide enough information for the council-level awards committee.

[ ] Review your SU Eligibility Report.

If additional nominations are needed for a volunteer in a certain category, and reach out to other volunteers, parents, girls, and families to encourage those nominations.

If volunteers are missing training, encourage them to take the needed training directly

Awards Review & Distribution

CLAC Review Process

Note: You’ll only be involved in this Step if your SU has members nominated for council level awards.

The Council Level Awards Committee has a First and Second Review Process for evaluating award nominations for the awards they are tasked with reviewing Nominators and ARSs will be notified about the results of the First Review meeting If during the First Review the CLAC members feel that more information is needed to determine whether the award will be given, a request will be sent to nominators to get additional information for a Second Review meeting

A few reasons why a submission might be sent for Second Review:

A lack of detail (She's so great!)

A lack of specificity (They always plan their meetings out really well.)

Not showing recent contributions that would result in the next level of award (He's been an awesome volunteer since his daughter was a Daisy.)

Adult recognition specialists will be copied on the notification for any Second Review information requests, unless you are the nominee and you did NOT self-nominate Please help any nominators understand that this is simply a request for more detailed information (or whatever the notification specifies) and encourage them to submit additional information by the deadline

Only those nominations with information submitted through the Second Review portal will be reviewed by the Council Level Awards Committee. Nominators and ARSs will be notified about the results of the Second Review meeting.

Awards Validation & Distribution

In mid-March, all ARSs will receive a list of their service units' awards for this year You'll be asked to validate this list and send any corrections by the given date through the ARS Correction Form

You will also be asked to designate a service center pick up location for awards in early April or asked about other arrangement for pick up. All SU award pin packets will be put together for adult recognition specialists no later than April 30, 2025.

Service unit managers or membership staff will be contacted for service units without an adult recognition specialist to determine distribution.

You can present your awards how and when you would like to. Many service units have endof-the-year celebrations and include adult recognitions. Others may choose to wait to host a rededication ceremony in the fall.

Formal Recognition Timeline

Additional TR608 training offered.

ARS Actions:

Take training, if needed

Encourage all volunteers to complete either required or enrichment training, especially in gsLearn. (ongoing throughout the year)

Your Role

Additional TR608 training offered. Adult Recognition portal opens. Reports training and guide available for Airtable

ARS Actions:

Encourage nominations! Read Airtable training materialspost questions in Rallyhood! Review Eligible Award and Years of Service lists

Adult Recognition portal open

ARS Actions:

Encourage nominations! Review nominations on a regular basis after they are submitted.


ARS Actions:

Encourage nominations! Review nominations on a regular basis after they are submitted. Reach out to potential nominators to help reach required number of unique nominations

February 28, 2025 @ 11:59 p m : 2024-2025 GSNETX Adult Recognition nomination portal closes

ARS Actions:

Encourage nominations! Remind potential nominators about nominations portal deadline, especially to “round out” the needed number of nominations

Encourage all volunteers to complete either required or enrichment training.

March6,2025:Alltraining, backgroundchecks,andmembership registrationmustbecompletedfor 2025awardsseasoneligibility

Adraftlistofawardswillbereleased throughRallyhood.

CLACmayneedmoreinformationto approvecouncil-levelnominations.

ARSActions: SupportnominatorswithSecond Review,asapplicable Validateawardslistbyduedate. Completeform

By April 30, 2025: All SU award pin packets will be ready for pick up at service centers or other arrangements

ARS Actions:

Pick up SU awards pin packet Host celebration (as applicable.)

GSNETX staff will send any outstanding awards to service units or recognition recipients directly

ARS Action:

Work with your SU team to determine if you're staying in the ARS position for next year. Renew into volunteer role as appropriate

GSNETX will celebrate designated awards as part of the General Session of Kickoff 2025 A full list of all awards recipients for the current membership year will be put on the GSNETX website. TR608 training offered.

ARS Action:

Sign up for ARS training

The 2024 - 2025 Adult Recognition Portal will open December 2024. www gsnetx org/nominate

portal open

Your Role Templates & Talking Points

Asking for Nominations for a Troop Leader

Dear Troop ##### Families,

I'm so excited to let you know that your troop leader, (NAME), is eligible to receive a formal volunteer recognition this year While I know that you may show appreciation for (NAME)'s contributions to your Girl Scout troop throughout the year, this is a way to ensure that she/he/they are recognized (include any notes about how you present these awards )

To nominate (NAME), please visit and select to recognize her/him/them at the Troop Level of recognitions. Bonus: Your Girl Scout can submit a nomination for (NAME) too! You'll want to be sure to include specific examples of ways that the troop has benefited from this volunteer's important work this year.

Two nominations are required for this award and nominations are due February 28, 2025. Please reach out to me if you have any questions.


Asking for Nominations for a Service Unit Member

Dear SU XXX,

I'm so excited to let you know that our (SU TEAM POSITION) (NAME) is eligible to receive a formal volunteer recognition this year While I know that you may show appreciation for (NAME)'s contributions to Girl Scouts throughout the year, this is a way to ensure that she/he/they are recognized (include any notes about how you present these awards )

To nominate (NAME), please visit and select to recognize her/him/them at the Troop Level of recognitions. Bonus: Your Girl Scout can submit a nomination for (NAME) too! You'll want to be sure to include specific examples of ways that the troop has benefited from this volunteer's important work this year.

Three nominations are required for this award and nominations are due February 28, 2025.Please reach out to me if you have any questions.


Asking for More Info from a Nominator


Thank you so much for nominating (NOMINEE NAME) for a (AWARD LEVEL) formal recognition this year. I did want to reach out because in reviewing nominations I noticed that we might need some (additional details / unique information / etc.) for (NOMINEE NAME) to receive this award. I would be more than happy to help you brainstorm on what to include in your nomination - please let me know how I can help.


Potential Reasons to Nominate Someone for an Adult Recognition

They have gone above and beyond in a major way this membership year. 1. They have served as an inspiration for girls and adults in the Girl Scout movement. 2. Their Girl Scout experience might be ending soon and you'd like to recognize them for their "body of Girl Scout work" and time as a volunteer 3 They have been a volunteer for a long time but maybe haven't gotten the recognition they deserve 4 They are someone who appreciates being appreciated in a formal way 5


5 Languages of Appreciation Event Planning ......... pg. 27 ......... pg. 29

5 Languages of Appreciation

It’sveryeasytotellsomeonethankyou,butdidyouknowthatmostpeopleprefertobethankedinspecific ways?Somepeopleloveapplauseandpublicaccoladeswhileothersreallydonotliketohavethespotlightput onthem.Sohowdoyougoaboutthankingsomeone?

Thisinformationisfrom“The5LanguagesofAppreciationintheWorkplace:EmpoweringOrganizationsby EncouragingPeople”byGaryChapmanandPaulWhite.YoumightbefamiliarwiththeconceptofFiveLove Languages–thisbookgivesyouthetoolstothankstaffandvolunteersinprofessionalsettings.

Tangible Gifts

Gifts are great to tie to different times of the year, with some ideas like Back to Girl Scouts (school) supplies, a coffee station at your next in-person event, or a winning Pinterest-worthy gift basket door prize as part of your end-of-year celebration

This means showing up and helping to get the job done! To some people, getting your hands dirty in times of need shows more appreciation than sending a thank you card later. This could mean attending an event they've planned or even hosting a leaders-free troop meeting for them where you take over

Physical touch, when appropriate and as people are comfortable, can be very meaningful! This includes 3 H’s – hug, handshake, or high five! Other forms of showing thanks through physical touch include fist bumps or pats on the back This can also be a virtual high five or thumbs up via Zoom

This is most meaningful when it is personal, focused time. This can be hanging out or working together. Grab coffee, go to lunch, or attend an event together! Make sure the activity your doing is meaningful to the person you are thanking

The most common form of words of affirmation is a thank you card! Words of affirmation can be done publicly or privately, however remember that some people don't enjoy public praise. These can be great to incorporate in a shout out email following a big service unit event or as part of your rededication ceremony to start off another great year of Girl Scouts.

Just a friendly reminder that Girl Scout funds may not be used to purchase gift cards or given to someone as a gift, as both are considered private benefit by the IRS.

What's your appreciation language?

Find out your own appreciation language! This can also be a great easy activity to do in a leaders meeting, at a SU planning session, or to send out. Encourage your volunteers to share their results with you or with each other This quiz is available as a download in Rallyhood

Your Role

Event Planning

Many service units opt to host some type of end-of-the-year celebration or beginning-of-the-year welcome back event as part of the local recognition programming.

12+ weeks before your event:

Finalize your event time and date with the rest of the service unit team, gathering input from other volunteers as appropriate.

Secure an event location. Remember, contracts and certificates of insurance must be submitted through the GSNETX Activity Approval form at

10+ weeks before your event:

Decide upon any types of expenses including: food, drinks, decorations, facility rental, tokens of appreciation, printing for certificates or programs, and invitations.

Confirm your budget with the SU treasurer and set a price point for the event, if applicable.

8+ weeks before your event:

Send out invitations and registration information to volunteers, parents/caregivers/ families, and local community partners.

Secure volunteers to help with the day of the event including greeting, food, decorations, set up, and clean up.

6+ weeks before your event:

Order any necessary supplies

Create a final day-of run-of-show

Script any necessary presentations

Continue to promote event

4+ weeks before your event:

Update budget tracking as needed.

Confirm volunteer support for day of event. Share day-of information with volunteers.

After registration closes:

Finalize numbers for food and drinks

Send confirmation emails

Get ready to have an amazing event!

Ideas for who to recognize:

Formal adult recognition recipients

Presidential Service Award recipients

President's Award recipients

Gold Award Girl Scouts

Silver and Bronze Award recipients

Girl Scouts that are bridging

Troops that are graduating

Local community partners

Outgoing service unit team members

Parents, caregivers, and families

Ideas for who to collaborate with:

SU Team as a whole to come up with ideas

SU Treasurer to set budget for event

Older girls who may be interested in planning or volunteering for the event

Someone to promote the event

Someone to collect registration or RSVPs for the event

Anyone who has planned this event before

(Potentially) other area service unit teams to plan an area-wide recognition event for multiple service units

Presidential Volunteer Service Award

The President's Volunteer Service Award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action, too. It recognizes student and adult volunteers who have achieved the required number of hours of service over a 12-month time or cumulative hours over the course of a lifetime. Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas is proud to be a certifying partner of the award for our Girl Scout youth members and volunteers. Important information to know:

To be eligible, recipients must be current registered member of Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas in good standing.

While the award is issued through GSNETX, volunteer service for other non-profit agencies may be included in the hour total

Hours are measured over a 12-month period (you choose the starting month) and awards are designated based on cumulative hours

GSNETX will order a PVSA recognition package for free for any individual who qualifies and completes the certification form The recognition package includes:

A congratulatory letter from the President of the United States

A personalized certificate of achievement and/or lapel pin*

*PVSA recognition item costs recently increased. To continue to be able to provide recognitions to as many members as possible, beginning with the July 2024 order, Bronze and Silver level recipients will be able to choose between a certificate or a pin. Gold and Lifetime level recipients will be able to chose between or select both items.

This form has been streamlined to an online form and will still be processed following rolling due dates of February 28 and July 15 . Please submit all recipients at

Just Say Thanks

Just Say Thanks is a way for volunteers to informally recognize other volunteers by way of an appreciation note from Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas's very proud Chief Executive Officer Jennifer Bartkowski These notes should be for something may be during an off-season for formal recognitions or is something that stands out in a unique way.

President's Award

To submit for a Just Say Thanks note, visit These notes are processed a few times throughout the year.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

President’s Award

The President's Award is the highest award that a group of Girl Scout volunteers can receive. Locally, it is reserved for Service Unit Teams and Day/ Twilight Camp Administrative Teams Draft versions of the application are published throughout the year and final version of the form is available for submission in mid-June Applications are due in early July Recipients are announced and honored at the annual GSNETX Kickoff event in August and receive a pin and certificate as a thank you for their efforts.

In addition to recognizing great work, the President's Award is meant to be a way for teams to reflect on the past year, make plans for improvement in the future and share their support needs with Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas staff.

To decide on who receives the award, the Council Level Awards Committee reviews each submission using standard ranges to award points within the given amount for each of the criteria Submissions that receive 70% or more of points receive the President's Award while submissions that receive between 50% - 70% receive the Goal Setter Award

Submissions are also separately reviewed by GSNETX staff to gather thoughts and input and submitters may be contacted outside the awards process in order for GSNETX to continue to enhance support efforts of these important volunteer teams.

President’s Award Tips

Wait there’s a President’s Award AND a Presidential Volunteer Service Award? That’s more than a little confusing

We know! These are both national awards so we didn’t pick the names but are happy to help answer questions about either at volresources

NOTE: More changes will be coming to the President’s Award application for the 2025-2026 membership year

1. Start collecting information for your application early. Use the early versions of the application to start collecting anecdotes, stories, and ideas about the successful things that your service unit or day/twilight team is doing throughout the year Capture these stores in a Google doc that multiple team members can add to and do a debrief during your leadership meetings so you don’t forget things throughout the year

2 Work as a team Complete your application submission as a team Even if you’re not able to complete the application all together at the same time, you can out questions from the application to different team members to help complete and then send your completed application to other volunteers to get feedback, ideas, and suggestions.

3. Answer the questions thoroughly. Make sure you read through the questions thoroughly and provide detailed answers and specific information. The committee that reviews the applications can only make their decisions about scoring the application based on the information that is submitted so be sure you’ve answered all questions as completely as possible If there are things the committee might not know – for instance, if you started a huge troop in the middle of cookie season or if your camp can’t grow any bigger because you’re making the best use of your space – include that on your application

4. Brag. Lots. This is your opportunity to brag on all of the hard work you’ve done to support your local Girl Scouts and we want to hear all about it. The council-level awards committee, made up of volunteers from across GSNETX just like you as well as staff members, wants to hear ALL of the details of your efforts so they can help celebrate your accomplishments and learnings.

5. Shine a spotlight on what you’ve done to make things special. Use the President’s Award to show what makes your team stand out – what are local traditions you have, things you’ve done differently for the first time, or things you’ve already planned to do better in the future

6 Just apply Every single service unit should fill out a President’s Award! (And every single camp has to fill out their end of camp report. ��) Each section of the application allows for partial points. Even if you didn’t reach a certain goal, giving details about the efforts you made toward success and what your plans are for the future will help give the committee insight (and probably get you more points in the process!)

7. Submit your application by the deadline. In order to give our council-level awards committee enough time to review submissions, make sure things are in order for Kickoff, and to give staff enough time to notify recipients and share feedback, it’s incredibly important for all submissions to be received by the annually posted deadline

Need to Know Adult Recognition Changes for 2025

This is a summary of all major program and toolkit changes for the 2025 adult recognition season with references to page numbers of where to find more information in the Adult Recognition Specialist Toolkit.

GSNETX Adult Recognition Program Changes

Updated Training Requirements: CPR / First Aid / AED training that is uploaded into gsLearn will now be accepted as enrichment training. (p. 20)

Awards History Confirmation: Will be communicating with volunteers this winter in batches to confirm their own award history to try and make sure our records are as updated as possible

Community Partner Nominations: Three nominations required for area and council level community partners to be consistent across all award categories. (p. 14 & p. 16)

ARS Correction Form: One form for everything – nomination category incorrect, missing training, missing / incorrect award history. (p. 23)

Troop Camp Awards: Now accepted for both camping at GSNETX and non-GSNETX camp properties. One award per camp category is allowed per year. (p. 16)

GSNETX staff awards are no longer part of the GSNETX Adult Recognition Program. Staff who also serve as volunteers are still eligible to receive these recognitions.

ARS Toolkit Updates:

Program Overview - Covers some of the most frequently asked questions about the overall Program and Progression, Years of Service, Council Level Awards, the Thanks Badge, Evergreen Pins, and Community Partner Awards (p 13-14)

Levels & Awards Chart - Updated to reflect slight changes and provide more award clarity. (p. 15-16)

Award Descriptions - Updated to include examples of awards. (p. 17-19)

Who’s Who in Adult Recognition - Updated following GSNETX staff changes. (p. 22)

ARS Correction Form - Updated to be a one-stop shop this year. (p. 23)

Airtable & Reports - More information to use your SU Eligibility Report and SU Nominations report. (p. 25)

ARS Step-by-Step - Edited for clarity, includes weekly checklist during peak recognition season (JanFeb) (p. 26)

Awards Review & Distribution - Edited for clarity and broken out separately (p 27)

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