2018 Girl Cookie Manual

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February 12 - March 25

GIRL Cookie Guide

For EVERY Cookie Professional at EVERY STAGE of the Girl Scout Cookie Sale


Welcome to the Cookie Sale! Hello and welcome to the 2018 Cookie Sale! This Girl Cookie Manual was designed just for YOU... Read through this manual to learn more about the sale: what you can sell, different ways to sell, how to set goals, and what awesome rewards you can earn. Make sure to share this manual with your family so they can help you reach your goals! By selling cookies – whether in person or online or both – you will: • Raise funds for your troop to do activities together • Earn awesome rewards • Develop skills like goal setting, decision making, and money management This year’s cookie theme is “Altogether Awesome” And through selling cookies, you should aim to find your inner G.I.R.L. by being: Be awesome • discover your inner strength • take action • be empowered don’t be afraid to set big goals • positively impact your community Make sure to set goals for how much cookies you want to sell, work with your troop to make a sales plan, read through this manual with your family to learn more about the cookie sale and to create your sales plan. Practice your sales pitch on your friends or with your parent/guardian. And make sure to have fun! Your Council Product Sales Team, Kimberly & Sonia

Meet the 2018 Cookie Mascot, Cheyenne the sea turtle, named after our 2017 Top Cookie Seller!

Parents You play a very important role in helping girls achieve success. In addition to all your love, support and inspiration, there are some specific responsibilities you’ll need to assume to ensure your girl’s Cookie sale is a success: • Help your Girl Scout set goals and coach her on how to sell. • Make sure your Girl Scout does not take orders prior to the sale start date, February 12, 2018. • Accept financial responsibility for all products and money received. Remember that products cannot be returned to the troop or council once signed for. • You should collect money for all cookies and turn it into your Troop Cookie Chair once a week. • The Cookie Program helps Girl Scouts learn honesty and fairness.


Failure to account for money and products received will be considered misappropriation of funds and will result in forfeit their rewards.

General Cookie Sale Information

What is the Cookie Sale?

The Council Product Program department focuses on money-earning activities that help sustain our Council and troops through two annual programs- the fall MagNut Program and the spring Cookie Program. Proceeds earned from the Cookie Sale can offset either all, or a large part, of the cost of Girl Scout activities (and relieve parents of this obligation, too!)

Financial Literacy Program

Selling cookies is about more than just a girl handing over a box of cookies for money. It’s about learning the five financial literacy skills essential to success and to life: Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills and Business Ethics. Each age level has their own financial literacy and cookie badges that girls can earn while participating in the sale. There are many resources on the cookie program through GSUSA, Little Brownie Bakery, Digital Order Card and GSNMT’s website.

Sale Dates

The cookie sale runs from February 12, 2018 through March 25, 2018.

Troop Proceeds

Troops will earn 65 cents for every box of cookies that they sell. In addition, if your troop participated in the 2017 MagNut sale and increased your sales by 35%-100% over your 2016 MagNut sales, then your troop earns anywhere from $.01= $.10 extra for every box of cookies that your troop sells.


Flavors $4.25 a box: Thin Mints, Dosidos, Samoas, Trefoils, Tagalongs, Savannah Smiles Flavors $5.00 a box: S’mores, Gluten Free Toffee-tastic All cookie orders are placed in cases. Each case contains twelve boxes of cookies. No one can check out cookies by the box. Troops are responsible for selling all cookies checked out to the troop, no returns.

Cookies must be stored in a cool, dry, pet-free and smokefree environment at all times.

Types of Payment

Cash and checks can be accepted as payment for cookies. However; checks should only be accepted from people you know. The council will not reimburse troops for bounced or NSF checks and fees. A credit card option is available through the Digital Cookie phone app.


The Cookie Excitement Begins! Did you know that our cookies have... RSPO Certified (Mass Balance) Palm Oil NO High-Fructose Corn Syrup NO Artificial Colors NO Artificial Flavors in Do-Si-Dos, Toffee-tastics, or Girl Scout S’mores Zero Grams Trans Fat per Serving 100% Real Cocoa




Do-Si-Dos have Hearty Whole Grain Oats Thin Mints are Vegan Toffee-tastics are Gluten Free Girl Scout S’mores are made with natural flavors

$4.25 $4.25 $4.25 $4.25



New Format! Cookie Nutrition Labels for 2018 Larger font for calories, added sugars declared, & new vitamin/mineral categories. Note: In compliance with FDA Label Reform Act of 2018


Get Prepared Are You Registered?

Participation Requirements: •

Girls participating in the Cookie Sale need to be registered

Girl Scouts and have a product permission form on file prior to the start of the sale.

Participating girls must be free and clear of debt to council.

Attend a Troop Cookie Meeting

Your Troop Leader/Troop Cookie Chair will schedule a meeting with the troop to discuss the troop’s participation in the sale. What plans does your troop have? What will it cost to accomplish those plans? Once your troop has had the opportunity to plan the troop activities for the year, you can share these goals with your parents and how much money is needed in order for your troop to reach their goals. Having a plan in place will help your troop reach their goal and it’s one of the requirements for earning the financial literacy badges!

Financial Literacy Program

Selling cookies not only helps troops raise money but helps the girls learn the five financial literacy skills that are essential to success and to life: Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills and Business Ethics. Each age level has their own Financial Literacy badges that girls can earn while participating in the sale. The council also has 5 Money Skills patches that you can earn found on the council website: www.nmgirlscouts.org. All badges and patches can be purchased through the council shop, La Tienda.

During this meeting, your Leader/Cookie Chair may collect membership forms and product permission forms from those girls that have not registered for the new membership year.

Our Troop Plans

Set Goals What plans does your troop have? Some examples of things that troops like to spend their Cookie proceeds on are books and uniforms for the girls, troop activities, field trips, service projects, Bronze/Silver/ Gold Award projects - the list is endless! What will it cost to accomplish those plans? Use the attached list to write down some of your goal ideas. Make sure to set two types of goals: Something FUN you would like to try & Something you can do to help others.

Troop Proceeds Troops will earn $.65 for every box of cookies they sell.


Cookie Rewards & Girl Experiences You have the opportunity to earn rewards by selling boxes of cookies. The reward levels are displayed on your Goal Getter Order Form. Keep these in mind as you are setting your personal sales goal.

In an effort to maintain the spirit of earning individual and troop rewards through participation, you must have paid your cookie balance in full by the troop deadline (typically a few days before the Council’s ACH withdrawal). Failure to do so will result in forfeiting rewards. No exceptions.

What is a Girl Experience? Girl experiences

are similar to programs; they are offered to girls on specific, pre-determined dates so that girls eligible for the reward have the experience as a group. Girl rewards/benefits must support the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (camp, travel, events, and similar). Travel & events related to GS programming are highly encouraged by GSUSA and fall within the IRS guidelines. However, if a girl cannot attend the set event date, she cannot and will not be reimbursed. The Council product program staff create quality, mission-related girl experiences that girls can experience together.

Girl Experiences: Levels and Dates • 750+ boxes – A Day at Cliff’s on June 2, 2018 (alternate date is July 14, 2018) • 875+ boxes – Paint Party on May 5, 2018 • 1000+ boxes – Waterpark Fun @ Wyndham Albuquerque – April 28, 2018 • 1250+ boxes – Mini Resident Camp Session @ Rancho del Chaparral – July 5-July 8, 2018 • 1500+ boxes – Tea Party @ St. James Tea Room with the CEO – April 27, 2018 • 2000+ boxes – White Water Rafting – June 1, 2018

About Program Vouchers

Program Vouchers are valid May 1, 2018 – April 30, 2019 and can be redeemed through council for program events, camp sessions and service unit events. Program vouchers are cumulative, so if a you select program vouchers for each level they are offered (starting at 185 boxes, on up), you will have a total of $375 in program vouchers. Program vouchers are transferable.

Girl Rewards Selection Sheet Girl Reward Selections.

Girls get to choose their rewards beginning at the 185 box level. At the levels where Program Vouchers are offered, a girl must choose either the themed reward OR the program voucher. Help your Girl Scout make their reward selections and give to your Troop Cookie Chair to input into eBudde by March 30. If selections are not made, the girl will receive the themed reward or Girl Experience at that level. For more information, see the previous page for pictures of the rewards and details on Girl Experiences & Program Vouchers. Use the following chart to select the reward(s) you have earned this year and then hand in to your Troop Cookie Chair.

Box # Rewards available at each level 36+ 80+ 125+ 185+

Theme Patch CEO Patch Pin Seas the Day Bandana Earbud Pouch


Sticky Note Set


$5 Program Voucher


Bracelet Set


S’mores Keepsake Box


$5 Program Voucher


Hatching Turtle Plush




$10 Program Voucher






$10 Program Voucher




Turtle Bag


$15 Program Voucher


$15 Program Voucher


$15 Program Voucher

500+ 625+

Altogether Awesome T-shirt


Girl Experience: All Day Ride Pass to Cliff’s Amusement Park, Super Seller Patch, Weekender Tote & Certificate

875+ 1000+

Mermaid Blanket


Bluetooth Speaker

Girl Experience: Paint Party


$25 Program Voucher

Girl Experience: Waterpark @ Wyndham ABQ


$25 Program Voucher


Girl Experience: Cookie Camp Session @ Rancho


$50 Program Voucher


Girl Experience: Tea Party @ St. James Tea Room with the CEO


$50 Program Voucher


Girl Experience: White Water Rafting


$50 Program Voucher


Hammock AND Amazon Echo Dot


$100 Program Voucher


Ordering & Picking Up Cookies Ordering Cookies Troops will place their initial order on January 24; before the start of the cookie sale. The sale begins the week that cookies are delivered to troops; February 12th – 16th. Cookies are ordered 4 - 5 times throughout the sale. You will need to submit your order to your troop chair prior to the dates listed below: 1. Initial Order due January 24 2. Re-order 1 due February 25 3. Re-order 2 due March 4 4. Re-order 3 due March 11 5. Re-order 4 due March 18

Initial Order On average, girls in our council begin with 70 – 160 boxes to get them through the first two weeks of the sale. This number may be increased or decreased based on individual goals and customer commitments. You and your troop chair should discuss the number of boxes to order by cookie flavor. The flavors listed are in order by popularity: Thin Mint, Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-si-dos, Trefoil, Savannah Smiles, S’mores and Toffee-tastic

Goal-getter Order Cards If you are not comfortable pre-ordering cookies in January, you can use the goal getter card to take orders beginning Monday, February 12. Your troop leader would then place an order with council by February 26 to get the cookies for your customers. These cookies would not be available for pick-up until February 28.

Picking Up Your Initial Order

Your Troop Cookie Chair will pick up your troop’s cookie order the week of February 12, 2018. Your Troop Cookie Chair will contact you on a date/time in which you can go and pick up your cookies. Reminders when picking up your order: • Be on time • Count your entire order • Get a signed receipt for the product that you are picking up

Need More Cookies?

If you need any additional cookies, please contact your Troop Leader/Troop Cookie Chair for more information. All cookies previously checked out must be paid in full before additional cookies can be obtained from your troop.


Begin Selling You may begin selling door to door and through the online store beginning February 12, 2018. Money for the cookies should be collected upon delivery.

Smile & be polite

Wear your uniform Share your sales goals: Customers enjoy hearing about troop plans and are more willing to help you reach your goals if they know what you are working towards.

Safety First! Safety for all girls participating in the product program activities is the first priority of GSNMT. •

Girls and family members may use their personal social media accounts to promote the sale and share the link to the online store.

Girls and family members may not sell product using their personal email, Facebook accounts or public sites such as Ebay or Craig’s List. All online sales should be conducted through the online store. Each family should receive a copy of the GS Internet Safety Pledge at training. This is yours to keep for reference during the sale.

It is essential that all girls follow the GSUSA and GSNMT policies and procedures for Council sponsored product programs. See www.nmgirlscouts.org for more info.

Gift of Caring

The Gift of Caring program allows for customers to purchase cookies to be donated to our military troops and local food banks while supporting you and your troop. Gift of Caring cookies can be purchased in person or through the Digital Cookie Online Store. You will receive a special Patch for selling a minimum of 12 Gift of Caring boxes.


Door to Door Sales Door to Door Sales •

Take order cards and visit neighbors, family and friends. When going door to door, always use the buddy system.

Daisies, Brownies and Juniors must be accompanied by an adult; Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors must be supervised by an adult.

Only sell in familiar areas of your neighborhood.

Never carry large amounts of cash.

Use the Digital Cookie mobile app to accept credit cards as payments.

Never enter anyone’s home while you are selling.

Always be aware of strange animals.

Never sell to people in cars or in other areas away from public access.

Make sure to have your mobile device so you can accept credit cards.


Bundle Your Boxes! A little ribbon, gift tags, & some creativity goes a long way--create names for your own bundles for a unique shopping experience!

NEW!!! Cookie House Party This year cookie sales are in the house. It’s a friends and family cookie party! Girls have fun together planning an in-home cookie sales party and invite their friends and family learn about their big goals for the season and support their dreams by buying cases of cookies. A great way for troops to supercharge their cookie sales. •

Girls invite their customers to a cookie themed gathering

Offer customers samples of the cookies and refreshments

Share their BIG goals and customers make Big purchases.

Go to: https://youtu.be/e20V0xg5T5k to see a video on how to host a Cookie House Party.


Online Digital Cookie

Digital Cookie allows you to have your very own e-commerce store where customers can shop and pay for cookies online. It allows you to manage your cookie business online with tools to: set goals, compile a contact list of names, phone numbers and email addresses, and send digital order cards to customers where cookies can be paid for online with the option to have them shipped or delivered by their favorite Girl Scout! All parents with an email on file will receive an email invitation to register for online store access. Be sure to have your parents add this email to their address book (email@email.girlscouts.org) so that they receive all notifications. Contact khammon@nmgirlscouts.org if you do not receive the registration email. Download the free Digital Cookie Mobile App from the Apple App or Google Play store. You must be registered (it’s free!) for the Digital Order Card online store in order to use the app. For further instructions on how to use Digital Cookies and the Digital Cookies app, check out our tip sheets at http://www.nmgirlscouts. org/en/cookies/for-cookiesellers/ digital-cookie.html.

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Online Safety Rules

The Girl Scout Cookie Sale is a Financial Literacy Program. While your commitment and dedication to your Girl Scout is much appreciated, adults cannot sell cookies on a girl’s behalf. Parents may facilitate their personal social networking sites to get the word out about their daughter selling cookies. Parents can use this approved message: “Hello family and friends, my daughter and her troop are selling Girl Scout Cookies. We would appreciate your support. If you are interested in purchasing cookies, click on the link below (insert link here) to purchase your cookies through her online store.”


Girls over 13 and family members may use their personal social media accounts to promote the sale and share the girls online store link. Customers can then purchase cookies from the online store and select girl delivery, shipping or donation for their purchase.


Girls and family members may not place online ads for Girl Scout cookies or sell cookies on public sites such as Craigslist, eBay, Facebook groups, Pinterest, Yard Sale groups or send email blasts to a work distribution list. All online sales must be conducted through the online store; Digital Order Card.


Booth Sales & Contests A cookie booth is set up by the Girl Scout troop through the council to sell Girl Scout cookies directly to customers who were not solicited during door-to-door sales. Some examples of cookie booths include grocery stores, retail stores, restaurants, churches, schools, sporting events, fairs, theaters, malls, and coffee shops. Booths may not be held in empty lots, sidewalks, liquor stores, medical dispensaries, store parking lots, casinos, or other locations deemed inappropriate by GSNMT. Booth sales will begin Friday, March 2, 2018 and go through March 25, 2018. Council will secure all booth locations ahead of time. If you or your parent has a booth location suggestion, please do not approach the business. Notify your Troop Leader/ Troop Cookie Chair instead. Troop Cookie Chairs will have the ability to sign up for booths starting February 4, 2018.

Booth Rules Younger Girl Troops (D/B/J)- Have a minimum of two unrelated adults and two girls at the booth at all times. Older Girl Troops (C/S/A’s)- Older girl troops can have one girl and two unrelated adults at a booth.

Contests! GSNMT will have various contests throughout the cookie sale. Look for the requirements in our weekly cookie newsletters. If you don’t receive the newsletter, contact the council and have your email added to the distribution list.

GSUSA also has contests that offer great prizes: National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend (February 23-25) Share your cookie story: https://www.girlscouts.org/en/cookies/just-forcookie-sellers/Share-Your-Cookie-Story.html

Cookie Pro Contest This cookie season, let’s show ‘em how the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world prepares girls to lead, learn, succeed, and shine— not only for today but also for the future—by entering our national Girl Scouts of the USA’s Cookie Pro 2018 Contest from January 2 through April 30. How to Participate Participating in Girl Scouts of the USA’s Cookie Pro 2018 Contest is literally as easy as 1, 2, 3! 1. Let your girls and parents know about the contest. 2. Choose a photo you want to submit, and have it ready to upload. 3. Choose the Cookie Pro Résumé survey for your grade level, complete it, and upload your photo. Every girl who enters Girl Scouts of the USA’s Cookie Pro 2018 Contest will unlock this awesome, limited-edition Cookie Pro 2018 patch. Grand Prize: Six girls nationwide, one per Girl Scout grade level, will be named Girl Scouts of the USA’s Top Cookie Pro 2018 and get the epic chance to: • Be featured on the Girl Scout Cookie box! • Travel to New York City for an all-expenses-paid Cookie Entrepreneur Experience!


Manage the Money Girl to Customer

Money should be collected upon delivery of product. It is best practice to accept checks from people you know. If you decide to accept a check from your customer, please note that the council will not reimburse the troop for any bank charges from NSF checks. Credit cards can be accepted through the Digital Cookie app. Contact your Troop Cookie Chair for more details.

Girl to Troop

Parents should turn money in regularly to the Troop Cookie Chair. It is suggested that parents not accumulate more than $300 at any one time. Ask for a receipt when turning in any money to the troop. Remember, the troop chair is responsible for paying Council for the cookies checked out to the troop. Council deducts the money from the troop account on March 6 and April 6. Please remember to turn in money to your Troop Cookie Chair on a weekly basis.

Outstanding Balances

Troops are required to submit an Outstanding Balance Report to council for any balance not paid by the parent by the troop deadline. This is NOT a collection but a notice of non-payment. •

Once an Outstanding Balance Report has been submitted, the parent must pay off their debt with the council, not the troop, by April 28, 2017.


Any family with an outstanding balance at the end of the sale will forfeit all rewards.

Cookies = Money 70 boxes = $297.50 160 boxes = $680

Troops earn $0.65 in proceeds for every box sold!


Finish the Sale & CELEBRATE! Confirm with your Troop Cookie Chair that you have turned in all of your cookie sale money. Turn in your rewards selection sheet to you Troop Cookie Chair if you haven’t already. Have your parent check their email for the Girl Experiences RSVPs if you chose that as one of your rewards.

Don’t forget to thank all of the adults that helped your troop reach your cookie goals! Thank customers, share your stories & experiences Have a party and celebrate reaching your goals Turn the reward distribution into a ceremony Take pictures of how your troop spends their proceeds Share with your troop what you learned this year


Every Cookie Has a Mission The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a Hands-On Leadership and Entrepreneurial Program Sure, they’re awesomely delicious, but beyond the sweetness, Girl Scout Cookies are an opportunity for girls to do extraordinary things. When customers make a Girl Scout Cookie purchase, they’re helping the next generation of girl entrepreneurs get an important taste of what it takes to be successful- teamwork, planning, and a positive outlook (for starters). Proceeds from our sale stay within our local community and help power new experiences for over 3,000 awesome G.I.R.L.s (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader) who sell Girl Scout Cookies! Whether it’s a trip she’ll never forget, a service project that will change her community forever, or the opportunity to build a lifetime of memories at camp, Girl Scout Cookies help make it all happen! 2% is used to provide financial assistance through the opportunity fund. 16% is troop proceeds for use by the troop for activities and/or community service projects and for girl incentives. 48% is returned to leaders and girls in program opportunities, camp operations, insurance, program supplies, financial assistance, training, background checks, website, and other business operations. 34% is the cost of the cookie program, including cookies paid to the baker. Each box of cookies sold provides income to the Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails and helps offset operational costs for: • • • • • • • •

Delivering programs to over 3,000 girl members in a 23 county territory spanning 71,486 square miles. Maintaining two camp properties covering over 1,700 acres--insurance, upkeep, proper land stewardship, tents, beds,commercial kitchens, and program supplies. Providing membership and/or camp scholarship to girls whose families need financial assistance to participate. Providing training to over 1,000 adult member volunteers. Providing financial support for GSNMT sponsored events to keep activities affordable. Operating the Albuquerque and regional service centers. Providing volunteer screening and background checks. Providing required insurance for Girl Scout activities.

2017 GSNMT Top Cookie Seller Cheyenne, Troop 10541 3164 Boxes A word from Cheyenne’s mom: “I think that it (the cookie sale) helps her to stay focused, she knows what she wants and she wont stop until she achieves it. It is also a big motivation to her if she knows she has to work hard to earn something, then that she does. The Cookie Sale also helps her with public speaking to go ask the neighbors or our friends if they would like to buy from her. Her confidence has grown a lot by selling these Girl Scout products.”


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