All About Behavior Contracts A behavior contract is an interventional tool to use to encourage positive behavior. It is a written agreement between a Girl Scout, their caregiver, and the Troop Leader to have a common goal of success. The contract should include appropriate behavior expected in various settings: meetings, field trips, sleepovers, etc. Discuss the outcome of meeting or not meeting the desired expectation within the contract. All parties agreeing to the behavior contract should be part of creating the contract. Once created, all parties should sign - the Girl Scout, the caregiver, and the troop leader.
Benefits of Behavior Contracts When all parties are heard in the behavior contract, and there are clear and realistic expectations, this will typically result in the desired behavior. This can be a connecting and supporting process that promotes self-advocacy and self-determination with improved behavior. Behavior contracts are a great way to open a line of communication with caregivers and share with them the expectations of their Girl Scouts.
How to Write a Behavior Contract Identify the specific problematic behavior(s) Meet with the Girl Scout and their caregiver Collaborate with the Girl Scout to define the expected behavior(s) Collaborate to identify how you will recognize both positive and negative results Make a plan to monitor and evaluate how the plan is going Use the Behavior Contract Template to write out the details Sign the contract together
Adults are responsible for making Girl Scouts a place where girls are as safe emotionally as they are physically. Protect their emotional safety by creating a behavior contract and coaching Girl Scouts to honor this agreement. Behavior contracts typically encourage respecting diverse opinions and feelings, resolving conflicts constructively, avoiding physical and verbal bullying or clique behavior, practicing fairness, and showing positive, respectful, and helpful communication. Please reach out to Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes anytime you need support.
Girl Scout Behavior Contract Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Goal Behavior(check all that apply) The expectation I am working on is:
This looks like:
I will do my best to be honest and fair friendly and helpful considerate and caring responsible for what I say and do respect myself and others respect authority The reward I will get if I keep my promise is:
If I don't keep my promise, this will happen:
If I feel like my undesired behavior is going to happen, I can:
My troop leader and caregiver can help me by:
Girl Scout Signature
Troop Leader Signature
Caregiver Signature
We will review how this contract is going on this date: ____________________________________________________