2 minute read

Courageous and Strong

Not included: For straw rockets: Scissors and markers. For superhero masks: Scissors, markers, or crayons. Remember, you don’t have to do all the activities.

Intro: Let’s make the Girl Scout sign and say the Girl Scout Promise together. Would anyone like to lead it?

On my honor, I will try: To serve God* and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

*Members may substitute for the word God in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs.

Icebreaker: What is your favorite animal? Make the sound it makes and see if we can guess!

Pick at least three of the following activities to complete to earn this petal!

You can do these all in one meeting or over several meetings if you wish. Feel free to be creative, and modify or supplement these ideas with your own activities around the theme of being courageous and strong.

Activity 1: Talk about it!

Ask the girls:

What does being courageous and strong mean to you?

Who are some people you know who are courageous?

What are some ways people can be strong?

Are there other ways someone can show strength besides having a strong body?

Activity 2: Have a strong body—with yoga!

Use the included yoga cards and try some yoga poses together.

Activity 3: Learn about a real life she-ro!

Did you know that there are so many amazing women in history who have changed the world?

Tell the girls about Mae Jemison: Born in 1956, astronaut Mae Jemison was interested in science from a young age. After earning a degree in chemical engineering, Mae became a medical doctor in 1981. Then, in 1992, Dr. Jemison was chosen as the Science Mission Specialist on the Shuttle Endeavor, making her the rst Black woman in space.

In honor of Mae Jemison, make your own straw rocket using the included materials and instruction sheets, and then test it out!

Activity 4: Be a superhero!

Give each girl a mask sheet (included) and let them cut out, color, hole punch, and add yarn.

Have the girls create their superhero name by combining their favorite color ( rst name) and favorite animal (last name)!

What would their superpower be?

How would they use their superpowers to help others?

Have the girls test their superhero strength with some simple activities such as foot races, a long jump contest, standing on one foot, etc.

Activity 5: Invite a special guest!

Invite a re ghter, paramedic, police of cer, military service person, or athlete to share their personal story or lead the girls in an activity. (If you can nd a female speaker, all the better!) Have the girls prepare by each thinking of a question to ask.


End the meeting with a friendship circle/friendship squeeze. Have the girls help with any clean-up tasks. Talk about what you are doing at the next meeting, get their ideas for activities, and share upcoming meeting dates, homework, volunteer needs, etc. with parents as they arrive for pick-up. Consider sending a follow-up text with this information if needed.

I am the falling rain

Standing For ward B end

I am a log Plank

Cobbler’s Pose

I am a frog

Squat Pose

I am the sun

Extended Mountain Pose

I am a tree Tree Pose

Lotus Pose

I am a bridge Wheel Pose

Warrior 3 Pose

I am a snake

Cobra Pose

I am a seed

Child’s Pose

I am a rainb ow Side B end

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