Daisy Kit - Friendly & Helpful Meeting Plan

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Friendly and Helpful

Not included: For sunshine duck: Device for playing music. For friendship cards: Crayons.

Remember, you don’t have to do all the activities.

Intro: Let’s make the Girl Scout sign and say the Girl Scout Promise together. Would anyone like to lead it?

On my honor, I will try: To serve God* and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

*Members may substitute for the word God in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs.

Icebreaker: Have each girl state their name and their favorite food. If you like that one too, jump up and down!

Pick at least three of the following activities to complete to earn this petal!

You can do these all in one meeting or over several meetings if you wish. Feel free to be creative, and modify or supplement these ideas with your own activities around the theme of being friendly and helpful.

Activity 1: Talk about it!

Ask the girls: What does being a good friend mean to you? Go around the circle and ask each girl to share something they do to be a good friend.

What would you do to be friendly and helpful in these situations?

A new girl has just started at your school and you see her sitting alone on the playground. Your little brother broke his truck and is crying!

You made an art project and your crayons are all over the oor. Some other kids told a classmate that they don’t like her new shirt.

Your dad just got groceries from the store. He has a lot of bags in the car that he needs to bring inside.

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Activity 2: Play a game!

Play sunshine duck: Play a hot potato game, using the tiny yellow duck (included) in your kit. Have the girls sit in a circle and play some music from your phone or other device. As the music plays, the girls will secretly pass the tiny duck behind their backs. When the music stops, the person holding the duck will share one way they can help others.

Activity 3: Practice being a good friend!

Blow up a balloon (included) and toss it in the air. As a group, try to bat it in the air and keep it from hitting the ground. If it hits the ground, everyone in the group will say something nice about the last person who touched it.

Activity 4: Learn a Girl Scout tradition!

Learn the song Make New Friends. This song is sung by Girl Scouts at meetings and camp. You can nd the music here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5uafJjkgio. (Note: We are just learning the rst verse today.)

Make new friends, But keep the old. One is silver, And the other gold.

A circle is round, It has no end. That's how long I want to be your friend.

Activity 5: Be of service!

Make friendship cards! Be a friend to people in a local assisted-living community by making them some friendship cards to cheer them up and show you care! Color, decorate, and write a message using the included cards. (Contact a local care center to deliver or ask troop families if they have a connection.)


End the meeting with a friendship circle/friendship squeeze. Have the girls help with any clean-up tasks. Talk about what you are doing at the next meeting, get their ideas for activities, and share upcoming meeting dates, homework, volunteer needs, etc. with parents as they arrive for pick-up. Consider sending a follow-up text with this information if needed.

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888.747.6945 | gsnwgl.org

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