2 minute read

Responsible for What I Say and Do

Not included: For chore coupons: Crayons. For plants: Water, container for pouring, pencil, toothpick or craft stick.

Remember, you don’t have to do all the activities.

Intro: Let’s make the Girl Scout sign and say the Girl Scout Promise together. Would anyone like to lead it?

On my honor, I will try: To serve God* and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

*Members may substitute for the word God in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs.

Icebreaker: Have the girls introduce themselves and share their favorite thing they like to do at school.

Pick at least three of the following activities to complete to earn this petal!

You can do these all in one meeting or over several meetings if you wish. Feel free to be creative, and modify or supplement these ideas with your own activities around the theme of responsibility.

Activity 1: Read and share!

Read the Little Critter book I Forgot (included).

Was Little Critter being responsible in this story? What could he have done differently?

What can happen when people do not follow through with their responsibilities?

Activity 2: Play a game!

Play responsibility charades: Whisper a chore or responsibility to each girl and have them take turns acting them out for others to guess. Examples: Brush your teeth, vacuum, you’re your bed, do homework, take a shower, sweep, walk the dog, wash the dishes, make your bed, get dressed, rake leaves, cook dinner.

Activity 3: Practice responsibility at home.

Talk about what responsibilities you do at home. Do you do any chores to help around the house? Color and cut out the chore coupons (included) to give to your parent or caregiver to show how you will help!

Activity 4: Be responsible for a living thing!

Talk about what plants need to be healthy and grow. Give each girl a cup (included). Place a peat pellet (included) into the cup and add water until the cup is about one-third full. Wait about 5-10 minutes for it to soften into soil and puff up. If it seems dry or doesn’t puff up, add additional water. If it seems to have excess water, pour some out. Once the soil is soft, use a pencil, toothpick, or craft stick to dig a small hole in the center and plant your seeds (included). Each girl should plant approximately three seeds to increase the chance for success. Cover with soil. Bring home, place in a sunny window, and water as needed.

Activity 5: Be of service!

Be a responsible member of the community with a service project. Pick up litter or do a cleaning project at your meeting site (such as a school playground), or do weeding or ower planting there.


End the meeting with a friendship circle/friendship squeeze. Have the girls help with any clean-up tasks. Talk about what you are doing at the next meeting, get their ideas for activities, and share upcoming meeting dates, homework, volunteer needs, etc. with parents as they arrive for pick-up. Consider sending a follow-up text with this information if needed.

Girl Scouts are responsible!

This coupon is good for helping with the dishes.

Girl Scouts are responsible!

This coupon is good for cleaning my room without being asked.

Girl Scouts are responsible!

This coupon is good for helping rake leaves or shovel snow.

Girl Scouts are responsible!

This coupon is good for helping dust the furniture.

Girl Scouts are responsible!

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