You’ve decided to host a STEM Coding for Good Service Area Event!
Planning a large event is not always easy, and some people simply don’t have the time to plan events on their own. That’s why we’ve put together this handy guide that lays it all out for you. This event is designed for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors, and girls will earn all three of their Coding for Good badges: Coding Basics, Digital Game Design, and App Development. The event takes approximately 3 hours with the Plugged In portion included.
For event planning help, check out our Service Area Event Guide - Planning
The Boldt Company
Wisconsin Public Service Foundation
Schneider Foundation
Andersen Corporate Foundation
Microsoft Philanthropies
US Venture
STEM not only introduces girls to an incredible variety of potential career paths with hands on fun but also allows girls to think about problems and solutions in new ways, a skill relevant not only to girls who will eventually be leaders in STEM fields, but to girls who will be leaders in all fields.
This Service Area Event Guide comes with more than just a few activity ideas. To make your event as successful as possible, GSNWGL will support you. To receive support, you must:
• Register your event on our Service Area Event Portal
• After your event, share your success on our Service Area Event Portal. We’ll want to know things like how many girls attended by level, any specific success stories and/ or pictures
• Have girl attendees complete a STEM evaluation, and return those evaluations to us via email to or in hard copies dropped off or mailed to any of our Service Centers
• Event Support Package! A package with all activity handouts and printed materials
• Free badges! If you purchase the badges to give away at your event, they are Buy 2 Get 1 Free
• Free Event Space! Any camp property can be used to host this event for free.
• Event Promotion! Promotional materials that include social media graphics and event flyers
• Planning support! Once you register you event, a staff person will reach out to assist you
• Service Area allocations! This event counts as a STEM event for Service Area allocations
If you don’t find everything you need in this guide – we can help! Contact us with questions, comments, or suggestions via an email to
There are two different ways to set up your event, depending on the number of girls attending and your own preference. First, the activities can be run one by one with the entire group. This format works best for groups of 30 or less, or with ample volunteers to help individual girls and troops. Second, the activities can be run in stations, dividing your entire group in to 5 small groups for rotations. This works best for larger groups and requires many volunteers that feel comfortable leading activities.
This event activity guide makes use of simple household materials and can be led by volunteers without prior STEM knowledge. You can take your event to the next level by adding one or two easy enhancements:
• Plugged-In Activities using
• Industry Professional guest speakers, such as parents, volunteers, or friends that work in computer science, to share their experiences of working with coding and what a coding education and career path might look like.
• Handouts included in event packet
• Snacks
• Pretzels
• Crispy rice cereal
• Raisins
• Dried pineapple (or other dried fruit)
• Dried cranberries
• Popcorn
• General Supplies
• Large bowl
• Large plastic or wooden spoon
• 1 cup measuring spoon
• 1/2 cup measuring spoon
• Masking Tape
• Pens, Pencils, and Coloring Supplies
• Scissors
codeSpark provides free use for Girl Scout events like the STEM Coding for Good Service Area Event! If you have access to a computer lab, tablets, or laptops, consider allowing the girls to apply all of the concepts they will learn to the codeSpark Academy.
Request a code to host a free one-day event with codeSpark Academy here: https://accounts. Be sure to request at least 3 days in advance of your event.
• Before the meeting, confirm adequate wireless connectivity. codeSpark requires Internet connection while in use.
• The minimum device requirements to run codeSpark Academy are:
• Apple iOS 9 (iPad 2)
• Android 4.1 Jellybean
• Desktop/Chromebook: 4GB of RAM, might need to close all other apps
• If you’re using tablets, download, install, and login to codeSpark before your meeting. This process always takes longer than you think it should.
• If you’re using desktop/laptop computers (at http:// be patient as the game takes some time to load the first time you open it.
• Be sure to test codeSpark in the environment and with the devices you plan on using ahead of time. Some schools/libraries/public Internet access firewalls are very strict and only allow a predetermined list of websites.
• One device per girl is ideal but you can practice “pair programming” by grouping girls in twos. When pair programming, one girl holds the device and codes while the other tells her partner what to do and helps debug when errors occur.
• Be sure the batteries in your devices (tablets or computers) are fully charged.
• Headphones are optional but can help keep the noise in the room down.
• If you run into glitches or bugs in the program, email us at or check out the FAQ’s at
5 minutes
Welcome to Coding for Good!
Today you will earn 3 badges: Coding Basics, Digital Game Design, and App Development. Code is the language that computer scientists create and use to tell computers what to do. Computers (and phones, tablets, and anything else with an interactive screen) only understand instructions in code, instead of English, Spanish, or any other spoken language. As Girl Scouts, we aren’t just going to talk about computers, apps, and games, we are going to talk about how coding can make the world a better place.
An algorithm is a list of steps to solve a problem or complete a task. Today you are going to give your buddy an algorithm (step by step instructions) to win a race! You have just three possible instructions: Move Forward, Turn Right, Turn Left. We will run our race two times, so each buddy will have a chance to be the guide and the robot. If you are the robot, follow the directions of your guide step by step. You cannot move unless they tell you to! If you are the guide, you may only use the three possible instructions, you cannot tell your robot to go backwards, run, or just “go that way.”
Have girls work in two groups. Give one group the Team Count recipe, they will be counting out ingredient. Give the other group the Team Measure recipe, they will be measuring out the ingredients.
A recipe is a great example of how we can follow an algorithm to complete a task. For this activity, each group will follow their recipe to make the same trail mix. One group has a recipe with a detailed algorithm to make their mix. The other group has a recipe with an efficient algorithm to make their mix. With your team, work together and follow the steps of the recipe exactly as they are written to make trail mix.
After the girls have made their trail mix, allow them to eat it. While eating, ask each group to read their recipe to the rest of the group. Take turns going back and forth so that Team Count reads step 1, then Team Measure reads step 1, and so on.
Ask the Girls
• How were your algorithms different?
• How were your algorithms similar?
• Were any of the parts frustrating?
• Were any of the parts easy?
• Team Count, your algorithm was detailed. What real-life instructions need to be very detailed?
• Ex. Recipe to make medicine, building something out of wood, instructions for doing something for the first time.
• Team Measure, your algorithm was efficient (easy to read and follow, but less specific instructions). What real-life instructions can be efficient?
• Ex. Recipe to make trail mix, instructions for doing something you have done before
• What kind of algorithm do you like better, detailed or efficient? 1100101010001010111100001100001011011010111000001100101101101011100000110110001100101010001010111100
15 minutes
• Grass Hopper Cards, 1 set
An important job for computer scientists is debugging. Debugging means finding and fixing problems in computer codes, so that an algorithm (set of instructions) works the way we want it to.
We use the term “debugging” because one day in 1947, an important computer was having issues, and the problem was caused by a moth stuck inside of it!
A woman, Grace Hopper, was in charge of the team that found the moth and taped it into her notebook. This was the first documented case of a real bug being the source of the computer problem! Today, we’re going to learn more about this very important woman in computer science— Grace Hopper. To learn about the amazing life of Grace Hopper, we’re going to create a timeline of her biggest achievements.
I have a set of cards with information about Grace Hopper, but they’re all out of order, so we need to debug! Work together to create a sequence of facts starting with when and where she was born.
I will give each of you a card. When it’s your turn, you’ll read your card and find your place in line. To find your place in line, look at the sequence of dates. Dates that come later will go to the right, and earlier dates will go to the left.
When everyone has found their place in the line, have each girl read their fact starting with the first card for when Grace Hopper was born. While girls are reading, allow them to debug if someone is out of order.
Ask the Girls:
• Do you know anybody that works with computers?
• How are computer scientists helpful?
• Did you need to do any debugging in the line?
20 minutes
• Code Blocks, 1 set per group
Computers follow algorithms (instructions) that are written in code (computer language). Computer scientists try to make their code as efficient as possible, that means they write as little as possible to make the computer do what they want. Imagine you are writing a code to brush your teeth and for every brush, you would need to tell the computer “brush.” To make the computer keep brushing for three minutes we would need to say “brush forward, brush backward, brush forward, brush backward, brush forward, brush backward, brush forward, brush backward, brush forward, brush backward, brush forward, brush backward, brush forward, brush backward,” until our 3 minutes were over. That is a lot of typing! Instead, we can make our algorithm more efficient by creating a loop that says “Loop 7 times: brush forward, brush backward,” then our computer knows to brush forward and back 7 times, without us having to type it all out! When we use loops we tell computers to do something over and over again.
We are going to try coding our own efficient algorithms by creating a looping dance! You will each take turns using the code blocks to code your own dance, and then the group will turn in to Robot Girl Scouts who follow your code!
Fit the Code Blocks together like puzzle pieces to create your algorithm. Then try following the algorithm with all of your friends.
Have girls take turns leading the dance.
Ask the Girls:
• Were your robot friends able to follow your algorithm?
• Were their any parts of your code that needed to be debugged?
15 minutes
• Masking Tape, tape out a 5x5 square grid on the floor with squares big enough to stand in
• Command Arrows, 1 set
• Animal Rescue Game Pieces, 1 set
All games have 4 important parts. Characters, or the person that you are playing as. Obstacles, or things you have to avoid or get around. Objects, or things you can pick up. And, goals, the thing you are trying to accomplish in the game.
You are going to play a life size video game! Your character is a firefighter, your obstacles are buildings, your object is a cat, and your goal is to reach and rescue the cat in the tree!
There are rules though! You may only move one square at a time and when you turn, you stay in your same square.
We will have 3 jobs to try:
1. Game Maker: you will set up the game board by placing the obstacles and objects in the squares.
2. Character: you will be the firefighter on the game grid and follow the directions of the player. You cannot move unless they say so!
15 minutes
• Digital Game Board, 1 per girl
• Game Designer Template, 1 per girl
• Coloring supplies
You are all game designers, developing your very own game. Every game needs 4 important parts: a character, obstacles, objects, and a goal. As you work on each piece:
Character: Sketch it out. What do they look like? What are their defining features? Do they have a specific job?
Obstacles: Sketch it out. What are the pieces that your character will need to navigate around or jump over? Think about buildings, boulders, walls, trees, or rivers.
Objects: Sketch it out. What items is your character collecting or picking up in your game?
Goal: Write it out. What is the endpoint of your game? Is your character trying to get somewhere or bring something somewhere?
After you have drawn out your character, obstacles, and objects, try putting them on the game board. How hard would your maze game be?
App is a short way of saying “application.” An application is a software program that runs on your computer, tablet, or phone. Apps solve problems for people, such as helping them to find out how to get somewhere (map), check the weather (weather), help people in a disaster (check in apps or donations), learn a new language (foreign language apps)—even just solve the “problem” of having fun (games)!
Many people think that programming an app is all about coding. But there’s a lot of work that happens without even touching a computer! You’re going to dig deeper into how programmers create an app that solves a problem for someone else.
Often, app developers start planning on paper before they code the program on a computer. This gives the developer a chance to test her ideas before she spends a lot of time coding.
Today, you’re going to come up with your own idea for an app that solves a problem!
Split girls in to groups of 4-5.
60 minutes
• Devices with internet access. Ideally 1 per girl, though girls may work in pairs if needed.
Allow the girls to apply all of the concepts they have learned to real-life coding!
Who are the Foos?
The Foos are the inhabitants of Fooville, creative world modeled after computer microchips. Foos are happiest when they solve problems by working in a team, having fun, acting silly, and of course completing tasks efficiently! They can also experience sadness, frustration, silliness, surprise, and all sorts of emotions.
As girls make their way through codeSpark Academy puzzles, they’ll encounter different Foos who will introduce and practice coding concepts like sequencing, loops, conditionals and more. Each Foo has a special ability and different personality traits. For example, Naomi can shrink and grow, throw a banana, and unlock things. She’s also fiercely loyal to her friends. Val has a jetpack, can use dynamite, and travels through a transport portal. She’s also brave and very knowledgeable in all things science related.
User-centered design means that an app was developed with the user and their problems in mind. Each group is going to receive a card introducing their user. You should use your user’s information to create an app for them. Each girl in the group will create one screen of the app, and then the group can put all of their screens together!
Thank you for hosting a STEM Robotics Service Area Event! Girls that attend your event earn all three of their robotics badges. If girls order those badges through your event the badges are Buy 2 Get 1 Free!
What do you as the Service Area Event Planner have to do?
1. Collect $6 per girl as part of event admission
2. Tell us how many Coding for Good badge sets you need
Juniors: (+)
Total =
3. Order by phone or mail this form in along with $6 per badge set
Total Badge Sets (x) = Amount Due =
► Then we ship all of the badges to you!
4. Distribute the badges to Troop Leaders at an upcoming Service Area Leader Meeting, or whenever you see them next!
Service Area Information:
Service Area Planner Name:
Service Area Planner Phone Number:
Service Area Planner Email Address:
Service Area Planner Home Address:
To submit your order:
► Order by phone by calling us at 888.747.6945
► Mail this form along with a check made payable to GSNWGL
Welcome! This is a survey on your opinions and thoughts about yourself and STEM. Here are a couple of things to know before you get started:
• STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math.
• If you do not want to take the survey, you do not have to. However, we hope you will fill out the survey.
• I am a: Daisy Brownie Junio Cadette Senior Ambassador
• Please read each question carefully and mark the answer that is most like you. If you don’t know an answer, that’s okay. You can select, “I don’t know.” If you don’t understand a question, please ask an adult for help.
• This is not a test. There are no right or wrong answers. We want to know what you really think and feel. So, please answer honestly.
Let’s Get Started!! For the following questions, tell us how much each statement is LIKE YOU! If the statement describes you very well, choose “Exactly”. If the statement does not describe you very well, choose “Not at all”. If you don’t know how to answer, that’s okay. You can select, “I don’t know”.
How much is this like you?
I like to figure out how things work.
Exactly A lot Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know I love building things.
Exactly A lot Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know I am excited to learn more about science.
How much is this like you?
I can do most science projects I try.
Exactly A lot Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know
Exactly A lot
Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know I am very good at solving problems.
Exactly A lot Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know
Exactly A lot Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know I am very good at coming up with new ideas when working on projects.
When trying to solve a problem...How much is this like you?
I first try to understand what caused it. Exactly A lot Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know I think about different ways to solve it. Exactly A lot Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know I gather or consider information from different places.
I think carefully about the information I have obtained.
I try different ways to solve it when I get stuck.
How much do you agree with each statement?
Thinking like a scientist will help me do well in my classes.
Engineers make the world a better place to live.
Knowing science and technology is important for being a good citizen.
Exactly A lot Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know
Exactly A lot Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know
Exactly A lot Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know
Exactly A lot
Exactly A lot
Exactly A lot
Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know
Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know
Kind of A little Not at all I don’t know ❧ THANK YOU for completing
Algorithm - a list of steps to solve a problem or complete a task. For example, when you follow the steps of a recipe, you’re using an algorithm.
App (short for application) - a software program that runs on your computer, tablet, or phone.
App features - parts of an app. They could be things like using the camera, a welcome video, a help page, or a way for app users to connect with friends.
Code - the language that computer scientists create and use to tell computers what to do. Beginning programmers usually start coding with block-based coding (visual blocks that link together) to build their algorithms. As they progress, they’ll move into using written coding languages such as JavaScript or Python.
Computer - any device that stores information and follows instructions from a program. For example, a laptop is a computer; so is a coffee maker that can be programmed.
Debugging - when you find and fix errors (bugs) in a program.
Decomposition - to break down a problem into smaller steps or pieces to solve.
Development - when you create something new.
Digital games - games you can play on your phone, computer, TV, tablet, or gaming console. Also called video games.
Event - an action that causes something to happen.
Game Design Process - the process of imagining, creating, and improving a design to create a video game.
Iterate - when you repeat a process many times to make something better.
Loop - a set of instructions that is repeated over and over again.
Perseverance - the ability to work through challenges. For example, when anyone starts to learn coding, they will find some activities challenging. When they keep trying until they succeed, they’ve demonstrated perseverance.
Programming - when a person creates a sequence of instructions, or an algorithm, that makes a computer or machine do something.
Sequence - the step-by-step order in which instructions or events should happen. For example: Think of the steps you do to get ready in the morning. You wouldn’t get dressed before getting in the shower!
User Needs - what potential or current users need to solve a problem your tool is meant to solve.
User-Centered Design - a development life-cycle that focuses on understanding the needs of the user.
Take on step forward. Characters cannot step off the grid.
Jump over an obstacle and land in the next square. Jumping is not allowed if it takes you off the grid.
Pick Up
When you reach an object, pick it up.
Turn Left
Turn to the left, do not take a step, stay in your square
Turn Right
Turn to the right, do not take a step, stay in your square
• Pretzels
• Crispy rice cereal
• Raisins
• Dried pineapple (or other dried fruit)
• Dried cranberries
• Popcorn
• Large bowl
• Large plastic or wooden spoon
• Count out 20 pretzels and place in the bowl.
• Count out 40 pieces of crispy rice cereal and place in the bowl.
• Count out 35 raisins and place in the bowl.
• Count out 25 dried pineapples pieces and place in the bowl.
• Count out 30 dried cranberries and place in the bowl.
• Sprinkle 15 pieces of popcorn in the bowl.
• Gently mix all of the ingredients together with the spoon.
• Wait to hear the next instructions from your Troop Leader.
• 1 cup of pretzels
• 1 cup of crispy rice cereal
• 1/2 cup of raisins
• 1/2 cup of dried pineapple (or other dried fruit)
• 1/2 cup of dried cranberries
• 15 piece of popcorn
• Large bowl
• Large plastic or wooden spoon
• 1 cup measuring spoon
• 1/2 cup measuring spoon
• Measure out 1 cup of pretzels and crispy rice cereal and place in the large bowl.
• Measure out 1/2 cup of raisins, dried pineapples, and dried cranberries and place in the bowl.
• Sprinkle a handful of popcorn in the bowl.
• Gently mix all of the ingredients together with the spoon.
• Wait to hear the next instructions from your Troop Leader.
I was born in New York City, New York and was the oldest of three children. My parents were Walter Fletcher Murray and Mary Campbell Van Horne.
At the age of 7, I took apart 7 alarm clocks to see how they work. My mother took 6 of the disassembled clocks but left 1 for me to explore.
At the age of 16, I was applied to Vassar College. I was rejected because of my low grades in Latin class. I didn’t give up and was accepted to Vassar the following year. I went to school to study mathematics.
I graduated from Vassar College with a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Physics.
I went back to school and earned my Master’s degree in Mathematics from Yale University.
I graduated with my Doctorate (PhD) in Mathematics from Vale University.
I was joined the United States Navy Reserve to serve my country during World War II. The following year I was made a Lieutenant.
My team and I built the first computer in America. It was as big as a bedroom! We called it the Mark I computer.
My team and I were working on the Mark II computer when it broke. I opened the cover and found a moth inside of the computer! We removed the moth and came up with the term “debugging” which is a strategy that we use today in computer science.
My team and I created the first electronic digital computer for commercial use. We called it the UNIVAC. This computer is what the inspiration for computers we use today.
I helped invent the coding language, COBOL, which let people code computers using code that was easy to understand and use.
I retired and was called to return to Naval duty TWICE! During that time I was promoted to the rank of Captain.
I was joined the United States Navy Reserve to serve my country during World War II. The following year I was made a Lieutenant.
My team and I built the first computer in America. It was as big as a bedroom! We called it the Mark I computer.
My team and I were working on the Mark II computer when it broke. I opened the cover and found a moth inside of the computer! We removed the moth and came up with the term “debugging” which is a strategy that we use today in computer science.
My team and I created the first electronic digital computer for commercial use. We called it the UNIVAC. This computer is what the inspiration for computers we use today.
Turn Right: Turn to the right, do not take a step, stay in your square.
Turn Left: Turn to the left, do not take a step, stay in your square.
Jump: Jump over an obstacle and land in the next square. Jumping is not allowed if it takes you off the grid.
Move Forward: Take one step forward. Characters cannot step off the grid.
Turn Right: Turn to the right, do not take a step, stay in your square.
Turn Left: Turn to the left, do not take a step, stay in your square.
Jump: Jump over an obstacle and land in the next square. Jumping is not allowed if it takes you off the grid.
Move Forward: Take one step forward. Characters cannot step off the grid.
Pick Up: When you reach an object, pick it up.
Teyana has only a few weeks until summer and lots to do! She’s a 15 year old Girl Scout who is getting ready to bridge to Ambassador. She has to find time to study for end-of-year tests. She’s involved in different school activities. And she loves spending time with her family. She needs your help to create an app that will help her to balance her school work with time with her friends and family.
Teyana’s favorite color is turquoise. She loves to take photos and wants to remember the end-of-year events. She wants an app that can include her schedule and list of things to do before summer break.
Morgan was just given the role of manager of her school’s girls’ basketball team, the Wildcats! She needs your help to create an app that will help her with her new position. She has lots of tasks to manage, from making sure players are at practice and games to collecting Laundry every Friday.
The Wildcat’s mascot is a tiger. The team gets along really well. They want to be able to talk and plan for practices and games, even when they’re not at practice. The team wants to be able to share with everyone when they won’t be able to go to practice or games.
Juliana is a firefighter and is always looking for new ways to keep her team safe, while getting an important job done. She is in charge of knowing where her fellow coworkers are, how much oxygen is left in their tanks, and needs to know in an instant if one of them is in trouble. She needs your help to create an app that will help her at the scene of a fire.
Shante is a teacher at Rosewater Elementary. Each day she needs to take attendance, record grades and tell the cafeteria how many students are taking hot lunch. She would also like an easier way to see her class’s gym, art, and music schedule, and communicate with parents. She needs your help to create an app that will help her spend less time on these tasks, and more time with her students.
Join us for the STEM Coding for Good Event with Service Area! Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors are you ready to earn ALL of your Coding for Good badges!?
For girls in grades: 6-12
Where: Local Community Center
When: Friday, March 21 | 2 - 4 p.m. Register today! 212 Likes Like Comment Share