1 minute read
For Dave and Pam DeCampli, giving back is not just the right thing to do, it’s in their nature. Over the years, both have given generously of their time, talents and treasure to Good Shepherd. Dave served three terms as chairman of the board. Pam is now a board member and belongs to the Women’s Giving Circle, a philanthropic group supporting programs and services.
Dave and Pam recognize the need for Good Shepherd Rehabilitation, and the value that it brings to the community. “It’s an organization that does things that no one else will,” says Dave, explaining that Good Shepherd fills a void where other organizations can’t or won’t.
Pam agrees and explains what they are doing to support Good Shepherd’s ability to remain a resource for those near and far. “We all have to think about where we want our time, talents, and treasure to go,” she says.
The DeCamplis knew they could do even more to help ensure the future for this storied organization. “As retirement began to come in to focus, taking our financial situation in mind, we sat down with our planner and recrafted our will to include a number of beneficiaries,” says Dave. “And Good Shepherd stood out.”
Pam and Dave encourage everyone to think about how they can support Good Shepherd, noting that a contribution at any level is well used and well appreciated. “Any and every gift is a gift,” says Pam. And she’s right. Together, gifts of all types and sizes allow us to continue caring for the people of our community and beyond.
Let’s find the gift that best matches your plan for your family’s future, and your charitable intentions. n