1 minute read
FOR CHRONIC PAIN VIRTUAL REALITY FOR CHRONIC PAIN RelieVRx is the first FDA-authorized digital therapeutic for the management of chronic low back pain.
RelieVRx is the first FDA-authorized digital therapeutic for the management of chronic low back pain.
RelieVRx is the first FDA-authorized digital therapeutic for the management of chronic low back pain.
It is a prescription-use immersive virtual reality system intended to provide adjunctive treatment for chronic low back pain. It is an 8-week program based on principles of cognitive behavioral therapy skills and other evidence-based methods.
It is a prescription-use immersive virtual reality system intended to provide adjunctive treatment for chronic low back pain. It is an 8-week program based on principles of cognitive behavioral therapy skills and other evidence-based methods.
It is a prescription-use immersive virtual reality system i t d d t id dj ti t tment fo chronic ram base on princ py skills and oth