1 minute read
ivity monitoring systems create safer environment ividuals needing extra support to stay within their mes. It provides peace of mind for when caregivers n't present.
Activity monitoring systems create safer environments for individuals needing extra support to stay within their homes. It provides peace of mind for when caregivers aren't present.
Activity monitoring systems create safer environments for individuals needing extra support to stay within their homes. It provides peace of mind for when caregivers aren’t present.
Thes de a com wear as. They with an app to notify a caregiver of significant events and provide insights into patterns and habits that might warrant action.
These solutions typically include a combination of wearables, sensors, or cameras. They will communicate with an app to notify a caregiver of significant events and provide insights into patterns and habits that might warrant action.
ese solutions typically include a combination of earables, sensors, or cameras. They will communic th an app to notify a caregiver of significant event nd provide insights into patterns and habits that m arrant action.