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from The Golden Link-Winter 2022
Service to Girl Scouting Pin Planning meetings–Daisy Event
Come join Region 4 to plan and lead activities for Daisies to earn the Cookie Goal Setter, Money Explorer, My First Cookie Business, and My Money Choices badges. Participate in a mock cookie sale. Come share your cookie sale knowledge and experiences.
Who: ⓒ ⓢⓐ adults Where: Planning Meetings: Cypress Resource Center 19108 NW Frwy, Houston Event: Cornerstone United Methodist Church 18081 West Rd Houston When: Planning meetings: Jan. 19, 24, 26, 31, Event: Feb. 4 Cost: $20/girl $8/adult Contact: 713-292-0300, customerservice@sjgs.org
Cadette Media Journey Camp Weekend
Come join Region 4 to complete all steps for the Media Journey, except TAP, and spend a fun weekend at camp. Troops must follow the girl/adult ratio. No tagalongs.
Who: ⓒ Where: Camp Agnes Arnold When: Friday, Jan. 20, 6 p.m. – Jan. 22, 11 a.m. Cost: $50/girl, $30/adult Contact: 713-292-0300, customerservice@sjgs.org Note: Badge earned: Media Journey Badge
Come join Region 4 to complete all steps for the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey, except TAP, and spend a fun weekend at camp. Troops must follow the girl/adult ratio. No tagalongs.
Who: ⓢ Where: Camp Agnes Arnold When: Friday, Jan. 20, 6 p.m. – Jan. 22, 11 a.m. Cost: $50/girl, $30/adult Contact: 713-292-0300, customerservice@sjgs.org Note: Badge earned: TLaCS Badge
Ambassador Bliss Journey Camp Weekend
Come join Region 4 to complete all steps for the Bliss Journey, except TAP, and spend a fun weekend at camp. Troops must follow the girl/adult ratio. No tagalongs.
Who: ⓐ Where: Camp Agnes Arnold When: Friday, Jan. 20, 6 p.m. – Jan. 22, 11 a.m. Cost: $50/girl, $30/adult Contact: 713-292-0300, customerservice@sjgs.org Note: Badge Earned: Bliss Journey Badge
Good Sportmanship Badge and Bowling Event
Come join Region 4 for a fun afternoon of bowling. Cadettes will complete 2-3 activities towards their Good Sportsmanship Badge. This event is open to only Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts in the Copper Creek Meadows, Cypress Bend, and Wildflowers communities. No tagalongs.
Who: ⓒ ⓢⓐ Where: Copperfield Bowl, 15615 Glen Chase Dr, Houston When: Sunday, Feb. 5, 1 – 3 p.m. Cost: $5/girl, $/adult Contact: 713-292-0300, customerservice@sjgs.org Note: Pizza and soda will be provided
Backpacking Orientation
Backpacking Orientation is a prerequisite to join the Backpacking Special Interest Group. Don’t worry if you might be the only girl in your troop or an individually registered girl who might be interested in backpacking. You won’t be the only one! You will learn how to pack a backpack, care for a tent, and cook on your own personal stove. You will transfer your camping gear to your backpack, hike two miles to the campsite and set up your tent, where you will spend the evening on a mini backpacking adventure! Enjoy the campfire, savor dinner on your own stove, and settle in for the night in your tent on the ground under the stars. After packing up your gear the next morning, you will hike two miles back to the main part of camp, say goodbye to your new friends and count down the days until your first weekend backpacking trip!
Who: ⓒ ⓢⓐ Volunteers When: March 4 – 5 10:30 a.m. Saturday – 11:15 a.m. Sunday Where: Camp Arnold (check in at Podvillle) Cost: $25/girl and $25/adult Adult Requirements: This is a drop-off event, adults do not need to stay unless they also wish to take the training (Girl Scout ratio will be met by facilitators). This event is overnight, so all adults that do attend must have a current membership and background check. Contact: Kathy Elliott, 713-292-0300, customerservice@sjgs.org
Day Hikes with the Backpackers
Step out and enjoy a day in nature and get away from the city! Join and meet fellow Girl Scouts and explore a nearby forest or park. You will take a leisurely hike and start to learn some backpacking skills and tips along the way.
Who: ⓙ ⓒ ⓢⓐ Adults When: Feb. 18 – Lake Houston Wilderness Park (updated) March 25 – Terry Hershey (updated) May 6 – Brazos Bend State Park Time: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Cost: $20/girl; $20/adult (includes lunch) Contact: Kathy Elliott, 713-292-0300, customerservice@sjgs.org