Change the world... ! d l i h c L A C O L a h t i rt w
of Bulloch County
Mona Davis MY FAVORITE I love the movie Trolls and I like playing on scooters in the gym!
“The BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB is a wonderful and safe place for children to learn, play, and grow. I couldn’t thank them enough for all the things they do for myself and for my daughter!”
MY LEAST FAVORITE When my sister comes into my room.
“Because of the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB, I have made new friends. I now complete my homework on time and I have learned to be kind to others.”
B’Nysha Davis Age 9
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me from fa o c s t n . e d u t s r is working e iv g e r a c y the primar
Yet also come from homes which fall below the poverty line. Our parents are working long and hard to make better lives for their children, but ending the cycle of poverty is difficult. You can help them with a scholarship through the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF BULLOCH COUNTY.
The members of the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF BULLOCH COUNTY enjoy a wide range of activities that expose them to experiences that would be difficult for them to have on their own. Members enjoy dance, art, music, and fitness programs among many others. So many in our community work to share their passions with our childen.
Michelle walker Member
Dy’Asia Tribble Age 8 MY FAVORITE Mexican food, math, and classical pop music! MY LEAST FAVORITE Staying home.
BOYS AND GIRLS CLU B OF BULLOCH COUNTY h elps care for more th an 1 0 0 0 lo cal children ever y year. Due to afte rschool help with instruc tion and ho mework from certifi e d te a c h e rs , m e m b e rs who attend the Boys an d Girls Club more than 1 00 days I M PROVE their overa ll GPA from an average of
78 % to 84 % thou gh
out the school year. This is proo f of w h a t w e d o.
“My kids are never ready to leave when I come to pick them up. The BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB is a positve place with a caring staff! The club is so concerned with the children’s grades and their education! I am so thankful for the lessons they learn here! ”
Michael Scott Age 5
“I love all the staff at the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB! They have helped me so much with my homework and my manners! ”
MY FAVORITE Hamburgers and reading! MY LEAST FAVORITE Playing by myself. “The BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB has taught me to play fair with all of my friends every day!”
CALL (912) 764-9696
INVEST TODAY! 100% of your donation stays in Bulloch County.
Sponsor a Child! DONATE ONLINE
Boys & Girls of Bulloch County 1 Lee Hill Drive Statesboro, GA 30458