Proudly Serving Statesboro Since 1963
BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HomeServices Kennedy Realty is Good to know™ when buying or selling a home because of its agents unmatched market expertise, straightforward advice, and forward-thinking approach when working with their clients.
There are
times when
who you know makes all the difference. PROUD 2017 SPONSOR of Safe Haven
Everett Kennedy “When Experience Counts”
912-764- 6249 of f ice 912- 682- 9045 cell 1000 Bermuda Run Road Statesboro, GA 30458
EverettKennedyRealt E M A IL: eken ne dy@bh h sken ne dy re a lt y.c om fac ebo ok .c om/Everet t Ken ne dyRe a ltor
© 2 017 B H H Af filiates , LLC . An in d e p e n d e ntly ow n e d a n d op e rate d fra n chise e of B H H Af filiates , LLC . B e r kshire H ath away H o m eS e r vices a n d th e B e r kshire H ath away H o m eS e r vices sy m b ol a re registe re d se r vice m a r ks of H o m eS e r vices of Am e r ic a , In c .® Eq u al H o using O p p o r tu nit y.