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Our Girls Building with Volunteers
Girl Scouting depends on volunteers to bring our programs to life for girls. We rely on our volunteers for everything from coaching and guiding girls as troop leaders; helping to facilitate the Cookie Program; administrative help in the office; service unit volunteers; outdoor training facilitators; and so much more. Girl Scouts of Western Ohio is fortunate to have an amazing group of dedicated and capable volunteers!
10,121 Volunteers
Julia was an active Girl Scout for 13 years, beginning as a Daisy and continuing on to become a Program Assistant and earn the Silver and Gold Awards. She still holds fond memories of camping with her troop and attending day camp.
In college, Julia joined Kappa Delta sorority primarily because one of their philanthropies was Girl Scouts. She didn’t know her commitment to Girl Scouts was just getting started!
When her daughter entered Kindergarten, Julia excitedly agreed to be her troop leader. After four years leading her daughter’s troop, Julia stepped into the role of Girl Scout Leadership Experience chair, responsible for ensuring the Girl Scout program is delivered with quality in her local community.
Julia and her fellow regional volunteer leadership team members have hosted several events, including an end-of-the-year bash, a math in nature event at a local park, a Halloween/Birthday Bash for our founder, and an AMAZING cookie rally. Julia also shared her passion as a quilt and educational fabric designer with the girls at a “Juliette Sews” event, which is near and dear to Julia’s heart.
95% of troop leaders indicated that being a troop leader allows them to use their skills, talents, and passions
“Girl Scouts has given me so much that, at the time it was all happening, I didn’t even realize it. Looking back, Girl Scouts made me a leader, even though I am shy and more of an introvert. It helped me to be able to guide my own troop and (community) as well.”ff