HE prospectus

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Equality & Diversity

North Warwickshire & Hinckley College is committed to equality of opportunity for staff, students, members of the public and community groups, on all sites, and all others who come into contact with College representatives. Our commitment to equal opportunities means that the College will take action to ensure that all these groups are entitled to equality of opportunity regardless of age, disability, gender, race, religion, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, class, marital status or employment.

College Mission

“To release potential and transform lives.�


We believe our students deserve the best. Our charter sets out what standards you can expect from us. It is available from all reception points. We also have a simple and effective complaints process so that we can quickly put right any problems that might arise from time to time.

Alternative format required

If you require this publication in an alternative format, please contact us on 024 7624 3000.

Important details

Information is correct at the time of going to press. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy. The College reserves the right to withdraw or amend courses, entry requirements, fees and details included in this publication. Š North Warwickshire & Hinckley College 2011

Contents 04 Principal’s welcome

11 College life

06 Why study a Higher Education course at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College?

12 How to apply

07 New Hinckley Campus

14 Campuses

08 Next steps

16 Understanding qualification levels

09 Student support

18 At-a-glance guide to our Higher Education courses

13 Awards

10 Financing your Higher Education course

20 Course information

Higher Education courses at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College in partnership with


Principal’s welcome Deciding what to study and where to continue your learning is a very important decision, particularly in these challenging economic times, and our awardwinning guidance team will be happy to help you decide which Higher Education course suits you.

If you are looking for University level courses, there are a number of reasons to choose North Warwickshire & Hinckley College as the place to continue your studies. We work in partnership with Birmingham City University, Coventry University, De Montfort University, Nottingham Trent University and the University of Warwick, to provide over 30 different Higher Education courses. Rated by Ofsted as ‘Outstanding’, which is now coupled with LSIS Beacon Status, we are proud of the exceptional teaching we provide and the excellent record of achievement demonstrated by our students.

Over the following pages you will read about the experiences of many different students who have studied with us, of the individual support they have received and of their successful outcomes. It is a privilege to be part of the impact that learning new skills and gaining new knowledge has on the lives of so many different people from different backgrounds. We look forward to welcoming you as a student in our College community.

In 2008 we came top for student satisfaction in the annual National Student Survey (NSS) conducted on behalf of the Higher Education Funding Council for England, with 96.8% of our Higher Education students saying they were satisfied with the quality of their course here at the College.

Best wishes

Marion Plant, OBE Principal and Chief Executive


Why study a Higher Education course at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College? Employability

At North Warwickshire & Hinckley College we can help you broaden your horizons through our exciting range of Higher Education courses. We will allow you to further your education and improve your career prospects in a welcoming and friendly environment.

The College has strong links with an extensive range of employers across all subject sectors. These employers work with the College to act as ambassadors and support work placement opportunities, develop provision, and promote the benefits of higher level attainment, such as increasing earning capability and intellectual and personal development for existing and new employees. To support this, the College offers flexible learning programmes to meet the needs of local and wider industry, and individual support so we can ensure that learning, employment experience and progression opportunities are available for all.

Our expanding portfolio of university-level courses means we are able to help you achieve your future career goals. Last year over 400 students studied Higher Education courses with us, achieving a range of qualifications including Higher National Certificates (HNCs) and Diplomas (HNDs) and Foundation Degrees (FdAs). Many students find that choosing to study locally can significantly help them reduce the costs of gaining Higher Education qualifications.

The College strives to develop links with new and more diverse industries in order that it may actively participate in the development of new and innovative provision, complement market trends and engage more employers in the assessment and monitoring process of learners and considerably increasing employment prospects for graduates.

We deliver 14 courses with direct funding from the Higher Education Funding Council. In addition we work in partnership with six leading universities in the Midlands to ensure an inspirational learning experience. Our partnerships with Birmingham City University, De Montfort University, and the University of Warwick mean we are able to design and deliver courses that link together and build on your existing qualifications. This is supported by agreements with other partner universities to offer guaranteed interviews at Nottingham Trent University, Coventry University and Leicester University.

In 2008, we came top for student satisfaction in the annual National Student Survey (NSS) conducted on behalf of the Higher Education Funding Council for England with 96.8% of our Higher Education students saying they were satisfied with the quality of their course here at the College.


An artist’s impression of our new Hinckley Campus which will open in September 2011.

Opening September 2011

North Warwickshire & Hinckley College’s brand new £13m Creative Arts Campus

Full-time, Part-time, Higher Education, Apprenticeships and Employer Training Our new Hinckley Campus will be home to our Performing Arts, Media, Graphic Design and Creative Arts courses. If you are looking to study any of these subjects with us, you will do so in a brand new purpose built Creative Arts Campus with first class facilities. The main entrance of the new campus will face on to Lower Bond Street with the Library/Learning Resources Centre, cafeteria and studio theatre located on the ground floor. Teaching rooms, studios and workshops will all be located on the upper floors.

The new campus will include: • State of the art recording studios • Performance spaces • Dance studio • Theatre

Courses on offer at the new campus will provide outstanding teaching and learning, and clear progression opportunities into employment or further study.

A selection of our Higher Education courses will be taught at out new Hinckley Campus including: • HND/C Visual/Graphic Communications • HND Media Production • HND/C Photography • HND/C Design Fashion & Textiles • Cert/Dip in Higher Education Art & Design by Negotiated Study

To find out more about our new campus visit www.nwhc.ac.uk


Next steps Visit us

Access to Higher Education

Visiting the College will provide the perfect opportunity to get a feel for the sort of college we are. Come and have a look around, talk to tutors and students and check out our facilities.

Access is a programme of study for adult students who wish to enter into a new career, and it provides a platform from which to enter Higher Education. The Access to Higher Education programme is backed by a QAA recognised certificate, providing an alternative route to Higher Education. New Access to Higher Education Diplomas are available in Health Professions and Combined Studies.

Our Customer Service Team based at our Nuneaton Campus, is available throughout the week to talk to you about your options. We also have Open Events taking place throughout the year.

To find out more call 024 7624 3366.

For more information call 024 7624 3366 or email the.college@nwhc.ac.uk

Online Community

Through our online community pages you can keep in touch with College news, enter competitions and have your say on anything to do with student life. Become a fan on www.facebook.com/official.nwhc Follow our tweets on www.twitter.com/nwhcnews See us on www.youtube.com/nwhcvideos


Student Support Returning to study

We offer a wide range of practical support for you during your studies.

Returning to study is a major decision for most adults, with implications for their whole way of life. Our aim is to provide the information and support you may need when exploring different options, trying to choose a course or considering the career opportunities of your decision to return to study. We offer a free impartial advice and guidance service for adult returners or anyone else planning to study.

As a full or part-time student you will receive help with planning your future from our qualified guidance professionals. For one-to-one and in-depth guidance sessions, just book an appointment with our Guidance Team, day or evening. Alternatively, drop in if you require more general advice or information. We also have well-stocked guidance resources at our main sites.

School and college leavers

Just about to leave school or college with aspirations to study at degree level in the future? We can offer specialist advice and guidance to help you make the right choices and to discuss your individual needs. We can offer progression routes to Higher Education across a wide range of subjects.

We have been accredited by both Matrix and Career Mark for our information, advice and guidance services, and we are also part of AGCAS, the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Service. Careers Advisers are available by appointment, and offer free consultations to help you clarify your career route and choose the best Higher Education course to meet your needs. We can help with educational and vocational advice; applying for a Higher Education place; financial help including loans, grants and bursaries; and transport.


We offer excellent nursery and crèche facilities at the Nuneaton Campus and we can also advise you on finding a registered childminder. In some cases we may be able to help with childcare costs. We also offer professional and confidential help with personal problems which may affect your education. For more information, contact the Customer Service Team on 024 7624 3366.


Financing your Higher Education course If you are considering studying a Higher Education course at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College, you may want to consider the different ways you can finance your course.

If you would like further detailed information or support in completing your application forms, please contact the Customer Service Team on 024 7624 3366. If you wish to access independent financial advice prior to applying for any source of funding, or wish to develop budgeting strategies, we would recommend making an appointment with your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

The two main costs associated with studying a Higher Education course are tuition fees and maintenance costs (or living costs). To find out more about the help available visit www.direct.gov.uk/studentfinance. Listed below are some useful contact details that we hope will help you: The Customer Service Team North Warwickshire & Hinckley College Hinckley Road Nuneaton Warwickshire CV11 6BH Tel: 024 7624 3366 Student Finance England PO Box 210 Darlington DL1 9HJ Tel: 0845 300 5090 www.direct.gov.uk/studentfinance Student Loans Company Limited 100 Bothwell Street Glasgow G2 7JD Tel: 0800 405 010/0141 306 2000


College life Facilities

Taking a break

The Higher Education Centre boasts well-equipped classrooms, workshops, laboratories and design studios to enable you to have access to the facilities you need during your studies. In addition, our new Hinckley Campus, which opens in September 2011, will provide first class facilities for our Creative Arts provision (see page 7 for more details).

Student Liaison Team

As a Higher Education student, you will benefit from studying in first class professional standard facilities including our Higher Education Centre.

Both our main campuses have refreshment facilities available all day with the refectory and coffee shops providing a social meeting place for all students. The role of the College’s Student Liaison Team is to make sure your stay at College is a first-class experience. Through the Student Life Team, you will have access to an Enrichment Programme that is designed to enhance your time at College. The Student Liaison Team is based in the Student Centres at both Nuneaton and Hinckley Campuses, and also in the Refectory at the Nuneaton Campus. The team can be contacted by calling 024 7624 3272 for Nuneaton campus or 024 7624 3483 for Hinckley campus, or by dropping into the centres.

Learning Centres

We have well-resourced learning centres that incorporate access to high-level IT provision, the Library and learner support. These centres are open from 8.30am to 8.00pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.00pm on Friday. You will also have access to specialist resources relating to your area of study.

Students’ Union

As a student at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College you will have the opportunity to become a member of the Students’ Union. The Students’ Union exists to promote the welfare of students.


The College Library is a great place for learning, working in groups or on your own. Based at the Nuneaton and Hinckley Campuses, you can access newspapers, borrow books, journals, videos and DVDs and access online resources-all free of charge.


Our Counselling service provides confidential help to any student of the College who needs help or support. The service is available to both full and part-time students and is based at both Nuneaton and Hinckley Campuses.

Most of our electronic resources are available online, including our Library catalogue, which means you can access them from home at a time to suit you. The Library also houses large areas for group and individual work, as well as silent study rooms; whatever suits you best. For more information email library@nwhc.ac.uk

For further information contact the Counselling Team on 024 7624 3160 or email counsellors@nwhc.ac.uk


How to apply How to apply to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College

It is very important for you to choose the right course and we would encourage you to telephone our Customer Service Team on 024 7624 3366 for an initial informal discussion.

How to apply to UCAS

For most part-time courses you will need to apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College by completing a College application pack. You can apply online at www.nwhc.ac.uk using our online application form or alternatively ring us on 024 7624 3366 and we will send you a paper based application pack.

The UCAS website provides information about Higher Education institutions and courses available in the UK. If you are currently in full-time education, you should receive guidance on how to do this. Alternatively, if you are not currently in education you will need to apply independently through the UCAS website.

On receipt of your application, the Customer Service Team will arrange for an informal interview with a tutor. If you meet all the entry criteria, the College will offer you a place on your programme of choice. Further advice and guidance will be available to ensure you obtain the relevant funding and specialist support you require for your programme.

For more information on the UCAS application process visit www.ucas.com or call the Customer Service Team at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College on 024 7624 3366.

The College encourages applications from mature students (21 years and over) and formal entry requirements may be waived dependent on relevant work experience.

Applications for most full-time courses should be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) www.ucas.com

Courses start at different times throughout the year. See course information for more detail. Telephone our Customer Service Team on 024 7624 3366 to find out more.


Awards At North Warwickshire & Hinckley College we have been formally recognised for our outstanding work with individuals, communities and employers. Some highlights include:


We currently hold LSIS Beacon Status. Beacon Status is only awarded to the top 10 percent of colleges nationally on the basis of their student results.



We received a rating of ‘Outstanding’ in our 2007 Ofsted report, the highest rating possible from an Ofsted inspection. This judgement is based, amongst other factors, on excellent student achievements, exceptional development of vocational skills, and a highly responsive and inclusive curriculum.

Matrix is a quality standard for information advice and guidance services. The College has been awarded this accreditation for the third time for its Hinckley and Nuneaton campuses. The award is given after the assessment of eight elements, including service delivery and quality improvement. The assessors also talk to staff, students and partners to look at the service being provided.

In addition, they recognised our outstanding pastoral welfare and personal support for students, outstanding leadership and management, and highly effective and beneficial strategic partnerships.


Career Mark

Career Mark is a quality standard and development framework for good practice and provision in careers education, information, advice and guidance. The College has held this accreditation for six years and with this further accreditation will extend it to nine years. The accreditation is given after the assessment of five key areas, including management, provision of effective information and advice, guidance, and support activities.

Campuses The majority of our Higher Education courses take place at our Atherstone, Hinckley and Nuneaton Campuses. However, we also have campuses in Bedworth, Bermuda Park, and Polesworth.







Atherstone Campus



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Atherstone Campus

New Hinckley Campus (opens September 2011)

Ratcliffe Road, Atherstone, Warwickshire CV9 1LF

Lower Bond Street, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 1QU


Bermuda Park Innovation Centre

Newtown Road, Bedworth, Warwickshire CV12 8QB

High Street, Polesworth, Warwickshire B78 1DU


Hinckley Campus


Nuneaton Campus


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St Davids Way, Bermuda Park, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV10 7SD



Polesworth Campus


Bedworth Campus



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Current Hinckley Campus (for enquiries)

Nuneaton Campus, Hinckley Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV11 6BH

London Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 1HQ


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Understanding qualification levels National Qualifications Framework

Qualification levels are contained in three qualification ‘frameworks’: • National Qualifications Framework • Qualifications and Credit Framework • Framework for Higher Education Qualifications

The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) sets out the level at which a qualification can be recognised in England, Northern Ireland and Wales.

Qualifications and Credit Framework

The frameworks group together qualifications that place similar demands on you as a learner. However, within any one level, qualifications can cover a wide mix of subjects, and take different amounts of time to complete. The frameworks can also help you see how one type of qualification can lead on to other, higher levels of qualifications.

The Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) is a new framework. It contains new vocational (or workrelated) qualifications, available in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Framework for Higher Education Qualifications The Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) has been designed by the Higher Education sector, and describes all the main Higher Education qualifications. It applies to degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic awards granted by a university or Higher Education college (apart from honorary degrees and higher doctorates). The FHEQ broadly corresponds with Levels 4 to 8 of the National Qualifications Framework, in terms of the demands the qualifications place on learners.

FHEQ level

Examples of qualifications


• Certificates of Higher Education • Higher National Certificates





• Diplomas of Higher Education • Foundation Degrees • Higher National Diplomas • Bachelors Degrees • Bachelors Degrees with Honours • Graduate Certificates and Diplomas • Professional Graduate Certificate in Education • Masters Degrees • Integrated Masters Degrees • Postgraduate Certificates • Postgraduate Diplomas • Doctoral Degrees


Qualifications by level across the NQF and QCF Level Examples of NQF qualifications

Examples of QCF qualifications


• Entry Level certificates • English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) • Skills for Life • Functional Skills at Entry Level (English, Maths and ICT)

• Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at Entry Level • Foundation Learning Tier pathways at Entry Level • Functional Skills at Entry Level


• GCSEs grades D-G • BTEC Introductory Diplomas and Certificates • OCR Nationals • Key Skills at Level 1 • NVQs at Level 1 • Skills for Life

• BTEC Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at Level 1 • Functional Skills at Level 1 • OCR Nationals • Foundation Learning Tier pathways • NVQs at Level 1


• GCSEs grades A*-C • BTEC First Diplomas and Certificates • OCR Nationals • Key Skills Level 2 • NVQs at Level 2 • Skills for Life

• BTEC Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at Level 2 • Functional Skills at Level 2 • OCR Nationals • NVQs at Level 2


• A levels • GCE in applied subjects • International Baccalaureate • Key Skills Level 3 • NVQs at Level 3 • BTEC Diplomas, Certificates and Awards • BTEC Nationals • OCR Nationals

• BTEC Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at Level 3 • BTEC Nationals • OCR Nationals • NVQs at Level 3


• NVQs at Level 4 • BTEC Professional Diplomas, Certificates and Awards

• BTEC Professional Diplomas Certificates and Awards • HNCs • NVQs at Level 4


• HNCs and HNDs • NVQs at Level 5 • BTEC Professional Diplomas, Certificates and Awards

• HNDs • BTEC Professional Diplomas, Certificates and Awards • NVQs at Level 5


• National Diploma in Professional Production Skills • BTEC Advanced Professional Diplomas, Certificates and Awards

• BTEC Advanced Professional Diplomas, Certificates and Awards


• Diploma in Translation • BTEC Advanced Professional Diplomas, Certificates and Awards

• BTEC Advanced Professional Diplomas, Certificates and Awards


• Specialist awards

• Award, Certificate and Diploma in strategic direction


At-a-glance guide to our Higher Education courses



Art & Design



Cert/Dip in Higher Education Art & Design by Negotiated Study

Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Mechanical Engineering



Higher National Diploma (HND) in Fashion & Textiles

Higher National Diploma (HND) in Mechanical Engineering


Higher National Diploma (HND) in Graphic Communication


Higher National Certificate (HNC) in General Engineering (Multi-skill)


Higher National Diploma (HND) in Media Production (Moving Image)




Foundation Degree (FdA) Interior Design



Higher National Certificate/Diploma (HNC/D) in Photography

Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Sport (Coaching & Sports Development)


Higher National Diploma (HND) in Sport (Coaching & Sports Development)


Teacher Training


Business, Computing & Management


Higher National Certificate/Higher National Diploma (HNC/HND) in Business


Preparation for Educational Practice (PEP)


Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Computing



Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Diploma in Management & Leadership

Teacher Training - Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS)



Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership

Teacher Training - Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (CTLLS)


Teacher Training - Open Studies Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS)


Teacher Training - Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) -Contextualised to Literacy/ Numeracy/ESOL Subject Specialisms


Additional Diploma for Adult ESOL Specialists


Additional Diploma for Adult Numeracy Specialists


Additional Diploma for Adult Literacy Specialists


Integrated Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS) Subject Specialist Teacher Training - ESOL


Integrated Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS) Subject Specialist Teacher Training - Literacy


Integrated Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS) Subject Specialist Teacher Training - Numeracy


Travel & Tourism


Higher National Diploma (HND) in Travel & Tourism Management


Health & Social Care


BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies 2+2


Sector Endorsed Foundation Degree in Early Years


Foundation Degree (FdA) in Children, Families & Community Health


Foundation Degree (FdA) in Work with Communities and Young People


BA (Hons) Health & Social Studies/Social Policy 2+2




Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Electrical/ Electronic Engineering


Higher National Diploma (HND) in Electrical/Electronic Engineering


Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Manufacturing Engineering


Higher National Diploma (HND) in Manufacturing Engineering


Art & Design

Hazel Jones

Hazel is studying the Higher National Diploma in Fashion & Textiles and is hoping to become a Textiles teacher in the future.

See page 22 for details on Hazel’s course.

I decided to come to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College to study an HND to prepare me for my teacher training in the future. The course is excellent because the classes are small and the College has great facilities.


Cert/Dip in Higher Education Art & Design by Negotiated Study Location

This programme is specifically designed to meet the needs of students who wish to continue their development into Higher Education within a local context. Students are required to negotiate their own Learning Pathways within an eight module framework. The first two years of the course will take place at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College, and in the third year students transfer to Birmingham City University’s Birmingham Institute of Art & Design (BIAD) to complete the BA (Hons). Students can also transfer to other universities through a competitive interview process.

Hinckley Campus


This is a two year part-time course at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College, with a final year at Birmingham City University if completing to BA (Hons).


Assessment is by module which accumulates to an overall percentage. Self-evaluation is also a major element in the assessment process. You will be expected to take an active role in gaining an overview about your progress.

What will I study?

The course is structured around eight modules, which are a mix of specified and negotiated elements. We pay particular attention to ideas and what informs them, supported via a vigorous ‘Contemporary Historical Contexts’ programme. There is an interesting mix of practical and studio activity throughout the course. Overall we encourage integration of skills and processes available to you in Art & Design and the wider visual arts.

Next steps

Students have the choice to transfer to Birmingham City University if they wish to gain BA (Hons). Each level of the course at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College has its own achievement award (Level 1: Certificate, Level 2: Diploma) which count towards your degree.

How to apply

Entry requirements

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

Applicants should have some background in Art and Design, having completed a Diploma in Foundation Studies (Art & Design) or a National Diploma with substantial Visual Art and Design content. Applicants should be highly-focused and self-motivated to make the fullest use of the negotiated philosophy on the Visual Arts course. We will also consider mature students who lack formal qualifications but have relevant experience.


Higher National Diploma (HND) in Fashion & Textiles The HND is a full-time course completed within two years. The HNC is a part-time course delivered over two years, after which you will have the opportunity to continue study for a third year to top up your qualification to HND level. This exciting and flexible programme aims to provide a broad introduction to Fashion and Textile design and equip students with a broad range of technical skills. The project based programme offers strong tutorial support.

Applications are particularly welcome from mature students with relevant work experience.

What will I study?



Hinckley Campus


Two years full-time, three years part-time.

Initially students will spend an interdisciplinary period in three pathways: Fashion Design; Printed Textile Design; Constructed Textile Design. Students then elect to specialise in one of these pathways for the remainder of the programme.

Progress is monitored through a process of continuous assessment. Students obtain regular feedback on personal progress during tutorials.

Next steps

In addition, the following units will be covered during the course: Visual Studies; Professional and Business studies; Historical Studies; Information Technology for Designers; Professional Practice; Contextual Research; Embroidery.

Graduates of the HNC Design for Fashion and Textiles course have automatic right of progression onto the HND Design for Fashion and Textiles programme. Graduates of the HND Design for Fashion & Textiles have automatic right of progression onto the second year of the BA (Hons) Fashion or BA (Hons) Textiles programme at Birmingham City University. Alternatively, students can apply to enter other degree programmes, as well as employment opportunities in both the fashion and textile industries, or freelance work.

The course is delivered through lectures, seminars, visits and tutorials together with projects, which can be simulated or set by industry, and competition work.

Entry requirements

Applicants should be at least 18 years of age on entry and should have a comprehensive portfolio of work plus one of the following: 120 Tariff Points; BTEC National Diploma with two Merits or Distinctions; Level 3 Diploma in Foundation Studies (Art and Design); an International Baccalaureate with 24 points; an equivalent qualification or experience.

How to apply

For part-time apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College. For full-time apply through UCAS.


Higher National Diploma (HND) in Graphic Communication Location

This is an innovative and highly successful higher level course offering negotiated study pathways in illustration, multimedia, advertising, graphic design and photography (digital and traditional).

Hinckley Campus


Two years full-time, three years part-time.

What will I study?

The first year of the programme focuses on diagnostic approaches to solving design problems using two and three-dimensional methods.


There is continuous assessment involving two formal assessment points in the first year and two in the second year. The programme is assessed by internal and external academic and industry based personnel, including those from Birmingham City University, and is regulated by the assessment guidelines set out by the University.

Modules include: Image Making; Word & Image; Design in Context; Electronic Graphic Design; Multimedia; Photography (Traditional & Digital); History of Art; Professional and Business Studies.

Next steps

The second year offers negotiated study options and pathways with greater emphasis on commercial practice. The programme also incorporates live competitions and work placements with local and national design companies.

Progression onto a Higher Education programme or employment.

How to apply

For part-time apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

Entry requirements

Applicants should be 18+ at entry, with a creative portfolio of work reflecting personality, imagination, enthusiasm, drive and maturity, plus one of the following: 180 Tariff Points; BTEC National Diploma with Merit Merit Pass; three A Levels; Level 3 Diploma in Foundation Studies (Art and Design); GCSE English grade C or above, or Level 2 Communication International Baccalaureate with 24 points; equivalent qualification or experience.

For full-time apply through UCAS.

Applications are particularly welcome from mature students with relevant work experience.


Higher National Diploma (HND) in Media Production (Moving Image) This programme is aimed at those looking to go into the media industry or to build on their existing knowledge. Students will study a combination of practical, creative and professional skills set in an industry-recognised environment.


What will I study?


Hinckley Campus


Two years, full-time.

A combination of:

You will be assessed several times in each individual module over the period of the programme. Classes are practical, sometimes run as workshops and many staff are practitioners currently working in their subject area.

Moving Image and Audio production; Digital Editing; Camera Operation; Cinematography and Composition; Advanced Film Studies; Commercial work; Drama and Documentary production; Live projects and Film Making; Domestic/foreign residentials; Exhibitions of work; Production Management; Screen Design; Digital design for Moving Image.

Next steps

Successful students can progress into the industry or higher levels of study, e.g. degree level at university.

There are opportunities of work placements with the Co-operative British Youth Film Academy.

How to apply

Apply through UCAS.

Entry requirements

A good portfolio plus one of the following: National Diploma with two Merits or Distinctions; 120 Tarrif Points; An International Baccalaureate with 24 points or an equivalent qualification or experience. Applications are particularly welcome from mature students with relevent work experience.


Foundation Degree (FdA) Interior Design Interior Design as a subject provides a framework for developing skills, knowledge and understanding that supports your aspirations to enter employment at a high level of responsibility and creativity, or to undertake further study at postgraduate level. The study of the subject supports the development of skills, knowledge and understanding that are applicable to a range of design activities.

An Art & Design Foundation course; 80 UCAS points, to include two A Levels with grade C in one Art or Design subject; an equivalent international qualification which includes Art or Design; English Language GCSE grade C or above.


Hinckley Campus

What will I study?


The FdA Interior Design course can be studied either as a two year full-time course or over three years parttime study.

Two years full-time, three years part-time.


De Montfort University Certificate in Professional Development (UCPD) awards are granted for these contextualised aspects of your study.

You will need to submit work for different forms of assessment, during and at the end of the year.

You will take UCPD Business Enterprise (Creative Industries) at Level 4, and those studying FdA Business, Management & Enterprise (Interior Design) will undertake UCPD Creative Leadership during Level 5.

Successful completion leads onto the third year of the Interior design course at De Montfort University (design for living route) or an agreed progression route onto a third year within the business and law faculty at De Montfort University.

Entry requirements

How to apply

Next steps

For part-time apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

You should have a good portfolio, plus one of the following:

For full-time apply through UCAS.


Higher National Certificate/Higher National Diploma (HNC/D) in Photography This profile is likely to be supported by GCSE grades at A* to C, other related Level 3 qualifications or Access to Higher Education Certificate awarded by an approved Further Education institution or related work experience.

Higher National Certificates and Diplomas are designed to provide a specialist vocational programme, linked to professional body requirements and National Occupational Standards where appropriate, with a strong work related emphasis. The qualifications provide a thorough grounding in the key concepts and practical skills required in their sector and their national recognition by employers allows progression direct into employment.


Hinckley Campus


What will I study?

The Higher National Certificate in Photography is a 10 unit qualification of which seven are core units.

HNC one year, full-time HND two years, full-time Part-time options are available

The Higher National Diploma in Photography is a 16 unit qualification of which seven are core units.


Learners must pass all 10 units on their programme of learning to be awarded a Higher National Certificate and all 16 units to be awarded a BTEC Higher National Diploma.

Units covered: Use of film or digital cameras-they combine technical and artistic skills to capture images of people, products, places and events. Specialisms include social (“high street�) photography, scientific and medical, corporate, photojournalism and press and advertising and editorial.

All units will be individually graded as pass, merit or distinction. To achieve a pass grade for the unit learners must meet the assessment criteria set out in the specifications.

The Higher National Diploma and Certificate in Photography offer the opportunity to specialise within the scope of the units available.

Next steps

Succesful completion of the course can lead directly into employment or onto the third year of a degree programme.

Entry requirements

Entry requirements for this programme are: BTEC National Certificate or Diploma in Photography or Art & Design; AVCE/Advanced GNVQ in an appropriate vocational area; GCSE Advanced level profile which demonstrates strong performance in a relevant subject or an adequate performance in more than one GCSE subject.

How to apply

For part-time apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College. For full-time apply through UCAS.


Business, Computing & Management

Paul Fallows

Paul is studying the Higher National Certificate in Computing having previously completed the National Certificate in Computing at the College.

See page 29 for details on Paul’s course.

I chose to study the Higher National Certificate in Computing at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College as I wanted to continue my education and found I got on well with the teaching styles of the lecturers. My ambition is to become a network administrator and hopefully run my own business in the future.


Higher National Certificate/Higher National Diploma (HNC/HND) in Business Location

This is a vocational programme equating to QCF Level 4 (HNC) and Level 5 (HND). It offers a route into degree, higher level Management programmes, professional qualifications or employment.

Nuneaton Campus


HND - two years, part-time. HNC - one year, part-time. The full HND Business course is a two year part-time course. Attendance is six hours per week and the course can be studied in a variety of modes, either on a day, half day or two evening basis. The HNC can be completed in one year on the same basis.

What will I study?

Candidates are required to complete a combination of core and optional units. Eight units for the HNC and 16 units for the HND. HNC core units: Business Environment; Financial Resources; Organisations and behaviour; Marketing.


You will be assessed through modular assignments, one per unit, which will include work-based assignments, case study work, group oral presentations and a research project.

HNC optional units: Financial Reporting; Personal development; Advertising and promotion; Human Resources management.

Next steps

HND units: Contract and Negligence; Business decision making; Business strategy; Research project; Business law; Small business enterprise; Project planning; Operations Management.

Progression onto the third year of the De Montfort University or Coventry University part-time Degree in Business Studies dependent on grade profile; CMI Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership (Level 7); Exemption from various professional qualifications depending on options and grade profile; Entry into employment.

Entry requirements

Students should possess one of the following qualifications: Advanced GNVQ in Business or other suitable vocational area at merit level; BTEC National Certificate or Diploma in Business or other suitable vocational area with predominantly merit grades; One A-Level pass with supporting GCSE grades A - C.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

Mature students over the age of 21 with suitable work experience are encouraged to apply. Entry to the course is subject to interview.


Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Computing Location

This course is offered in conjunction with De Montfort University and would suit students wishing to study for a professional qualification while studying locally at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

Nuneaton Campus


Two years, part-time. Two evenings per week.

What will I study?

Year one E-Commerce systems 1; Business Technology and Programming; Systems (Development) (under review)


Year two Business Software; Multimedia & Internet Technology (under review)

Next steps

Most modules are assessed by a combination of assignments and exams.

Successful students can progress on to the HND (parttime). A further year is required to achieve the Higher National Diploma.

Entry requirements

HNC/HND (part-time) Entry is at the discretion of the College and will be based on a formal interview. Mature students who do not possess formal qualifications are very welcome to apply.

HND/BSc (full-time) On successful complete of the HND Students may apply to top-up their HND to a degree via full-time study at the main DMU Campus in Leicester.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Diploma in Management & Leadership Attendance

The Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership programme is suitable for middle managers or aspiring first line managers and management trainees who have day-to-day management responsibilities and who wish to progress to middle/senior management level.

One year, part-time


Candidates on the CMI Diploma in Management programme will be assessed through: a programme of assignments and a project; a personal portfolio; a knowledge and understanding file.

What will I study?

There are nine units covering: Personal Development as a Manager and Leader; Information based Decision Making; Performance Management; Resource Management; Meeting Stakeholder and Quality Needs; Conducting a Management Project; Financial Control; HR Management; Managing Recruitment and Selection.

Next steps

Successful candidates may progress on to the Chartered Management Institute Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership (Level 7).

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

Entry requirements

A Certificate in First Line Management, or an equivalent qualification, or appropriate managerial experience at this level.


Nuneaton Campus


Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership Attendance

This Level 7 programme is targeted at middle to senior level managers who operate at a strategic level within an organisation.

One year, part-time


What will I study?

Candidates on the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership will be assessed through a programme of assignments, a personal portfolio, and a knowledge and understanding file.

The programme covers nine units. These are: Personal Development as a Strategic Manager; Strategic Performance Management; Financial Management; Strategic Information Management; Conducting a Strategic Project; Organisational Direction; Strategic Marketing; Organisational Change; HR Planning.

Next steps

Entry requirements are a CMI Diploma in Management and Leadership or an equivalent qualification, or appropriate managerial experience at this level.

Successful candidates may progress onto higher level programmes, such as a Masters. An arrangement is in place with Coventry University and DeMontfort University for candidates to progress onto the Masters in Management Programme subject to entry requirements for the university in question.


How to apply

Entry requirements

Nuneaton Campus

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Health & Social Care

Karen Baxter

have spent 15 years working in the “ ICollege’s Student Liaison Team and

Karen studied the Foundation Degree in Working with Young People in order to support her passion and commitment to Youth Work. She has now progressed on to a degree in Work with Communities and Young People.

decided that I wanted to further my education to support my work. In the future I hope to set up my own project to support teenage parents. 32

BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies 2+2 You will begin by studying this university approved course at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College before progressing to the University of Warwick for a further two years.


Aimed at providing opportunities for those looking to work in the area of early childhood to deepen and extend their knowledge and understanding of child development, early childhood settings, services and relevant research.

Years one and two at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College and years three and four at The University of Warwick

Four years full-time Up to 15 hours per week are scheduled as formal teaching time backed by independent study.


A variety of assessment methods including assignments, presentations and examinations.

What will I study?

Level 1: An introduction to Child Development; Education, Health and well-being in the Early Years; Children and Families: Policy and Practice; The Social and Cultural context of Childhood; Study skills.

Next steps

Post-graduate teaching qualifications (PGCE); work as an FE lecturer; children’s advocate; NVQ assessor or charity worker; employment within the public sector or support agencies.

Honours Level: The Child and the Family in National and International Context; Research methods; Young Children’s Health and well-being; Contemporary issues and debates in Early Childhood.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

Entry requirements

A good level of education, a desire to work with children 0-8 years and a commitment to studying and completing the programme.


Nuneaton Campus


Sector Endorsed Foundation Degree (FdA) in Early Years Learners are required to attend at least 80% of each module to be eligible to progress and pass the module.

The Foundation Degree (FdA) is an award for those who wish to combine study with other commitments. It provides an opportunity to develop a range of academic, professional and key skills.


Assessment will be through a combination of workbased learing, tasks, presentations, assignments and some end of year exams.

This degree is for those working mainly or at least five hours a week with children aged 0-7 years. It is designed to extend personal and professional skills and knowledge, upgrade the nature and status of the early years practioner role and achieve a nationally recognised academic and vocational qualification.

Next steps

A Certificate may be awarded after completion of 120 credits (FHEQ Level 4 if students do not wish to proceed to FHEQ Level 5). The Foundation degree is an FHEQ Level 5 qualification and Students have the opportunity to progress to a BA (Hons) top up course in Early Childhood Education Studies. This qualification offers preparation towards an Honours Degree and is an important pathway to Early Years Practioner Status (EYPS).

What will I study?

Modules include: Stories & Storytelling, How Children Learn & Develop, Supporting Children’s learning in the Foundation Stage, Special Educational Needs & Inclusion, Study Skills and ICT.

Entry requirements

NVQ 3 or equivalent is a distinct advantage. Applications are considered on individual merit but candidates should be able to demonstrate an ability to work at degree level and be an experienced Early Years Practitioner.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Nuneaton Campus


Three years, part-time. The Foundation Degree is part-time and usually takes three years to complete. Sessions usually start at 2.00pm, one day a week.


Foundation Degree (FdA) in Children, Families & Community Health Attendance

The course covers a wide variety of psychological, sociological and health subjects to improve the outcomes of children and their families in today’s society. The foundation degree will be of particular interest to people who work with or want to work with children and their families in the community, or in the health service.

Three years, part-time. One day per week from 1.00pm to 8.00pm


Variety of assessments including written essays and reports, PowerPoint presentations, leaflets and multiple choice exams.

What will I study?

16 modules which cover: Working with Families and Social Context of Families; Strategies for Parenting; Early Years Development; Early Years, Health and Community Research; Developmental and Lifespan Psychology; Safeguarding Children; Development of Community and Public Services; Community Health and Well being; Differences and Diversity in Britain; Sociology of Health; Human Body and Work Based Practice.

Next steps

Statutory or voluntary community employment as Family Support Workers, Community Workers or Public health workers. There is a progression route onto the final year of a Public Health and Community Degree, Health Studies Degree or The Evaluating Practice: Working with Children at De Montfort University.

How to apply

Entry requirements

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

Level 3 or equivalent in Child Care or the ability to study at foundation degree level.


Nuneaton Campus


Foundation Degree (FdA) in Work with Communities and Young People This course will appeal to a wide range of people working or volunteering in organisations providing services for young people and communities. It will provide an accredited qualification and an opportunity for continuing professional development providing workers with a wealth of practical experience, as well as those who are looking to establish themselves within the professional field. It offers an opportunity to understand and develop practice underpinned with relevant theory. Students will discuss, analyse and explore issues relating to young people within community settings.

What will I study?

Level 4 will give you a thorough overview of knowledge and skills required for working with communities and young people. You can expect to study Policy, Principle and Values; Perspectives of Practice; Professional Context; Applied Social Sciences. Level 5 will expand your knowledge and enable you to develop a critical understanding of concepts and principles underlying your practice. You can expect to study: Community in Context; Managing;

Identity and Issue based work; Developing Practice; Negotiated Module. *This module outline is subject to validation

Entry requirements

One year’s practical experience in a youth or community environment either statutory or voluntary. By the start of the course, students who are not work-based must have arranged at least six hours of paid of voluntary experience in a youth or community setting per week for the duration of the course. In addition you should normally have at least five GCSEs at grade C or above, including English and Maths, plus one of the following: 180 UCAS points from at least one A Level of BTEC qualification; International Baccalaureate: 24 Points; NVQ Level 3 or Apprenticeship in a related subject or a progressive diploma; Access to Higher Education Award Experienced and international students are welcomed and will be considered according to their qualifications and experience.


Suitable applicants will be invited for interview. You must complete CRB disclosure and Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS) application form and have VBS registration and enhanced CRB and VBS clearance prior to the start of the course.


Nuneaton Campus


Two years, full-time


This course attracts students from a wide range of backgrounds and teaching methods are varied to accommodate this. There are no exams on the programme; assessment is via coursework inducing essays, presentations, case studies and reflective diaries. This course is work based and there is an emphasis on experiential learning.

Next steps

Progression to degree-level study.

How to apply

Apply through UCAS

BA (Hons) Health & Social Studies/Social Policy 2+2 Location

You begin by studying university-approved modules for two years at the College and progress onto year two of either the BA Social Studies or the BA Health and Social Policy degrees at the University of Warwick for a further two years of study, hence the name ‘2+2’.

Nuneaton Campus


Four years, full-time. Up to 15 hours per week are scheduled as formal teaching time, backed by independent study - Years one and two at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College and years three and four at the University of Warwick.

What will I study?

Politics; Researching Society and Culture; Sociology; and Health and Social Policy. Study skills sessions are provided during the first year and you will have unlimited access to the study support workshop throughout both years. Year 1 modules provide a broad introduction to the subjects, while Year 2 provides a deeper focus.


In both year one and year two, you will be assessed by means of essays written during the year, and an examination at the end of each year (50%). Presentations are also a requirement of the course.

A wide range of modules can be chosen from at the University of Warwick, including: Sociology; Business Studies; Health and Social Policy; Lifelong Learning; Philosophy; History and European Languages. You are required to take four modules in each of years three and four, in order to obtain an Honours Degree.

Next steps

Graduates from this degree have gone onto further study, e.g. Social Work or Teaching qualifications or have found employment in public sector administration and management, charity work and work in the community and voluntary sector.

Entry requirements

This programme is intended to provide entry to degree level studies for people who, for one reason or another, lack the usual qualifications but have plenty of commitment and motivation. Recent successful study experience of some kind and a reasonable standard of written English are an advantage. Special consideration will be given to anyone whose previous education has been limited due to social or economic factors.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.



Mark Arrowsmith Mark is studying the Higher National Certificate in Electrical Engineering to support his work as an Electrical Technician. See page 39 for details on Mark’s course.

I chose to study a Higher Education course to support my professional development and hopefully enable me to achieve my aim of becoming a Chief Engineer. The facilities at the College are good and the Lecturers are always willing to listen and help.” 38

Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Electrical/Electronic Engineering Entry requirements

This is a two year part-time Level 4 course. Our HNC courses are suitable for a wide range of individuals. This course contains both practical and theoretical element which equips individuals with the knowledge, understanding and skill to peruse a career in Electrical or Electronics Engineering. The course involves classroom based lectures supported by practical application of knowledge. There is the option of continuing to a HND programme in the second year. As well as having an emphasis on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the course contains general engineering management topics.

Minimum entry requirements for this programme are: a National Certificate in Electrical/Electronic Engineering, or National Award in Engineering with high grades in Maths and Electrical Principles plus industrial experience, or A Levels in Mathematics and Physics. Students who have not previously studied at this College, or do not possess a National Certificate in Electrical/Electronic Engineering, will require to be interviewed by the course co-ordinator or a member of the course team.

What will I study?


The course comprises of eight units over two years. Mandatory units: Analytical Methods for Engineers; Engineering Science; Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation.

Nuneaton Campus


One and a half years, part-time. Each year you will be required to attend one day per week or two evenings a week.

Specialist units: Business Management; Programmable Logic Devices; Combinational and Sequential Logic; Engineering Design; Electrical, Electronic and Digital Principles.


Each unit is continuously assessed. Assessments are predominantly assignment based although there are some practical, presentations and case studies.

Next steps

Students may progress to HND in Electrical/Electronic Engineering. Alternatively there are opportunities to progress onto a degree programme.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Higher National Diploma (HND) in Electrical/Electronic Engineering This is run over two years part-time and is a Level 5 course. Our HND courses are suitable for a wide range of individuals. This course contains both practical and theoretical element which equips individuals with the knowledge, understanding and skill to peruse a career in Electrical or Electronics Engineering. The course involves classroom based lectures supported by practical application of knowledge. As well as having an emphasis on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the course contains general engineering management topics.

Entry requirements

What will I study?

Two years, part-time. Each year you will be required to attend one day per week or two evenings a week.

To enrol on this programme you require a Higher National Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Students who have not previously studied at this College will have to seek an interview with the course co-ordinator or member of the course team.


Nuneaton Campus


The course comprises of eight units over two years. Mandatory unit: Electrical & Electronic Principles.


Each unit is continuously assessed. Assessments are predominantly assignment based although there are some practical, presentations and case studies.

Specialist units: Further Analytical Methods; Quality and Business Improvement; Health, Safety & Risk Assessment; Mechatronic Systems; Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Testing; Electronic Principles; Managing the Work of Individuals & Teams.

Next steps

Students may progress to a degree programme at university.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Manufacturing Engineering This is a two year part-time Level 4 course. Our HNC courses are suitable for a wide range of individuals. This course contains both practical and theoretical element which equips individuals with the knowledge, understanding and skill to peruse a career in Manufacturing or Maintenance Engineering. The course involves classroom based lectures supported by practical application of knowledge. There is the option of continuing to a HND programme in the second year. As well as having an emphasis on Manufacturing Engineering, the course contains general engineering management topics.

Entry requirements

What will I study?


Minimum entry requirements for this programme are: a National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering, or National Award in Engineering with high grades in Maths and Electrical Principles plus industrial experience, or A Levels in Mathematics and Physics. Students who have not previously studied at this College, or do not possess a National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering, will require to be interviewed by the course co-ordinator or a member of the course team.

The course comprises of eight units over two years. Mandatory units: Analytical Methods for Engineers; Engineering Science; Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation.

Nuneaton Campus


Two years, part-time. Each year you will be required to attend one day per week or two evenings a week.

Specialist units: Programmable Logic Controllers; Applications of Pneumatics and Hydraulics; Business Improvement Techniques; Health, Safety and Risk Assessment.


Each unit is continuously assessed. Assessments are predominantly assignment based although there are some practical, presentations and case studies.

Next steps

Students may progress to HND in Manufacturing Engineering. Alternatively there are opportunities to progress onto a degree programme.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Higher National Diploma (HND) in Manufacturing Engineering Location

This is run over two years part-time and is a level 5 course. Our HND courses are suitable for a wide range of individuals. This course contains both practical and theoretical element which equips individuals with the knowledge, understanding and skill to peruse a career in Manufacturing Engineering. The course involves classroom based lectures supported by practical application of knowledge. As well as having an emphasis on Manufacturing Engineering, the course contains general engineering management topics.

Nuneaton Campus


Two years, part-time. Each year you will be required to attend one day per week or two evenings a week.


Each unit is continuously assessed. Assessments are predominantly assignment based although there are some practical, presentations and case studies.

What will I study?

The mandatory units on this programme are: Manufacturing Planning and Scheduling Principles.

Next steps

Students may progress to a degree programme at university.

The optional units are: Advanced Computer Aided Design; Further Analytical Methods; Mechatronic Systems; Quality and Business Improvement; Mechanical Principles; Computer Aided Design & Manufacture; Managing Work of Individuals & Teams.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

Entry requirements

You will require HNC in Manufacturing Engineering or possibly a HNC in Mechanical Engineering, depending on units previously studied. Students who have not previously studied at this College, or do not possess a Higher National Certificate in Manufacturing or Mechanical Engineering will be interviewed by the course coordinator or a member of the course team.


Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Mechanical Engineering Entry requirements

This is a two year part-time Level 4 course. Our HNC courses are suitable for a wide range of individuals. This course contains both practical and theoretical element which equips individuals with the knowledge, understanding and skill to peruse a career in Mechanical Engineering. The course involves classroom based lectures supported by practical application of knowledge. There is the option of continuing to a HND programme in the second year. As well as having an emphasis on Mechanical Engineering, the course contains general engineering management topics.

Minimum entry requirements for this programme are: a National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering, or National Award in Engineering with high grades in Maths and Electrical Principles plus industrial experience, or A Levels in Mathematics and Physics. Students who have not previously studied at this College, or do not possess a National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering, will require to be interviewed by the course co-ordinator or a member of the course team.


What will I study?

Nuneaton Campus

The course comprises of eight units over two years. Mandatory units: Analytical Methods for Engineers; Engineering Science; Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation.


Two years, part-time. Each year you will be required to attend one day per week or two evenings a week.

Specialist units: Business Management; Pneumatics and Hydraulics; Materials Engineering; Health, Safety and Risk Assessment; Mechanical Principles; Manufacturing Processes.


Each unit is continuously assessed. Assessments are predominantly assignment based although there are some practical, presentations and case studies.

Next steps

Students may progress to HND in Mechanical Engineering. Alternatively there are opportunities to progress onto a degree programme.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Higher National Diploma (HND) in Mechanical Engineering Location

This is a one-year part-time Level 5 course. All students will study six units of which two are mandatory and four are optional, provided the prospective student has already achieved a HNC qualification in Mechanical or Manufacturing Engineering. The course contains general engineering topics as well as an emphasis on Mechanical Engineering.

Nuneaton Campus


One year, part time. One evening and one afternoon a week for 30 weeks or for one day a week for 30 weeks.


What will I study?

All units are assessed via assignments and case studies.

The mandatory units are: Analytical Methods for Engineers; Engineering Science; Business Management Techniques; a Project; Mechanical Principles; Engineering Design.

Next steps

Students may progress to a degree programme at university.

The optional units are (choose nine from the following): Pneumatics and Hydraulics; Quality Assurance and Management; Project Management; Materials Engineering; Advanced CAD; Further Analytical Method for Manufacturing Processes; Health, Safety and Risk Assessment; Managing Work - Individuals & Teams; Application of Machine Tools; Programmable Logic Controller.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

A total of sixteen units are required to gain the full qualification.

Entry requirements

You will require an HNC in Mechanical Engineering or possibly a HNC in Manufacturing Engineering, depending on units previously studied.


Higher National Certificate (HNC) in General Engineering (Multi-skill) This is a two year part-time Level 4 course. Our HNC courses are suitable for a wide range of individuals. This course contains both practical and theoretical element which equips individuals with the knowledge, understanding and skill to peruse a career in General (Multi-Skill) Engineering. The course involves classroom based lectures supported by practical application of knowledge. There is the option of continuing to a HND programme in the second year. As well as having an emphasis on general Engineering, the course contains engineering management topics.

Entry requirements

What will I study?


Minimum entry requirements for this programme are: a National Certificate in Engineering, or National Award in Engineering with high grades in Maths and Electrical Principles plus industrial experience, or A Levels in Mathematics and Physics. Students who have not previously studied at this College, or do not possess a National Certificate in Engineering, will require to be interviewed by the course co-ordinator or a member of the course team.

The course comprises of eight units over two years. Mandatory units: Analytical Methods for Engineers; Engineering Science; Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation.

Nuneaton Campus


Two years, part-time. Each year you will be required to attend one day per week or two evenings a week.

Specialist units: Applications of Pneumatics & Hydraulics; Programmable Logic Devices; Health, Safety and Risk Assessment; Manufacturing Processes Mechatronics.


Each unit is continuously assessed. Assessments are predominantly assignment based although there are some practical, presentations and case studies.

Next steps

Students may progress to HND in Engineering. Alternatively there are opportunities to progress onto a degree programme.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.



Jessica Biffin-Hughes Jessica is studying the Higher National Diploma in Sport & Exercise Science to help her development after deciding to change career.

The course is amazing. I really enjoy all the lectures and the chance to learn the theory behind sport and exercise. I’ve made a lot of new friends and the support I’ve received from staff has exceeded my expectations.


Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Sport (Coaching & Sports Development) Location

This programme is designed for individuals already working in the sport and leisure industry or seeking work in the sport and leisure industry. It seeks to equip individuals with the knowledge, understanding and skills required for success in employment in the health & fitness, leisure and sports sectors.

Nuneaton Campus


Two years, part-time. Learners will be required to attend College one day per week and to conduct private study in their own time. This course is ideally suited to those already working, or those employed within the leisure industry wanting to develop their skills and qualifications.

What will I study?

The course comprises eight units over two years. Year 1: Principles of Sports Coaching; The Sport and Leisure Industry; Applied Sports Coaching; Training and Fitness for Sport and Exercise.


This programme consists of eight continuously assessed units. In addition there will be opportunities to play for College sports teams.

Year 2: The Evolution of Sports Development, Managing Sports Development, Sport and Exercise Psychology, Work-based Experience.

Next steps

Entry requirements

After successful completion of this course, you can seek employment in the industry, pursuing work within the areas of lifestyle consultancy, sports development, sports coaching, sports management, etc.

You must be aged 18+ to start the course and possess one of the following qualifications: 80 UCAS Points; BTEC National Certificate in Sport at Pass; At least two A Levels at grade ‘E’ or above; Mature candidates with appropriate work experience/sporting background; Other related Level 3 qualifications; An Access to Higher Education Certificate awarded by an approved Further Education institution.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Higher National Diploma (HND) in Sport (Coaching & Sports Development) Location

This programme is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge, understanding and skills required for success in employment in the health & fitness, leisure and sports sectors or for progression to an undergraduate degree.

Nuneaton Campus


Two years, full-time.

What will I study?

It will require learners to commit to lessons three days per week and to conduct private study outside of College time.

The course comprises 16 units over two years. Year 1: Principles of Sports Coaching; The Sport & Leisure Industry; Field-based Fitness Testing for Sport and Exercise; Physical Activity, Lifestyle and Wellbeing; Applied Sports Coaching; Nutrition for Sport and Exercise; Training and Fitness for Sport and Exercise; Physical Education.


This programme consists of 16 continuously assessed units. In addition there will be opportunities to play for College sports teams.

Next steps

Year 2: The Evolution of Sports Development; Work-based Experience; Personal and Professional Development; Analysis of Sports Performance; Research Project; Managing Sports Development; Sport and Exercise Psychology; Biomechanics for Sport.

After successful completion you can progress to local Universities to gain a degree. You can seek employment within Exercise & Lifestyle Consultancy, Coaching, Sports Development, etc.

How to apply

Apply through UCAS.

Entry requirements

You must be aged 18+ to start the course and possess one of the following qualifications: 120 UCAS Points; BTEC National Certificate in Sport at Merit and Pass; BTEC National Diploma in Sport at Pass or above; At least two A Levels at grade D or above; Mature candidates with appropriate work experience/sporting background; Other related Level 3 qualifications; An Access to Higher Education Certificate awarded by an approved Further Education institution.


Teacher Training

Lynsey Miles

Lynsey studied the Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector after moving into teaching from her previous career of helping to rehabilitate individuals suffering with chronic disease using diet and exercise. See page 53 for details on Lynsey’s course.


I was already working part-time as a Sport lecturer and decided I wanted to do this full-time. My line manager supported my decision to take the course and the observations and constructive criticism have really helped me learn from others and share ideas on how to become a better teacher. 46

Preparation for Educational Practice (PEP) Assessment

This short course is a pre-requisite to the Initial Teacher Training programmes for those who are looking to teach in the Lifelong Learning sector. This includes Further Education colleges, sixth form centres, adult education, community learning and a wide range of other training and educational settings. This course is designed to help learners choose which Teacher Training programme is appropriate, dependent on qualifications, experience and teaching role.

The PEP includes paper-based and computerised skills assessments. Learners do not need any previous experience using computers, as plenty of support is available. Learners will have the opportunity to undertake a literacy or numeracy test in the final week of the programme in addition to an interview. It is suggested that students familiarise themselves with the ‘Move on’ literacy/numeracy tests by accessing the following website: www.move-on.org.uk.

What will I study?

Areas you will study are: Information on Initial Teacher Training programmes; Skills assessments in literacy, numeracy and ICT.

Another useful website to assess skills is www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise.

Learners have the opportunity to undertake an adult literacy/numeracy qualification(OCN), and guidance on support is available from the College.

The PEP can lead to a variety of Teacher Training courses, including: Open Studies Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS); Open Studies Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (CTLLS); Open Studies Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS).

Next steps

Entry requirements

It is a requirement that learners have a subject specific qualification at Level 3 or above, or a letter from an employer or awarding body stating vocational competence in the subject they are intending to teach. A good standard of general education is required, including literacy and numeracy at Level 1 or above.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Atherstone or Nuneaton Campus


Three weeks, part-time The course is 3.5 hours per week for three consecutive weeks (attendance on all three weeks is required).


Teacher Training - Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) Location

This Teacher Training course is designed as an introductory programme for all new teachers, trainers and tutors in the Lifelong Learning sector. This includes Further Education colleges, sixth form centres, adult education, community learning and a wide range of other training and educational settings.

Atherstone Campus


Ten weeks, part-time


What will I study?

A combination of assignments and an observed microteach delivery. The qualification is offered at either Level 3 or level 4.

Areas you will study are: improving own skills; evaluation and reflection; awareness of own role and responsibilities; initial assessment and differentiation; teaching cycle - deliver, plan, assess, communication; awareness of the learning process.

Next steps

Successful completion of the Award can lead to the Open Studies Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (CTLLS) or Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector(DTLLS) dependent on role.

The PTLLS course is offered at Level 3 or Level 4.

Entry requirements

You will need to have successfully completed the Preparation for Educational Practice (PEP) initial assessment programme prior to starting on the PTLLS programme.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

You will require a subject specific qualification at Level 3 or above, or proof of vocational competence from your employer or awarding body. You will also require Literacy and Numeracy at Level 1 or equivalent. No teaching hours necessary.


Teacher Training - Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (CTLLS) This is a 60 hour Initial Teacher Training qualification for those in an Associate Teacher role in the Life Long Learning sector. This includes further education colleges, sixth form centres, adult education, community learning and a wide range of other training and educational settings.


What will I study?


Atherstone Campus


Part-time, 20 weeks, Attendance is one evening per week for 20 weeks.

This programme includes: improving own skills; reflective practice; initial assessment of learners, inclusive learning, monitoring learners’ progress; planning learning, and preparing to teach; teaching and learning strategies; communication; principles of assessment; developing own specialist area of teaching.

Assessment is via a combination of assignments and a minimum of three teaching practice observations.

Next steps

Successful completion of this award can lead on to the Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Progression is dependent on teaching role and responsibilities.

Entry requirements

You will require a subject specific qualification at Level 3 or above, or a letter from your employer or awarding body stating vocational competence.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

You will need literacy and numeracy at Level 1 or above (Level 2 Literacy is expected to be achieved prior to course completion). You will also need to have studied the PTTLS programme or equivalent qualification.


Teacher Training - Open Studies Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS) Entry requirements

This is a new Initial Teacher Training qualification for those in a full teaching role. This includes further education colleges, sixth form centres, adult education, community learning and a wide range of other training and educational settings. Someone is deemed to be in a full teaching role if they: use materials that they have designed and evaluated, teach across a range of levels/subjects/learner types or teach across or contribute to a range of programmes of varying lengths.

Successful completion of the Preparation for Educational Practice (PEP) initial assessment programme prior to the start of the DTLLS programme and an Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check. A qualification at NQF Level 3 or above in the subject you intend to teach; employed in a full teaching role; At least 150 hours teaching practice; A good standard of general education including literacy and numeracy at Level 1 (GCSE D-G) or above (Level 2 literacy and numeracy are expected to be achieved before progression to year 2).

What will I study?

This programme includes: Year 1 Own role and responsibilities related to specialist subject;Awareness and application of minimum core; Reflective practice; Using new technologies to deliver learning; Equality and diversity; Individual learning plans and setting targets; Theories of communication - theories of learning, barriers to learning; Planning and delivering learning; assessment - questioning, feedback and recording.


Atherstone Campus


Two years, part-time. This is a two year programme run one day per week.


Assessment is via a combination of assignments and a minimum of eight teaching practice observations.

Year 2 The role of the professional; professional development; Quality assurance within education; Learning and its impact on the individual student, the community and society; Challenging discrimination; Curriculum design for inclusive learning and to meet the needs of individuals.

Next steps

Successful completion of the Diploma can lead to the Foundation Degree in PCET, Masters Degree in PCET and Qualified Teacher Status -Learning and Skills (QTLS).

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Teacher Training - Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) -Contextualised to Literacy/ Numeracy/ESOL Subject Specialisms Attendance

A pre-requisite for those who are looking to undertake the Integrated DTLLS Subject Specific programmes in Adult Literacy, Numeracy, ESOL who do not hold a teaching qualification.

30 hours, part-time.


Completion of a personal development portfolio which includes seven mini assignments and a microteach session.

What will I study?

Teaching and training; Improving own skills; evaluation and reflection; Awareness of own role and responsibilities; Initial assessment and differentiation.

Next steps

Integrated Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS) Subject Specialist Teacher Training - Adult Literacy, Numeracy or ESOL.

Entry requirements

Learners must pass an assessment of English language skills (for Adult Literacy/ESOL) or Maths skills (for Numeracy) at NQF Level 3.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Hinckley Campus (to be reviewed)


Additional Diploma for Adult ESOL Specialists Attendance

This Teacher Training programme is designed for those who already hold a full teaching qualification and wish to gain a specialised qualification in teaching ESOL to adults.

One year, part-time. Over 30 weeks.


What will I study?

Assessment is through: Written assignments; Presentations; Practical tasks; four teaching observations; Participation in course activities and group work.

ESOL theories and frameworks; ESOL learning and teaching.

Entry requirements

Next steps

Learners must hold a full teaching qualification (DTLLS, PCET Stage 3, Cert Ed or PGCE) and pass an assessment in English at NQF Level 3. At least 75 hours group teaching in the specialist area must be guaranteed, prior to having a place confirmed. This teaching should cover both Entry Level and Level 1 or 2.

On successful completion of the programme, you can progress onto a Foundation Degree in PCET.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Hinckley Campus (to be reviewed)


Additional Diploma for Adult Numeracy Specialists This programme is for those who already hold a full teaching qualification and wish to gain a specialised qualification in teaching Numeracy to adults.


What will I study?


One year, part-time. Over 30 weeks.

Numeracy theories and frameworks; Numeracy learning and teaching.

Assessment is through: Written assignments; Presentations; Practical tasks; four teaching observations; Participation in course activities and group work.

Entry requirements

Learners must hold a full teaching qualification (Stage 3, Cert Ed or PGCE) and pass an assessment in Maths at NQF Level 3. At least 75 hours group teaching in the specialist area must be guaranteed, prior to having a place confirmed. This teaching should cover both Entry level and Level 1 or 2.

Next steps

On successful completion of the programme, you can progress onto the Foundation Degree in PCET.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Hinckley Campus (to be reviewed)


Additional Diploma for Adult Literacy Specialists Attendance

This Teacher Training programme is for those who already hold a full teaching qualification and wish to gain a specialised qualification in teaching literacy to adults.

One year, part-time. Over 30 weeks.


What will I study?

Assessment is through: Written assignments; Presentations; Practical tasks; four teaching observations; Participation in course activities and group work.

Literacy theories and frameworks; Literacy learning and teaching.

Entry requirements

Next steps

Learners must hold a full teaching qualification (Stage 3, Cert Ed or PGCE) and pass an assessment in English at NQF Level 3. At least 75 hours group teaching in the specialist area must be guaranteed, prior to having a place confirmed. This teaching should cover both Entry Level and Level 1 or 2.

On successful completion of the programme, you can progress onto the Foundation Degree in PCET.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.


Hinckley Campus (to be reviewed)


Integrated Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS) Subject Specialist Teacher Training - ESOL Attendance

The qualification is for those who wish to become qualified teachers of Adult ESOL.

2 years, part-time. 30 weeks each year.

What will I study?


The course covers the following:

Written assignments, presentations, practical tasks, ten teaching observations (six in year one and four in year two), participation in course activities and group work.

Year 1 Subject specialist ESOL knowledge and understanding Year 2 The role of the professional; Professional development; Quality assurance within education; Learning and its impact on the individual student, the community and society; Challenging discrimination; Curriculum design for inclusive learning and to meet the needs of individuals.

Next steps

Foundation Degree in PCET.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

Entry requirements

Learners must pass an assessment of English language skills at Level 3. A minimum of 75 hours teaching in each year must be guaranteed prior to admission, teaching groups at entry Level and Level 1 or 2. Those with no teaching qualification would need to undertake the contextualised PTLLS programme prior to entry.


Hinckley and Atherstone Campus


Integrated Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS) Subject Specialist Teacher Training - Literacy The qualification is for those who wish to become qualified teachers of Adult Literacy.


What will I study?


Hinckley and Atherstone Campus

The course covers the following:

2 years, part-time. 30 weeks each year.

Year 1 Subject specialist literacy knowledge and understanding


Written assignments, presentations, practical tasks, 10 teaching observations (six in year one and four in year two), participation in course activities and group work.

Year 2 The role of the professional; Professional development; Quality assurance within education; Learning and its impact on the individual student, the community and society; Challenging discrimination; Curriculum design for inclusive learning and to meet the needs of individuals.

Next steps

Foundation Degree in PCET.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

Entry requirements

Learners must pass an assessment of English language skills at NQF Level 3. A minimum of 75 hours teaching in each year must be guaranteed prior to admission, teaching groups at entry Level and Level 1 or 2. Those with no teaching qualification would need to undertake the contextualised PTLLS programme prior to entry.


Integrated Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS) Subject Specialist Teacher Training-Numeracy The qualification is for those who wish to become qualified teachers of Adult Numeracy.


What will I study?


Hinckley and Atherstone Campus

The course covers the following:

2 years, part-time. 30 weeks each year.

Year 1 Subject specialist numeracy knowledge and understanding.


Written assignments, presentations, practical tasks, 10 teaching observations (six in year one and four in year two), participation in course activities and group work.

Year 2 The role of the professional; Professional development; Quality assurance within education; Learning and its impact on the individual student, the community and society; Challenging discrimination; Curriculum design for inclusive learning and to meet the needs of individuals.

Next steps

Foundation Degree in PCET.

How to apply

Apply directly to North Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

Entry requirements

Learners must pass an assessment of Maths skills at level 3. A minimum of 75 hours teaching in each year must be guaranteed prior to admission, teaching groups at entry Level and Level 1 or 2. Those with no teaching qualification would need to undertake the contextualised PTLLS programme prior to entry.


Travel & Tourism

Rebekah Grewcock

Rebekah is studying the HND in Travel & Tourism Management as she wanted to add a formal qualification to the 13 years of experience she has already gained in the Travel & Tourism sector. See page 62 for details on Rebekah’s course.

I chose to study at North Warwickshire & Hinckley College because of the College’s location and cheaper fees. I have found the atmosphere of the College relaxed and friendly and hope to go on to teach Travel & Tourism in the future. 58

Higher National Diploma (HND) in Travel & Tourism Management Location

This programme is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge, understanding and skills required for success in employment in Travel & Tourism at supervisory or management level, or for progression to the final year of a degree programme at selected universities.

Nuneaton Campus


Two years, full-time.


What will I study?

Written work is assessed on an ongoing basis and kept in a personal portfolio. At the end of the programme the HND shows all the units successfully completed. Work is assessed at pass, merit and distinction level.

You will study a total of 16 units over two years. Compulsory units are: The Travel & Tourism Sector; The Developing Manager; Finance and Funding in the Travel & Tourism Sector; Legislation and Ethics in the Travel & Tourism Sector; Research Project; Marketing in Travel & Tourism; Contemporary Issues in Travel & Tourism Tourism; Sustainable Tourism Development.

Next steps

Future options are progression into the travel and tourism industry, or progression onto the final year of a degree programme at selected universities.

How to apply

Optional Units studied are: Tourist Destinations; Travel & Tourism Entrepreneurs; Hospitality Provision in the Travel & Tourism Sector; Heritage and Cutural Tourism Management; Incoming and Domestic Tourism; Public Relations and Promotion; Visitor Attractions Management; Employability Skills.

Apply through UCAS.

Entry requirements

Age 18+ on entry. Qualifications: BTEC National Certificate or Diploma in Travel & Tourism; At least one A Level with appropriate grade. Mature candidates with appropriate work experience are also welcome.


Nuneaton Campus: North Warwickshire & Hinckley College Hinckley Road Nuneaton Warwickshire CV11 6BH Current Hinckley Campus address for enquiries: North Warwickshire & Hinckley College London Road Hinckley Leicestershire LE10 1HQ Become a fan on Facebook

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If you would like to find out more information on these courses, contact us now:

024 7624 3366 88020* the.college@nwhc.ac.uk www.nwhc.ac.uk

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