2009-10 Georgia Tech Annual Report

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2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

dear yellow jacket fans This is a very special edition of our Annual Report in that we have just completed perhaps the most successful athletic year from a win-loss standpoint in modern history. Our ACC Football Championship and berth in the FedEx Orange Bowl was a catalyst for the entire program. All told -- in team sports with countable win-loss records -- Georgia Tech teams won 213 games and lost only 80. This represents a winning percentage of .727. Just how good is that historically? We went back 30 years to make a comparison. And what we found was that this athletic year is the best overall by a considerable margin. Only once in that span had our teams managed to win 70 percent of their contests (exactly .700 in 2004-05). Only once before in that span had our teams topped the 200win mark (201 in 2003-04). Also, only one other time during that span had Georgia Tech captured four ACC Championships matching this year’s effort. While we can all take great pride in this type of athletic success, we must never lose sight of the fact that we are challenged to educate these young people academically at the highest level. The Academic Progress Report released in June by the NCAA reveals that the majority of Georgia Tech’s athletic teams are excelling in the classroom as well as on the fields and courts. The APR numbers are based on a multi-year rate and showed several of our teams performing at a national level in the top 10 percent. To see our overall scores improve for a third straight year is very encouraging. It’s a tribute to our student-athletes, coaches and staff. At the same time, we will continue to strive to raise our numbers each and every year. Rest assured, none of this would have been possible without the tremendous support we receive from the Georgia Tech community. Our alumni, friends and fans are the driving force behind our ability to get the very best from these student-athletes. It is your support in the way of gifts, ticket purchases and other means that allows us to provide the goods and services to sustain a program that should make each and every one of us extremely proud. It is very obvious that Georgia Tech is a special place that attracts not only the finest athletes in our state, region and across the nation, but young people that are uniquely qualified to not only compete athletically at the highest level, but to perform academically. We are so proud that our student-athletes accept the challenge of representing us on the fields and courts, but also work equally as hard to achieve the ultimate goal – a degree from Georgia Tech! I hope you find this publication both interesting and informative. As we look back at the 2009-10 season we can’t help but be excited about the prospects for the year to come. I hope to see each of you often during the coming months as we enjoy another great year in support of Georgia Tech Athletics! Sincerely,

Dan Radakovich Director of Athletics

2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

table of

contents introduction

Swimming & Diving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Women’s Track and Field / Cross Country. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Men’s Track and Field / Cross Country. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Golf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Men’s Tennis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Women’s Tennis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Softball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Baseball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Cover Letter from the Director of Athletics TOC (with Mission Statement). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Academics & Community Service

Graduated Student Athletes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Community Service overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7

GTAA Financials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 Alexander-Tharpe Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 A-T Life Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Individual Sports profiles

Football. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Volleyball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Men’s Basketball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Women’s Basketball11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Mission Statement The Georgia Tech Athletic Association forms the front porch of the Institute and serves as a gathering place for students, alumni, fans and friends. We provide our student-athletes with the opportunity for academic and athletic success and personal growth. We promote diversity and equity. The integrity of our mission is enhanced by our commitment to adherence to the rules of the Institute, the Atlantic Coast Conference and the National Collegiate Athletic Association. This environment we create allows our student-athletes to compete at the highest levels, and creates enjoyment for our supporters. We embrace our proud traditions and strive to enhance the future opportunities for our student-athletes, coaches, and staff.



2009-10 Georgia tech annual report



One hundred and thirty two recent and former student-athletes graduated from Georgia Tech last year. Over one third of those graduating from the Bachelor’s program did so with Honors! The following is an alphabetical listing of Summer ’09, Fall ’09, Spring ’10 Georgia Tech student-athlete graduates: Bachelors Lauren Barnes Tyler Barrett Stephanie Berger Blake Adams William Bonn Shane Bowen Matthew Braman Robert Brannon George P. Burdell Gary Cage Callie Miller Kristie Champlin Alana Clooten Noah Copeland Kevin Crosby John Dantzler David Neaton Donald Davis Jason Davis Ryan Delehanty Christina Demichelis Michael Dergance Sean Devine Matthew Didia Emory Gibbs Evan Stowers Tyler Evans Fred Finney David Ford Devon Foster Casey Gramling Amy Gress Sedric Griffin Timothy Guglielmo Chesson Hadley Robert Hall Bradley Hamilton Jason Haniger Emily Hedberg Matthew Hickey Alexander Hill Jason Hill Christopher House Iain Wylie Brian Ingle Jeremy Jackson Kaila Jackson Jeffrey Scurry Jessica Wessel Gregory Johnson Caroline Jones

Women’s Swimming Football Softball Video Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Football Football Football Lacrosse Men’s Basketball Volleyball Cheer Women’s Track/Crs Ctry Men’s Swimming Football Baseball Cheer Football Football Cheer Volleyball Cheer Baseball Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Men’s Swimming Football Student Trainer Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Football Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Cheer Football Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Golf Football Student Manager Baseball Women’s Swimming Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Student Manager Football Baseball Cheer Video Men’s Swimming Cheer Football Cheer Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Women’s Swimming

Joshua Tittle Kacey Ivey Matthew Kamp Michelle Kandell Talisa Kellogg Quincy Kelly Kathryn Kenline Veronica Kinard Richard King Michael Klindt Ryann Kopacka Zachary Krish Agatha Kwasnik Michael Lawson William Lee Ian Lehn Luke Snider Michael Malul Steven Marcelle William Mateker Amanda McDowell Sarah McNeese Andrew Miller Jerome Miller William Miller William Minter Luke Murton Nicholas Wenderoth Allison Niekamp Nigel Orr Alex Paquette David Pham Tyler Pope Steven Powers Lisa Pucci Michael Ray Laurie Reed Jackson Renegar Richard Lewis Alexander Roan Stephanie Robbins Darrell Robertson Andrew Rodrigues Bradley Sellers Bradley Sheehan Jeremy Slayden Garad Soderman Mauricio Sousa Mellany Stanislaus Brandon Stanley Stephen Trocheck Tabitha Turner

Football Softball Football Volleyball Volleyball Football Dance Women’s Track/Crs Ctry Football Baseball Women’s Swimming Football Women’s Swimming Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Men’s Swimming Football Football Men’s Swimming Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Women’s Tennis Cheer Men’s Swimming Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Football Football Baseball Baseball Volleyball Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Football Cheer Cheer Football Women’s Swimming Football Softball Cheer Baseball Men’s Swimming Volleyball Football Student Manager Football Men’s Basketball Baseball Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Men’s Swimming Women’s Track/Crs Ctry Football Cheer Women’s Basketball PAGE


(L-R): Tiffany Blackmon (women’s basketball), Buzz, Anthony Barnes (football) and Correy Earls (football). Sam Morgan photo. James Taylor Theresa Mahfood Ryan Tinkoff James Tolbert Osahon Tongo Le Garen Toomer Myron Usher Melissa Vann Daniel Voss Zachary Ware Hannah Watkins Whitney McCray Recardo Wimbush Steven Wolcott Chris Wood Christopher Wood William Woodworth Kimberly Wu Mohamed Yahiaoui Katina Zuganelis

Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Women’s Track/Crs Ctry Baseball Video Football Men’s Basketball Football Cheer Football Football Cheer Women’s Tennis Football Men’s Basketball Student Trainer Student Trainer Men’s Swimming Student Trainer Football Women’s Track/Crs Ctry

Masters Michael Boyce Natalie Darraugh Ofer Finkler Whitney Haller Brian Huff Ta Kim Robert Miller Jonas Motiejunas Justin Smith Kamau Smith

Student Manager Women’s Track/Crs Ctry Men’s Swimming Softball Men’s Swimming Cheer Men’s Swimming Men’s Track/Crs Ctry Student Trainer Football

2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

student athlete

programs TOTAL PERSON PROGRAM At Georgia Tech, the day the cheering stops will still be a time of celebration. A studentathlete’s playing days will end, but the Total Person Program ensures that Yellow Jacket student-athletes will be prepared for the career and personal changes ahead. Through this multifaceted program, the brainchild of retired Director of Athletics Dr. Homer Rice, Rambling Wreck student-athletes have the opportunity to learn the elements of success beyond the classroom or playing field. They gain skills that remain with them for a lifetime, preparing for the career and personal challenges ahead. During his 17-year tenure from 1980-1997, Rice rebuilt Georgia Tech’s athletic fortunes with an emphasis not just in fund-raising and facilities, but in equally important areas such as academic support and life skills. Since Rice started the Total Person Program in 1980, it has developed into the most comprehensive student-athlete support system in the country. Rice’s model has been adopted nationwide as the foundation for NCAA’s Life Skills Program. Because of the success of the Total

Football visits ‘Boy’s & Girl’s Club’

Person Program, Georgia Tech was one of the three schools chosen to consult with the NCAA on this project. Addressing virtually every area of a well rounded educational experience, the Total Person Program, under the direction of Leah Thomas, focuses on the following components: • • • • • • •

Academic Support and Degree Completion Personal Growth & Development Career Planning and Placement Counseling and Wellness Leadership Honors Community Outreach

Softball visits a local school

Student-Athlete Advisory Board and Community Outreach The Student-Athlete Advisory Board (SAAB) is a committee of student-athletes representing each sports team within the Georgia Tech Athletic Association. The SAAB is a bridge linking studentathlete concerns with the GTAA administration. Along with major community service projects involving multiple teams, the board is called upon to give input on improving student-athlete welfare at Georgia Tech. This year’s SAAB continues it’s focus on facilitating better communication to all GTAA staff and student-athletes. “Outside AthleTECHS, Inside the Edge”, the SAAB monthly newsletter, continues to help with overall awareness with the happenings around the athletic association, and the once per semester Town Hall Meetings promote increased involvement with student-athletes. The SAAB provides vital input on student-athlete support services to all Georgia Tech student-athletes. Under the direction of the SAAB the Tech student-athletes participated in an array of community outreach projects this last year which included: KIPP Strive Academy Community Day – Members of men’s and women’s basketball teams, as well as football, conducted a field day for KIPP students while the Boston Consulting Group worked to clean up the building that this charter school was moving into for their inaugural year. Toy Drive – The 9th Annual Michael Isenhour toy drive was conducted at football, men’s and women’s basketball games. The United States Marines again teamed up with the student-athletes to collect toys for the Toys for Tots program and



2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

student athlete


• • • • •

local Atlanta charities. Special Olympics – Members of football, baseball, cheerleading, volleyball, women’s tennis, golf, softball, and women’s & men’s track acted as Grand Marshalls for the opening ceremonies of the Georgia Indoor Winter Games held at the Cobb County Civic Center. They escorted Special Olympic Athletes into the arena to be recognized, from across the whole state of Georgia. The following day, the same student-athletes supplied volunteers for the roller skating competition. Relay for Life – Men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams participated in Relay for Life in collaboration with the Georgia Tech campus. Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta – Baseball players participated in the Halloween patient party at Egleston Children’s Hospital. Cedar Ridge Elementary School – Football players made an appearance at Cedar Ridge Elementary School in Dalton, GA for the end of the week pep rally. Team Buzz – Student-athletes from all sports did clean up work (both inside and outside) at the Jerusalem House near Decatur, GA. The house serves as a home for women and children who are affected by AIDS. Atlanta Soup Kitchen – Men’s swimming & diving teams sorted and packed food.

2009-10 Student-Athlete Advisory Board Christa Bagley D’Andre Bell Alana Clooten Jay Dantzler Kelly Eppinger Deja Foster Dalton Hedberg Kyle Jackson Roddy Jones Alfonso Jordan Veronica Kinard Way Joe Lee Billy Mateker Jordan McCullers Amanda McDowell William Miller Tony Plagman Ryan Smith Leah Thomas

Cheerleading Men’s Basketball Women’s Track & Field Baseball Softball Women’s Basketball Women’s Swimming/Diving Football Football Men’s Track & Field Women’s Cross-Country Men’s Swimming/Diving Men’s Cross-Country Volleyball Women’s Tennis Golf Baseball Men’s Tennis SAAB Advisor

HEARN ACADEMIC CENTER Conveniently located on the third floor of the Edge Athletics Center, the Andrew Hearn, Sr. Academic Center houses academic staff and facilities to support the academic endeavors of Tech student-athletes. The academic support program is under the direction of Associate Director of Athletics Phyllis LaBaw. The Hearn Center, which originally opened in 1984, has been expanded several times and now includes over 5,000 square feet of open and selfcontained work areas. The Center support services include tutoring, academic advising, academic coaching, and study hall. Study and tutoring rooms vary in size and offer secluded environments in which to work. The tutorial programs offers assistance in subjects and classes ranging from biology to advance engineering courses and are scheduled daily throughout the Center. The extent of this support is clearly reflected in the Spring of 2010 tutoring statistics whereby:



50 total courses tutored 150 student-athletes tutored 40 tutors employed 183 tutoring sessions per week 2745 tutoring sessions per semester

The addition of the Technology Center in the Fall of 2007 added valuable space to the daily operations of student-athlete support services. The 5,000 square foot learning area is located on the ground floor of the Edge Building and features: • State of the art computer lab with 48 computer work stations • 11 4-person study carrels, plus 14 individual study carrels • Study lounge with 2 group reading areas • Plasma TV to display upcoming events and Yellow Jacket accolades/highlights This space was also used for concurrent registration classes that were offered through Georgia Perimeter College and Atlanta Metro College. The space allowed for the student-athletes registered for these classes to have a designated meeting place and time, despite the face that these courses were on-line courses. It allowed the academic staff to oversee and better control the progress that the student-athletes made during the course of the semester.

Special Olympics

2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

highlights from


The 2009-10 academic year was one of the most successful campaigns in nearly 120 years of Georgia Tech athletics: • Yellow Jacket teams combined to produce a won-loss record of 213-80 (.727), the highest winning percentage at Georgia Tech in modern history.

the 13th straight year, two Yellow Jackets were taken in the first round of the NFL draft, and Paul Johnson became the first coach ever to be named ACC Coach of the Year in his first two seasons in the conference.

• Georgia Tech participated in NCAA postseason play and/or bowl games in football, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s tennis, volleyball, baseball, softball and golf.

• The men’s and women’s basketball teams both won 23 games and both earned NCAA Tournament bids. Coach Paul Hewitt’s team advanced to the championship game of the ACC Tournament.

• Tech was the only school in the country to play in a BCS bowl game (Orange Bowl), host an NCAA baseball regional and advance to the second round of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament.

• The baseball and softball teams both earned top-eight national seeds and hosted NCAA regionals. Women’s tennis also hosted NCAA 1st- and 2nd-round matches.

• The Yellow Jackets won four ACC championships – in football, golf, softball and women’s tennis.

• The baseball team produced a school record-tying 10 draft picks.

• Academically, Georgia Tech’s Academic Progress Report (APR) scores improved significantly for the third consecutive year. Five Yellow Jacket teams were recognized nationally by the NCAA for producing an APR score that ranked among the top 10 percent in each respective sport. • The football team won the ACC championship outright for the first time since 1990, played in a bowl game for

• The ACC champion golf team advanced to the final eight of the NCAA championships. • The volleyball team, under first-year coach Tonya Johnson, earned the program’s first NCAA bid since 2004. • Men’s swimming (Gal Nevo) and men’s track and field (Alphonso Jordan and Steve Marcelle) produced some of the most successful and most decorated athletes in those sports’ history at Tech.

The construction of new facilities or upgrades to existing ones has continued to be a focus. This past year, director of athletics Dan Radakovich began laying the groundwork for a proposed basketball replacement facility that will eventually be one of the top basketball complexes in the ACC. The previous year, Shirley Clements Mewborn Field, home for Tech’s softball program, was unveiled prior to the start of the 2009 season and was ultimately showcased on ESPN when the Yellow Jackets hosted an NCAA Super Regional. The Zelnak Center, a practice facility for Georgia Tech basketball, opened for the beginning of pre-season practice, just six months after ground was broken. Bobby Dodd Stadium continues to receive cosmetic and functional upgrades, including a new video board last fall. Other facility upgrades that have occurred include the transformation of Tech’s former football locker room on the ground floor of the Edge Athletic Center into a new Technology Center, which benefits academic support services for all Yellow Jacket student-athletes.

2009 ACC Champions



2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

highlights from


Accomplishments during the 2009-10 academic year include:

2010 ACC Champions

NCAA Champion: None National Award Winners: Women’s Tennis – Irina Falconi (Campbell/ITA National College Player of the Year) NCAA Top VIII Award: None All-Americans: Baseball – Derek Dietrich (3rd team Baseball America), Deck McGuire (3rd team Louisville Slugger), Tony Plagman (3rd team Louisville Slugger); Football – Derrick Morgan (1st team AFCA, 1st team AP, 2nd team Walter Camp), Demaryius Thomas (3rd team AP); Golf – John-Tyler Griffin (HM), Chesson Hadley (HM), Paul Haley (HM); Swimming and Diving – Gal Nevo (200-IM and 400-IM); Men’s Tennis – Guillermo Gomez; Track and Field – Alphonso Jordan (indoor and outdoor triple jump); Softball – Jen Yee (1st team) Hope Rush (3rd team); Women’s Tennis – Irina Falconi; Volleyball – Monique Mead (HM), Mary Ashley Tippins (HM) ACC Player of the Year: Football – Derrick Morgan (Defensive); Swimming and Diving – Gal Nevo (Male Swimmer); Track and Field – Alphonso Jordan (Indoor Field and Outdoor Field); Softball – Jen Yee; Women’s Tennis – Irina Falconi

2010 ACC Champions

ACC Champions: Football; Golf, Chesson Hadley; Gal Nevo (200-IM, 400-IM, and 200-fly); Bailey Wagner (outdoor discus), Steve Marcelle (indoor and outdoor shot put), Alphonso Jordan (indoor and outdoor triple jump), Alana Clooten (outdoor hammer throw), Joanna Wright (indoor pole vault); Softball (regular season and tournament); Women’s Tennis (tournament) ACC Coach of the Year: Football – Paul Johnson; Softball – Sharon Perkins ACC Postgraduate Scholarship Recipients: Swimming – Ryann Kopacka; Tennis – Amanda McDowell; Track and Field – Alana Clooten Academic All-Americans: Baseball – Derek Dietrich (3rd team); Track and Field – Billy Mateker PAGE


2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

highlights from


Following are Georgia Tech’s team records, ACC finishes and postseason play: FOOTBALL Record: 11-3 overall, 7-1 ACC (ACC Champions, 1st place Coastal Division) • BCS Orange Bowl VOLLEYBALL Record: 21-10 overall, 15-5 ACC (3rd place) • NCAA Tournament First Round MEN’S BASKETBALL Record: 23-13 overall, 7-9 ACC (7th place) • NCAA Tournament Second Round WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Record: 23-10 overall, 8-6 ACC (4th place) • NCAA Tournament Second Round MEN’S CROSS COUNTRY ACC Finish: 8th place (239 points) • NCAA South Region Championships: 11th place (338 points) WOMEN’S CROSS COUNTRY ACC Finish: 11th place (312 points) • NCAA South Region Championships: 10th place (323 points)

MEN’S SWIMMING AND DIVING Record: 5-6 overall, 2-4 ACC • ACC Championships: 5th place • Final Ranking: No. 28

MEN’S TENNIS Record: 18-8 overall, 7-4 ACC (4th place) • NCAA Round of 32 • Final National Ranking: No. 25

WOMEN’S SWIMMING AND DIVING Record: 5-7-1, 1-6 ACC • ACC Championships: 9th place • Final Ranking: No. 35

WOMEN’S TENNIS Record: 19-10 overall, 5-5 ACC (7th place) • ACC Tournament Champions • NCAA Round of 32 • NCAA Atlanta Regional Host • Final national ranking: No. 15

MEN’S TRACK AND FIELD ACC Indoor Championships: 7th place (44 points) • ACC Outdoor Championships: 7th place (41.50 points) • NCAA Indoor Championships: 17th place (11 points) • NCAA Outdoor Championships: 69th place (1 point) WOMEN’S TRACK AND FIELD ACC Indoor Championships: 8th place (36 points) • ACC Outdoor Championships: 7th place (54.50 points)

SOFTBALL Record: 51-11 overall, 19-2 ACC (1st place) • ACC Tournament Champions • NCAA Atlanta Regional Host • Final national ranking: No. 17 BASEBALL Record: 47-15 overall, 21-9 ACC (2nd place) • NCAA Regional Runner-up • NCAA Atlanta Regional Host • Final National Ranking: No. 13

GOLF ACC Champions • NCAA Round of 8 • NCAA Southeast Regional Host (3rd place) • Final National Ranking: No. 5 2010 ACC Champions



2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

football Record: 11-3 overall, 7-1 ACC (ACC Champions, 1st place Coastal Division) BCS Orange Bowl • Georgia Tech won the ACC championship outright for the first time since 1990. • The Yellow Jackets’ 11 wins were their most since 1990 and one shy of tying the 1952 national championship team’s school record. • Tech was ranked as high as seventh in the Associated Press poll -- its highest ranking since 1999.

Paul johnson head football coach

• The Jackets finished ranked 13th in the Associated Press and USA Today polls -- their highest finish in the polls since 1998. • The Yellow Jackets played in a bowl game for the 13th consecutive season, tying for the fourth-longest current streak nationally. • Georgia Tech played in a major/BCS bowl game for the first time since Jan. 2, 1967.

National Award Winner: None All-American: Derrick Morgan (1st team AFCA, 1st team AP, 2nd team Walter Camp), Demaryius Thomas (3rd team AP) All-ACC: Josh Nesbitt, Jonathan Dwyer, Demaryius Thomas, Cord Howard, Sean Bedford, Derrick Morgan (1st team); Morgan Burnett (2nd team); Brad Jefferson (HM) ACC Coach of the Year: Paul Johnson Derrick Morgan

ACC Defensive Player of the Year: Derrick Morgan Academic All-ACC: Roddy Jones, Logan Walls



Josh Nesbitt

2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

VOLLEYBALL Record: 21-10 overall, 15-5 ACC (3rd place) NCAA Tournament First Round • Under first-year head coach Tonya Johnson, the Yellow Jackets earned the program’s first NCAA bid since 2004 and were sent to Los Angeles, Calif. for the UCLA regional.

tonya johnson head volleyball coach

• The Yellow Jackets were picked eighth in the ACC preseason poll, but finished third. During the season, the Jackets defeated ACC champion Florida State. FSU earned the No. 3 national seed and that was its only conference loss of the season. It was the program’s first road win over a ranked team in eight years. • Tech placed three members on the all-conference team including ACC Freshman of the Year Monique Mead. Mary Ashley Tippins and Mead were named AVCA honorable mention All-Americans while Tippins also garnered all-region accolades. Mead was an honorable mention all-region pick as well. • Mead was one of 24 players selected by USA Volleyball to lead its U.S. Women’s National A2 Program for 2010.

All-American: Monique Mead, Mary Ashley Tippins (HM) All-ACC: Chrissy DeMichelis, Monique Mead, Mary Ashley Tippins ACC Freshman of the Year: Monique Mead Monique Mead

Academic All-ACC: Brittany Roderick, Jordan McCullers, Asia Stawicka



Mary Ashley Tippins

2009-10 Georgia tech annual report


BASKETBALL Record: 23-13 overall, 7-9 ACC (7th place) NCAA Tournament Second Round • Georgia Tech won 23 games in 2009-10, the most for the program since the Final Four year of 2004 • The Yellow Jackets returned to the NCAA Tournament in 2010 for the first time since 2007, and for the fifth time in 10 seasons under head coach Paul Hewitt. Tech defeated Oklahoma State in the opening round in Milwaukee before being eliminated by Ohio State.

paul hewitt

head men’s basketball coach

• Tech advanced to the finals of the ACC Tournament for the first time since 2005, defeating North Carolina, Maryland and NC State before Duke captured a 65-61 victory in the championship game. Derrick Favors was named to the ACC All-Tournament first team, while Gani Lawal and Iman Shumpert were named to the second team. • Tech defeated four teams ranked in the nation’s top 25 last season, including No. 5 Duke, No. 12 North Carolina, No. 17 Clemson and No. 19 Maryland. • Derrick Favors became the 11th Georgia Tech player to be named ACC Rookie of the Year, and also was named to the Sporting News National All-Freshman team. • Gani Lawal was named third-team All-ACC for the second straight year.

All-ACC: Gani Lawal (3rd team) ACC Rookie of the Year: Derrick Favors Derrick Favors

Academic All-ACC: Gary Cage

Iman Shumpart

D’Andre Bell



2009-10 Georgia tech annual report


BASKETBALL Record: 23-10 overall, 8-6 ACC (4th place) NCAA Tournament Second Round • Getting the program record 23rd win in the second round of the ACC Tournament in a come-from-behind win over Wake Forest • Alex Montgomery scores her 1,000 career point against FSU (Last basket) • Brigitte Ardossi scores her 1,000 career point on her final collegiate basket against Arkansas-Little Rock

machelle joseph head women’s basketball coach

• Ardossi became the fifth Yellow Jacket ever drafted by the WNBA when she was selected in the 2nd round (21st overall) by the Atlanta Dream • Earned first win at Maryland since 2001 and only fourth-ever win in College Park • Earned the program’s first bye at the ACC Tournament with a fourth-place finish during the regular season.

All-ACC: Brigitte Ardossi (2nd team); Alex Montgomery (3rd team) ACC Sixth Player of the Year: Alex Montgomery Academic All-ACC: Deja Foster

Deja Foster Alex Montgomery

Brigitte Ardossi PAGE


2009-10 Georgia tech annual report


SWIMMING & DIVING Record: 5-6 overall, 2-4 ACC • ACC Championships: 5th place Final Ranking: No. 28 • Gal Nevo earned his second straight ACC Male Swimmer of the Year Award. He won four ACC events over the past two seasons becoming the first Yellow Jacket to achieve that.

Courtney Hart head swimming coach

• Nevo was a two-time All-American this season. The Kibbutz Hamadia, Israel native’s top performance at the NCAA Championships came in the 400-yard individual medley, in which he clocked a 3:40.68 to place second. Nevo also placed eighth in the 200 IM in 1:45.21, and 10th in the 200-yard butterfly in 1:43.28, the ACC’s top mark this season. Additionally, Nevo’s 1:43.43 in the 200 fly at the ACC

Championship secured the first 200 fly crown for a Yellow Jacket, while his league-leading times in the 200 IM (1:44.14) and 400 IM (3:40.47) clinched his second straight conference title in each event.

All-American: Gal Nevo (200-IM and 400-IM) All-ACC: Gal Nevo (200-IM, 400-IM, 200-fly) ACC Swimmer of the Year: Gal Nevo Academic All-ACC: Ilia Ayzenshtok, Jeffrey Phillips, Matt Tang, Brandon Makinson


SWIMMING & DIVING Record: 5-7-1, 1-6 ACC • ACC Championships: 9th place Final Ranking: No. 35 • The women’s swimming team broke four school records at the ACC Championships. Heidi Hatteberg (200back) and Jordan Evans (100-fly) had individual records while the 200-free and 800-free relay teams set new Tech marks.

Academic All-ACC: Hannah Krimm, Agatha Kwasnik Gal Nevo

ACC Postgraduate Scholarship: Ryann Kopacka Agatha Kwasnik



2009-10 Georgia tech annual report


track & field ACC Championships: Indoor: 8th place (36 points), Outdoor : 7th place (54.50 points) ACC Individual Champion: Bailey Wagner (outdoor discus), Alana Clooten (outdoor hammer throw), Joanna Wright (indoor pole vault)

All-ACC Outdoor Academic Team: Alana Clooten, Mary Kate DuBard, Tiffany Grant, Joanna Wright

Indoor All-ACC: Joanna Wright (pole vault)

CoSIDA Academic All-District: Alana Clooten (1st team); Joanna Wright (2nd team)

Outdoor All-ACC: Bailey Wagner (discus), Alana Clooten (hammer throw), Terri Ann Grant (high jump)

ACC Postgraduate Scholarship: Alana Clooten

All-ACC Indoor Academic Team: Tiffany Grant, Joanna Wright, Jasmine Isley

alan drosky head women’s track & field/ M&W cross country coach


CROSS COUNTRY ACC Finish: 11th place (312 points) NCAA South Region Championships: 10th place (323 points) Academic All-ACC: Mary Kate DuBard

Tiffany Grant

Mary Kate DuBard



2009-10 Georgia tech annual report


track & field ACC Championships: Indoor: 7th place (44 points), Outdoor : 7th place (41.50 points) NCAA Championships: Indoor: 17th place (11 points), Outdoor : 69th place (1 point) • Alphonso Jordan ended his decorated career on the Flats by earning All-American honors for the first time at the NCAA Outdoor Championships earlier this month in Eugene, Ore. after finishing eighth overall. Earlier in the year, Jordan also captured All-America honors in the same event at the Indoor Championships in Fayetteville, Ark.

grover hinsdale head men’s track & field coach Alphonso Jordan

• The Charlotte, N.C. native was also two-time winner in the triple jump at both the ACC Indoor and Outdoor Championships earlier in the season and swept field MVP honors at both events. • Fellow senior Steve Marcelle won the shot put at both the Indoor and Outdoor Championships, breaking the school record in the event at the outdoor championships. He also qualified for the NCAA Outdoor Championships in the event for the fourth time in his career.

ACC Outdoor Championships Most Outstanding Performer: Alphonso Jordan ACC Outdoor Field Performer of the Year: Steve Marcelle ACC Champions: Alphonso Jordan (outdoor triple jump) Indoor All-ACC: Alphonso Jordan (long jump, triple jump, 60-meter hurdles), Steve Marcelle (shot put) Outdoor All-ACC: Steve Marcelle (discus and shot put), Alphonso Jordan (triple jump) All-ACC Outdoor Academic Team: Hunter Clasen, Billy Mateker ESPN the Magazine Academic All-American Team: Billy Mateker CoSIDA Academic All-District: Billy Mateker, Hunter Clasen (1st team)

• Meanwhile, sophomore Bianca Stewart was the lone woman to qualify for the NCAA Outdoor Championships. The sophomore participated in the high jump at event and finished 13th overall. • Off the track, Senior Billy Mateker earned Academic All-American honors for the second straight year, earning a spot on the second team earlier this week. Three other Yellow Jacket athletes were also honored with All-District Academic honors: junior Hunter Clasen (first team), senior Alana Clooten (first team) and junior Joanna Wright (second team).

NCAA All-American: Alphonso Jordan (indoor and outdoor triple jump) ACC Individual Champion: Steve Marcelle (indoor and outdoor shot put), Alphonso Jordan (indoor and outdoor triple jump) ACC Indoor Championships Field Events MVP: Alphonso Jordan

Matt Hickey


CROSS COUNTRY ACC Finish: 8th place (239 points) NCAA South Region Championships: 11th place (338 points) Academic All-ACC: Matt Hickey, Phillip O’Brien PAGE


2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

golf ACC Champions • NCAA Round of 8 • NCAA Southeast Regional Host (3rd place) Final National Ranking: No. 5 • Georgia Tech won its second straight Atlantic Coast Conference championship and fourth in the last five years. The Yellow Jackets have won seven ACC titles under head coach Bruce Heppler, and 12 in the history of the program, more than any ACC teams except Wake Forest. • Heppler’s team finished the year ranked No. 5 in the Golfstat national rankings, No. 14 in the Golfweek/ Sagarin Performance Index.

bruce heppler head Golf coach

• Tech finished third in the NCAA Southeast Regional, which it hosted at the Capital City Club Crabapple, and advanced to the NCAA Finals for the 24th time since 1985. Junior John-Tyler Griffin finished in a tie for third individually, while senior Chesson Hadley tied for 8th. • At the Finals, the Yellow Jackets finished third among 30 teams in the 54-hole stroke-play portion of the championship. As one of the top eight teams, Tech advanced to the match-play portion of the championship, where it lost to eventual national champion Augusta State, 3-2, in the quarterfinals.

14th individually. Their top-15 finishes automatically made them honorable mention All-Americans by the Golf Coaches Association of America. Griffin also was named an honorable mention All-American. • Hadley became the seventh Tech player to win the ACC individual championship, and has posted a cumulative score of 12-under-par in his career at the ACC Championship. • The Yellow Jackets won the UNCG Bridgestone Invitational in the fall, giving Tech two tournament titles this year.

ACC Individual Champion: Chesson Hadley All-American: John-Tyler Griffin, Chesson Hadley, Paul Haley (HM) All-ACC: John-Tyler Griffin, Chesson Hadley, James White Academic All-ACC: Bo Andrews, Kyle Scott, James White

• In the stroke-play portion of the NCAA Championship, junior Paul Haley tied for ninth, and Hadley tied for

Chesson Hadley

JT Griffin



2009-10 Georgia tech annual report


TENNIS Record: 18-8 overall, 7-4 ACC (4th place) ● NCAA Round of 32 Final National Ranking: No. 25 • Georgia Tech made the NCAA Tournament field of 64 for the first time since 2007 and for the eighth time under head coach Kenny Thorne, reaching the second round before being eliminated. The Yellow Jackets finished the year with a national ranking of No. 25, their highest under Thorne. • Tech’s 18 wins were the most for the Yellow Jackets under Thorne, and its ACC mark of 7-4 is also the best since 2001.

Kenny thorne head men’s tennis coach

• Guillermo Gomez achieved a national ITA singles ranking of No. 3, the highest ever for a Georgia Tech player, on two occasions this spring, and finished with a ranking of No. 5. He received a berth in the NCAA Singles Championship for the third straight year and reached the round of 16, his farthest advance, and earned ITA All-American honors for the second time. • Gomez won 29 singles matches this year, which ranks among the top 10 all-time for a season in Tech history. His 85 career singles wins ranks No. 5 all-time.

Guillermo Gomez

• Two other Georgia Tech players - Kevin King (97) and Eliot Potvin (111) - were listed in the top 125 of the ITA singles rankings at the end of the spring. King and



freshman Juan Spir were the nation’s 83rd-ranked doubles team. • Tech was 12-8 against teams in the ITA national rankings. • Guillermo Gomez made the All-ACC team for the third time, and Kevin King made the team for the first time

All-American: Guillermo Gomez All-ACC: Guillermo Gomez, Kevin King Academic All-ACC: Guillermo Gomez, Kevin King, Ryan Smith Final Singles Rankings: Guillermo Gomez (No. 5), Kevin King (No. 97), Eliot Potvin (No. 111) Final Doubles Rankings: Juan Spir/Kevin King (No. 83)

2009-10 Georgia tech annual report


TENNIS Record: 19-10 overall, 5-5 ACC (7th place) • ACC Tournament Champions NCAA Round of 32 • NCAA Atlanta Regional Host • Final national ranking: No. 15 • The Yellow Jackets won the 2010 ACC Championship, the fourth in program history. They are lowest seeded team to ever capture the title. • Irina Falconi was named the ITA National Player of the Year and finished the year the No. 1 ranked player in the nation. She was also a finalist for the 2010 Honda Award for Women’s Tennis. • Irina Falconi earned a spot on the USTA Summer Collegiate Team for the second straight year.

bryan shelton head women’s tennis coach

Campbell/ITA National Player of the Year: Irina Falconi Honda Award for Women’s Tennis Finalist: Irina Falconi ACC Player of the Year: Irina Falconi ACC Championships MVP: Irina Falconi All-American: Irina Falconi

• Irina Falconi was named MVP of the 2010 ACC Championship.

All-ACC: Irina Falconi

• Irina Falconi named ACC Player of the Year - Only second ever WT player to earn this distinction.

Final Singles Rankings: Irina Falconi (No. 1)

Academic All-ACC: Lynn Blau, Elizabeth Kilborn

• Irina Falconi won the 2009 Riviera/ITA All-American Singles Title (one of three national collegiate events)

Final Doubles Rankings: Irina Falconi and Sasha Krupina (No. 23); Amanda McDowell and Irina Falconi (No. 88)

• Amanda McDowell finished her career in third-place all-time in GT history with singles wins (116).

ACC Postgraduate Scholarship: Amanda McDowell

• The team has strung together its ninth straight season finishing above .500 with a 19-10 overall mark.

Lynn Blau

Irina Falconi



2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

SOFTBALL Record: 51-11 overall, 19-2 ACC (1st place) • ACC Tournament Champions NCAA Atlanta Regional Host • Final national ranking: No. 17 • The Yellow Jackets finished 51-11 and won their second straight ACC Regular Season and Tournament title. • The Yellow Jackets broke several individual and team records this season, including 118 home runs. • Georgia Tech advanced to its ninth straight NCAA Tournament, hosted the school’s second-ever regional and was a Top-8 national seed for the first time in program history.

sharon perkins head softball coach

• Senior Jen Yee broke several ACC and school records and finished the season ranked first nationally in batting average, on-base percentage, slugging percentage, runs scored and walks. She also finished third in the nation in home runs.

ACC Player of the Year: Jen Yee ACC Freshman of the Year: Hope Rush ACC Coach of the Year: Sharon Perkins All-ACC: Jen Yee, Hope Rush, Kelsi Weseman, Kristine Priebe (1st team); Christy Jones, Kate Kuzma (2nd team) ACC Softball Scholar-Athlete of the Year: Jen Yee Academic All-ACC: Jen Yee, Christy Jones, Kate Kuzma, Jessica Sinclair, Kelsi Weseman

• The Jackets earned their first-ever top 10 ranking this season and spent multiple weeks there. Tech spent every week this year ranked in the top 25 poll for the first time in program history as well.

All-American: Jen Yee (1st team); Hope Rush (3rd team) Finalists for USA Softball Player of the Year: Jen Yee All-Southeast Region: Jen Yee (1st team); Kristine Priebe, Hope Rush, Kelsi Weseman (2nd team)

Jen Yee

Kelsi Weseman



2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

baseball Record: 47-15 overall, 21-9 ACC (2nd place) • NCAA Regional Runner-up NCAA Atlanta Regional Host • Final National Ranking: No. 13 • Tech was ranked in the top-25 in the nation in every major collegiate baseball poll for the entire season, reaching as high as No. 2 on April 5. • The Jackets reached the 40-win plateau for the 21st time in school history.

danny hall head baseball coach

Lowe’s Senior CLASS Award Finalist (Nation’s Top Senior Student-Athlete): Tony Plagman

• The Jackets ranked No. 3 statistically in the conference in hitting and pitching, with a 4.02 ERA and a .326 batting average.

Golden Spikes Award Semifinalist (Player of the Year): Derek Dietrich, Deck McGuire

• The 4.02 ERA was the lowest for Georgia Tech since the 1994 team held a 3.92 era.

Brookes Wallace Award Semifinalist (Nation’s Best Shortstop): Derek Dietrich

• Tech belted a school-record 122 home runs this year, breaking the previous mark of 119 set in 1987. The 122 home runs were the second most in the nation.

All-ACC: Tony Plagman, Derek Dietrich, Deck McGuire, Matt Skole (1st team); Thomas Nichols, Jed Bradley (2nd team)

• Three Tech players earned All-America honors, as junior pitcher Deck McGuire (9-4, 2.96 ERA, 118 K’s, 112.2 IP) and senior first baseman Tony Plagman (.360 BA, 21 HR, 78 RBI, 8 SB) were named to the Louisville Slugger All-America third team while junior shortstop Derek Dietrich (.350 BA, 17 HR, 61 RBI, 8 SB) landed a spot on Baseball America’s All-America squad.

ACC Baseball Scholar-Athlete of the Year: Derek Dietrich

• Six total Yellow Jackets earned All-ACC honors, with a conference leading four first team honorees. • Tech also had a conference-leading 10 players selected in the 2010 Major League Baseball First-Year player draft. The 10 picks tied a school record for most players selected –matching the 2004 and 2007 teams. Tony Plagman

All-American: Derek Dietrich (3rd team Baseball America); Deck McGuire, Tony Plagman (3rd team Louisville Slugger)

• McGuire became the ninth Tech player ever drafted in the first round when he was selected 11th overall by the Toronto Blue Jays.



Academic All-ACC: Derek Dietrich, Jay Dantzler, Tony Plagman, Cole Leonida, Jacob Esch CoSIDA Academic All-American: Derek Dietrich (3rd team) CoSIDA Academic All-District: Derek Dietrich, Tony Plagman (1st team)

2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

financials The GTAA sustained a manageable net loss in FY 10 due primarily to unbudgeted expenses that resulted from post season appearances earned by many of Georgia Tech’s teams. The business operations of the department have been adjusted in light of the challenging national economic environment which also impacted FY 10 financial performance. As a result of these efforts, the GTAA is now in a stable financial position.

Georgia Tech Athletic Association INCOME STATEMENT FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 - Cash Basis ACTUALS ACTUALS


ACC Distribution




Ticket Sales




Guarantees Received








Club Seats and Suites








Student Fees




Alex. Tharpe and Endowment Draws











Capital Contributions















Travel & Post Season








Event & Other Services




General and Administrative




Institutional Support

EXPENSES Personnel





Physical Plant











Capital Repairs

Uniforms and Equipment




Debt Service




Sales Taxes











Beginning Operating Cash Balance





Change in Fund Balance Investment Value During Fiscal Year Ending Operating Cash Balance

Derek Favors PAGE








2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

financials As part of an ongoing process, the Athletic Association Board of Trustees’ Finance committee studied various models for the future with a key data point being the optimum fund balance total for the Athletic Association. Due to the strong rebound of the Georgia Tech Foundation investment base in which GTAA surplus funds are deposited, the Athletic Association’s fund balance increased $122,000 in FY 10. The current balance of $4,415,905 puts the GTAA in range of the optimal fund balance targeted by the Finance Committee. Overall financial performance was strong enough to allow for a significant reduction in the amount of endowment funds drawn to support scholarship expenses. As a result, the

AT Fund’s overall endowment base will grow approximately 4% in FY 10. The growing surplus and endowment funds, accompanied by the growth of funds



that support current and future facility enhancements provide the financial foundation necessary to assure Georgia Tech student athletes continue to succeed on and off the field of competition.

2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

alexander-tharpe fund

The Alexander-Tharpe Fund (A-T) continues to be the primary fund-raising arm of the GTAA. New gifts and commitments to A-T for FY 2010 were in excess of $15 million. We are extremely grateful to our friends and fans of GT athletics for their financial support.

Gifts and commitments fall into three categories: endowments, facility gifts and current operations. The priority for FY 2011 will continue to be scholarship endowments and current operations through annual gifts to A-T. A-T continues on the very ambitious goal

of fully endowing scholarships for all studentathletes at Tech within the decade. The A-T will also continue raising money to maintain our athletic facilities, allowing us to recruit and train student-athletes of the highest caliber.

A-T Board of Directors (July 1 – June 30, 2010)

President Dr. G. P. Peterson Treasurer Mr. Steven G. Swant Secretary Mr. Barrett Carson

Mr. Thomas A. Fanning Mr. Jere W. Goldsmith, IV Mrs. Diane T. Griffin Mrs. Claire P. James Mr. Hubert L. Harris, Jr. Mr. John S. Markwalter, Jr. Mr. William A. McClain, III Dr. Lawton M. Nease, III Mr. Parker H. Petit

Mr. Michael K. Anderson Mr. Leo Benatar Mrs. Kathy T. Betty Mr. James D. Boggus, Jr. Mr. John F. Brock, III Dr. John H. Burson, III Mr. Jere A. Drummond Dr. H. Allen Ecker Mr. Joseph W. Evans



Mr. Brady L. Rackley, III Mr. Charles A. Smithgall, III Mr. Sachin D. Shailendra Mrs. Sue G. Staton Mr. James L. Terry Mrs. Karen C. Thurman Mr. William T. Towles Mr. David R. Tyndall Mr. Stephen P. Zelnak, Jr.

2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

A-T Giving Societies Golden Jackets Mrs. Bennie H. Abell Mr. Robert A. Anclien Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Beech Mr. David W. Dorman Mr. Tom E. DuPree, Jr. Dr. H. Allen Ecker Mr.& Mrs. Gary T. Jones Mr. George W. Mathews, Jr. Mrs. Desiree B. Moore Mr. James L. Nicol Mr. Albert N. Parker Mr. Bill R. Poland Mr. William T. Towles Mr. Stephen P. Zelnak, Jr. 11 Anonymous

Platinum Life Member Mr. & Mrs. William R. Collins, Jr. Mr. Whitney Knoll Mr. George W. Levert 2 Anonymous

Golden Life Member Mr. John E. Aderhold Mr. C. Dean Alford Mr.& Mrs. James E. Bell Ms. Kathy T. Betty Mr. Leo Benatar Mr. & Mrs. J. Donald Boggus, Jr. Mr. John F. Brock III Mr. Kenneth G. Byers, Jr. Mr. A. Russell Chandler III Mr.& Mrs. James C. Edenfield Mrs. Elizabeth L. Fortier Mrs. Marvin W. Griffin (Diane) Mr.& Mrs. W. Richard Hauenstein Mr. Lewis H. Jordan III Mr. Mark G. Miller Mr. Lawton M. Nease, III Mr. & Mrs. Jess Newbern, III Mr.& Mrs. Tim Norris Mr. Claude A. Petty, Jr. Mr. David L. Rocker Mrs. Deen Day Sanders Mr. E. Roe Stamps IV Mr. Mark C.Teixeira Tharpe Family 8 Anonymous

Life Member Mr. Ronald W. Allen Mr. Mike K. Anderson

Mr. Bobby Joe Anderson Mr. Taz L. Anderson Mr. Richard D. Austin Mr. Charles C. Averett Mr.& Mrs. Steven R. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs.L. Andy Bargeron Ms. Kimberly K. Barnes Dr. H. Wade Barnes, Jr. Mr. Kenneth D. Barwick Ms. Elizabeth L. Beers Mr. Ron H. Bell Mr. Vance D. Bell Mr. Richard L. Bergmark Mr. Joseph Bernitt Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Blackwell, Jr. Mr. G. Niles Bolton Bon Building Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs.Claude H. Booker, Jr. Mr. James R. Borders Mr. Thomas G. Boren Mr. Arthur O. Brannen Mr.& Mrs. M. Gene Brooks, Jr. Mr. Carey H. Brown Mr. Morris M. Bryan III Mr. Roy B. Burnette Dr. John H. Burson III Mr. Robert C. Bush Mr. J. Randall Carroll Mr. James M. Caswell Mr. George E. Cates Mr. Thomas G. Cauble Mr.& Mrs. Steve W. Chaddick Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Chapman Mr. John B. Chapman Mr. Kenneth B. Clary Mr. Madison F. Cole, Jr. Mr. J. Tom Jr.Coleman, Mr.& Mrs. Phillip H. Cook Mr. H. Keith Cooley Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Cremins Mr. Rembert T. Cribb, Jr. Mr. Charles K. Cross, Sr. Mr. C. Richard Crutchfield Mr. & Mrs. Loren G. Cunningham Mr. E. Ross Daniel III Mr. G. Derrick Darby Mr. & Mrs. Karl F. Dasher Mrs. Helen S. Davis Mr. Wink A. Davis, Jr. Ms. Kathleen Day Mr.& Mrs.Justin M. Deedy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Deedy Mr. James R. Dellinger, Jr. Mr. Jack C. Demetree, Jr. Mr. Peter G. Demetriades Mr. John K. Dewberry

Mrs. C. Bailey Dixon Dr. & Mrs. Alan L. Dorris Mr. Nathan T. Dorris Dozier Family Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Draper Mr. Jere A. Drummond Mrs. Jean F. Duke Mr. George B. Dunbar, Sr. Mr. Daniel M. Dupree Mr. Ben J. Dyer Dr. & Mrs. G.B. Espy Mr.& Mrs. Joseph W. Evans Mr. Andrew E. Farkas Mr.& Mrs. Alfred Donald Faulk, Jr. Mr. W. Daniel Faulk, Jr. Mr. Jack J. Faussemagne Mr. Alvin M. Ferst, Jr. Mr.& Mrs. D. Shawn Fowler Mrs. Mary Powell Fowler Mr.& Mrs. Roland W. Fuentes Dr. Ian R. Gatland Mr. L. Thomas Gay Mrs. Mary George Georgia Power Company Mr. & Mrs.Marion B. Glover, Jr. Mr. Francis S. Godbold Mr. William J. Goldin Mr. Jere W. Goldsmith IV Mr. & Mrs. J. William Goodhew III Mr. R. Stanley Goodroe Mr. Douglas M. Grimm Mr. George W. Gwaltney Mr. Steven K. Hall Mr. Tom H. Hall, III Mr. William T. Hall Ms. Judy H. Hamilton Mr. W. Leon Hardeman Mr. Robert A. Harley Mr.& Mrs. Christopher K. Harrell Mr. Charles L. Harris Mr. Hollis L. Harris Mr. O. Ben Harris Mr. Hubert L. Harris, Jr. Mr. Dennis C. Hayes Mr. H. Craig Hayes Drew Hearn Enterprises, Inc. Mr. Thomas N. Herrington, Jr. Mr. Douglas J. Hertz Mr. Paul H. Hewitt Mr. Patrick H. Hickok Mr. Neil H. Hightower Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Hiles Mr.& Mrs. Lansford M. Hill Mr. H. Richard Hiller Mr. Brett R. Hitt

Mr. T. Mark Hodges, Sr. Mr. Carl E. Hofstadter Mr. Duane L. Hoover Mr. Richard R. House, Jr. Mr. Lawrence P. Huang Mr. John S. Hunsinger Mr. V. Davis Hunt Mr. John P. Imlay, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Russell Ivie, Sr. Mrs. Claire James Mr. Stephen F. Jensen Mr. John L. Johnson Mr. T. Stephen Johnson Mr. Donald C. Johnston, Jr. Mr. James R. Jolly, Jr. Mr. Charles H. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Jones, Jr. Mr. J. Lamar Jordan Mr.& Mrs. Anthony H. Kepano Dr. Aaron L. King, Jr. Mrs. Gail King Mr. & Mrs. Arlen J. Kirchoff, Jr. Mr. Christopher W. Klaus Mr. Ralph E. Kytan Mr. John E. Lagana Mr. A. J. Land Mr. Joel S. Langsfeld Mr. Richard S. Lawrence Mr. Julian LeCraw, Sr. Mr. Robert H. Ledbetter, Sr. M. S. Lee International,LLC Mr. James M. Lemon Mr. James F. Letson Mr. Alan D. Levow Dale Lloyd Family Mr. Don Loggins Mr. Henry H. Long Mrs. Helen G. Maddox Mr. John D. Margeson Mr. John S. Markwalter, Jr. Mr. Steve Marton Mr. C. Scott Mayfield, Jr. Mrs. Emily T. Fletcher McBride Mr. Hayne D. McCondichie Mr. W. Andrew McKenna Mr. & Mrs. David M. McKenney Mr. & Mrs. John C. McLean, Jr. Mr. & Mrs.Jack O. McMillan, Jr. Mrs. Constance S. Miller Mrs. Theresa Milligan Mr. John V. Miner, Jr. Mr. Bud Mingledorff Mr. Wade T. Mitchell



Mr. Charles D. Moseley, Jr. Mr. Robert L. Moultrie, Sr. Mr. Peter J. Mounts Mr. Thomas H. Muller, Jr. Mr. Gerald A. Murphy Mr. H. Ronald Nash, Jr. Mr. John Alan Neal Dr. & Mrs. George Nemhauser Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Noonan Mr. Andres E. Nunez Mr. William R. Oakes III Mr. Malcolm B. Oakley Mr. Steve Odom Mr. Donald W. Paul Mr.& Mrs. Morgan Q. Payne Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Pearson Ms. Debbie K. Percy Mr. David A. Perdue Mr. Parker H. Petit Mr. Robert F. Pinkerton Mrs. Dorothy G. Poole Mr. & Mrs. James G. Pope Mr. John K. Porter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Mark Price Mr.& Mrs. J. Neal Purcell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Quigley Mr. Brady L. Rackley III Mr.& Mrs. William D. Reynolds Dr. & Mrs. Homer C. Rice Mr. Timothy W. Rice Mrs. Vicki M. Riles Mr. Ken Roberts Mr. E. Claiborne Robins Mr. R. Lee Robinson Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Sapitowicz, Jr. Mrs. Susan B. Sappington Mr. Charles E. Sawyer Mr. Phillip J. Scott Mr. Robert L. Seldomridge Mr. Leslie N. Shade III Mr. Earl L. Shell, Jr. Mr. Danny R. Shepherd Mr.& Mrs. John W. Shriver III Mr. Lester T. Simerville Mr. John W. Simmons, Jr. Mr. Reid W. Simmons Mr. Allan Boyd Simpson Mr. Mark V. Smith Mr. T. Donnell Smith Mr. George F. Smith, Jr. Mr. J. Frank Smith, Jr. Mr. John E. Smith II Mr. V. Hawley Smith, Jr.

Ms. Jill W. Stanton Mr.& Mrs. Robert Stein Mr. & Mrs. Jeb M. Stewart Mr. E. Chester Stokes, Jr. Mr. Berthold G. Stumberg, Jr. Mr. Andrew Kirk Susong Mr. & Mrs. Bernard W. Taylor III Mr. R. Joe Taylor Mr. Howard T. Tellepsen, Jr. Mr. Frank R. Tetterton Mr. John Tharpe Mrs. Marie Faulk Thomas Mr. B. Kenneth Townsend Mrs. Hal B. Tucker Mr. James E. Turner Mr. Eddie W. Turner Mr. W. David Turner Mr. G. Ben Turnipseed Mr. David R. Tyndall Mr. Ronald A. Veith Mr. Chris A. Verlander Mr. Albert O. Waldon Mr. John M. Wallace Mrs. John W. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. John W. Wallace, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Rhett Ward Mr. E. Turner Warmack Mr. Carlton B. Waskey Mr. Hugh R. Watkins Mr. Joseph R. Watters Mr. Thad W. Watters Mr. J. Tom Watters, Jr. Mr. John R. Wells Mr. Charles B. West Mr. & Mrs. W. Ashley Whitehurst, Jr. Mr. Randolph Whitfield Mr. & Mrs. E. Don Whittle Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Wilkes Mr. & Mrs. W. Allen Wilkins, Jr. Mr. Frank S. Wilkinson Mr. Joseph F. Willett, Jr. Dr. Sidney E. Williams Mr. Paul H. Williams Mr. & Mrs. James R. Williams, Jr. Mr. William L. Willis Mr. Homer B. Wilson, Jr. Mr. Marshall D. Wingo Mr. Robert L. Worley Mr. W. Gardner Wright Mr. P. Dan Yates, Jr. Mr. Vincent T. Zarzaca Mr. Jack M. Zeigler Zell Family (Mr. David Zell) 37 Anonymous

2009-10 Georgia tech annual report

acknowledgements The Georgia Tech Athletic Association is a non-profit organization responsible for maintaining the intercollegiate athletic program at Tech. The Athletic Association is overseen by the Georgia Tech Athletic Board, chaired by the president of the Institute, and composed of nine faculty members, three alumni members, and three student members. The object of this Association is not pecuniary gain or profit but is to promote the educational program of the Georgia Institute of Technology by affording facilities for and encouraging participation by the student body in healthful exercises, recreation, athletic games, and contests. Special recognition and thanks to Mr. Charles Easley for his service as his term ends with the conclusion of 2009-2010 year.

2009-10 GTAA BOARD OF TRUSTEES Officers: Dr. G.P. “Bud” Peterson Dr. Sue Ann Bidstrup Allen Dr. Thomas D. Boston Mr. Steve Swant

Chair Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer

President, Georgia Institute of Technology Professor, Faculty Athletics Representative Professor of Economics Exec VP, Admin and Finance

Faculty Alumni Student Student Faculty Faculty Faculty Student Faculty Alumni Faculty Alumni Faculty

Professor of Public Policy, Assoc. Dean IM ’89, Atlanta GA SGA Graduate President President, Student Athlete Advisory Board Professor Management Professor of Electrical & Computer Engr, Chair Professor of Aerospace Engineering SGA Undergraduate President Professor of Management MGT ’71, Atlanta, GA Professor of Mathematics, Chair Arch ’78, MArch ’80, Atlanta, GA Professor of Aerospace Engineering

Voting Trustees: Dr. Susan Cozzens Mr. Charles Easley Ms. Linda Harley Ms. Alana Clooten Dr. Narayanan Jayaraman Dr. Gary S. May Dr. Daniel P. Schrage Ms. Alina Staskevicius Dr. Marie Thursby Mr. William (Bill) Todd Dr. William T Trotter Ms. Janice Wittschiebe Dr. Ben T. Zinn

Non-Voting Members: Mr. Dan Radakovich Mr. John B. Carter, Jr. Mr. Joe Irwin Mr. Pat McKenna Dr. Bill Schaefer Mr. Georgia Brodnax Dr. Jack Lohman

Director of Athletics Georgia Tech Foundation Liaison, President & COO Georgia Tech Alumni Association Liaison Executive Director – Affiliated Organizations VP Student Affairs Alumnus Emeritus NCAA Certification Liaison

Hannah Krimm

georgia tech athletic association 150 Bobby Dodd Way, N.W. Atlanta, GA 30332 404-894-5400 www.RamblinWreck.com

The 2009-10 Georgia Tech Athletic Association Annual Report was published by the GTAA and edited by Doug Allvine and GTAA SID Staff (Dean Buchan, Mike Stamus, Dan Goldberger, Mike Huff, Seth Gerard, and Kyle Sears).



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