The Distinction Nothingcompares.

The Distinction Nothingcompares.
Jamie began her career on the Island as a real estate paralegal working 15 years at a local Boca Grande law firm at which she prepared and conducted several hundred Island real estate closings. Her legal background has provided her extensive contract and transactional experience and an intimate knowledge of each Island neighborhood She isaproactive advisor on all real estate related topics and has decades of local relationships within the community Jamie joined the Gulf to Bay Sotheby'soffice in 2013 asalicensed sales associateand worked with atop Island real estateteam for four years Since2017 shehassold nearly $150MM independently and is a consistent top producer on the Islandeachyear
Jamie focuses on the needs of her clients, utilizes her twenty-threeyear local real estateexperiencetocreate solutions for her clients, applies her past and current market knowledge to guide her clients, and is committed to her clients as a year-round, full time real estateagent
Jamie has lived in the area since 1980 and currently residesin Placida,Florida She isamember of the Boca Grande Club and the Useppa Island Club She enjoys theater and supports the Royal Palm Players in Boca Grande each year She isa proud Mom of one son who recently graduated from the University of Florida with his Master's of Science in Real Estate and currently owns a real estate development firm in Tampa, Florida Jamie and her family enjoy boating to neighboring Islands,snorkelingand scubadivingin theFloridaKeys, and hiking the mountain trails of Highlands, North Carolina.
220 Waterways, Harbor Drive Waterways
Offered for $6,795,000 | Seller Representation
228 Pilot Street,Golden Beach
$6,995,000 | Seller Representation
862 Grande Pass Way,Hill Tide Estates
Offered for $3,400,000 | Buyer Representation
Offered for $1,479,000 | Buyer Representation
1611Gaspar Drive South,Boca Grande Isles
Offered for $9,450,000 | Seller Representation
16121Sunset Pines Circle,Gulf Shores North
Offered for $4,725,000 | Buyer Representation
Offered for $1,575,000 | Seller Representation
Arlington Drive,Cape
$895,000 | Seller Representation
Jamie isan extraordinarily thorough, thoughtful, and trustworthy advocate for her clients. She ispeople first and transaction second. Jamie'snetwork and local knowledge are very deep, and she isa proactive advisor onall sortsof area andislandrelatedtopicsbothpreandpost contract Her legal backgroundisa huge help in driving the efficacy of a real estate transaction while maintaining the highest ethical standardsandintegritylevelsat everystage.Her attentiontodetail andcommunicationsareimpeccable. I cannot recommendJamieenoughandwishsheoperatedinour homestateaswell.
Jamie is amazing! Her experience, diligence, organization, thoroughness, knowledge of the market, relationships with realtors, contractors, and general upbeat attitude is remarkable. We've not met in person yet, but I feel like she isalready a friend and definitely a trusted professional we feel grateful to havemet andhadtheopportunitytoworkwith BOCABAY
Jamieconnectedme with an interestedbuyer sherepresented. Shehandledboth sidesof thetransaction in a professional manner Her care and attention to all of our interestswere extremely well thought out andexceededmyexpectations I wouldhighlyrecommendher torepresent youinanytransaction
My wife and I worked with Jamie for a couple of yearstrying to find a second home in Boca Grande, and we bought a house in Boca Grande Islesin July of 2020 I cannot say enough about Jamie! During our search shekept usfullyinformed of all the relevant (andrapidly changing) market information, and was a great tour guide around the island. Jamie provided sage counsel during the offering and negotiation, and we were very pleased with the outcome. After we had the house under contract, Jamie continued to show her worth by coordinating multiple inspections, contractors, and service companiesto get usall of the information that we needed I highly recommend that anyone looking for a house in Boca Grande workwithJamie- youwill beingreat hands!
JamieCurrycouldnot havebeen morehelpful tousin our recent purchases Wepurchasedboth a condo anda canal homewith her help, and wouldnot havepurchased either without her expertise. Both times, shetookthetimetotrulyunderstandour wants, needs, andbudget, andworkedwithin thoseconstraints to find exactly what we were looking for. Jamie is professional, attentive, and patient. She knows the Boca Grande market very well and wasalwaysvery responsive to our needs. She could not have been a better fit for us,andwewouldrecommendhertoanyonelookingtobuyorsell a property
1 Post your home on our local MultipleListing Service which feeds your listing to Realtor com, Zillow com,and Trulia.com.
2 Priceyour homeappropriately to open themarket vs narrowing themarket
3.Introduceyour home to agents in our office as well as other BocaGrandeRealtors with qualified buyers in our areaby hosting aprivate'Broker's Only' open house
4.Develop alist of features of your home for Brokers to usewith their potential buyers.
5 Suggest changes you may want to makein your property to makeit moresaleable
6.Provideregular updates on comparable homes that may affect you and the valueof your home.
7 Contact my personal buyer leads,center of influence,and past clients for their referrals and prospectivebuyers
8 Launch your listing on the top visited international real estate websiteSothebysRealty com to provide your homemaximum exposureto viewers around the world
9.Add your hometo our local websiteGulfToBaySIR.com "homepage" where your homewill befeatured for immediateviewing for anyonewho visits our website
10.Createadynamic marketing campaign which includes top of the lineinterior/exterior photography, aerial photography,3D walking tours for Buyers to virtually tour your home,postcards,e-blasts,custom designed 4-pageprint mattebrochure to beplaced in both our downtown and Boca GrandeClub sales officelobbies and createacustom designed window brochure to be featured in our Park Avenue downtown window
11 Add additional exposurethrough Sotheby's professional signageon both Gaspar Drive and your dock
12.Featureyour homein local print publications such as TheBocaBeacon and the Gasparilla Magazinein both our company real estatesection and independent dedicated ads designed for your property specifically
12 Bepresent at all showing and inspection appointments and inform you of responses and inquiries relating to your home.
13 Represent you on all offer presentations to assure you in negotiating the best possiblepriceand terms
14 Handleall follow-up upon acontract being accepted all title and other closing procedures
15.Deliver your sale proceeds at closing!
- Can we list for only 30 / 90 days? Six months is our minimum company policy to ensure that your property receives thebest exposurewecan provide.
- We were t hinking about a company besides Sot heby's. Sotheby's is recognized as the international luxury real estate leader. Gulf to Bay Sotheby's in Boca Grande, is the Island market leader We outpace our competation in sales volume by 50% year after year I think you realize that a company doesn't sell a home, it's actually the individual agent's activities, experience, and professionalism that create a successful transaction After reviewing my marketing plan and historical experience in Boca Grande,I'm sure you will feel confident that I can sell your home for top dollar.
- Will we save t he commission by selling it ourselves? Since Hurricane Ian, our transactions have become incredibly complex Topics such as mold, water damage, insurance issues, bank failures, red tide, global warming, assessments, etc are continual points of discussion for Buyers You need an experienced professional to address these issues with confidence and who will protect you and your family during the transaction.
- Can we list our propert y higher and come down lat er if it doesn't sell? It makes sense at first thought to list high and leave room for negotiating, however, this creates problems in getting the home sold Most buyers won't even bother looking at properties that are over priced since Hurricane Ian and the longer "days on market" a property has the more negatively it impacts your sale value When we price the property right, you have the chance for multiple offers versus not having any offers or opportunities to negotiate.
- Is it bet t er t o use a friend in t he business? In today's market almost everyone knows one or two people that are in real estate. The question you need to ask yourself is, are you selling the house to do a favor to your friend or are you truly looking for an aggressive agent that will net you top dollar for your home? It's never a good plan to mix friendship and business in multi-million dollar luxury transactions This is a common mistake on a small Island like Boca Grande
- What do you do t o sell homes? There are two types of agents in real estate today: Passive and Active I am an active, full time agent, so when you sign the listing agreement I immediately get to work marketing your property and creating maxiumum exposure fo your home. I have found that a motivated homeowner wants an agent that will work actively and agressively to get the home sold. Many real estate agents on the Island spend 6 months a year "someplace else " With the exception of occasional vacations,I'm here,boots on the ground all year
- Will you cut your commission? Our commission rate is 6% to be split with the listing agent and the selling agent, 3% each Of my portion of the commission, I share 6% with Sotheby's corporate and a local percentage with my Gulf to Bay office.Why should you be concerned if another agent has agreed to reduce their commission? If an agent isn't strong enough to stand up to you during their negotiations regarding their own value, how strong can they possibly be defending the value of your home during future negotiations if they are willing to negotiate themselves? Do you want someone who is going to use your equity as a negotiating tool in the same way they do their own commission?
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Our marketing strategy is about making impressions worldwide,however,local marketing is at the very core of our strategy.Our brokerage firm is constantly promoted in publications such as The Boca Beacon,Gasparilla Magazine and The Tarpon Times.
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Released weekly,Gulf to Bay Sotheby's includes multiple ads for island property listings.
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The exposure and worldwide reach of our listings sets us apart.We partner with media powerhouses to introduce your home to discerning audiences worldwide.We complement those efforts with targeted digital and print advertising plans that are often exclusive to Sotheby?s International Realty.In addition to your home being showcased on sothebysrealty com, it will also be marketed on more than 100 local Sotheby?s International Realty®websites
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We deliver a singular experience to every client by going above and beyond their individual needs.We connect with consumers who share our elevated vision by leveraging our brand?s heritage and sterling reputation We utilize our advantage as a global luxury real estate network to provide unparalleled reach,and partner with leading media to obtain the best possible exposure.
Our listings are showcased with the highest quality production and the latest technology for even greater impact
Gulf to Bay Sotheby?s International Realty has been managing vacation rentals on the island since the 1980?s As Gasparilla Island?s leading local brokerage, we have deep roots in our community and regularly work with homeowners who are looking to share their love of the island with others. We enjoy connecting seasonal and vacation renters with their ideal home to rest,relax and unwind.
Our attention to providing exceptional customer service is unwavering and we look forward to helping you settle in and get busy making memories!
Gulf to Bay Sotheby?s International Realty 336 Park Avenue,POBox 812,Boca Grande,FL33921
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Phone (941) 964-0115
In Person / Mail 336 Park Avenue,POBox 812,Boca Grande,FL33921
Facebook Jamie Curry @bocagrandeagent
Inst agram Jamie Curry (@bocagrandeagent)
LinkedIN Jamie Curry (@bocagrandeagent)
Phone (941) 716-1018
Email JamieCurry@sothebysrealty com
In Person / Mail 336 Park Avenue,POBox 812,Boca Grande,FL33921