Select Graduate Honors Students recognized for their achievements during the 2019-2020 Academic Year include: • Ziegler Award for Best Proposal Ezgi Dogan-Guner • Ziegler Award for Best Paper - Yutong Wu • Exemplary Academic Achievement - Pengfei Cheng, Brian Huang, Dowan Kim, Jaeyoung Park, Sushree Jagriti, Roshan Raghuram Shetty, Xiaohan Yu • AIChE Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant - Lukas Bingel
• Outstanding Performance on the Qualifying Exam - Hannah Holmes • Outstanding PhD Thesis - Monica McNerney • Outstanding MS Thesis - Adam Yonge • Outstanding PhD Proposal - Max Bukhovko (Pictured above, left to right)
Eight Students Win NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Eight PhD students won 2020 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships. Fellows benefit from a three-year annual stipend of $34,000 along with a $12,000 cost of education allowance for tuition and fees (paid to the institution) as well as opportunities for international research and professional development. ChBE’s newest NSF Graduate Research Fellows are: • • • • • • • •
Elizabeth “Hutson” Chilton Marlow Durbin Maria Rain Jennings Kathryn Loeffler Nikki McArthur Soham Sinha (BS 2020, who is attending Stanford University for his PhD) Rebecca Schneider Bryan Wang
Three-Minute Thesis Winner
• Teamwork Awards - Chiamaka Obianyor, Tania Evans, Andrew Kristof, Yifeng Shi (Pictured above, left to right) • Shell Outstanding Teaching Assistants - John Cox, Gabriel Gusmao, Stefani Kocevska, Fernanda Piorino, Udita Ringania
Select Undergraduate Honors • AIChE Outstanding Senior Award - Trent Weiss • AIChE Outstanding Sophomore Award Melina Le • AIChE Outstanding Undergraduate Course Assistant Award - Cameron Chong • Chair’s Award—Outstanding ChBE Junior Hannah Huang • Chair’s Award—Outstanding ChBE Senior Bradley Wolters • ChBE Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Cassidy Tobin
ChBE master’s student Po-Wei Huang won Georgia Tech’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition in the Master’s division. 3MT originated at The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia, and has spread to campuses around the world. Since 2015, Georgia Tech’s competition has helped graduate students hone their communication skills by challenging them to share their research in three minutes in a way anyone could understand. CHBE.GATECH.EDU