Contents 2
Strength and Breadth: ChBE by the Numbers
Data Science Certificate
Research Features
Student Feature: GTEqual Bridge Fellows
COVID-Related Efforts
Faculty News
Alumni Features
Student News
Giving Opportunities To inquire about making a gift in support of ChBE, contact: Lauren M. Kennedy (Individuals & Foundations) Donna Peyton (Corporate Development)
Think Big. Solve Big.
A Message from DAVID SHOLL, John F. Brock III School Chair 2020 has been a year that we will all remember for a long time. During Spring Break, Georgia Tech made a leap to finish our semester in a virtual format, and this format continued for all of our summer classes. As I write, our students and researchers are back on campus in socially distanced settings and we have all adapted to connecting virtually. I have been humbled and proud of the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering’s response to these events. Our faculty have gone to extraordinary lengths to teach effectively in this new environment, our students have been resilient, adaptable, and understanding, and our staff have been nothing less than amazing in keeping ChBE working smoothly.
Amidst all of this COVIDrelated uncertainty, ChBE continues to move from strength to strength. In this issue of our annual magazine, you can read about faculty and graduate students being recognized with national honors, as well as inspiring stories from our alumni. You can also learn about ChBE’s latest educational innovation, an online Graduate Certificate in Data Science for the Chemical Industry. This firstof-its-kind program, developed after careful consultation with many of our industry partners, is providing students with expertise in a rapidly growing technical area with a specific focus on chemical manufacturing. I hope you enjoy this year’s issue of the ChBE Magazine.
About ChBE Established in 1901, the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE) is one of eight schools in the College of Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Ranked among the top 5 engineering programs in the nation for both its graduate and undergraduate programs by U.S. News & World Report, the School is one of the oldest and most diverse programs in the country.
CONTACTS: Main Office: (404) 894-1838 Chair’s Office: (404) 894-2867 Undergraduate Program: (404) 894-2865 Graduate Program: (404) 894-2877 Magazine Editor: Brad Dixon Send news to