Georgia Tech's ChBE 2020 Magazine

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Four ChBE Professors Win Prestigious NSF CAREER Awards Four assistant professors in ChBE have won 2020 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF): Saad Bhamla, Fani Boukouvala, Lily Cheung, and Andrew J. Medford. The CAREER Award is the NSF’s most prestigious award in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, education, and their integration within the context of the mission of their organizations.” “Having four of our faculty win these awards in a single year is truly remarkable.” - Professor David Sholl, the John F. Brock III School Chair of ChBE

Saad Bhamla Bhamla will receive $994,387 over five years to study “Fast, Furious and Fantastic Beasts: Integrative principles, biomechanics and physical limits of impulsive motion in ultrafast organisms.” This research will focus on understanding ultrafast motion of slingshot spiders native to the Amazon

neering principles to achieve “Hybridization.” Funded by the Division of Process Systems, Reaction Engineering, and Molecular Thermodynamics at NSF under the Directorate of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental & Transport Systems.

Lily Cheung Cheung will receive $992,174 over five years to study “Understanding the role of sugar transporters in plant growth.” This research will focus on identifying the molecules recognized by plant sugar transporters of the SWEET family. Sugar transporters—the proteins embedded in membranes that enable the uptake and release of sugar from cells or subcellular compartments—are critical determinants of plant yield, and understanding their function will guide future efforts to use these proteins to engineer better crops. Funded by the Division of Molecular and Cellular Bioscience under the Directorate of Biological Sciences.

Andrew J. Medford

Rainforest. Funded by the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (iOS) at NSF under the Directorate of Biological Sciences.

Medford will receive $565,691 over five years to study “Computational discovery of oxide-based photocatalysts to create fertilizer from air.” Fani Boukouvala This research will utiBoukouvala will relize computational screenceive $546,789 over five ing approaches to identify years to study “Machinenew transition-metal comLearning Assisted Process pounds that are promising Systems Engineering: Hyfor synthesis of ammonia brid modeling for process from nitrogen in air. His team will combine quantumoptimization, design and mechanical simulations, high-throughput screening synthesis.” accelerated by machine learning, and simple process This research will focus models to discover new materials and establish target on “opening up the blackmetrics for producing fertilizer from air. boxes” of modern Machine Funded by the Catalysis program under the DiviLearning (ML) methods sion of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and and integrating their training with core chemical engi- Transport Systems. CHBE.GATECH.EDU


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Articles inside

Three-Minute Thesis Winner

page 15

Eight Students Win NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

page 15

Okonkwo Leads Community Development Efforts in Nigeria

page 14

Tech’s 100,000th Living Engineering Graduate from ChBE

page 14

Three ChBE Grads Make Alumni Association’s “40 Under 40”

page 13

Alexis McKittrick Named Emerging Leader by SWE

page 13

Lively Wins AIChE’s 2020 Colburn Prize

page 11

Grover Named ADVANCE Professor at Tech

page 11

Process Boosts Lignin Bio-oil as a Next Generation Fuel

page 7

Ulta-Low Cost Hearing Aid Could Address Age-Related Hearing Loss Worldwide

page 7

Microscopic STAR Particles Offer Potential Treatment for Skin Diseases

page 7

Test for Life-Threatening Nutrient Deficit Made From Bacteria Entrails

page 6

Membrane Technology Could Cut Emissions, Energy Use in Oil Refining

page 6

A Message from School Chair David Sholl

page 2

Four ChBE Professors Win Prestigious NSF CAREER Awards

page 3

ChBE Researchers Involved with COVID-Related Efforts

page 9

Faculty News

pages 10-11

Alumni Feature: Bud Moeller Fearless in Business, Race Car Driving

pages 12-14

Select Student Honors

pages 15-16

GT-EQUAL Providing Bridge for Underrepresented Students to Pursue Graduate Studies

page 8

ChBE Offers First Online Graduate Certificate in Data Science for the Chemical Industry

page 5
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