Select Graduate Honors Students recognized for their achievements during the 2020-2021 Academic Year include: • Ziegler Award for Best Proposal Maria Jennings • Ziegler Award for Best Paper - Yamin Zhang (Pictured below)
• Exemplary Academic Achievement - Elisavet Anglou, Marco Avendano, Daniel Aziz, Yuchen Chang, Steven Crouse, Natalie Duprez, Alexandros Flippas, Jimin Park, Laura Proano, Mingyu Song, Haley White • AIChE Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant - Andrew Bai • Outstanding Performance on the Qualifying Exam - Natalie Duprez • Outstanding PhD Thesis - Ronald Rondon • Outstanding MS Thesis - Samuel Hays • Outstanding PhD Proposal - Isaiah Borne, Gabriel Gusmao • Teamwork Awards - Isaiah Borne, Yoyin Ibikunle • Shell Outstanding Teaching Assistants - Amir Hejri, Zachary Herde, Fernanda Piorino, Haley White, Amy Wood
Select Undergraduate Honors • Helen Grenga Outstanding Woman Engineer Award - Hannah Huang • AIChE Outstanding Undergraduate Course Assistant Award - Cameron Chong, Shelbe Johnson, Kun Ryu (Pictured Below)
• Chair’s Award—Outstanding ChBE Junior Shelbe Johnson • Chair’s Award—Outstanding ChBE Senior - Harsh Patel • ChBE Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Maxwell Kazman
Prestigious Astronaut Scholars
Two undergraduate students in Georgia Tech’s School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering – Katelyn Groenhout and Maxwell Kazman – are among 60 students nationally who have been awarded scholarships for the 202122 academic year by the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation (ASF). The prestigious Astronaut Scholarship, initiated by the Mercury-7 astronauts, provides up to $15,000 for a year of undergraduate study. The scholarship is awarded annually to outstanding juniors and seniors who intend to pursue research-oriented careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Astronaut Scholars receive mentoring and professional development support, attend the Astronaut Foundation’s Innovators Gala in Orlando, Florida, and have the opportunity to participate in other ASF events. Scholarship recipient Katelyn Groenhout, who also won a 2021 Barry Goldwater Scholarship, is a member of Professor Paul Kohl’s lab at Georgia Tech, where she has worked on a project on anion-exchange membrane electrolyzers for clean production of hydrogen. She plans to pursue a PhD in chemical engineering and then continue into a career in research and academia, with a focus on electrochemical energy solutions. Her fellow Astronaut Scholar Maxwell Kazman is a member of Professor Mark Styczynski's lab at Georgia Tech, where he has worked on cell-free biosensors for low-resource detection and quantification of pathogenic DNA and RNA. After pursuing a PhD in bioengineering, Kazman plans to join the biotech industry and use synthetic biology to design new therapeutics. CHBE.GATECH.EDU