1 minute read

Contents A Message from Christopher W. Jones, John F. Brock III School Chair

NSF Rules of Life Funding

Research Features


Direct Air Capture Center

Faculty News

Alumni Features

GT-EQUAL Bridge Program

Student Features

Giving Opportunities

To inquire about making a gift in support of ChBE, contact:

Lauren M. Kennedy (Individuals & Foundations) lauren.kennedy@mse.gatech.edu

Donna Peyton (Corporate Development) donna.peyton@chbe.gatech.edu

Think Big.Solve Big.

Welcome to the 2023 ChBE@ GT Annual Report. Here, we share stories highlighting activities occurring both on campus and off campus, like our outreach to a local high school where we are inspiring the next generation of STEM innovators with research experiences in “frugal science.”

Our faculty and students continue to excel, garnering prestigious local and national awards. For instance, five of AIChE’s 35 under 35 are GT faculty or alumni, including our own Assistant Professor Alex Abramson. Similarly, in the NSF’s funding competition under the theme of “rules of life”, ChBE@GT faculty captured 25% of the projects awarded nationally.

Research featured in this year’s annual report includes topical areas of historic strength at Georgia Tech. ChBE@GT has the most vibrant program in the country in chemical separations, and recent advances in organic/water separations as well as carbon dioxide capture are highlighted.

Finally, philanthropy continues to play a critical role in facilitating our collective achievements.

Scholarships are opening doors for current and aspiring undergraduate students, graduate fellowships are improving the quality of the graduate student experience, and faculty support is enabling new, high-risk lines of research.

I hope you enjoy this year’s Annual Report, and we hope to see you next time you are in Atlanta!

About ChBE

Established in 1901, the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE) is one of eight schools in the College of Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Ranked among the top 5 engineering programs in the nation for both its graduate and undergraduate programs by U.S. News & World Report, the School is one of the oldest and most diverse programs in the country.


Main Office: (404) 894-1838

Chair’s Office: (404) 894-2867

Undergraduate Program: (404) 894-2865 ugrad.info@chbe.gatech.edu

Graduate Program: (404) 894-2877 grad.info@chbe.gatech.edu

Magazine Editor: Brad Dixon Send news to news@chbe.gatech.edu

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