How to Make a Security Awareness Training Program Fun

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How to Make a Security Awareness Training Program Fun

Gtever Just now · 2 min read

October is a cyber security awareness month, and 2021 makes the 18th edition. However, the theme this year is ‘Do Your Part. # Be Cybersmart’. To this e몭ect, 몭rms are gearing towards training their employees due to an increase in cyber threats. The training might be di몭cult and tedious due to the technicalities involved. However, you can make it fun using these methods. These are some of the methods you can make training programs fun. Gami몭cation To achieve fun cyber security training, you should use gami몭cation. It means combining interactive and play as a way of making the training program enjoyable. Your employees will be engaged, concentrate, and get the most out of the program by using gami몭cation. A practical, interactive security training exposes the trainee’s issues stimulating interest and learning. Additionally, you can use challenges with rewards such as badges, points, or leaderboards. The challenges will stimulate friendly competition and team spirit while creating security awareness. High-quality content

High-quality content Another way to make security training fun is by use of high-quality content. The content quality should capture the trainee’s attention. Keep in mind that these trainees come across a wide range of information daily and poorly written, and shallow content won’t cut it. For high quality, ensure that the 몭eld experts create content designed using working adult learning methods and role-based. This kind of content will ensure that your trainees enjoy while learning. Use di몭erent methods People di몭er in how they learn. For best results, your program should consider this fact. It should use various training techniques as well as communication tools. For example, the younger employees should train using the gami몭ed approach while the seniors get training through the traditional approach. The traditional learning approach uses microlearning which favors the senior trainee’s tight work schedule. Incorporate humor Laughter improves trust and relaxes people. In serious training such as cyber security, you need a relaxed atmosphere for better learning. When you use humor in training, your trainees will not only trust you but feel relaxed, which will enhance better learning. Make the training relatable to the trainees Trying to teach a person something they can’t relate to is futile. Furthermore, when training in a company, the use of a one-size-몭ts-all approach will bring resentment. So instead, the training should take the people-centric approach. In the people-centric approach, the use of newsletters, emails, and posters will resonate with the trainees and will earn you, their attention. It’s no secret that 몭rms should take cyber security seriously. And with everyone being a target in a company’s data breaches, they must get adequate cyber security training. However, these training programs shouldn’t bore them. So, ensure you implement e몭cient ways of presenting training in a fun way for the best results.

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