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Technology Jobs in SMEs
Finding Graduate IT and Technology Jobs in SMEs
Although there’s a certain allure to working in big companies, SMEs can still offer graduates plenty of opportunities and benefits.
While Singapore’s open economy makes it an attractive hub for MNCs, it has been found that many newcomers, including IT and technology graduates, are more likely to start their careers with SMEs rather than a large organisation.
So don’t neglect SMEs when embarking on your job hunt, as these companies can offer plenty of growth opportunities, too.
Why SMEs?
Because many IT and technology graduates set their sights on big tech companies such as Google or Facebook, and dream of rubbing shoulders with renowned names, the plentiful career benefits startups and middle-sized corporations can offer are frequently overlooked.
SMEs typically have 200 employees or less, which makes it easier to foster a close-knit work environment with colleagues. There’s also the possibility of having a higher level of autonomy and early responsibility.
Although the learning curve can be steep, it can also be a silver lining as that and the numerous opportunities to tackle crossdepartmental tasks will also help you pick up crucial skills at a faster pace and provide you with a well-rounded work experience.
It may also be easier for your efforts to get recognised in a smaller company, as opposed to a larger one, which will lead to greater job satisfaction and motivation. Managers and directors usually have a higher level of involvement with the day-to-day running of the business too, giving you access and the chance to tap into their vast experience and expertise.
Many IT and tech graduates have also noted that SMEs offer a greater degree of flexibility in the workplace as compared to large companies, and can offer benefits such as flexible work arrangements.
Track down smaller companies
IT and technology SMEs don’t always put up hiring notices for various reasons, including high advertising fees, which translates into you needing to know exactly where to look.
Here are some options to start you off: • Career centres: Often, your school’s career centre will have partnerships with IT and tech companies, and will be able to connect you with someone within the company. • Specialist IT job boards: Many university career services centres also provide students with specialised job listings, saving them from the trouble of trawling through a whole pool of unrelated jobs. Some online portals also offer such services. • Start-up meet ups: Attend start-up meet ups to gain more insights into their work culture, as well as approach company representatives to find out if they have any possible job or internship openings. • Networking: Speak to everyone about your job search – family, friends, lecturers and tutors, mentors and even course mates.
You never know who’ll be able to link you up with a potential job opening!
Apply speculatively
Many IT and tech graduates typically enter SMEs through speculative applications as smaller companies often prefer to hire through wordof-mouth.
However, the onus will be on you to conduct your own research and pinpoint the skills the employer needs before writing up your resume and cover letter accordingly.
Highlight any relevant skills and experience in your application to get a better hit rate, and always make sure to follow up with a call a few days later to check on the status of your application.
Training and progress
Training programmes in SMEs tend to be more informal and less structured than those in large corporations. Instead of having an official graduate programme, training is mostly done on-the-job, though you can request for additional training as and when necessary. Many companies are quite willing to provide the required training if it can be justified.
Additionally, if you show initiative in your work, you’ll be able to enjoy relatively quick job progression. Be proactive in mapping out your career advancement plan and decide on the skills required for your own personal development.
Ensure that the skills you develop are useful across a range of roles or business functions. This will give you the flexibility to switch into new roles and gain enough experience to progress quickly.