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Internship Programme
Week 1: Onboarding
Meet your supervisor and buddy, and learn about job functions and Income’s value proposition.
Week 10: Career Development Workshop
Pick up useful tips on how to kickstart and navigate your career journey!
Week 4 onwards: Lunch and Learn sessions
Gain a broader understanding of Income in a fun and interactive manner.
Week 6: Mid-point review
Check in with your supervisor to review your progress and get valuable feeback.
Week 12: Graduation Day more about how it’s like to work with us? Scan here to
At Income, we celebrate every milestone. During graduation, we celebrate your learning experience as interns!
Scan the code to view the list of openings here at
For tips on how to craft the perfect STEM resume, turn to page 20!
Page 30 details the soft skills you need for your dream STEM job.
What exactly does a research chemist do? Turn to page 45 to find out!
If the idea of working for a large tech company doesn’t make you happy, page 52 will help you in your search for a smaller one.
Are you a budding engineer? Page 74 contains all the help you’ll need.