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Accepting Job Offers
Congratulations, you’ve been offered a job! Now, how do you say yes (or no)?
The thrill of finally receiving a job offer after a gruelling process of job search can be one of the greatest moments in your life. It means security and the start of a journey towards your dreams.
So, you say yes with no second thoughts and that’s the end of it. Easy, right? Except no, not really! There’s a lot more to the process than you think. Accepting a job calls for another round of formal processes and you’ll have to be aware of what goes on to ensure that you’re on the right track! Your job acceptance can be complicated by other factors as well, such as discovering the particular employer or position isn’t quite suitable for you after all. Read on to find out what goes into a job offer and how you should respond to it.
How offers are made
In many cases, the recruiter will make a job offer to you through an email ora phone call, informingyou thatthey’re “veryhappyto offer you X position”. However, job offers — whether conditional or unconditional — are not considered formalised until they are produced in writing, i.e. an offer letter. It will normally contain a copy of the terms and conditions of employment. This document acts as a binding contract once you sign it, so make sure to go through the printed details thoroughly and check that everything is as you’ve discussed with the recruiter (usually during your second or third interview). Look out for: • Job title • Salary and benefits (including travelling, phone, and entertainment allowances) • Additional incentive compensation • Employee education • Probation period • Notice period (the length of time between tendering your resignation and the actual time you stop working) • Hours of work • Holiday, sick pay entitlements and insurance • Starting date
In some cases, the recruitermight hand you the letterduringyour second or third interview. If this happens, don’t feel pressured to sign on the spot. If you need some time to go through the document, ask ifyou can take some time to read through before you get back to them. Most employers will understand and won’t mind giving you the extra time needed.
When things aren’t clear
Some of the details in the offer letter can be quite technical and you should nitpickthe specifics as you go through the document. Ifthere is somethingthat you don’tunderstand orthat is different from your agreement made during an earlier discussion, such as salary matters, be sure to clarify with the employer as soon as you can.
If you’re applying into a graduate programme or scheme, check if your offer is conditional on gaining a specific degree classification. It means that you’re temporarily accepted and will be confirmed only when after achieving a particular result or degree. Make sure to iron this out with the recruiter before you sign youracceptance: what ifyou missed out on the specified degree level? Some recruiters may be willing to overlook this if they were impressed by your interview performance.
Accepting the job offer
If everything goes well, and you’re keen on the job, then go ahead and sign your acceptance on the contract. Generally, that will be sufficient but in some cases, you may be asked to put your acceptance in writing as well. This will require a short acceptance letter or email, mentioning that you’re formally accepting their offerto join the company. Ifyou find that you need help with this, feel free to refer to your career advisors for assistance. Thinkyou’re done afteryou’ve sent youracceptance and offer letter out? Almost there, but not quite yet! Don’t forget those who have helped you along the way, such as your contact who recommended you to the job in the first place and your referees. Nothing too long — just a simple thank you note or email will do. You can also ask for further advice on how you should prepare to enter the organisation.
Declining the offer
In the off-chance that you think the job is not suitable for you, then you will have to decline them properly. Don’t just ignore any job offers ifyou’re uninterested in them — recruiters won’t know that you’re declining their offer. Instead, they will only think that you’re being rude for leading them on. On the contrary, responding will help prove your integrity as a responsible individual.
In your email, make sure to thank the recruiters or interviewers for their time and tell them clearly that you’re unable to accept their offer. Explain your reasons, too. Recruiters deserve to know afterall the time and effortthatthey’ve invested in you. Be honest and polite about it, and always keep your tone professional. “I don’t think your offer is good” is definitely a no-go! Again, don’t forget the network contacts who’ve helped you up till this point. Send them a brief email to inform them of your decision as well, and thank them for their assistance and guidance all this while. If handled properly, job declinations can become a good networking opportunity too! Some recruiters may be impressed by your sense of responsibility and keep you in their circle of contact.
In some rare cases, the recruiter may call you back for a round of re-negotiation. This will be up to you to accept or decline, depending on the reasons why you rejected the job offer in the first place.
Sometimes, you may be given an offer before you even start on your job hunt, especially if you’ve been interning over the years and have impressed your (ex-)employers (well done!). Most recruiters will understand ifyou want some time to attend other interviews to compare your prospects, but do not drag their job offer on for too long without getting back to them. This is just plain rude, and will only spoil their good impression of you. Don’t neglect your responsibility to contact them once you’ve come to a decision, and be tactful about the way you juggle your (multiple) job offers! Getting a job offer even before the job hunt!
Other don’t-dos
Take note also of some actions that are considered unethical by recruiters – make sure that you don’t do these: Sign and accept multiple offerletters that you receive, and not turn up at work on the first day. Delaying your response to your multiple job offers for a long time in order to compare your prospects, but not informing the rejected recruiters after you’ve made your decision.