November 2012 Patter

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Disciples Glorifying Christ & Serving Others

All Saints’ Episcopal Parish


Ninth & Dolores, Carmel-by-the-Sea

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Generous Harvest

ourRector’s Message A Generous Harvest of Grace and Giving works well for our pledge ingathering, because it expresses the heart of our faith. The theme even acknowledges that All Saints’ itself is a generous harvest given by God for the sake of our community and the world.

What we might not recognize is that, by virtue of our baptism and our subsequent life in Christ, we have become God’s harvest of generosity. At one time or anther, each of us was part of that proverbial field that is ripe for the harvest of God’s Kingdom. Each of us responded in our own way to God’s love by We can think of many ways that embracing the faith, and by saying God is generous. Creation magnifies 'yes' to Jesus. God’s generosity. We who live in Monterey County have a spectacular To be God ’s generous harvest might vantage point for appreciating God’s feel like a heavy responsibility to generosity, whether it be the abundant bear, but we are not alone. We have crops, the mysterious ocean, or the each other, and together we make majesty of Big Sur. up the Church. We are each part of All Saints’, with the risen Lord as As Christians, we proclaim God’s our head, and with the Holy Spirit generous love in sending Jesus Christ providing inspiration and grace. to live among us, and in creating a bridge from death to vibrant life in the Besides feeling daunting, being the Holy Spirit. God’s saving grace brings generosity of God is awe-inspiring. hope and joy beyond measure. We We are called upon to represent know what it means to be forgiven, God’s grace! For the saints are not a healed, and loved. We could even say club of the saved, but rather agents that the word grace designates the of God’s grace. That means we are generosity of God. Each of us has God’s workforce; we are the voice, stories to tell of God calling us to hands, and heart of Christ. We make the world a better place by make present God’s grace, and tell helping and serving others. of Christ’s love by lovingly serving others in his name. Continued on page 2

The Patter November 2012

Contents ourRector’s Message................1 ourWorship..............................4 ourCommunity........................5 ourDiscipleship........................6 ourStewardship.......................7 ourOutreach..........................10

ourUpcoming Events.............10 ourYouth Ministry.................12 theBusiness of the Vestry .....13 theTreasurer's Desk .............13 ourMission and Vision..........16 SPECIAL EVENTS

p3 Fine Arts and Craft Fair p5 Music at All Saints' Concert p7 2013 Pledge Card

Continued from cover Throughout our centennial year we have heard the consistent story of God’s generous harvest at All Saints’. We progressed through our year-long observation of our one hundred year history, beginning last Advent which will conclude November 4, on All Saints’ Sunday. In this last observance, we look toward the second one hundred years. At 8:00 a.m. we will renew our baptismal vows, and giving thanks for our ministries and missions. Bishop Mary will preach and celebrate at the 10:30 a.m. service. We will confirm our sainthood by renewing our baptismal vows, and Bishop Mary will bless and commission the ministries of the church and our five mission partners. At 5:30 p.m. we will hold a beautiful Evensong liturgy, observing the Feast of All of the Faithful Departed. We also look to the future on November 4 by returning our pledges for 2013. In this way, our pledges will become a generous harvest of grace and giving. After the liturgy, we will extend the celebration by holding a ministry and missions faire in Seccombe Hall after at each of the services. It should be a fun and meaningful day, and a great conclusion to our centennial year. We reflect God’s generosity by inviting family and friends to join us in celebrating God’s grace. So bring your family and friends to church. In Christ, Rick+

Discovery Maps Allan Groves 888-620-MAPS (6277)

Administration The vestry has approved the sponsorship of our newsletter as a new means to offset our expenses and support our members in their businesses. The monthly newsletter takes nearly 20 labor hours to write and produce. Production costs just over $400 per month. The sponsors provide a donation, a logo, and website link to be included in the edition. Print space and best practices limits us to four sponsors per month. This month we demonstrate the concept with Discovery Maps and and appreciate the services of: Allan Groves, Susan Britton, and Charlyne Brown whose companies have generously donated services to the church. Starting in December, members will be able to provide a similar donation and have their logo shown on a special page on our church website. Please contact Greg Troxell in the church office for pricing and more information.

Stretching our Giving We have been able to do good works because people have generously given their time, talent and money. For example, our outreach ministries provide food to the needy from both our Carmel church and from our mission in Marina. Next year we plan to support a college campus ministry. Our in-reach ministries provide care for our own through retreats and seminars. Next year we will expand our support for seniors through our Caring Ministry, start a number of small groups, and enjoy such ministries as the new Salon des Artistes. Our music programs and youth ministries will continue to provide inspiration. For example, next year the new Palestrina Ensemble will continue, and a new youth choir will be developed. The new high school youth ministry will continue to grow. We need you to stretch your giving so we can achieve these stretch-plans for next year. A 20 percent increase in pledge amount is needed, Continued on Page 3

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Continued from Page 2 Thank You and this will be achieved with the giving of new members, and with increased pledge amounts • For a delightful and successful Friends of Epiphany Dinner that raised over $8,000 from our current members. • Robin Reyes, Nancy Collins, Fr. Rick Matters, Greg Troxell and Bill Reed, Marcia Jeirouidi, People know All Saints’ Church well enough for bringing to life the first ever, Festival of that they entrust their money to All Saints’ Christian Spirituality because they know it will be used wisely and well. Please join me and the entire vestry in • Raul for diligent work on grounds completing your pledge form. Present it at the • Ed Childs for oversight of balcony service on November 4, at a subsequent service, • Don Lonsbrough for donating the plein air or by returning it to the church office. painting of the church in our Centennial year • Don Britton, Ari Millan and Lexie Rodriquez Ed Fincke for representing the church in the City's annual Senior Warden Halloween parade • For Jenny Nobis for the donation of a dozen roses and many other plants for the church End of Daylight Savings Time gardens • Thanksgiving for the saints in our lives • We thank the following people who served on the Centennial Planning Committee and brought us so many joyful observances: Don Britton, Betty Kasson (representing the school), Remy Ryan, Todd Samra, Dennis Sharp, Jim Shillinglaw, Fred Terman, and Claudia Ward

The Annual Fine Arts & Crafts Fair The annual Fine Arts & Crafts Fair is scheduled for the Saturday before Thanksgiving, and this year that Saturday is November 17th. It will be held in and around Seccombe Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and a light lunch will be available at a reasonable price. There will be many different vendors offering their wide range of handmade goods for your shopping convenience and pleasure. Several parishioners are numbered among the vendors. Begin your Christmas gift purchasing and enjoy the fun of this exciting event in the life of our parish. Proceeds are distributed by the Craft Fair executive team to support the ministries of All Saints'.

the Patter   November 2012  Page 3

our Worship Welcoming Bishop Mary Join us in welcoming Bishop Mary on our feast day of November 4. She will celebrate and preach at the 10:30 liturgy and will join us at the reception in Seccombe Hall afterwards.

Celebrating our Sainthood

18, the Palestrina Ensemble will present music for the 5:30 Rite II service.


We glorify Christ by enacting liturgies steeped in beauty, mystery, and creativity that refresh like springs of living water.

During the morning liturgies on All Saints’ Sunday, we will renew our status and responsibilities as saints. We are the saints of God not because we are holier than others, but because God has set us aside through our baptism to bring to fulfillment the in breaking of the reign of God begun by Jesus Christ. Both the 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. congregations will renew their baptismal vows. We will also dedicate ourselves to Christ and his Church by presenting. During these liturgies we will bless all who minister in and through this parish. The celebration of our five areas of ministry and our five missions will continue afterward in Seccombe Hall.

Thanksgiving Day We hold our traditional Thanksgiving Day service on Thursday, November 24, at 10:30 a.m. Put your turkey in the oven and come join us at the liturgy in giving thanks to God.

IOC Thanksgiving Service For the convenience of those who travel, we are holding our interfaith Thanksgiving service on Tuesday, November 22. Join us at St. Philips Lutheran Church, across from All Saints’ Day School, at 7:00 p.m.

Musicians in November The All Saints’ Singers will lead the music on November 4, 2012, at the 10:30 service. Bishop Mary will be with us to commemorate the end of our centennial celebrations during this service. Evensong will be presented at 5:30 on November 4 as well, featuring incense and a necrology for All Saints’ Sunday. On November Page 4  November 2012  the Patter

Evensong on All Saints' Day

Invite your friends to enjoy the beauty of holiness at our traditional Evensong liturgy. This month we observe the Feast of All the Faithful Departed. Pictures and names of the departed will line the sides of the nave, while the names of those added to our necrology will be chanted during the liturgy.

Training for Eucharistic Ministers Current Eucharistic Ministers, and those interested in this ministry, are invited to join Fr. Rick at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 10 . We’ll meet in the church for just under an hour.

All Saints' Singers: Looking to Grow Our parish children’s choir, the All Saints’ Singers, are looking to grow. Currently we have four wonderful singers, but we are open to adding any child from grade two to six. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 in the music room at the church, and the Singers sing the first Sunday of each month at the 10:30 a.m. service, save January. All are welcome!

Robin Denney to Preach on November 11 Robin safely returned from her mission trip to Worship - Continued from Page 12

Regular Sunday Schedule 8:00 a.m. Eucharist, Rite I 9:00 a.m. – noon Nursery 9:30 a.m. The Salt (Youth grades 6-12) 9:30 a.m. Adult Education 10:30 a.m. Eucharist 10:30 a.m. Godly Play and Nursery 12:00 p.m. Limitless (Youth in grades 6-8) 5:30 p.m. Eucharist (Evensong on the first Sunday of the month)

our Community MAAS Season Two Our parish concert series called Music at All Saints' (MAAS) begins its second season with spice and style. the Brasil Guitar Duo is coming November 16, 2012 at 8:00 p.m.

includes a 10% gift back to the church and an entrance fee for each event. The art shown may include: photography, painting, poetry, and sculpture. Select pieces Community: and some which communicate the We rejoice as a liturgical lessons for the season community that may also be installed in Grant Hall, drinks from the chalice Seccombe Hall and the office for of Christ’s love. longer periods of time.

The highly acclaimed pair of virtuoso guitarists are at home in the classical and world styles. The program for this concert will feature works by: Rameau, Joao Luiz, Mario CastelnuovoTedesco, and Marco Pereira. Tickets will be available in the church office and online: $30 general admission, $10 student tickets:, $45 premium seating.

All Saints’ Salon des Artists! Showing on November 16 - prior to the concert

The Salon des Artistes will provide a special showing of art from various artists in our congregation prior to the concert on November 16, from 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. in Grant Hall. The Salon members meet monthly to share their current works, fellowship as well as provide mutual support, encour agement, and the sharing of new ideas. Salon members are also invited to present their works at a special pre-concert showing prior to each of the upcoming concerts presented by Music at All Saints'. The showing will give the public a chance to purchase original works of art directly from the artists. The Salon members covenant

To join the Salon des Artistes or learn more, contact Marcia Jeiroudi at mojeiroudi@

Healthy Saints' Walking can get you on the road to better health. The holiday season is approaching fast. With plans to be with families, travel and crowded schedules, there is often an additional element of stress. A good walk can help relieve stress. Walking can trigger the release of endorphins which are powerful brain chemicals that relieve pain and stimulate relaxation. Many studies have given evidence that the higher the level of endorphins the greater your sense of calm and well-being. Walking together can be safer. Ask Hans Lehmann, he lost his sole on one hike! It is also a healthy way to meet new friends and deepen relationships you already have. There will be two opportunities in November to walk together as members and friends of All Saints. Both of these hikes offer easy hiking and varieties of trail lengths to chose from. Come and walk out the stress and join others to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Monterey Bay. Saturday, November 10 at Jack's Peak, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. To confirm your participation, please email Cynthia Spencer at or call 520-260-5158. Meet at Jack's Peak (25020 Jack's Peak Road) or carpool with others by meeting at 9:45 a.m. Bring water, a snack, hat, sunglasses, dress in layers for the weather and bring a smile.

Tuesday, November 20 at Point Lobos, 9:00 a.m. Community - Continued on Page 11 the Patter   November 2012  Page 5

our Discipleship Disciples in Small Groups by Greg Troxell

and address your faith as related to various topics, character studies, or an exegetical study.


We follow Jesus Christ and lead others into the deep waters of faith.

We have begun a training series for small group leaders, members who want to be disciples who make disciples, and eventually lead a small group Bible study that provides pastoral care, encouragement and spiritual instruction to people throughout the congregation. You are invited to join the training group by contacting Greg Troxell in the church office or by sending an email to

Sunday Forums We will offer two adult forums in November to provide important information and a chance to dialogue about two important topics: November 11: Report on the 2012 Diocesan Convention. November 18: Report on mission trip of Robin Denney to South Sudan.

Conversatio Prayer You are welcome to participate in our monthly conversatio, as we continue to strive to enter into the reconciling work of Christ around the theme of God’s poverty and abundance. We meet from 5:00 to 6:15 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month in the chapel on the corner of Lincoln and Ninth.

Bible Study Series Have you been searching your soul for the reason and logic of your faith? If you're looking for answers and reasons to believe it may be time to make the choice to study the scriptures and participate in a Bible Study series. All Saints' Bible study series explore scripture Page 6  November 2012  the Patter

We urge you to choose to grow your faith by participating in one or both of the studies going on each month - Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Rector's office and/or on Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in Grant Hall.

Spirituality Class on Monday Evenings Fr. Rick’s class on Christian spirituality continues through November 19. You will learn how to pray contemplatively, engage in conversatio, reflect on the writing of one of the greatest spiritual writers in our tradition, and talk about incorporating spirituality in your daily life.

The Center for Christian Transformation (CCT) The leadership of CCT invites you to visit the main website at, join one of the upcoming Google Hangout sessions (a free video conference technology) - or join us at one of the upcoming conversatio prayer sessions in the chapel at All Saints' Carmel.

Report on the 2012 Festival of Christian Spirituality. Thirty two people participated in the first-ever Festival of Christian Spirituality on September 28 to 30. Four others, including one of our leaders, were unavoidably had to drop out at the last minute. Twenty-four were members of All Saints’, and we welcomed eight guests. Each participant reported having a positive experience, and said they hope to participate again.

our Stewardship Restoration and Repairs

for us to plan ahead for a great event. Don’t feel you’re much of a baker? Join the fun by volunteering to staff the sale table for a couple of hours. Please conStewardship: tact Andrea Matters at 624-3090 or We offer our all so that .

Caring for our building continues as the balcony repair come to completion Christ may change this month. The balcony rail is now All proceeds of the bake sale will water into wine. higher, meeting the current safety fatten up the discretionary fund, standards. The walkway is sealed making it possible for our two and no longer leaks into the storage almoners, Fr. Rick and administrator room below. Besides being safer, the balcony is Greg Troxell, to continue to meet with and offer beautiful. assistance to the many people who come to All The walkway on Dolores is nearing completion. The old sidewalk was impeded near the front of the church office by the growth of a Monterey Pine. The new walkway will be level with the grade, made of decomposed granite, and have a hand rail to keep pedestrians safe.

Saints’ for help. Funds go to both parishioners and strangers who come to our doors; All Saints’ provides such things as medical prescriptions, utility payments, emergency transportation, food, and housing assistance.

Calling All Bakers, Confectioners, and Pastry Chefs!

2013 will be another challenging year financially as we further devolve our dependency on using principal from the designated funds and pay our full fair share to the diocese. You might find it helpful to use the stewardship calculator on our website or perhaps paying your tithe online. To learn more visit faq-on-giving.

Once again, the Craft Fair (November 17) will feature a bake sale table in support of the discretionary fund. Whatever your kitchen specialty, you are invited to participate by donating such items as muffins, breads, cookies, cakes, pies, and more—from the healthful to the utterly decadent. Though you’ll do your baking the week of the sale, calling now with your commitment to participate will make it easier

Tithing in 2013

PO Box 1296, Carmel, California, 93921 | | 831-624-3883

2013 Pledge Name (s): Address: Phone (s): E-mail (s):

week month quarter annually on______________ I would like to: give online transfer stock learn more about making a designated gift Pledge Amount ________ per: Other Gift: Please prayerfully complete this pledge form and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office. the Patter   November 2012  Page 7

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the Patter   November 2012  Page 9

our Outreach Christmas Food Boxes

lay delegates from Epiphany, our mission. Staff members Greg Troxell and Robin Denney also attended, as did several of your clergy. Outreach: We will summarize the work of the We serve others with convention at a 9:30 a.m. forum on November 11. the compassion of

Hans Lehmann is making preparations for the loading and distribution of Christ by offering about one hundred food boxes before Christmas. This year, we will sustenance to pack our Christmas food boxes on those in need. Procession for Peace Thursday, December 6, at 10:00 a.m. in Seccombe Hall. We welcome new The All Saints’ Church banner flew at the October workers. The project takes only one hour. If you 20 Process for Peace in Salinas, as Episcopalians would like to help, we would be delighted. Just and Roman Catholics joined forces to witness come on by or call Hans Lehmann at 624-0540 against gang violence. for more information.

A Joyous Fall Festival

Food Pantry In September we provided food bags to forty-nine households, helping onehundred and twenty-two people in total (twenty-nine children and another twenty nine seniors). Additionally, twenty-six men were provided hospitality and lodging via our support of I-HELP.

Charlene Webber-Schuss of Congregation Beth Israel and the Board of Directors of the IOC and Charlie Grauling of All Saints' unloading food bags donated from CBI to our food pantry.

Ministry at Epiphany The Thomas Carman Food Pantry will be serving the community on Saturday, November 3, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. On November 30, December 1, and December 7-8 an adaptation by Marjorie Lowry of The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen will be showing at Epiphany in Marina. Actors aged 5-80 are welcome to contact the church and audition. Please e-mail Marjorie or call 831-521-3139 for audition appointment, or just show up. Appointments will be considered first. Beginners welcome.

Diocesan Convention Alan McEwen, Louis Powell, Lorri Sizemore, and Grace Swearingen served as elected delegates for this church this year, with two additional Page 10  November 2012  the Patter

The school Fall Festival was lots of fun for all ages. The festival succeeded in raising funds for student scholarship. Congratulations to the Parent Organization who ran the festival, and thank you to volunteers Ed Fincke and Fr. Rick.

Looking Ahead • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

November 2-3 Diocesan Convention November 4 Bishop’s Visitation November 4 End of Daylight Savings Time November 6 Election Day (USA) November 11 Veteran's Day November 14 Newcomer Gathering November 16 Pre-Concert Art Show Brasil Guitar Duo Concert November 17 Annual Craft Fair November 20 I.O.C. Thanksgiving Service November 22 Thanksgiving Day Service November 22-23 Church Office Closed December 1 Bishop Nicholas Celebration December 7 Carmel Music Society, Piano quartet December 10 Orchestra in the Schools Concert December 13 Carmel Chamber, Smart Coffee December 24 Christmas Eve Service December 25 Christmas Day Services December 26-27 Church Office Closed

Community - Continued from Page 5 - 12:00 p.m. Join the saints' on another adventure to Point Lobos. The entrance is three miles south of Carmel on Highway 1. The entrance fee is $8/ car. You may park on the road and take a 30 minute walk to the parking lot near Headland Cove. Alternatively you may contact Cynthia and help to form a carpool. Those carpooling will meet at the Starbuck's parking lot at Rio Road and Highway One. from 9:00 a.m. and hike until noon at Point Lobos State Park. Bring water, a snack, hat, sunglasses, dress in layers for the weather and bring a smile.

Please let Cynthia Spencer know if you are planning to carpool or join the others on the trail. Contact Mother Cynthia by phone 520-260-5158 or email

Bishop Nicholas Celebration Mark your calendars now for the annual Bishop Nicholas Celebration. It will be held in Seccombe Hall this year (the location alternates between church and school). This inter-generational event takes place on Saturday, December 1, from 10:00 a.m. to Noon, and brings adults and children together, as we observe Advent and prepare for Christmas.

Khudyev Brothers in Concert Youth Music Monterey’s new conductor, Farkhad Khudyev, his brother, and pianist Nozomi Marusawa and YMMC Chamber Players present a concert at All Saints’ on Saturday, November 3 at 7:00 p.m. $20 general admission, $10 for seniors, and free to student musicians. Tickets can be purchased at the door, or online at http://

Book Club Sweep away the myths, embellishments and exaggerations of Shakespeare, Shaw and Elizabeth Taylor and one starts to see a more complex and compelling portrait of a great Egyptian ruler. Cleopatra: A Life is the selection chosen for November by the All Saints’ Book Club. In this biography by Stacy Schiff, the stereotypes are swept away to reveal a ‘fiery wisp of a girl” who grows up to become an enterprising politician: not a great beauty but a charismatic and capable woman, smart saucy, funny and highly competent, seen by many of her subjects as a “beneficent guardian” with good intentions and a commitment to justice. She was the only woman to rule alone in the ancient world and experienced no revolts during her reign. Along with tracing Cleopatra's rise to power, her loss of Caesar and Mark Antony and the epic story of her empire, this biography is filled with fascinating and amusing details of the era, e.g., for Community - Continued on Page 14 the Patter  November 2012  Page 11

Worship - Continued from Page 4

All Saints' Youth Ministry News Robin Denney Our 2012-2013 youth ministry continues to reach youth in middle school and high school with three unique opportunities: The Salt: Bible study and faith discussion for grades six through twelve, every Sunday in the youth room from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. Limitless: lunch, activities, games, and discussion for grades six through eight, every Sunday in the youth room from noon to 2:00 p.m. The Elements: discussion group for grades nine through twelve, meeting in Monterey every Monday after school at 5:00 p.m. To RSVP or learn more about our youth ministry or any of the opportunities below, please contact Robin Denney at or call her at 805-835-8538.

Special Youth Event Hunger Games Event! November 8-9. Youth from the Day School, the community, and the Diocese are invited to join us! RSVP.

South Sudan, and is again busy with the other adult youth leaders, and the youth. She will be preaching on November 11 about her visit to South Sudan, and the following Sunday will lead the 9:30 forum. Please join us.

Giving Thanks for Episcopal School Sunday We give thanks for the time, talents, and treasures of our children and youth, who helped lead the 10:30 service on October 14. Special thanks to Rev. Holly, Carolyn Balfe, Christopher Ippisch, Murray Walker, and the staff and faculties of York School and All Saints’ Day School for their wonderful efforts.

Decorating the Church The church decorations will express the theme of God’s generous harvest this month. The fall harvest of wheat and vegetables will grace the altar and the names of all the saints buried from All Saints’ will be displayed on the ledges. On November 4, All Saints’ Sunday, pictures of loved ones who have departed will line the sides of the church. The new white vestments will be used for the first time on this Sunday. Throughout the month a beautiful painting of the church will be displayed at the entrance. This painting is one item in the harvest, representing the gifts of one of our members, Don Lonsbrough, who donated his work in honor of our centennial.

Carmel Chamber Workshops The Carmel Chamber of Commerce' Smart Coffee: Bright Ideas for Local Business will gather again at All Saints' in Grant Hall. The next workshop will be offered Thursday, November 8, from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. For more information, visit Page 12  November 2012  the Patter

the Vestry of All Saints' Vestry Liaisons • Worship: Harrison Shields • Community: Bill Mattmiller • Discipleship: Mike Carter • Stewardship: Allan Groves • Outreach: Nancy Jones • Buildings and Grounds: Mike Carter and Ed Childs • Strategic Planning: Ed Fincke • Finances: Nan Walker (chair), Ed Fincke, and Dave McClendon • Nan Walker, Junior Warden

Ed Finke

Nan Walker

Nancy Jones

Allan Groves

Michael Carter

Dave McClendon

Bill Mattmiller

Harrison Shields

Ed Childs

Jackie Graham

Marcia Jeiroudi

Fr. Rick Matters

Officers of the Church • • • •

Fr. Rick Matters, Rector Ed Fincke, Senior Warden Jackie Graham, Treasurer Marcia Jeiroudi, Clerk of the Vestry

the Business the Vestry


In September, the vestry received reports on the progress of the balcony repair. They elected Judy Kirk to replace retiring vestry liaison to the school, Dennis Sharp. They expressed thanks to Dennis for his many years of service, and to Judy for agreeing to serve for a three-year tenure. The vestry also received a progress report on visits or phone conversations with members of the church, held by a few vestry members. This initiative is a continuation of the many positive conversations held in April and May during the Mission and Vision campaign to fully fund our ministries. The vestry reviewed the treasurer’s reports, and was pleased that our annual allotment from the foundation would arrive in October, as this relieves pressure on our cash-flow needs.

the Treasurer's Desk Third quarter pledge statements were provided all those who made a pledge in 2012. By God's grace the operational budget and gifts are matching well. The additional monies from the trust funds pay for capital projects such as the balcony. Income Year-to-Date*



Pledge Income



Donation Income



Mission & Vision Income



Trust Revenues



Other Income



Total Income



Expenses Year-to-Date* Budgeted *Year to date as of: September 26, 2012 Total Expenses


Actual $473,280

Stewardship Quote Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others. - Augustine the Patter  November 2012  Page 13

Community - Continued from page 11 a baby's teething troubles, the standard Egyptian cure was to feed the child a fried mouse. "Two thousand years of bad press and overheated prose, of film and opera, cannot conceal the fact that Cleopatra was a remarkably capable queen, canny and opportunistic in the extreme, a strategist of the first rank."

Newcomers Gathering

On November 14, there will be another newcomer's gathering at 6:30 p.m. in the library. We invite all our newcomers who have not yet participated in a gathering to come enjoy some hors d'oeuvres and beverages while you get to know one another, and learn about All Saints' including: our legacy, future and Episcopal theology. The evening gathering The All Saints’ Book Club regularly meets in the church will last about ninety minutes and also give you library the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. The the chance to meet a few of our church leaders, review leader/presenter brings lettuce for a salad, and the staff, and vestry members. other participants bring something to place in the salad If you are new to All Saints', please come; if or food to share. you've been here and have recently met some newcomers, we ask that you share why you enjoy Centennial Celebrations Conclude being a member, invite them to your home or out We began observing our centennial last Advent, to enjoy lunch, and encourage them to come to and progressed through the one hundred years this newcomer gathering. with a joyful luncheon in the summer. There were special liturgies using the prayer books in use We do not require people to become members of over the past one hundred years. We published a The Episcopal Church or to All Saints'. We welcome history of the parish and held a book signing; we those of you who wish to make such a covenant offered concerts, held several receptions, enjoyed to speak to the staff or Fr. Rick about baptism, our traditional Dickensian Dinner and annual confirmation, a letter of transfer or being received picnic, gave out badges, gathered with former to All Saints'. Learn more about membership on clergy and members for a joyful celebratory lunch. our website: On our feast day of All Saints’ Sunday we conclude our centennial celebration by welcoming Bishop Ping Pong and Games for Youth Mary, who will help the 10:30 a.m. congregation The youth have expressed the desire for a ping look toward the second one hundred years pong table and other games and amenities, a sand of glorifying Jesus Christ and lovingly serving volleyball net, and game balls, that would reside others in his name. The receptions that follow in the youth room and increase the variety of each of our regular services this day will take activities possible when they gather (see page 12). place in Seccombe Hall, and will feature displays celebrating our five There are plenty of opportunities for volunteers areas of ministry, and donations. We would welcome the use of a as well as our five ski cabin, or the temporary use of a mini van for mission partners. future outings and campouts. Chaperones are often needed as well as new members to the The one centennial youth ministry team. Please contact Robin Denney event that has not for any such offerings and donations at redenney@ yet taken place is or call her at 831-290-0033. introducing All Saints’ Wine. We are still waiting for approval by the State of our labels. So the red and white wine we will become part of our second century of love and service. Page 14  November 2012  the Patter

All Saints’ Episcopal Parish Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Friday 9:00 a.m. – noon All Saints’ Episcopal Church

All Saints’ Episcopal Day School

Epiphany Lutheran & Episcopal Church

Santa Lucia Chapel & Campground, Big Sur

Ninth and Dolores PO Box 1296 Carmel, CA 93921

8060 Carmel Valley Road Carmel, CA 93923

425 Carmel Avenue Marina, CA 93933

PO Box 1296 Carmel, CA 93921

Phone: 831-624-9171

Phone: 831-384-6323

Phone: 831-624-3883

Phone: 831-624-3883 Fax: 831-624-1459



Commission Chairs and Ministry Leaders

Claudia Ward Festival of Christian Spirituality The Rev. Rick Matters

Rector The Rev. Richard Matters

Senior Warden Ed Fincke (2013)

Deacon The Rev. James Booth

Junior Warden Nan Walker (2013)

Altar Flowers Mila Murphy

Wednesday Bible Study Greg Troxell

Assisting Priests The Rev. Cynthia Spencer The Rev. John Burk The Rev, Gwen Buehrens

Allan Groves

Altar Guild Valerie Warren

Sunday Morning Adult Education The Rev. Rick Matters

Associate Clergy at Epiphany The Rev. Jon Perez The Rev. Joan Anderson Assisting

Dave McClendon

Associate Clergy at All Saints' Episcopal School The Rev. Holly Hudson-Louis

Parish Staff Gardener Pedro Cabrera Sexton Raul Garcia



Nancy Jones


Mike Carter


Ed Childs

Acolytes Robin Denney (2014)


Bill Mattmiller


Harrison Shields Treasurer Jackie Graham



Clerk Marcia Jeiroudi (2013)

Committees of the Vestry, Liaisons


Band Dr. Todd Samra

Ministry Discernment Greg Troxell

Drama Troupe Nancy Bernhard

2012 Pledge Team Ed Fincke

Ushers Bill Mattmiller & Mike Raggett

Planned Giving Ministry Allan Groves

Wedding Coordinators Diane Ellis & Elaine Stanton

Community Caring Ministries Robin Reyes Prayer Team Izzi Shillinglaw

Youth Leader Robin Denney

Buildings & Grounds Mike Carter

Eucharistic Visitors The Rev. Rick Matters

Nursery Maria Medina

Finance Nan Walker

Welcoming & Newcomers TBD

Director of Music Dr. Todd Samra

Human Resources Dave McClendon

Music at All Saints' Dr. Todd Samra

Parish Administrator Greg Troxell

Strategic Planning Ed Fincke

Organist Richard Wilson

Investment Committee / FTF Al Alvarez

Parish Office Volunteers Marcia Jeiroudi Jim & Izzi Shillinglaw Dave McClendon Marcia McCleary

Parish Contractors

Bookkeeper Lin Sponsler Campground Caretaker Duane Fissell

Memorial Teas Gwynn Romano

Outreach Food Pantry Rosemary Smith I-Help Hans Lehmann Aliceon Jones Santa Lucia Campground Susan Sonthal & Izzi Shillinglaw St. Patrick’s, Haiti Rosemary Smith Epiphany Church, Marina The Rev. Joan Anderson All Saints’ Day School Liaison Judy Kirk

Book Club Kathy Nielsen

Discipleship Small Groups Greg Troxell The Friends of St. Benedict Bill Reed Godly Play Tracy Haack Library

the Patter  November 2012  Page 15

All Saints’ Mission:

Disciples Glorifying Christ and Serving Others

All Saints’ Vision:

By God’s grace and mandate, our future honors and carries forward the sacred heritage of All Saints’ Parish. We are called to be a diverse community filled with vitality and enthusiasm that celebrates together around the wellspring of Holy Communion, in order to be refreshed and equipped by the Holy Spirit. Living God’s future today, we attract more and more people of all ages into our fellowship of love and Christian formation. From this place we send forth members and establish missions that glorify Christ, serve others, and offer God’s hope to the world. Phone: 831-624-3883 |

Rector, Wardens, and Vestrymen of

All Saints’ Parish Dolores and Ninth–PO Box 1296 Carmel, CA 93921

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Page 16  November 2012  the Patter

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