Disciples Glorifying Christ & Serving Others
All Saints’ Episcopal Parish
Ninth & Dolores, Carmel-by-the-Sea
Advent and Christmas
ourRector’s Message
The Patter December 2012 www.allsaintscarmel.org
The motif of family makes Advent and Christmas especially endearing. We catch our breath with Mary as she learns from Gabriel that she has conceived. We struggle with Mary and Joseph as they respond to her untimely pregnancy. We watch and wait as they travel to Bethlehem, and we rejoice as they become the Holy Family. Our own memories of past Advents and Christmases often center on our family and our childhood. We might recall plans whispered conspiratorially to buy that special gift for mom or dad. Perhaps we think of brightly wrapped packages bulging from under the tree for grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, parents, siblings--or for children, grandchildren, and maybe even great-grandchildren. We might remember happy times ice skating, singing, making snowmen, or walking on the beach. We might recall snuggling on a lap, being read to, making forts, or playing with dolls. We might remember feeling stuffed like a turkey after a sumptuous meal. There are thousands of Advent and Christmas memories that evoke
Contents ourRector’s Message................1 ourWorship..............................4 ourCommunity........................5 ourDiscipleship........................6 ourStewardship.......................7 ourOutreach..........................10
tender feelings of family. As a pastor, I’m aware of other, less happy memories that many of us carry with us, memories that painfully reappear at this time each year. Society’s expectations of a happy childhood sometimes collide with our own remembered experience. Perhaps we were ridiculed or rejected. We may remember receiving material gifts that substituted for genuine love. Perhaps we remain estranged from a loved one who refuses to make contact. In addition, these holidays are the very time when many of us feel pangs of grief and loss most acutely. Caught between heightened expectations and divergent feelings, we can be especially thankful that the message of Advent and Christmas far surpasses the idealized family. For the depth of meaning we encounter in these seasons proclaims that we are part of God’s family. As we anticipate the arrival of the Christ Child and welcome the Son of God into the human condition, our memories of imperfection and our Our Rector's Message - Continued on Page 11
ourUpcoming Events.............10 ourYouth Ministry.................12 theBusiness of the Vestry .....13 theTreasurer's Desk .............13 ourMission and Vision..........16
Other Highlights p8,9 Calendar of Events p2 Music at All Saints' Concert p7 2013 Pledge Card
Our Rector's Message - Continued from cover current disappointments constellate around a hope far greater than ourselves. If we let them, these seasons can lift us to a new vision of belonging. It is a vision that is more realistic and well grounded. For the true gift that God is waiting for us to unwrap is a forgiveness that can restore broken relationships, and the comfort of knowing that our God-given family is always growing and is never without those whom we love. All Saints’ is such a family in Christ. It is also a safe community in which to practice family love in the ideal of God’s unconditional affirmation. The love we feel for our own family members, however satisfying or disappointing, multiplies within the family of faith, precisely because of the seasons we observe and the gift we celebrate each December. So bring your own family and invite your neighbors to become part of the holy family of All Saints’. After all, Mary and Joseph will soon be heading toward Bethlehem, where they will be waiting for us to join them as part of their Holy Family. In Christ, Rick
Regular Sunday Schedule 8:00 a.m. Eucharist, Rite I 9:00 a.m. – noon Nursery 9:30 a.m. The Salt (Youth grades 6-12) 9:30 a.m. Adult Education 10:30 a.m. Eucharist 10:30 a.m. Godly Play and Nursery 12:00 p.m. Limitless (Youth in grades 6-8) 5:30 p.m. Eucharist (Evensong on the first Sunday of the month) Page 2 December 2012 the Patter
Thank You
As the Parish Administrator I am considering reducing the frequency of the Parish newsletter to six issues per year. As a liturgical church this will coincide nicely with our liturgical seasons. The church has welcomed over one hundred newcomers in 2012. Everyone who attends on Sundays is able to read the upcoming events in the bulletin. The enhancement and addition of the church website and social media streams allows us to provide up to the moment and intermediate news. The change would allow us to redirect nearly $2500 per year plus well over 120 labor hours per year in our operating budget to other mission related initiatives or staffing costs. More importantly each of the six issues would be filled with relevant and encouraging faith oriented content and ads about the upcoming events in that season. Essentially this changes it to a periodic magazine. It is quite possibly that we can add color and outsource the printing for greater cost reductions and efficiencies. I welcome your input and opinions - please send me an email to gtroxell@allsaintscarmel.org
• Gwen Romano, for hosting the Afterglow reception following the November 16 concert, and for coordinating the memorial reception on November 9. • Chris Winfield, for donating several art items to the church, including a book of tapestries by Mark Adams, and for helping All Saints’ receive a large white rose window also by Mark Adams. • Todd and Lisa Dwelle, for hosting the reception for Bishop Mary during our celebration of ministries and missions on November 4. • Jana Gill, for donating $5,000 toward a future columbium. Jana gave this donation in loving memory of her husband, Jim. • Ed Fincke, for chairing the 2013 pledge appeal. • Ed Childs and the entire Buildings and Grounds Committee, for providing the leadership to repair the balcony and complete several other projects. • Elaine Stanton, Jim and Izzi Shillinglaw for organizing another successful Fine Arts & Craft Fair. • Jenny Nobis who has donated many Last month we launched the ability for members new plants and roses for the gardens. who are business owners to place an ad in the Patter. Limited to four each issue the visibility Correspondence from Members is terrific and the cause even better. The current price to place an ad price is just $100 per issue. A Letter from Cindy Camerlengo To learn more, please contact Greg Troxell in the I was married at All Saints in September of 1976 church office for specs and more information. and my daughter was christened awhile later there as well. I was able to return for Christmas's 2011. The church was decorated so beautifully. I could remember the beauty of being there many Discovery Maps years ago when we lived in California. I miss Allan Groves California, and miss All Saints' very much. 888-620-MAPS (6277) allangroves@discoverymap.com A Letter from Ed and Barbara Childs Thank You for the thoughtfulness and sincere appreciation extended to Barbara and myself. It is very difficult for us to leave the friends and community that we've grown to be a part. The love and friendship expressed by all in taking in two strangers into their community eighteen years ago will always remain a pinnacle in the life we've shared together. the Patter December 2012 Page 3
our Worship Christmas Decorations
Advent: Slow Down Worship:
Copies of Slow Down. Quiet. It’s Advent are available at the back of the church and in the office. These posters offer a pathway to deepen the faith of all ages, and by following this pathway your Christmas will be more meaningful. They are a gift from All Saints’.
We welcome your donations to help We glorify Christ by adorn the church for Christmas. Let enacting liturgies us know whom you would like to steeped in beauty, memorialize, or for what you would mystery, and creativity like to give thanks, and your donation that refresh like will be included in the Christmas bulletins. You may use the forms springs of living water. Advent Service for All Ages located at the back of the church and at the office, or send instructions along with your The Gospel and sermon will be offered in story check, which must be received by Wednesday, form during the four Sundays in Advent in order December 19. to include all ages in the services. Godly Play will be cancelled at 10:30 a.m., but the nursery Join your All Saints’ friends on Sunday, December will be open. We encourage children to invite 23, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. as we prepare their parents to sit in a front pew, so that they our house of worship for Christmas. We’ll have can participate more fully. sandwiches and cups of warm soup available. Worship in your work clothes, if you like, and Acolyte/Youth Lector Training and plan to have a joyful time cleaning, decorating, and listening to the choir rehearse the music for Youth Christmas Party Christmas Eve. Friday December 21
Christmas at All Saints’ Christmas Eve at 5:00 p.m. Nativity Pageant and Holy Communion Christmas Eve at 10:00 p.m. Carols Christmas Eve at 10:30 p.m. Candlelit Festal Eucharist Christmas Day at 10:30 a.m. Festal Eucharist December 30 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 5:30 p.m. Christmas Lessons and Carols with Holy Communion
Advent Painting by Alan McEwen Our Advent decorations this year will include a painting by Alan McEwen. Be sure to look above the glass door as you exit to appreciate this painting, which expresses several of the themes of the season of Advent. Page 4 December 2012 the Patter
There will be an acolyte and youth lector training in preparation for Christmas, as a refresher course for our current acolytes and lectors, and as an opportunity to train those who would like to be acolytes or youth lectors. Meet in the church 5:00 p.m. to 6:00p.m. The youth Christmas party and movie night will follow the acolyte training. In Seccombe Hall and the youth room, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
our Community Bishop Nicholas Celebration
Introducing the Rev. Gwen Langdoc Buehrens
She moved to Carmel last July with her husband, John. She has joined the All Mark your calendars now for the We rejoice as a Saints' community and the growing annual Bishop Nicholas Celebration. community that number of associated clergy. She It will be held in Seccombe Hall drinks from the chalice recently retired from her ministries this year (the location alternates of Christ’s love. as a hospice and hospital chaplain between church and school). This in suburban Boston where they lived inter-generational event takes place for the past twenty years. Gwen was on Saturday, December 1, from 10:00 a.m. to Noon, and brings adults and children together, ordained to the diaconate at Grace Cathedral in as we observe Advent and prepare for Christmas. San Francisco in 1972, and was the first woman to be ordained to the priesthood in Dallas, Texas in 1985. She is a graduate of Cal-Berkeley and Yale Pastoral Care Team to Start Visiting Divinity School. They have two grown daughters, Pastoral Care Ministries announces the beginning Erica and her family in San Francisco, and Mary of a Visiting Team. You are invited to join! and her family in Boston. Her husband, whom she met in seminary, is serving as the interim We will visit parishioners in the hospital and minister at the Unitarian-Universalist Church of rehab, as well as those at home recovering. Visits the Monterey Peninsula. will be made to parishioners who can not get to church or are receiving palliative care or hospice. Newcomer Gathering All of the team members will be trained to make visits to the sick and frail among us. Some may All newcomers and prospective members are also desire to have additional training and be invited to a reception on Tuesday, January 15, licensed to take communion from the altar to at 6:30 p.m. We look forward to getting better acquainted as we help you learn more about All parishioners. Saints’. Though this ministry primarily will be a lay ministry, as we begin, the Rev. Cynthia Spencer Healthy Saints' Hikes and the Rev. Gwen Buehrens will both be participating and training. During December Sunday, December 9 from noon to 4:00 p.m. You we plan to begin visiting, especially with those are invited to with other members and friends on already trained. You will hear more in the January to Hike Pfeiffer Falls/ Patter. But now is the time to contact Cynthia or Valley View Trails (2.4 miles - easy to Gwen, if you are interested. moderate). We welcome anyone who wants to visit, bring the church news and God's love to those who Walk among the giant cannot be with us for Sunday services. Please Redwoods and visit think about the many people, like you, who have a rocky waterfall. given years and years, hour upon hour to serve Bring your cameras God in our church. When they cannot physically for photo shoots. come, let us not forget them, but instead, go to Those looking for them bringing with us the love of Christ and of more of a workout our community. Please call to ask questions or to and expansive view can hike up through the join the team, our numbers are: Mother Cynthia at oak trees to the overlook bench, with vistas of 250-260-5158 and the Rev. Gwen 617-584-6650. the Big Sur River Gorge. Community - Continued on Page 11
the Patter December 2012 Page 5
our Discipleship Godly Play in Advent
ministry related to our 2012-2013 theme "the gift of poverty and abundance".
Bible Study Series
Teachers and students: we welcome We follow Jesus Have you been searching your soul you to a storytelling presentation of Christ and lead for the reason and logic of your the Gospel and sermon for the four others into the deep faith? If you're looking for answers Sundays in Advent. Please sit toward and reasons to believe it may be waters of faith. the front, so that the younger members time to make the choice to study of the congregation can see the action the scriptures and participate in a and hear the message. The service will be less Bible Study series. than an hour, and several parts of the service will be participatory. The nursery will remain open. All Saints' Bible study series explore scripture and address your faith as related to various Covenant Groups topics, character studies, or an exegetical study. A Few members have voiced interest in leading a small group, what we will call a Covenant Group. Unique from a class or a book group, the covenant groups will continue in their study of scripture and form lasting friendships to encourage one another spiritually and emotionally as well as learn together by the leadership of a covenant group pastor. In January we will begin a five-week training series on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. for those interested in becoming a leader. The ideal candidates are members who want to be disciples who make disciples, and those who might enjoy learning on-the-job, so to speak by assisting a leader. As our church grows, we will need more and more covenant group leaders, to encouragement and spiritual instruction to people throughout the congregation. You are invited to join the training group by contacting Greg Troxell in the church office or by sending an email to gtroxell65@gmail.com
Conversatio Prayer Conversatio is offered on the second Tuesday of each month. We meet from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the chapel at the northwest corner of the church. You are welcome to participate and join us in our prayerful discovery of truth and
Page 6 December 2012 the Patter
We urge you to choose to grow your faith by participating in one or both of the studies going on each month - Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Rector's office and/or on Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in Grant Hall.
Bonhoeffer Today Start the New Year by studying selected writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and discover how relevant his teaching is to the twenty-first century. Fr. Rick will lead this discussion group from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. on the first four Mondays in January. You will find copies of the first essay at the front desk of the office, or you may receive a scanned version by sending an email to the church office at information@allsaintscarmel.org. Contact Fr. Rick for more information.
Spirit Creating Art; Art Finding Spirit This will be a workshop to learn ways you can use your creative energy to connect to God’s Spirit through art. Registration begins early January. More information will be in the January Patter. Class will be February 9, 2013 at All Saints' from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Rev. Cynthia M. Spencer will be the instructor. Mark your calendar now.
our Stewardship Balcony Repairs
Pledging in 2013
The final detail of the balcony is the We offer our all so that We have been able to do good works installation of tempered glass in the because people have generously Christ may change middle section. This is an issue of both given their time, talent and money. water into wine. safety and aesthetics. The vestry will Gifts to God through our church have a plaque mounted in memory are supporting expanded ministries, of Alfred W. Weldon, whose bequest such as, a caring ministry for elderly, paid for this project. In thanksgiving for his food for the needy, youth programs, and music generosity, we will call it the Weldon Balcony. programs. The balcony railing now meets the current safety standards and looks wonderful. In all the project cost just under $100,000.
End of the Year Gifts It has been a full and satisfying year at All Saints’, and we have many reasons to thank God. One of the signs of vitality is how new and continuing members rallied to contribute to balance the budget. Now would be a good time to make a special thank-offering to All Saints’. Contact Jackie Graham or Lin Sponsler if you would like information on how to donate stock to All Saints’
STEWARDSHIP - Continued on Page 14
We need you to stretch your giving so we can maintain and expand our ministries next year. A 20 percent increase in pledge amount is needed, and this will be achieved with the giving of new members, and with increased pledge amounts from our current members. Our pledge goal for 2013 is $272,000, which is about 120 pledges. We have received 73 pledges so far and expect to receive 48 more from current members and from new members. Please consider prayerfully how you will support God’s work through All Saints’. Kindly complete the form below and return it to the church office, or deposit it in the collection plate on Sunday. Ed Fincke Senior Warden Please prayerfully complete this pledge form and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office.
PO Box 1296, Carmel, California, 93921 www.allsaintscarmel.org | 831-624-3883
2013 Pledge Name (s): Address: Phone (s): E-mail (s):
week month quarter annually on______________ give online transfer stock learn more about making a designated gift
Pledge Amount ________ per: I would like to: Other Gift:
the Patter December 2012 Page 7
December 2 Jeremiah 33:14-16 Psalm 25:1-9 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 Luke 21:25-36
10:30am 12:00pm 4:00pm 5:30pm
Evensong Several Lessons appointed for Advent Lessons and Carols
December 9 Baruch 5:1-9 Canticle 16 Philippians 1:3-11 Luke 3:1-6
December 16 Zephaniah 3:14-20 Canticle 9 Philippians 4:4-7 Luke 3:7-18
8:00am 9:00am 9:30am
8:00am 9:00am
11:45am 12:00pm
Holy Communion (Rite I) Nursery Care (until noon) Music Rehearsal Youth & Adult Education Holy Communion Godly Play Drama Troupe Rehearsal Limitless (Youth 6-8)
12:00pm 5:30pm
Choir Rehearsal Holy Communion
Holy Communion (Rite I)
9:00am 9:00am 9:30am 10:30am
Nursery Care Music Rehearsal Youth & Adult Education Holy Communion Godly Play Limitless (Youth 6-8)
9:30am 10:30am
Holy Communion (Rite I) Nursery Care (until noon) Youth & Adult Education All Saints’ Singers Rehearsal Holy Communion Godly Play Limitless (Youth 6-8) Evensong Rehearsal Advent Lessons and Carols
Outreach Commission Meeting
The Elements: High School Gathering
Le Salon des Artistes
Strategic Planning Committee
The Elements: High School Gathering
CCT Online Forum for Facilitators
The Elements: High School Gathering
Music at All Saints’ Planning Meeting
Conversatio Hangout on G+
Buildings & Grounds Meeting
CCT Executive Team Meeting
Book Club
Finance Committee Meeting
Choir Rehearsal
December 23 Micah 5:2-5a Psalm 80:1-7 Hebrews 10:5-10 Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)
Palestrina Ensemble
Holy Communion
8:00am 9:00am
Holy Communion (Rite I) Nursery Care (until noon) Music Rehearsal Youth & Adult Education Holy Communion Godly Play Limitless (Youth 6-8)
Choir Rehearsal Holy Communion
9:30am 10:30am
Page 8 December 2012 the Patter
Christmas Eve 4:00pm
Band Rehearsal
Holy Eucharist
The Elements: High School Gathering
Lectionary: Isaiah 62:6-12; Titus 3:4-7; Luke 2:(1-7)820; Psalm 97
Christmas Day 10:30am
Holy Eucharist
Lectionary: Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-4, (5-12); John 1:1-14; Psalm 98
Bible Study
Liturgy Planning Meeting
Christian Yoga
Bible Study
Liturgy Planning Meeting
Christian Yoga
Bible Study
Liturgy Planning Meeting
Christian Yoga
The Friends of St. Benedict
ASDS Lessons and Carols
Vestry Meeting
Church Office Closed All Day
NO Bible Study
Liturgy Planning Meeting
Packing Christmas Food Boxes
Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
Clergy Leadership Book Study
Choir Rehearsal
Staff Team Day
Acolyte Training
Band Practice
Youth Movie Night
Church Office Closed All Day
Bishop Nicholas Celebration
Liturgy Planning
Worship Commission
Liturgy Planning
Facility Photo Shoot
Liturgy Planning
Liturgy Planning
Liturgy Planning
29 4:00pm
I-Help Overnight
30 & 31
Please see articles and website for more information
the Patter December 2012 Page 9
our Outreach Christmas Toys
We serve others with the compassion of Christ by offering sustenance to those in need.
The Outreach Commission wants to continue the long tradition of many generous All Saints' members giving Christmas gifts to the children of Epiphany Lutheran & Episcopal Church, our mission in Marina. On Christmas Eve each child receives a box containing clothing, toys, an art project gift, and candy; last year over 100 children were served. We're asking you to help by giving gifts appropriate for children ranging from infants to about age 12. They have suggested clothing (such as sweaters, sweatshirts/pants, caps, mittens, etc.), toys, or gift cards (not to exceed $25). Please do not gift wrap; Father Jon and his staff will do that. If you want to participate but cannot shop, the Outreach Commission will accept cash donations and shop for you. Beginning November 25th there will be red and green boxes in the back of the church for your gifts, or you can leave them in the church office. We'd like to have the gifts by December 16th. Thank you and have a wonderful blessed Christmas.
Food Pantry In October we provided food bags to thirtyeight households, helping ninety-one individuals. Twenty-six of these were children, while twentyfive were seniors. Additionally, twenty-six men were provided hospitality and lodging via our support of I-HELP.
Christmas Food Boxes Hans Lehmann is making preparations for the loading and distribution of about one hundred food boxes before Christmas. This year, we will pack our Christmas food boxes on Thursday, December 6, at 10:00 a.m. in Seccombe Hall. We welcome new workers. The project takes only one hour. If you would like to help, we would be delighted. Just come on by or call Hans Lehmann at 624-0540 for more information.
Page 10 December 2012 the Patter
Not Just a Band Aid
Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) provides women's literacy groups, vocational training, microcredit loans for women, and many other "helping hand" services. Mary in Serra Leone, grows vegetables through her church garden; Aye in Myanmar grows food and now has a goat farm; wells are built and repaired, trees planted, work and animals provided to small farmers. ERD Christmas catalogs are on the table by the front doors. There are envelopes for your financial contribution to this ERD program in the catalog.
Looking Ahead • December 1 Bishop Nicholas Celebration • December 2 Advent Lessons and Carols • December 7 Carmel Music Society, Piano quartet • December 10 Orchestra in the Schools, Concert • December 13 Carmel Chamber, Smart Coffee • December 23 Greening of the Church • December 24 Christmas Eve Services • December 25 Christmas Day Service • December 30 Lessons and Carols at all three services • December 26-27 Church Office Closed • January 1 Church office Closed • January 19 Lexicon-Emerging Faith Language, A Presentation by Bp. Mary in Salinas • January 15 Newcomers Gathering • January 21 Martin Luther King Jr Day Office Closed • January 25 Trio Globo, A Concert presented by Music at All Saints'
Community - Continued from Page 5 Then on Saturday, December 22, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. you are encouraged to come to try a new trail on private property at the Santa Lucia Preserve. Meet at the church at 9:30 a.m. or at the Gate House to the Preserve at 9:45 a.m. at the end of Rancho San Carlos Road off of Carmel Valley Road. We will carpool to the trailhead. (If we have left when you get there, you are out of luck as it will be very difficult to find each other.) Bring a picnic lunch and we will eat in a lovely Redwood Grove, weather permitting. Hike will be re-scheduled if it rains. Call or email Claudia Ward 373-5069claudiajo@ redshift.com or Cynthia Spencer 520-260-5158 cms614@mac.com, if you plan to participate in either or both of these two hikes .
First Public Showing of Le Salon des Artistes Friday, November 16, was the first public showing of the varied works of Le Salon des Artistes, a newly formed group of artists here at All Saints' in Carmel-by-the-Sea. The show served both as a prelude and postlude to the Brasil Guitar Duo, the featured event of the November 16th Music at All Saints' concert series. The pre-show exhibit was open to the public beginning at 6:30 p.m. in Grant Hall on the All Saints’ campus, where the after glow party also provided an opportunity for concert-goers to view the varied collection of paintings, photographs, and collage. The flames of our outdoor heaters lighting the evening sky provided an exotic entrance. A colorful painting on an easel and a table of wine and cheese, as well as gracious hosts, enticed the visitors into Grant Hall to view the works of Salon members: Marcia Jeiroudi, Don Lonsbrough, Rodney Warren, Cynthia Spencer, Alex Collard, and Patty Gaglioti. The first showing was a success and art exhibits in Grant Hall, in conjunction with Music at All Saints', will continue in the future. Some of the works shown were for sale; others
were a donation for the evening from the artists' permanent collections. The Salon has only met three times but already five members sold works that were shown at the Silent Auction for the Monterey Jazz Festival in September and two members have paintings currently showing at the Miniatures Exhibit at the Monterey Museum of Art. Patty Gaglioti showed her oil landscapes at the Carmel Valley Village Art and Wine Walk the weekend following Thanksgiving.
Veteran of the Year One of our own was honored recently by the Monterey County Military and Veteran Affairs Advisory Commission as a Veteran of the Year. Claudia Ward served both in active and reserve duty as a US Army Lt. Colonel, with her service including being the Assistant Army Attache to the US Embassy in Madrid, Spain. She was cited for her work with All Saints’ (choir, harpist, Outreach Commission, Junior Warden, and Church School Coordinator with the Day School), member of Anne’s Web Spinning Guild and co-chair of the Wool Show and Auction at the Monterey County Fair, and as coordinator for the Nanyuki Spinners and Weavers in Kenya, a cooperative for widows in that county. Several members of All Saints’ attended the luncheon including: Nancy Jones, Rusty Ward, Claudia Ward, Jim Shillinglaw, and Dave McClendon. Please join us in congratulating Claudia.
Book Club The heroine of The Paris Wife by Paula McLain, All Saints’ Book Club read for December, is Hadley Richardson, the athletic, sturdily built, admittedly unfashionable homebody who married Ernest Hemingway in 1921. They were divorced in 1927. Hadley was, by all accounts, including this one, a very fine and decent person, but she was the doomed starter wife of a man who wound up treating her terribly. So why is the Book Club reading a story about someone who is described COMMUNITY - Continued on Page 14 the Patter December 2012 Page 11
All Saints' Youth Group
COMMUNITY - Continued from Page 11
Youth Groups: the Salt, Limitless and the Elements
as slow on the uptake, and a stodgy bore? It’s the endless fascination that Ernest Hemingway’s life still engenders.
We have three different weekly gatherings of Though deeply in love, the Hemingways were illyouth, with different purposes: prepared for the hard-drinking and fast-living life The Salt: Sundays 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Grades of Jazz Age Paris, which hardly values traditional 6-12 in the Youth Room. This is a chance for middle notions of family and monogamy. Once the school and high school youth who are interested Hemingways’ son is born Hadley’s situation rapidly in deepening their faith through questions and becomes untenable. Hard-partying bohemian expatriates don’t much like babies discussion to meet. Limitless: Sundays 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Grades 6-8 in the Youth Room. This is an activities based youth group for middle school. We play games and have discussions which encourage youth to use problem solving skills, team work, and to look beyond themselves to help others and the world, while exploring basic questions and concepts of faith. This is a great forum to invite friends, and seekers.
This is a work of literary tourism. It invokes an artist-packed Paris where “nearly anyone might feel like a painter.” It keeps Hadley so trusting and good-hearted that it’s impossible for the reader not to spot trouble—we get smart before she does. And it heats up a blaze of righteous indignation on her behalf.
The All Saints’ Book Club regularly meets in the church library the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. The The Elements: Mondays 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. review leader/presenter brings lettuce for a salad, and the Grades 9-12. In December the group will meet other participants bring something to place in the salad at Erik’s Deli in Monterey (next to Trader Joe’s). or food to share. This is a discussion group which meets at a café. Discussions are based on themes each Recent Visit from Bishop Mary month which parallel themes being dealt with Bishop Mary celebrated and preached on All in Limitless, but take the questions to a deeper Saints’ Sunday, November 4, at the 10:30 service. level. This is a great place to invite friends, and During the liturgy she blessed and commissioned seekers. those who are active in each of our five areas To RSVP or learn more about our youth ministry of ministry. She also blessed and commissioned or any of the opportunities below, please contact our five missions. The displays of our ministries Robin Denney at redenney@gmail.com or call her and missions in Seccombe Hall celebrated the many ways in which we glorify Christ and love at 805-835-8538. our neighbor.
Volunteer Search We are looking for more volunteers who are interested in helping with youth ministry. What skills or gifts do you have that you would like to share? Leading discussion, discipleship, hospitality, cooking, playing games… or more! Training will be provided as well as supervision by our team of youth leaders. Contact Robin Denney for more information.
A Successful Craft Fair In spite of the rain, the Fine Arts and Crafts Fair sponsored by All Saints’ on Saturday, November 17th turned out to be a success with many parishioners and visitors braving the disagreeable weather and finding a warm, dry place to enjoy shopping for strictly handmade goods in Seccombe Hall. Some vendors who had originally COMMUNITY - Continued on Page 14
Page 12 December 2012 the Patter
All Saints' Vestry The vestry is the board of the church, elected by the members to serve a three year term and oversee the management of the church. • Worship: Harrison Shields • Community: Bill Mattmiller • Discipleship: Mike Carter • Stewardship: Allan Groves • Outreach: Nancy Jones • Buildings and Grounds: Mike Carter • Strategic Planning: Ed Fincke • Finances: Nan Walker (chair), Ed Fincke, and Dave McClendon • Nan Walker, Junior Warden
Ed Finke
Nan Walker
Nancy Jones
Allan Groves
Michael Carter
Dave McClendon
Bill Mattmiller
Harrison Shields
Fr. Rick Matters
Jackie Graham
Marcia Jeiroudi
Ed Finke
Officers of the Parish • • • •
Fr. Rick Matters, Rector Ed Fincke, Senior Warden Jackie Graham, Treasurer Marcia Jeiroudi, Clerk of the Vestry
the Business the Vestry
The vestry has been busy throughout 2012 improving policies and process and overseeing church business. The balcony itself was no small project and their leadership has afforded the church to be able to complete a major capitol project that is not only aesthetically lovely but safe, practical and wise.
the Treasurer's Desk By now you have had time to review the status of your 2012 pledge. We ask that you make good on that pledge or send a note to the treasurer when you send in your 2013 pledge. Income Year-to-Date*
Pledge Income
Donation Income
Mission & Vision Income
Trust Revenues
Other Income
Total Income
Expenses Year-to-Date*
Total Expenses $553,251 *Year to date as of: November 14, 2012
Stewardship Quote Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others. - Augustine the Patter December 2012 Page 13
COMMUNITY - Continued from Page 12
STEWARDSHIP - Continued from Page 7
set up outside, found escape from the wind and rain under covered walkways near the hall and outside the Youth Room. The vendors appreciate this opportunity to participate with our parish, as we received more than a few comments from them about how well they are treated and how comfortable they feel among us. The parish benefits financially from this annual event as the rental fees charged for booth spaces find their way to various church groups, this year the Outreach Commission.
Other Campus Improvements
The Bake Sale with donations from parishioners was a sell-out, and the proceeds benefitted the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. Also, the luncheon donated and served by Aliceon Jones and crew was enjoyed by many, with proceeds going to Outreach. All of this activity would not be possible were it not for the many parish volunteers, and especially the kind help of Raul Garcia, our sexton, Dave McClendon, a “doing” kind of guy, and Greg Troxell, our administrator, all pitching in when and where needed. If you participated in any way or were an attendee, thank you for your contribution.
Carmel Chamber Workshops The Carmel Chamber of Commerce' Smart Coffee: Bright Ideas for Local Business will gather again at All Saints' in Grant Hall. The next workshop will be offered Thursday, December 13, from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. The speaker will be Todd Ganos from Integrated Wealth Counsel. For those of you unaware, Integrate Wealth Counsel, is the financial group that works so closely with All Saints' Foundation Trust Fund, and the Parish Investment Committee. For more information about the event, please contact Greg Troxell or visit the website for the Carmel Chamber www.carmelcalifornia.org.
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The walkway on Dolores is nearing completion. We should have the railing in by the time you receive this news letter. The lights in the library have been replaced. Three new fixtures make it easy to read a book or to see reports during meetings. The gardens in the front of Seccombe Hall have begun to be replanted. The old dirt was used to fill the garden area behind the patio bench where several roses donated by Jenny Nobis have greatly enhanced the hillside. Finally the driveway and street parking is getting an improvement to better accommodate handicapped drivers and ensure safety. Thanks also goes to Susan Britton, Britton Designs and Charlyne Brown, Sort it Out' for their gifts-in-kind and services rendered by their workers decorating and improving the church.
All Saints’ Episcopal Parish www.allsaintscarmel.org. information@allsaintscarmel.org Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Friday 9:00 a.m. – noon All Saints’ Episcopal Church
All Saints’ Episcopal Day School
Epiphany Lutheran & Episcopal Church
Santa Lucia Chapel & Campground, Big Sur
Ninth and Dolores PO Box 1296 Carmel, CA 93921
8060 Carmel Valley Road Carmel, CA 93923
425 Carmel Avenue Marina, CA 93933
PO Box 1296 Carmel, CA 93921
Phone: 831-624-9171 www.asds.org
Phone: 831-384-6323 www.epiphanymarina.org
Phone: 831-624-3883 www.allsaintscarmel.org
Phone: 831-624-3883 Fax: 831-624-1459 www.allsaintscarmel.org
Commission Chairs and Ministry Leaders
Claudia Ward Festival of Christian Spirituality The Rev. Rick Matters
Rector The Rev. Richard Matters
Senior Warden Ed Fincke (2013)
Deacon The Rev. James Booth
Junior Warden Nan Walker (2013)
Altar Flowers Mila Murphy
Wednesday Bible Study Greg Troxell
Assisting Priests The Rev. John Burk The Rev. Gwen Buehrens The Rev. Cynthia Spencer
Allan Groves
Altar Guild Valerie Warren
Sunday Morning Adult Education The Rev. Rick Matters
Associate Clergy at Epiphany The Rev. Jon Perez The Rev. Joan Anderson Assisting
Dave McClendon
Associate Priest at All Saints' Episcopal School The Rev. Holly Hudson-Louis
Parish Staff Gardener Pedro Cabrera Sexton Raul Garcia Youth Leader Robin Denney Nursery Maria Medina Director of Music Dr. Todd Samra Parish Administrator Greg Troxell Organist Richard Wilson Parish Office Volunteers Marcia Jeiroudi Jim & Izzi Shillinglaw Dave McClendon Marcia McCleary
Nancy Jones
Mike Carter
Bill Mattmiller
Harrison Shields Treasurer Jackie Graham
Acolytes Robin Denney
Clerk Marcia Jeiroudi (2013)
Committees of the Vestry, Liaisons Buildings & Grounds Mike Carter Finance Nan Walker Human Resources Dave McClendon Strategic Planning Ed Fincke Investment Committee / FTF Al Alvarez Parish Contractors
Bookkeeper Lin Sponsler Campground Caretaker Duane Fissell
Band Dr. Todd Samra
Ministry Discernment Greg Troxell
Drama Troupe Nancy Bernhard
2013 Pledge Team Ed Fincke
Ushers Bill Mattmiller & Mike Raggett
Planned Giving Ministry Allan Groves
Wedding Coordinators Diane Ellis & Elaine Stanton
Community Caring Ministries Robin Reyes Prayer Team Izzi Shillinglaw Eucharistic Visitors The Rev. Rick Matters Welcoming & Newcomers TBD Music at All Saints' Dr. Todd Samra Memorial Teas Gwynn Romano
Outreach Food Pantry Rosemary Smith I-Help Hans Lehmann Aliceon Jones Santa Lucia Campground Susan Sonthal & Izzi Shillinglaw St. Patrick’s, Haiti Rosemary Smith Epiphany Church, Marina The Rev. Joan Anderson All Saints’ Day School Liaison Judy Kirk
Book Club Kathy Nielsen
Discipleship Small Groups Greg Troxell The Friends of St. Benedict Bill Reed Godly Play Tracy Haack Library
the Patter December 2012 Page 15
All Saints’ Mission:
Disciples Glorifying Christ and Serving Others
All Saints’ Vision:
By God’s grace and mandate, our future honors and carries forward the sacred heritage of All Saints’ Parish. We are called to be a diverse community filled with vitality and enthusiasm that celebrates together around the wellspring of Holy Communion, in order to be refreshed and equipped by the Holy Spirit. Living God’s future today, we attract more and more people of all ages into our fellowship of love and Christian formation. From this place we send forth members and establish missions that glorify Christ, serve others, and offer God’s hope to the world. Phone: 831-624-3883
www.allsaintscarmel.org | information@allsaintscarmel.org
Rector, Wardens, and Vestrymen of
All Saints’ Parish Dolores and Ninth–PO Box 1296 Carmel, CA 93921
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