All Saints’
Parish The Fifth Sunday of Easter April 28, 2013
Made Wonderfully New By The Rev. Rick Matters Over and over again, God surprises us with an Easter life that is beyond our imagination. We’re left breathless with wonder by the way God makes all things new. Certainly Peter’s world was broken open by the risen Lord. His old world was rocked and his comfort level shattered, but turmoil was replaced with a gracious vision of inclusion. In the revelation to John we hear God saying, “Behold, I am making all things new.” The newness turns creation on its head, declaring that God dwells on earth, rather than in heaven.
In the Gospel lesson, Jesus repeats an old commandment to love, but he makes it new by adding the words, “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” Immediately before giving this command, Jesus ignored the role of master, tied a towel around his waist, and washed the disciples’ feet. What newness is God yearning to bring into your life? How might God desire to transform your relationships? How might you and I love others in a manner that helps God establish the new Jerusalem? I wonder.
Recommended Listening By Dr. Todd Samra Beethoven Symphony No. 9, Leonard Bernstein, conductor Ludwig van Beethoven and Leonard Bernstein were both influential figures in their respective times, each full of the wonder and glory of God. This is most evident in Beethoven's crowning magnum opus: the ninth symphony, which erupts with wonder in both his writing, and through Bernstein's interpretation. Today the choir sings Beethoven's anthem "The Heavens Are Telling" based on Psalm 19, followed by the congregation hymn "Joyful, Joyful," based on the final theme of the ninth symphony. Beethoven's musical achievements were not paralleled until the rise of The Beatles in 1963.
Today’s Lectionary Acts 11:1-18 Psalm 148 Revelation 21:1-6 John 13:31-35
Finding Wonder by Robin Denney The reading from Revelation today is often read at funerals. It is a hopeful picture of our future: God dwelling with us, wiping every tear from our eyes. The opportunity to dwell in wonder with God is not just a vision for our future. God invites us today into a different kind of existence. Do you want more joyful wonder in your life? Try starting each morning with a brief prayer asking God to reveal God’s presence to you that day. Then keep the eyes of your heart open. A heart which is fixed upon certainty cannot experience wonder. We must first let go of what we try to control, trust in God’s goodness, and then look for God’s presence. The more we look for God, the more God shows up in unlikely places, and the more we are changed by wonder.
Its’ All About Love by The Rev. Rick Matters Today’s Gospel lesson from John 13 follows the story of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples. Both texts communicate how we are to love others. By washing their feet, Jesus startled the disciples, but he also stimulated their ability to wonder about new possibilities. Love is enlivened by wonder. Through his resurrection, Jesus invites us to break through to wonder. Conversely, wonder opens us to the possibilities of new life in Christ. The dismantling of apartheid in South Africa is an example of godly wonder leading to new life. Bishop Tutu and others used the wonder of Christ’s love to transform relationships and change a nation. Closer to home, you might know of a couple who suffered a painful impasse, but who were able to renew their love by working through their misunderstandings. Such reconciliation is wonderful to behold, and demonstrates how God works through our openness to wonder.
Follow Jesus into Easter Joy Fifty days of Easter – April 1 through May 18, Follow the entire series on Sunday at 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Coming up: May 5 Break through to God’s Healing May 12 Break through to Freedom in the Redeemer
Pentecost begins on May 19, 2013. We encourage you to participate each Sunday and especially if you or a loved one are searching for the power to overcome challenges in life, seeking forgiveness, healing, the courage to serve, or become a stronger Christian – for “all things are possible with God” (Matthew 19:26).
Highlighted Events APR 30
Harrison Memorial Library, Local History Series at All Saints’
Small Bites for Big Hunger, fundraising event
Le Salon des Artistes
MAY 11-12
Youth group overnight
MAY 17
Music at All Saints’ presents Balázs Szokolay
Citizens of the City of God By The Rev. Rick Matters The Revelation to John ends with the vision of the City of God, the new Jerusalem, coming down to earth from heaven. This stirring vision communicates God’s purpose for creation. After the Garden of Eden, God set in motion the history of salvation that ends with a city. As the Church, we are citizens of the new Jerusalem and politicians representing the City of God to the world community.
Jesus Christ was not raised from the dead simply to achieve our personal salvation. Our purpose is to establish a society centered around the loving rule of God. Our baptism is an initiation into the politics of Jesus. The wonder of our faith is to influence our fellow citizens and our political leaders to make decisions based on self-sacrifice and respect for others, rather than on coercion or greed. By God’s grace the new Jerusalem is being established through us.
Engage with others in these joyful and transformative experiences.
Three Opportunities: June 7-9 The Gift of Poverty & Abundance September 23-26, and 27-29 Exclusion & Embrace - Living in Community
Today: High school youth will be having a bowling night from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Friends are welcome! Speak to Robin Denney after church, or contact her at 805835-8538 or Local History Lecture: Magnus Toren, Executive Director of the Henry Miller Library, will present the Cultural Heart of Big Sur in Seccombe Hall at All Saints’ on Tuesday, April 30 starting at 6:00 p.m.. More information online: Wednesday: Midweek Bible study is offered each Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in Grant Hall. We are currently studying the Book of Acts. Friday: Small Bites for Big Hunger—Join us in Seccombe Hall this Friday, May 3, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. for gourmet hors d’oeuvres, wine tasting, and silent and live auctions. Tickets (available at are $50. Evensong, a traditional Anglican service of music, prayer, and reflection, will be offered next Sunday at 5:30 p.m. The Feast of the Ascension will be observed with a Eucharist at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 9. The updated 2013 church directory is now available. Please stop by during regular office hours to obtain a copy. Sierra Service Project—Nine All Saints’ youth and two adults will be going on the SSP mission trip this summer! Can you help them raise the $5, 060 they will need? Write a check to All Saints’ and note “SSP” on the memo line. Interfaith Outreach of Carmel's Joining Hands Benefit Shop is in need of volunteers to work a few hours a week. To learn more about Joining Hands, talk to Sofia Osborne or Nancy Jones after church, or contact Sofia at or 620-2147. Names added to the parish prayer list will remain on the list for one month. If you wish to have the name(s) remain on the list after that time, please add them again or call the office at 624-3883. Sunday handout deadline—To be included in next Sunday’s handout, your announcement must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on the preceding Wednesday. Contact Andrea Matters at 624-3090 or
The Role of Wonder at All Saints’ By The Rev. Rick Matters All Saints’ is a community of wonder. The contours of the mystery of our faith are defined by the stories of the Bible, and are reinforced by the lives of the saints. Christian doctrine derives from the stories of God’s relationship with us. The Bible invites us to enter into relationship with Jesus Christ through the door of wonder, which requires us to leave behind concepts and explanations. There is little surprise about this leap of faith. We only have to look at any healthy, dynamic relationship to see
the wonder that generates love. Each week we gather as Christians in order to drink deeply from the wonder of God’s love. We know who God is, but we cannot put God into words or human concepts. Our best response is wonder, love, and praise.
Please pass this on to your family members and friends. Read more news online: WWW.ALLSAINTSCARMEL.ORG | 831-624-3883
All Saints’ Episcopal Church PO Box 1296 CARMEL, CA. 93921