The Weekly - Easter 2

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All Saints’

Parish SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 2013


Break Through to New Life Amazing things can be done through faith. Yet our Gospel story is one of my favorites precisely because it shows Thomas, one of the twelve closest to Jesus, having doubts. If Saint Thomas can have doubts without losing his faith, then it must be alright when I struggle with believing. Fortunately, we like Thomas have people around us to bring us along by their faith. And like Thomas, we can expect that God will

show up to help. We can also help keep our faith through times of doubt by holding on to certain 'nuggets' of faith, basic truths about the nature of God we can hold to when we don't understand the big picture. What are your 'faith nuggets'?

Recommended Reading By Father Rick Public Faith: How Followers of Christ Should Serve the Common Good by Miroslav Volf Volf offers a positive model for Christians to engage in a pluralistic society from a faith perspective. His suggestions avoid the two common pitfalls of either compromising our beliefs, or of legislating our practices in a coercive manner. He contrasts his model with that of Sayyid Qutb, whose writings serve as a guiding light to radical totalitarian Islamic states. Less than 150 pages, this book is readable and insightful.

Falling into Grace by Greg Troxell I grew up in a Christian home. My parents raised me attending an Episcopal Church. I served as an acolyte, sometimes for both services. Like Thomas I had followed Jesus, but my beliefs were practically non-existent, and my identity was wrapped up in other priorities. It wasn’t until I was in a crisis, a moral crisis, that threatened my health and my reputation, that I was ready to surrender my will, believe, and be a disciple. While God had not given up on me, I had not yet trusted God. Becoming a disciple was a wholehearted decision on my part. That day, walking home from school changed my entire life. In a flash, the significance of all the other expressions of God’s grace in my life became vividly significant. My doubts, my anger, my fears – they all faded away. Are you in need of grace? Touch his side and believe. Do more than show up and you will find new life.

Called to a Ridiculous Faith by Robin Denney When I lived in South Sudan, I was astounded by people's faith. People expected God to act powerfully in their world. In the lead up to the referendum in which Southerners had the chance to vote to secede, everything went wrong. One month before it seemed impossible that the referendum would happen, and the alternative was war. The Christians dedicated themselves to 40 days of fasting and prayer, and they had faith that God would act, and faith that people would commit themselves to peace. It was a ridiculous faith. Analysts laughed at them, but I realize through their example, that we are called to have faith that good and peace will prevail, that God will act, even when that faith is ridiculous. Our faith, and our prayers make a difference. Against all odds, the referendum was a peaceful and overwhelming success.

Highlighted Events APR 26

I-Help Dinner; volunteers and guests welcome


Small Bites for Big Hunger, fundraising event


Le Salon des Artistes

MAY 11-12

Youth group overnight

MAY 17

Music at All Saints’ presents Balázs Szokolay

Announcements  Sierra Service Project— 9 All Saints’ youth and 2 adults will be going on the SSP mission trip this summer! Help us raise $5,060 (check to All Saints’ memo: SSP)  Middle School Youth will be going to the movies April 14 following youth group. Invite friends! Contact Robin with questions.  High School Youth will be having a bowling night, April 28 5:00-7:00pm. Invite friends! Contact Robin with questions. Contact Robin Denney at or 805-835-8538.  Evensong, a traditional Anglican service of music, prayer, and reflection, will be offered today at 5:30 p.m.  Wednesday: Midweek Bible study is offered each Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in Grant Hall. We are currently studying the Book of Acts.

Having Faith in Others by Robin Denney Jesus had faith in Thomas, even when Thomas couldn't believe. Jesus went the extra mile to give Thomas the opportunity he needed in order to believe. Having faith in other people, especially in those who have broken our trust before, is a difficult thing. Having faith in another is not about trying to change them or blindly trusting them. Having faith in someone is choosing to see them the way that Jesus sees them, allowing your heart to be inspired by Jesus' faith. We are all broken people, we all make

mistakes, we all have our faults, but each one of us is a beloved child of God, tenderly loved and longed for by our Creator. Each one of us is called to follow Jesus, who asks of us two things: to love God, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Follow Jesus into Easter Joy Fifty days of Easter – April 1 through May 18 Sunday Services at 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. April 7 April 14 April 21 April 28 May 5 May 12

Break through to Faith Break through to Courage Break through to the Truth Break through into Wonder Break through to God’s Healing Break through to Freedom in the Redeemer

 Earth Day Celebration—On Sunday, April 21, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., Interfaith Outreach of Carmel will host “Joining Hands to Heal and Protect God’s Earth.” Gather with others at the Community Church of the Monterey Peninsula (4590 Carmel Valley Road, just one mile from Highway 1) for music, readings, prayers, learning, and fun.  Small Bites for Big Hunger—Save the date! Join us in Seccombe Hall Friday, May 3, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. for gourmet hors d’oeuvres, wine tasting, and silent and live auctions. Tickets (available at are $40 before April 25 and $50 thereafter.  The updated 2013 church directory is now available. Please stop by during regular office hours to obtain a copy.  Through your generous Lenten mite box offerings, you have made a difference in the very challenging lives of the children of St. Patrick’s, Haiti. Thank you!  Interfaith Outreach of Carmel's Joining Hands Benefit Shop is in need of volunteers to work a few hours a week. To learn more about Joining Hands, talk to Sofia Osborne or Nancy Jones after church, or contact Sofia at 620-2147 or  Names added to the parish prayer list will remain on the list for one month. If you wish to have the name(s) remain on the list after that time, please add them again or call the office (624-3883). 

All Together: A New Life of Faith By Fr. Rick Matters We hear Thomas insist that he needs to see Jesus and touch his wounds. Typically, we understand John 20:19-31 as teaching us to believe in Jesus without the need of scientific verification, but the story also teaches what it means to be the Church. Notice that the other disciples did not reject Thomas for his doubting. Neither did they back down from the bold claims about their new life in Christ. In fact, they demonstrated this new life by both claiming the authority with which Jesus anointed them,

and by staying close to Thomas. This is the breakthrough quality of the Gospel. It counters the tendency to make enemies of those who disagree with us. By affirming the specifics of the Christian faith in an inclusive manner, the disciples offered society a new way of flourishing. They demonstrated the Gospel to be invitational and relational, based on deep respect for others. At the same time, this model does not diminish the uniqueness of Jesus, nor quench our enthusiasm for proclaiming Christ’s saving grace. We are now those disciples.

Please pass this on to your family members and friends. Read more news online: WWW.ALLSAINTSCARMEL.ORG | 831-624-3883

All Saints’ Episcopal Church PO Box 1296 CARMEL, CA. 93921


Disciples Glorifying Christ And Serving Others

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