The Weekly 2-2-14

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All Saints’


The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany — February 2, 2014

We Present Jesus Christ –By The Rev. Rick Matters

Mary and Joseph presented Jesus at the Temple because he was “designated as holy to the Lord” (Luke 2:22). They offered a sacrifice, and both the priest, Simeon, and the prophet, Anna, praised God. Because his presentation confirmed Jesus as the Light of God, the blessing of candles became associated with this feast from early times. The Presentation is one of twelve feasts of our Lord observed throughout the year. Yet it is Joseph and Mary who initiated the action of presenting Jesus, and it is to them that we turn to find our response. For like them, we have received the Christ into our lives. We identify Jesus as holy to the Lord, our true light. We present Jesus by bringing him to the Temple called All Saints’. We also

Upcoming Birthday Celebrations February 4 February 10 February 13 February 16 February 17 February 20 February 24 February 25 February 26

Josh Green Alison Craig Linda Dowd, Gary Turner Dennis and Pinkie Terry LeAnn Keaton Frederick Stanley Nancy Collins John Stivers Schwartz Booth

Watch over thy children, O Lord,

as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their hearts may thy peace which passeth understanding abide all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving. Our sacrifice is not a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons, but ourselves, our life and our labor. The candles we bless today symbolize our sacrifice, and confirm our presentation of the Light. Afterwards, like his parents, we take Jesus home, and carry his light into the world.

Scripture lessons for today Malachi 3:1-4 Hebrews 2:14-18 Luke 2:22-40 Psalm 24:7-10

Scripture lessons for next week

Isaiah 58:1-9a, (9b-12) 1 Corinthians 2:1-12, (13-16) Matthew 5:13-20 Psalm 112:1-9, (10)

All Saints’  •  The Weekly

Rector’s Message Modified from the Parish Meeting All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Carmel, California | February, 2014 –By Fr. Rick Matters

In 2013 we took steps to strengthen the community of All Saints’. Shedding the governance responsibilities of Epiphany, the college campus ministry, and the Center for Christian Transformation not only simplifies our parish, but gives us time to enjoy current members and newcomers. For example, traveling to CSUMB to review the new Christian student club, or attending an Epiphany vestry meeting, pulled me away from serving as your priest and pastor. We completed this transfer last year, and remain outreach partners with Epiphany. Fr. Jon and the people of Epiphany are pleased with this step in maturity as they are recognized as a mission of the diocese. We demonstrated the vitality of being “holy partners in a heavenly calling” (Hebrews 3:1) by the manner in which the vestry and I managed challenging staff transitions. All of us grieved in a healthy manner, and perhaps no one grieved more than I. Yet by the grace of God some of our own immediately stepped forward to lead. Mother Cynthia took hold of Santa Lucia with her characteristic enthusiasm. Four newly-hired musicians, with our beloved Richard, now form our long-term music leadership team. Let us give hearty thanks for Kathy Kirkwood, Peter Tuff, Pam Lawrence, Anne Sibley, and Richard Wilson! The work of building community will continue under the leadership of the new vestry—and we have a great one! The first of the five initiatives published in September sets the agenda of empowering others to join the ministries that many of you are already undertaking. We start by creating more opportunities to get to know and enjoy each other, including new members. The spiritual basis of building community is to be more inclusive, and to help more people use their gifts and time to the glory of Christ and in loving service to others. Community involves first taking responsibility and then giving away or sharing it with others. The vestry and I are eager to work with you further to strengthen and enliven this wonderful community of holy partners. We will be undertaking a few additional changes this year, due to the fact that we ended 2013 in the red, as you can read in the reports. The majority of the shortage was due to unanticipated expenses, but the other part derived from unrealized growth. You can be proud of the finance committee and vestry, who worked hard to create a balanced and realistic budget for 2014. This responsible


and faithful budget will cause us to restructure our staff, but should result in a strong team. Our core qualities of love, respect, and faith in Jesus Christ have guided your vestry, staff, and others in building our future. Meanwhile, we have much for which to give thanks. High on our list of gratitude are our four associate clergy: Holly, John, Gwen, and Cynthia. We also ask you to join us in giving great thanks for our excellent staff: Greg, Robin, Raul, Maria, Pedro, Lin, and the five musicians already mentioned. The annual meeting began with many expressions of thanksgiving. We spent time sharing personal moments of grace at All Saints’ during the past year. I invite you to join us in naming those life-giving moments in your own experience that brought you joy and made you thankful. They can be momentous or ever so small. Write them down and send them to your vestry. At our vestry retreat we offered thanks for the God-moments collected during the meeting; we will read yours as part of the vestry’s opening prayer at our next meeting. Please pray, in turn, for the leaders you have elected. Introducing Your Vestry Bill Mattmiller 2014 Dave McClendon 2014 Elaine Stanton 2014 Mitzi Daly--2015 Frank Graham 2015 Wanda Green 2015 Sameera Sharif--2016 Susan Sonnthal--2016 Susan Stanton--2016 Treasurer, Jackie Graham Clerk: TBA Rector: The Rev. Rick Matters Introducing our Senior Warden Wanda Green Introducing your Delegates to Diocesan Convention Grace Swearingen Elizabeth McInnis Louis Powell Susan Stanton Lorrie Sizemore

All Saints’  •  The Weekly

Hope Springs Eternal –By Greg Troxell

They were harsh times, yet the blessing of the baby Jesus was about to unwrap blessing to the world. The coming of the messiah was a fulfillment of ancient prophecies and God’s original intent for the well-being of all humanity. Hope springs eternal, and out of darkness light seems the brightest. Our individual, relational, and corporate aspirations reside deep in our souls. Sometimes hidden from view, secretly they reside, in the darkness, but if we have the courage to bring them forth, to present them to God, we will likely experience the blessing of God and then be able to be a blessing to others. May God give us such comfort in the knowledge of his goodness and mercy, that we would have the courage to share our hopes and our dreams with one another. Then, with graciousness and mercy abiding among us, we can go forth hand-in-hand to assist one another and present ourselves, our souls and bodies together to the glory of God.

St. Patrick’s Mission Locorbe, Haiti Stay in touch and suppot our mission partner Fr. Père Amirold Lazard’who visited All Saints’ last week. He is a graduate of the Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church of Haiti, one of some fourty eight priests who minister to the 86,000 members throughout the Diocese, making it the largest diocese of the Episcopal Church - seven times larger than the Diocese of El Camino Real. The diocese of Haiti has 120 parishes and missions and almost as many church schools. The four PreK and K-6schools are under Fr. Amirold’s guidance are: • Saint Mathias,parish and school, Thomonde • Saint Paul, station and school, Caracol • Saint Patrick, mission and school, Locorbe • Saint Etienne, station and school, Salmadere Rev. Amirold Lazard St. Matthias, Église Épiscopale d'Haiti. Thomonde, Centre. Phone: 3780 2217 / 3320 4125 Skype: amilazard

Intercessory Prayer and Care –By Greg Troxell

The Church is to be the presence of Christ in this world and proclaim the Gospel. As the Church is made up of all believers, we then are called to listen, discern, and help our friends and those that come into our lives accept God’s grace in Jesus Christ and live lives according to His purpose. There are people hungry, who lay and wait with longing for God’s loving grace. Sociological studies show that capitalism is not instilling freedom or happiness. The materialistic pursuit is simply enslaving people to a different force and it offers no long-term satisfaction. Cultivating a life of prayer and expectation is among the most critical disciplines of the Christian life. When heartfelt, the activity re-orients our lives as God’s Word transforms our mind. In the discipline of intercession (prayer for others), it calms our senses knowing that God is God and we are not. In the end, as the saying goes, it all gets better, if its not better yet, then keep on praying.



Sundays through February 9: Matthew in the Morning—Join us at 9:30 a.m. in Seccombe Hall. Evensong, a traditional Anglican service of music, prayer, and reflection, will be offered today at 5:30 p.m. Monday: The Gospel of Matthew class has its final meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the library. Wednesday: Join us for Bible study from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. in Grant Hall as we explore Jesus’ life in a chronological study of the Gospels. Wednesday: Christian yoga with Beth Lefebvre at 6:30 p.m. in Seccombe Hall. Friday: Joining Hands Benefit Shop will be having a Jewelry Affaire at 4:00 p.m. The event lasts all weekend long, and it’s a great place to find vintage and antique jewelry just in time for Valentine’s Day. Joining Hands, located at 26358 Carmel Rancho Lane near the Barnyard, is run by Interfaith Outreach of Carmel, of which All Saints’ is a founding member. For more information, contact 293-8140 or joininghandscarmel@

Prayers for South Sudan—Fr. Rick has designated February 9 to 16 as a week of prayer for peace in South Sudan and elsewhere. Robin Denney will lead a forum about the conflict on Sunday, February 16, in Seccombe Hall at 9:00 a.m. At that time we also hope to present information about the nationwide relief campaign for South Sudan being spearheaded by Episcopal Relief and Development. Pastoral care transportation help—The pastoral care team is putting together a list of potential drivers for members who need help with transportation, such as for a medical appointment. If you’d be willing to occasionally give a fellow member a lift, please contact Susan Stanton via the office. Sunday handout deadline—To be included in next Sunday’s handout, your announcement must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on the preceding Wednesday. Most special parish events are included in the announcements for three weeks before they occur. Contact Andrea Matters at or 624-3090.

Highlighted Events and Meetings February 2 Youth Group Evensong February 3 Outreach Commission The Gospel of Matthew: Strategic Planning February 4 Moms & Tots All Saints’; Singers Rehearsal February 5 Bible Study Young Mothers Group Yoga February 8 Worship Commission Read more news online at: and join share your own stories of faith, joy and service with us on Facebook, Twitter and GooglePlus.

All Saints’ Parish Disciples Glorifying Christ and Serving Others

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