The Weekly 2-9-14

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All Saints’


The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany — February 9, 2014

The Light of Peace –By The Rev. Rick Matters

Jesus concludes the Beatitudes by pronouncing that we are the light of the world. This light is not our own greatness, but the love of Jesus Christ kindled in our lives. Together we form a shining city that summons people everywhere to live justly and walk humbly with one another. I experienced Lagos, Nigeria, as a city with power to both darken and enlighten its people and the world. In the 1960’s I discovered the brightness of its seeming innocence, as well as the gloom of Nigeria’s civil war. Today cities in South Sudan lie blackened, with their people killed or exiled. Our sacred duty is to extend the light of Jesus Christ across continents and oceans so that God may restore South Sudan to peace.

Upcoming Birthday Celebrations February 10 February 13 February 16 February 17 February 20 February 24 February 25 February 26

Alison Craig Linda Dowd, Gary Turner Dennis and Pinkie Terry LeAnn Keaton Frederick Stanley Nancy Collins John Stivers Schwartz Booth

Watch over thy children, O Lord,

as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their hearts may thy peace which passeth understanding abide all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Today we begin a week of prayer for peace in South Sudan and around the world. The power of our prayers is not measured by our spiritual depth. No one need wax eloquent or speak in the tongues of angels. We only need to pray with simple faith, hope, and love. God will ignite a city brilliant with peace extending from Carmel in the United States to Bentiu in Unity State, South Sudan.

Scripture lessons for today

Isaiah 58:1-9a, (9b-12) 1 Corinthians 2:1-12, (13-16) Matthew 5:13-20 Psalm 112:1-9, (10)

Scripture lessons for next week Wisdom 3:1-9 Psalm 116:10-17 Hebrews 10:32-39 Matthew 24:9-14

All Saints’  •  The Weekly

Peace Within –By Fr. Rick Matters

“When I came to you...I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And I came to you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling,” writes Paul. Paul appreciated the Corinthians by recognizing the presence of God in them. By knowing Jesus Christ in them, Paul discovered their true humanity, and fell in love with them. And likewise, by approaching his brothers and sisters in weakness and humility he showed them his true human self, rather than some projection of a super-apostle. Our interior life is similar. By approaching our self in the fear and trembling of our weaknesses, we come into relationship with our true humanity. There is no longer need for pretense or denial. The person we are inside is at once weaker and more vulnerable than we want to admit, and also more beautiful and innocent than we dare imagine. By falling in love with our true self we know nothing except Jesus Christ…for he loves that authentic self.

Life & Hope in South Sudan Please join us next Sunday, February 16 from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in Seccombe Hall for this adult forum led by Robin Denney. Prepare for the forum by visiting the website of The American Friends of the Episcopal Church in the Sudan

In Relationship with Your Vestry –By Fr. Rick Matters

During our retreat, your vestry became a new family within the larger body of All Saints’ as we worked to light our lamp and place it on a lampstand for the benefit of the parish. Please contact any of us, and join us in praying for those whom we serve. The Rev. Rick Matters, rector (, 209-327-1134) Wanda Green, senior warden (, 831-708-8397) Mitzi Daly, junior warden (, 831-620-6553) Jacklyn Graham, treasurer (, 831-625-7800) Marcia Owen Jeiroudi, clerk pro-tem (, 831-626-8257) Frank Graham (, 425-231-7095) Bill Mattmiller (, 831-302-7106) David McClendon (, 831-624-1509) Elaine Stanton (, 831-622-9010) Susan Stanton (, 602-622-0682) Sameera Sharif (, 650-862-8782) Susan Sonnthal (, 831 233-2757)


All Saints’  •  The Weekly

All things through God –By Robin Denney

“Is not this the fast that I choose:
to loose the bonds of injustice...” Our devotion to God leads us out into the world. We come together and are fed by the Eucharist; we are challenged and we grow through our interaction with scripture and with the community; then we are sent out into the world. Personal devotion is not enough. If we devote ourselves to God, then we cannot turn a blind eye to injustice and oppression. But the opposite is also true. In order to do the work of breaking the yoke of oppression and injustice, we must be fed by our devotion to God. In Western society especially there is the temptation to rush ahead on our own steam and believe ourselves capable of fixing all that is wrong. Yes, we are called, but it is not by our own strength that we work for justice, it is through our relationship with God, from daily devotion and weekly participation in Christian community, that we are given the strength, the humility, and the peace that we need to fulfill that call.

You are the light –By Robin Denney

End Hunger – 2014 Lenten Study – Readings, reflections, and prayers for the days of Lent 2014. This e-book has been prepared by the Society of St. Andrew. “Gleaning America’s fields ~ feeding America’s hungry” can be read online by visiting this page on our website: http://www.

“You are the light of the world.” We are the light of the world? That can be a scary thought. A city on a hill is a vulnerable thing. And what if we fall into temptation, lead others astray, or forget what it means to be the light? Christians from the Apostles onward have made mistakes. We are not perfect, and yet Christ who is perfect is with us, and shines through us, taking our imperfect attempts, teaching us, and bearing fruit in us. In the years since I’ve returned from being a missionary, I have found it difficult, in the relative comfort of life in the United States, to stay connected to my need for God, and the source of Christ’s light within me. Yet when I look to the stories of the Saints, and when I look to the witness of the Church around the world and especially in South Sudan at the moment, I am inspired to remember that Christ’s light shines brilliantly when we call upon him, and in our time of trouble there is no darkness that can overcome it. We are called out into the world, following that light, to live in prayer, in love, and in solidarity.



This week: prayers for South Sudan—Fr. Rick has designated February 9 to 16 as a week of prayer for peace in South Sudan and elsewhere. The Episcopal Church, joining with several other denominations, has called for a national day of prayer for South Sudan on Sunday, February 16. On that day, Robin Denney will lead a forum about the conflict in Seccombe Hall at 9:00 a.m. We also hope to present information about the nationwide relief campaign for South Sudan being spearheaded by Episcopal Relief and Development.

Pastoral care transportation help—The pastoral care team is putting together a list of potential drivers for members who need help with transportation, such as for a medical appointment. If you’d be willing to occasionally give a fellow member a lift, please contact Susan Stanton via the office.

Wednesday: Join us for Bible study from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. in Grant Hall as we explore Jesus’ life in a chronological study of the Gospels.

Sunday handout deadline—To be included in next Sunday’s handout, your announcement must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on the preceding Wednesday. Most special parish events are included in the announcements for three weeks before they occur. Contact Andrea Matters at or 624-3090.

Wednesday: Christian yoga with Beth Lefebvre at 6:30 p.m. in Seccombe Hall. Save the date! Mark your calendar for our annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper on March 4.

All Saints’ online —Visit for more news and information. Share your own stories of faith, joy and service with our members on Facebook, Twitter and GooglePlus.

Highlighted Events and Meetings February 9-16 Week of Prayer for Peace in South Sudan and Around the World February 10

Le Salón des Artistes

February 11

All Saints’; Singers Rehearsal

Book Club

February 12

Bible Study

Yoga February 14

Santa Lucia Commission

February 15

Santa Lucia Work Party

February 16

Adult Forum: South Sudan

February 18

Buildings & Grounds Committee meeting

Finance Committee meeting

All Saints’ Parish Disciples Glorifying Christ and Serving Others

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