The Weekly 1-26-14

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All Saints’


The Third Sunday after the Epiphany — January 26, 2014

Following in the company of the light By The Rev. Rick Matters

In today’s gospel, Jesus moves from Nazareth to Capernaum, calls his first disciples, and begins to travel throughout Galilee. Through this movement Jesus eagerly brings the light of God to people near and far. Of course, Jesus is God from God and light from light, as the creed declares. At the same time we ourselves bear that light, because we are created in the image of God. When we take time to look deeply and gratefully within another, we recognize the spark of God, and fall in love with that person. This light is given to Christians in a special way through the gift of the Holy Spirit, ignited within us at our baptism, present as we gather for worship, and shining wherever we go. Recognizing the light in others causes the light within to shine more brightly. By building meaningful relationships

Upcoming Birthday Celebrations January 26 January 27 January 30 February 2 February 4 February 10 February 13 February 16 February 17 February 20 February 24 February 25 February 26

Umi Hongo, Norman Parris Tom Fontenay Raul Garcia Leontine Turner Josh Green Alison Craig Linda Dowd, Gary Turner Dennis and Pinkie Terry LeAnn Keaton Frederick Stanley Nancy Collins John Stivers Schwartz Booth

we fulfill the command to love one another. Today, Christ’s light shines through our guest preacher, Père Amirold Lazard, who has traveled to us from St. Patrick’s in Haiti. He travels all this way not to preach, but to fall in love with us. Let us see and appreciate the light of Christ within him.

Scripture lessons for today

Isaiah 9:1-4 Psalm 27:1, 5-13 Matthew 4:12-23 1 Corinthians 1:10-18

Scripture lessons for next week Malachi 3:1-4 Hebrews 2:14-18 Luke 2:22-40 Psalm 84


Sundays through February 9: Matthew in the Morning—Because of the parish meeting and potluck lunch, no pancakes will be served today; the class will begin as usual at 9:30. If we have volunteer pancake chefs, breakfast will resume next week at 9:00 a.m.—sign up today! The sign-up sheet is on the table in the back of the church. Today: Please welcome Fr. Amirold Lazard of St. Patrick’s church and school in Haiti. Fr. Lazard will be preaching at all three services today. If you wish to make a donation to St. Patrick’s, checks can be made out to “All Saints’ Church, MEMO: Haiti.” Today: Our annual parish meeting begins with a potluck lunch at 11:30 a.m. in Seccombe Hall. We’ll receive annual reports, elect vestry members and diocesan delegates, and address the joys and challenges of our common life. Monday: The Gospel of Matthew class meets at 7:00 p.m. in the library. Wednesday: Join us for Bible study from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. in Grant Hall as we explore Jesus’ life in a chronological study of the Gospels. Wednesday: Christian yoga with Beth Lefebvre at 6:30 p.m. in Seccombe Hall. Prayers for South Sudan—Fr. Rick has designated February 9 to 16 as a week of prayer for peace in South Sudan and elsewhere. Robin Denney will lead a forum about the conflict on Sunday, February 16, in Seccombe Hall at 9:00 a.m. At that time we also hope to present information about the nationwide relief campaign for South Sudan being spearheaded by Episcopal Relief and Development.

Pastoral care transportation help—The pastoral care team is putting together a list of potential drivers for members who need help with transportation, such as for a medical appointment. If you’d be willing to occasionally give a fellow member a lift, please contact Susan Stanton via the office. Guest Room for Provincial Guests—We will be hosting a training conference for Province VIII of the Episcopal Church wein participants will learn skills ot start new churches and build community. It is a select group of people so we only anticipate 15 registrants. Some will prefer hotels others would appreciate free housing as a domestic missionary in training. If you would be willing to offer your guest room for an individual or couple please contact Greg Troxell by phone or email him at Sunday handout deadline—To be included in next Sunday’s handout, your announcement must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on the preceding Wednesday. Most special parish events are included in the announcements for three weeks before they occur. Contact Andrea Matters at or 624-3090.

Highlighted Events and Meetings January 26 January 27 January 27 January 28 January 29 January 29 January 30 January 31 February 1 February 1 February 2 February 3 February 3 February 3 February 4 February 4 February 5 February 5 February 5 February 8

Annual Meeting Strategic Planning Meeting The Gospel of Matthew All Saints’ Singers Rehearsal Wednesday Morning Bible Study Class Yoga Mutual Ministry Review Vestry Retreat Vestry Retreat 8th Annual Women’s Ball Pancakes & The Gospel of Matthew Outreach Commission Meeting Strategic Planning Meeting The Gospel of Matthew Moms & Tots All Saints’ Singers Rehearsal Wednesday Morning Bible Study Class Young Mother’s Covenant Group Yoga Worship Comission

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