The Weekly 06/16/13

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All Saints’


Forgiven in the Power of the Spirit

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost • June 16, 2013

The Kiss of Peace By The Rev. Rick Matters

Forgiveness brought deep peace to the notorious sinner in today’s Gospel lesson (Luke 7:36-8:3). The unfortunate religious leaders experienced no forgiveness, because they did not weep tears of repentance. Without forgiveness, they resorted to violence. Our society’s infatuation with violence speaks volumes about the need we have to be forgiven at the deepest levels of our souls. We need to weep tears of repentance, and to receive the forgiveness of God by adoring Jesus Christ. Only then will we be prepared to give away the forgiveness we have received by exchanging a kiss of peace.

Scripture Lessons Today 2 Samuel 11:26-12:10, 13-15 Psalm 5:1-8 Galatians 2:15-21 Luke 7:36-8:3

Scripture Lessons for Next Week 1 Kings 19:1-15a Psalm 42 Galatians 3:23-29 Luke 8:26-39

The kiss of peace we urgently need to exchange today is with those who perpetuate gun violence. Last spring I carried the All Saints’ banner in a march against gang violence in Salinas. We walked by the site where a teen was gunned down in his own neighborhood. When my arms got tired, a youth helped carry our banner. Let us not get frozen in an ideologically politicized debate like that of the Pharisees. For the peace of Christ originates in his forgiveness, which we receive with joyful gratitude by giving it away.

Recommended Reading: Les Misérables By Robin Denney

The book by Victor Hugo which was made into movies (1998 and 2012) and a Broadway musical entitled Les Misérables, is a story that captures the radical nature of Christ’s forgiveness in the epic tale of the life of Jean Valjean. Valjean’s life is redeemed when a priest whom he steals from, shows him a forgiveness that comes from Christ. Valjean commits his life to that radical forgiveness, which is severely tested by vindictive characters, and a set of terrible circumstances. Despite being given every opportunity and motive to embrace revenge, Valjean always chooses forgiveness. It is a beautiful story which shows how radical and how life-giving forgiveness can be, even in the midst of extreme tragedy and in the face of death.

All Saints’  •  The Weekly

Forgiveness Unburdens Us By Robin Denney

In the Gospel reading today we heard a story about the experience of being forgiven. The woman who is a notorious sinner, is so grateful for forgiveness that she showers Jesus’ feet with her tears. The word “sin” sometimes makes us feel uncomfortable since it has been used by others to condemn people and point fingers. However, if we can’t acknowledge our own sinfulness, then we cannot experience the joy that the woman experienced in being forgiven. Our brokenness, all that we have done to others, all the times we have turned from God, the times we have placed things or success above people and above God, the weight of these things bears down on us, and it is only when we recognize it that we can set it down at Jesus’ feet, that we can joyfully receive the sweet freedom of forgiveness.

Forgive and be Forgiven By Robin Denney

Each time we say the Lord’s Prayer, we are reminded that we are called to forgive others as God forgives us. When I was younger, I thought that meant God would only forgive us if we forgave others, but I no longer think of forgiveness as quid pro quo. We cannot open our hearts to fully receive forgiveness if we continue to harbor hearts hardened by hatred or vengeance toward another person. Forgiving as God forgives is a tall order for us mortals, but we are not intended to do it alone. Forgiveness is not something we just do once, but something we practice each day. When the hurt is so deep forgiveness seems impossible, we can begin by praying that God would give us the desire to forgive. Once we have the desire, we can pray for God to plant forgiveness in our hearts.

Summer Services at Santa Lucia Sunday, July 7, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. Mother Cynthia will begin summer services at Santa Lucia Chapel.


Tech Camp is one of the All Saints’ Day School Fun in the Sun summer programs that provides children in grades Kindergarten through eigth a wide range of activities and experiences that emphasize fresh air and using their two hands to create things. Sports and games, performing arts, and music are complemented by learning adventures and arts and crafts, including painting and sewing. To learn more visit:

Friends of Epiphany Dinner Saturday, June 22 “Many Cultures, Many Nations, All Children of God” is the theme for the 2013 Friends of Epiphany Dinner. Buy your tickets online at

This Bible study is based on a synoptic and chronological study of the four Gospels. Together we will study and learn from the Jesus’ life and ministry and learn more about being disciples. Starting: When: Time: Wherea:

June 5, 2013 Wednesday mornings 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. All Saints’ Church in Grant Hall

To learn more plese contact Greg Troxell,

All Saints’  •  The Weekly

Episcopalians Against Gun Violence By The Rev. Rick Matters

The Bishop of Oklahoma, the Rt. Rev. Edward Konieczny, who once strongly opposed stricter gun control laws, is changing his views1. Gun violence is a subject about which he has intimate knowledge. He worked in law enforcement for eighteen years in Southern California before being ordained, and was twice decorated for distinguished service. Bishop Konieczny was part of a team of officers who shot and killed a convicted rapist who had escaped from prison. In 1991 a man with a history of mental illness pointed a rifle at Konieczny’s head and pulled the trigger. The gun misfired. The bishop has a concealed carry permit and sometimes takes a gun when he travels in isolated areas of the state. He believes that the United States needs to have a reasoned conversation about existing privacy laws, about movies and video games that desensitize children to violence, and about loopholes in the law that allow the sale of guns at gun shows without proper background checks. At the same time, he said, “We need not vilify gun owners nor make it unduly difficult to purchase and register a weapon.” He concludes, “We must proceed with humility, but we must proceed.” 1. full article found on

How to Practice Forgiveness By The Rev. Rick Matters

Jesus’s mission on earth was forgiveness leading to peace. We hear this mission in the first public message of Jesus, “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand” (Mark 1:15). As we repent, we are forgiven; being forgiven, we receive peace. As the church practices forgiveness, we embody God’s peace. When we exchange the peace of Christ during the liturgy, the ritual prefigures our mission during the coming week of extending God’s forgiveness. Forgiveness led the woman in today’s Gospel lesson to true peace, whereas the religious leaders resorted to violence because they could not forgive. The violence rampant in our society increases our urgency to practice forgiveness. Not only can we produce peace by forgiving others, but we can reverse the process by advocating peace. Join me as an Episcopalian who is opposed to gun violence. The organization called Episcopalians Against Gun Violence brings together Episcopalians with different perspectives into a common faith-based effort to reduce gun violence. We seek fewer deaths and yearn to usher in Christ’s peace.


Announcements The Friends of St. Benedict will meet this Wednesday, June 19, in the library from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. for study and prayer. Our aim is to integrate the wisdom of monastic life and spiritual theology into our everyday lives as christians. We meet the third Wednesday of every month, and all are welcome. Friday: Taizé at Epiphany, Marina—Created by French protestant monks in 1940, Taizé worship is peaceful, prayerful, introspective, and deeply moving. The service is built around simple sung melodies accompanied by acoustic instruments. This Friday, June 21, Epiphany will offer a Taizé service from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. The church is located in Marina, at the intersection of Carmel and California.

All Saints’ Episcopal Parish Ninth and Dolores PO Box 1296 Carmel, CA 93921 Phone: 831-624-3883 Fax: 831-624-1459

Interfaith Outreach of Carmel’s Joining Hands Benefit Shop is in need of volunteers to work a few hours a week. To learn more about Joining Hands, talk to Sofia Osborne or Nancy Jones after church, or contact Sofia at 6202147 or All Saints’ is a founding member of IOC. Counter needed—Counters are those who each week count all the monies received by the church and deposit the receipts in our bank account. To be a counter, you need to be available on Mondays from about 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. so that you can do the counting in company with our bookkeeper, Lin Sponsler. No computer skills are needed or used—Lin takes care of that. There are presently three counters: Nan Walker, Warren Bartle, and

Mike Raggett. Please contact Mike at 831-620-0638 if you would be willing to join the team. Thanks! The updated 2013 church directory is now available. Please stop by during regular office hours to obtain a copy. Names added to the parish prayer list will remain on the list for one month. If you wish to have the name(s) remain on the list after that time, please add them again or call the office (624-3883). Sunday handout deadline—To be included in next Sunday’s handout, your announcement must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on the preceding Wednesday. Contact Andrea Matters at andreamatters@ or 624-3090.

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