The Weekly 10/13/13

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All Saints’


Twentyfirst Sunday after Pentecost October 13, 2013

Delight in Serving with Gratitude By The Rev. Rick Matters

One day Jesus demonstrated the gratitude welling up in his heart by healing ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19). Of the ten who were healed, one returned to offer gratitude to Jesus. That exchange of gratitude increased everyone’s delight. God invites us to this never-ending exchange of gratitude, which has its source in Holy Communion. Last week we heard the disciples ask Jesus to increase their faith. We might translate that request today as “Increase our delight.” We then take seriously the example of Jesus and the leper by exchanging gratitude with one another. This exchange is lived out in the partnership we are undertaking with Church of the Wayfarer that will increase our distribution of food. The financial gifts and pledges for 2014 that we will commit on All Saints’ Sunday also enliven our gratitude.

Scripture Lessons Today 2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c Psalm 111 2 Timothy 2:8-15 Luke 17:11-19

Scripture Lessons for Next Week Genesis 32:22-31 Psalm 121 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 Luke 18:1-8


How Might I Delight You, O Lord? By The Rev. Rick Matters

I recommend the spiritual exercise of stopping to pray before making a commitment of giving for 2014. Here is how it could work: Place a blank pledge card on your refrigerator, and then stop in front of it every time you pass by or open the refrigerator, in order to offer the following prayer, “How might I delight you, O Lord?” Taking time to pray before responding to the vestry’s request for pledges will help your decision be more of an offering to God. I strive for my pledge to express my gratitude to God and my gratitude for you, the people of All Saints’.

All Saints’  •  The Weekly

Preventative Medicine

Highlighted Events and Meetings

Today’s readings aim to teach us that our souls and our feelings can be restored to health when we allow God’s grace to enter deep within us. The grace of God, when internalized, transforms our being from within. This is by far better than simply controlling our behavior, suppressing or ignoring our illness.

October 16 October 18 October 19 October 20 October 20 October 23 October 25 October 26 October 26 November 2 November 23

By Greg Troxell

Our theme for today, “Delight in Serving with Gratitude,” is also possible as we unclutter our souls and extricate ourselves from our own lack of forgiveness, our hatred, our envy, and our pride. Even scientists and doctors recognize the power of graciousness to self and others. We are all in the process of being renewed as we read, mark, and inwardly digest the Word of God. for “…all his precepts are trustworthy…” (Psalm 111:7). When you struggle with bitterness, or seek revenge, or hold back goodness, stop and consider the graciousness of God. Soak it in and let His power and goodness fill you, transform you from within, and then feel the strife fade away. If you don’t feel that grace, spend a few hours each week reading your Bible and a few moments every day in prayerful companionship with Jesus. You’ll find that it’s good preventative medicine, and soon you’ll hear Jesus say the same words to you, “Get up and go on your way; your faith has made you well” (Luke 17:19)

Pause in Gratitude By Robin Denney

Ten people afflicted by a disease that put them on the margins of society, out of relationship with the whole, approach Jesus asking for mercy. Jesus tells them to go and show themselves to the priests, and as they go, they are healed. If a healed person wanted to re-enter relationship with the community, the law required as a first step that they go to the priest. Nine of the ten proceed following the instructions of Jesus and the law, but one does not. The Samaritan, a foreigner who is not bound by Jewish law, turns back filled with joy to worship at Jesus’ feet. The other nine were so obsessed with the rules about re-entering relationship with the community, that they did not take time to enter into relationship with the one who healed them. Yes, they were technically doing what Jesus said, but they were not listening to their hearts; they were not showing gratitude to the one who gave them new life. How many of us go through each day focused on the tasks at hand, and forget to pause in awe and gratitude to God for the greatest gifts of this life: love, mercy, relationships, forgiveness and wholeness.


Yoga for All Ages Taizé at Epiphany Picnic for Newcomers Episcopal School Sunday Youth Beath Party Friends of St. Benedict I-Help Dinner All Saints’ Fall Festival Helathy Saints Hike Santa Lucia Work Party All Saints’ Fine Arts & Craft Faire

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Thanksgiving Pies from Gizdich Ranch.

Make Thanksgiving preparation a little easier and support All Saints’ Day School by ordering your Apple, Olallieberry or Pumpkin pies, fresh-frozen from Gizdich Ranch. Orders must be placed ONLINE ONLY by Thursday, October 24th, and will be ready for pickup at All Saints’ Day School on Friday, November 22, at noon (after the Shakespeare performance). The price is $16.00 per pie. More information can be found on the church website at:

Friends of St. Benedict October 23 Our aim is to integrate the wisdom of monastic life and spiritual theology into our everyday lives as Christians. For more information about the Friends of St. Benedict, please contact Claudia Ward by calling 831-3735069.

All Saints’  •  The Weekly

Just a little By Greg Troxell

“Delight in Serving with Gratitude” – it’s more than a trite title in this series. It’s a game- changing way of living in this community that will empower you to make a difference in the lives of others. It’s sad, the number of people we see and know who are in need. Hungry, homeless, sick, frail, emotionally or economically bereft, lonely; the list goes on. What can be done? What needs to be done? What are you willing and wanting to do, or doing already? I hope the answer is on the tip of your tongue. The time for action is has come. The time to join hands and join forces, letting go of institutional and individual pride and selfishness, is upon us now. Organizations such as Joining Hands are doing their part by engaging people throughout the community. Are you willing to help or simply give a little from your excess to help clothe others? Our own food pantry and the one being developed in Big Sur at Santa Lucia Mission and Campground are making a difference – would you give from your excess to keep the shelves full and fill the bodies of those less fortunate with healthy food? Beyond material things, would you be willing to reconnect with an old friend or member of All Saints’ and ask how life has been treating them, listening and showing the compassion of Christ? Just a little can go a long way.

Location, Location, Location By The Rev. Rick Matters

One of the important features of today’s Gospel message in Luke 17:11-19 is location. Jesus and his followers were at the gate of the village. We know this because lepers were outcasts and were not permitted within the walls of the town. Jesus leads us out the doors of the church into the marketplace, and even beyond the village or town in which we dwell. We are led to the fringes, where people are hurting. We bring the voice and heart of Jesus as we care for them. Jesus sent the ten lepers to the temple in order to verify that they were clean, and could thus return to their homes. However, the Samaritan could not partake of the ritual purifications, because he was not permitted in the temple. This outcast set the example by kneeling at the feet of Jesus and praising God. We offer our gratitude in the church so that we can be sent out to delight in serving those who are outcast or in need. Please bring your 2014 pledge so that we can celebrate God’s abundance and make wise plans for another year of ministry together.



Wednesday: Bible study from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. in Grant Hall. Friday: Taizé at Epiphany, Marina—Created by French protestant monks in 1940, Taizé worship is peaceful, prayerful, introspective, and deeply moving. The service is built around simple sung melodies accompanied by acoustic instruments. This Friday, October 18, Epiphany will offer a Taizé service from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. The church is located in Marina, at the intersection of Carmel and California. Episcopal Schools Sunday will be observed on October 20 at the 10:30 service, when we welcome students and staff from All Saints’ Day School and York School. Healthy Saints hike—Join your friends on Saturday, October 26, from 9:00 a.m. to noon for a hike in the beautiful Santa Lucia Preserve in Carmel Valley. We’ll be hiking with a guide from the Santa Lucia Conservancy, and an RSVP is essential. Contact Mother Cynthia at if you plan to come.

All Saints’ Episcopal Parish Ninth and Dolores PO Box 1296 Carmel, CA 93921 Phone: 831-624-3883 Fax: 831-624-1459

Friends of Benedict date change—This month the Friends of Benedict will meet on the FOURTH Wednesday, October 23, in the library from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. for study and prayer. Our aim is to integrate the wisdom of monastic life and spiritual theology into our everyday lives as Christians. We usually meet the third Wednesday of every month, and all are welcome. ASDS Fall Festival—Mark your calendar for a day of fun at All Saints’ Day School’s Fall Festival, to be held Saturday, October 26, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This school fundraiser features unique shopping opportunities, delicious food, and fun activities for the whole family. Necrology—It’s time to submit the names of your deceased loved ones for remembrance during the Feast of All Saints/All Souls. Forms are included in Sunday bulletins and also available in the office and church.

St. Nicholas day is two months away, but planning will begin soon for our annual St. Nicholas Celebration. Contact Fr. Rick if you’d like to join a team from the school and parish to help with this annual event for all ages. ASDS Fall Festival helpers needed—The Country Kitchen needs your baked goods, both sweet and savory, with flavors that remind us of fall. Contact Teresa Niccum (229-3022) or JoLynn Johnsson (233-2033). Or perhaps you’re a crafter? The Crafter’s Nook offers scarves, hats, necklaces, earrings, and all kinds of wonderful, handcrafted items. Contact Debra West (596-8809) or Sona Pater (277-5309). Your donations help support the wonderful education offered at All Saints’ Day School. Sunday handout deadline—To be included in next Sunday’s handout, your announcement must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on the preceding Wednesday. Most special parish events are included in the announcements for three weeks before they occur. Contact Andrea Matters at or 624-3090.

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