The Weekly 09/08/13

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All Saints’


Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost September 8, 2013

God’s Extraordinary Hospitality of Love By The Rev. Rick Matters

What in heaven’s name does Jesus mean by saying that we must hate everyone we hold dear, and hate our own life as well? How different from Paul’s emphasis in Philemon on the love of the saints! So, how do we reconcile these two messages?

we embrace all people. We love and include everyone with such vulnerability that we even permit them to exclude us, as they did Jesus.

Clearly, Jesus is using hyperbole, so we cannot take him literally. Yet he must be making an important point, and prioritizing our love by putting God first is a likely candidate. But his jarring urgency points to deeper meanings, one of which is the topic of the upcoming festival weekend, of loving God and neighbor by including and excluding others.

Scripture Lessons Today

Morally, we draw a circle of beliefs by excluding certain people based on their values and behavior. At the deeper level of divine-human communion, we form a circle of love facing outward. From within this explicitly Christian circle,

Exodus 32:7-14 Psalm 51:1-11 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-10

Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Psalm 1 Philemon 1-21 Luke 14:25-33

Scripture Lessons for Next Week


A Spiritually Renewing Weekend on September 27 to 29 By The Rev. Rick Matters

Join Bishop Mary, Father Rick, and other leaders in: • celebrating the hospitality of God’s love • learning how to love God and neighbor better • practicing new spiritual exercises Register by September 22 at the full rate of $175 (includes meals; registration form on back page) or at the special parish rate of $35 (excludes meals; registration form in office).

All Saints’  •  The Weekly

Loving God First By Robin Denney

In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus turns to the crowd of followers and says, “Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself… none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions.” At several points in the Gospel, Jesus seems to intentionally thin the crowd that follows him by giving them teachings that are difficult to accept. But is this request from Jesus so different from the first and greatest commandment? “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.” This is part of the Shema prayer which devout Jews in Jesus’ time and today would say twice daily. Perhaps these words were so familiar to many in the crowd that they had stopped really hearing them. Perhaps they didn’t understand just how radical an idea it is to love God, to love Jesus above all others. It is easy to get off track, to put relationships or possessions or success in the place of God in our hearts. Jesus reminds us today that putting God first means that absolutely everything else must take second place.

Christ’s Love Sets Us Free to Love By The Rev. Rick Matters

While under house arrest, Paul had been enjoying the services of Onesimus, a runaway slave who had sought protection from him. Even though Paul claimed apostolic authority, he did not order Philemon to set Onesimus free. Rather, Paul appealed to the higher authority of Christ’s love, because he was convinced that the resurrection of Jesus Christ had transformed Philemon. Likewise, God does not force us to love others, but God does invite us to live by the standard of love that radically alters all of our relationships. The transformational power of Christ’s resurrection gives us the freedom to form relationships based on God’s love. God invites us to the freedom of responding to the essential goodness of others, rather than being enslaved by their usefulness. Behold, the Onesimuses in our lives have suddenly become precious friends. For God invites us to treat brothers, fellow workers, and strangers with the same hospitality by which Christ has set us free.


Highlighted Events and Meetings September 17 September 20 September 20-21 September 24

All Saints’ Singers Rehearsal season begins Movie night at All Saints’ Youth overnight “Boardwalk Beach Blitz” Healthy Saints Hike at Andrew Molera State Beach September 27-29 Diocesan Youth Camping trip, Big Sur September 27-29 Festival of Christian Spirituality October 1 Diocesan Training for Eucharistic Visitors October 6 Confirmation classes begin October 6 Pancake breakfast for all with youth presentation of summer mission October 15 Parish Pancake Breakfast with Vestry Read more news online at: Join us on Facebook, Twitter and GooglePlus

All Saints’  •  The Weekly

The Last shall be First By Robin Denney

Yes, please reserve space for me to attend the September 27−29 Festival at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Carmel, California. I understand that the total cost of the weekend is $175, which includes six meals. My payment includes a deposit of $50, which I understand is refundable up to September 10.

The second reading today from Paul’s letter to Philemon, is a testament to Jesus’ love working through Paul. Philemon, the leader of a house church, sends his slave Onesimus to serve Paul in prison for some time. Then Paul sends Onesimus back, with this letter attesting to the love he has for this slave, and imploring Philemon to love Onesimus and treat him with the honor he would give Paul himself. Here is an example of Jesus’ love turning the status quo upside down. A lowly slave is to be given the honor of the Apostle. The last shall be first and the first shall be last. We find ourselves in many categories in society, first in some things, and last in some things. Jesus’ love, working through us, compels us, like Philemon, to voluntarily set aside the power we have been given as “firsts,” to become vulnerable, to accept the hospitality and love of God, shown to us by those we might consider “lasts.” And as “lasts” we are compelled to share that love and hospitality God has gives to us.

Name ____________________________ Telephone ____________________________ E-mail ____________________________ o Tell me about staying in a parishioner’s home o Send me information about local hotels

The Love of All the Saints By The Rev. Rick Matters

It is noteworthy that Paul appeals to Philemon on the basis of the Church. We read, “I always thank my God because I hear of your love for all the saints and your faith toward the Lord Jesus...I have indeed received much joy and encouragement from your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, my brother.” The basis for the new behavior that Paul expects from Philemon is the renewing love of Jesus Christ that overflows among the saints. Paul expects Philemon to practice radical generosity and joyful forgiveness because he knows that Philemon participates in God’s love within the Church. All Saints’ is a community within which the renewing love of Christ changes lives. Like Philemon, we receive the abundance of God’s generosity among the saints at All Saints’−we are a community of refreshment that inspires new life! Like Philemon, we hear God’s call to love more radically−we have more generosity and forgiveness to give away!


Announcements Tuesday: Registration deadline for Youth Santa Cruz Boardwalk Blitz—September 20 at 5:30 p.m. to September 21 at 5:00 p.m. (time flexible). Overnight camping on the boardwalk, Christian speakers, bands, and activities for grades 6-12. The cost is $80, the registration deadline is this Tuesday, September 10. Contact Robin Denney at or 805-835-8538 Tuesday: The book club meets at Remy Ryan’s house at 6:00 p.m. Contact Kathy Nielsen at Wednesday: Bible study from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. in Grant Hall. The All Saints’ Singers, our parish choir for children, is open without audition to students in grades two through six. They sing at the 10:30 service on the second Sunday of each month from October to May (except January). Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. at the church, and begin September 17. Contact Dr. Samra at

All Saints’ Episcopal Parish Ninth and Dolores PO Box 1296 Carmel, CA 93921 Phone: 831-624-3883 Fax: 831-624-1459

Help “raise the barn”—Beginning September 16–20 and continuing for several weeks, we will build a multipurpose shed at Santa Lucia Mission, Big Sur. Helpers are needed to do carpentry and to donate, prepare, and/or serve lunch and snacks. Please contact Mother Cynthia at or 520-260-5158 Create an emergency plan for you and your family by attending a free emergency preparedness presentation by the American Red Cross, co-sponsored by Sustainable Carmel and All Saints’ Church. Join us in Seccombe Hall on September 24 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. For more information, call 624-6921. Festival of Christian Spirituality: Special Offer for All Saints’—We encourage you to participate in the festival, September 27–29, at the reasonable rate of $175. However, you may also make a minimum donation of $35 and participate in all sessions while providing your own meals. Registration forms may be found in the church or office.

Healthy Saints hike—Join your friends on Tuesday, September 24, from 9:00 to noon at Andrew Molera State Beach. Contact Mother Cynthia at thevicarofbigsur@gmail. com if you plan to attend. Ministry of hospitality—You’re invited to open your home to a participant at the September 27–29 Festival of Christian Spirituality. All meals will be provided at the festival. Contact Father Rick or the parish office. Are you looking for something on our website? Don’t forget to try the search function! Visit and enter a key word/phrase (like “lector” or “ice cream Sunday”) in the box in the top right corner, then click “search.” Sunday handout deadline—To be included in next Sunday’s handout, your announcement must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on the preceding Wednesday. Most special parish events are included in the announcements for three weeks before they occur. Contact Andrea Matters at or 624-3090.

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