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Threatenetl Species (federalh Enclangerecl-
(Guam) Native Resident
The greensea turtle,or "haggan",is the most commoniysightedturtlein Guam'swaters.They frequentthe shallowreefareasaroundGuamwhileforagingfor marinealgaeand seagrass.Fullygrownadultscan have a shelllengthof fourfeet (1.2m) and can weighover300 pounds(136kg).Sea turtlesare longlivedanimalsand growreasonably slowaveragingabout0.4 inches(1 cm) ayear untilmatureand then0.2 inches(0.5cm). Using thesegrowthrates,the largeradultsare wellover50 yearsof age.The hagganis characterized by a shellcolored with mottledshadesof brownand a whiteto yellowunderside. The shellplatesare fusedwith no overlap,points or protrusions.The headhas two platesbetweenthe eyesand eachflipperhas onlyone claw. Theseturtlesspendmostof theirlivesin the oceanbutonceadults,willreturneveryfew yearsto the beachwhere they were born.Matingtakesplacea monthor two priorto egg layingnearthe nest site and matingcontinues throughthe egg layingcycle.Femalesmust be on the average,23 yearsold to reach32 inches(81 cm), the averagesizeat firstmaturity. The female,oncefertile,willcrawlontoa sandyshorelineand use herf lippersto dig a largepit abovethe high-water linenearsomevegetation. She will lay between40-140eggsdependingon her size.and then coverthemwith sand. A femalecan lay as manyas six clutchesof eggs in one nestingseason, whichrunsfromAprilthrough Julyon Guam.The eggstake50 to g0 daysto hatchdependingon conditions.The eggs will hatchnear sunrisewhen two-inch(5 cm) long hatchlingsemergefrom theireggs,dig up throughthe sand,and starttheirjourneyto sea. Hagganstillneston some of Guam'smore remotebeachesthroughout the i s l a n d. Turtlemeatand turtleegEswereonce prizedfoodsourceson Guam.The shellswereusedfor decorativepurposes. Wo rld -wid ec o n c e r n f o r overharvesting resultedin the hagganbeinglistedon t h e F e d e ralT h r e a t e n e d S p e c ie s L ist a n d G u a m Endangered SpeciesList. I t is ille g a l t o c a p t u r e , harass,possess,buy,sell, or transportthe hagganor any part thereofincluding but not limitedto eggs, shells, shelljewelry,and meat.
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TheoriginaF sh & WildifeFactSheets werelirstcreated andfirstproduced through theSportFish& Wildlife Restoration Program, administered bytheDivision ofAquatic & Wildlife Resources oftheDepartment ofAgriculture incollaboration withtheGuam Coastall\,4anagement Program oflheBureauof Planning. Thisfourthprinting ([/ay 2002)wasfundedby the GuamEnvironmental Protection Agencypursuant to the UnitedStatesEnvironmental Protection AgencyAward# M009063-02 through the Environmental Education Comrnittee oftheWaterPlanning Committee. Allrnquiries may be sentto the Divisionof Aquatic& WldlifeFlesources, 192DairyRoad, Mangilao. Guam96913.Tocontactthemby phone(671) 735-3955/6.-..